
    898 Change Yourself in Order to Change the World with Dhar Mann

    enJanuary 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Social media success doesn't guarantee happinessEntrepreneur Dar Mann shares his struggles with anxiety and stress from social media fame and emphasizes the importance of resilience and growth.

      Social media fame and wealth are not the ultimate answers to happiness and fulfillment. Dar Mann, a successful entrepreneur and viral video creator, shares his experiences of dealing with the anxiety and stress that come with the need for validation and attention on social media. Despite his impressive achievements, including starting businesses at a young age and becoming the fastest-growing viral video creator on Facebook, Dar has faced struggles with maintaining a perceived successful lifestyle and dealing with criticism and shame from friends, family, and the press. However, he emphasizes the importance of building oneself back up after setbacks and continuing to pursue growth and success. Additionally, Louis Howe announces the release of a documentary called "Chasing Greatness," which features insights from experts on taking one's greatness and life to the next level.

    • From Rock Bottom to Success: A Story of PerseverancePast struggles and failures can lead to future success if one remains determined and learns from their experiences.

      Success often comes from overcoming past struggles and hardships. The speaker shares a story of an individual who lived a lavish lifestyle through excessive spending, but eventually hit rock bottom. He then disappeared from social media for four years and returned with a massive platform and inspiring content. Before his Hollywood days, he grew up in a conservative household and tried various industries, including real estate, medical marijuana, limousines, exotic car rentals, construction, and makeup creation. Despite numerous failures, he remained determined to find the quickest way to make money. His past experiences, both good and bad, shaped him into the successful content creator he is today.

    • Chasing multiple opportunities can lead to lack of progressFocusing on one goal can lead to greater success than spreading efforts thinly across multiple opportunities.

      Chasing multiple opportunities without focus can lead to a lack of progress and even failure. The speaker shares his experience of constantly seeking new ventures in various industries, but realizing that his aim was often off. He references the Confucius quote, "The man who chases two rabbits catches neither one," to illustrate this point. The speaker also discusses his experience with investing in a non-existent business and becoming a full-time Instagrammer, only to feel empty and inauthentic. He eventually took a break from social media for several years to discover a new sense of purpose. Despite experiencing several major failures, the speaker encourages perseverance and learning from mistakes.

    • Taking accountability for our actionsRealizing ourselves as the common denominator in our experiences, we can change our outcomes by taking responsibility for our actions and focusing on self-improvement.

      No matter how many times we fail or face hardships, it's essential to take accountability for our actions and recognize ourselves as the common denominator in our experiences. The speaker shares his story of three major failures, each time blaming external factors instead of taking responsibility. It wasn't until his third failure, involving a Ponzi scheme, that he realized he needed to change himself to change his outcomes. At age 30, he hit rock bottom, financially and socially, but believed in himself and started over. The lesson is that no matter how dire the situation may seem, it's never permanent, and we have the power to change our circumstances by taking accountability and working on self-improvement.

    • Parents' work ethic ignited entrepreneurial spiritYoung entrepreneur's determination and hard-working parents fueled his entrepreneurial spirit from a young age, leading him to start a real estate mortgage company at 19 and amass significant wealth by 21.

      Determination and hard work, instilled in the speaker by his ambitious and hard-working immigrant parents, fueled his entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. Starting with baseball cards and CDs, he developed a mindset of making money quickly, even if it meant cutting corners. This drive led him to start a real estate mortgage company at the age of 19, despite skepticism from others. He found success and used it to cope with a difficult breakup. By the time he was 21, he had amassed significant wealth, owning multiple houses and a Lamborghini. However, his spending habits were as reckless as his entrepreneurial spirit, leading to potential financial instability.

    • Rushing Decisions Can Lead to Financial HardshipsProper planning and consideration can prevent unexpected financial consequences. Carefully weigh risks and rewards before making decisions.

      Rushing into decisions without proper planning and consideration can lead to financial hardships and unexpected consequences. The speaker's first experience with failure came when the mortgage crisis hit, leaving him unable to keep up with his expensive lifestyle. In an attempt to make ends meet, he started an exotic car rental company and later got involved in rehabbing commercial properties. However, he took on too many projects at once and relied on a government grant for financial support. When the grant money didn't come in as expected, he found himself in debt and took shortcuts on his grant application paperwork. Eventually, one of his tenants was found to be running a legal medical marijuana grow operation, leading the speaker to evict him. Just before the case went to court, the speaker's attorney informed him that the operation was indeed legal, opening his eyes to a new opportunity in the medical marijuana industry. This experience taught the speaker the importance of careful planning, considering all the potential risks and rewards before making decisions.

    • The Price of Success: A Lesson in Honesty and IntegrityEven in the face of pressure to cut corners, maintaining honesty and integrity is crucial for long-term success. A lapse in ethics can lead to legal troubles, negative publicity, and lost opportunities, but can also provide a chance for redemption and new opportunities.

      Success can be fleeting and can be threatened by unexpected circumstances, even for those who have achieved a great deal. Darwin, a former medical marijuana equipment supplier, became a high-profile figure in the industry, winning a permit to grow marijuana for the entire state of California. However, his success was short-lived when he was hit with felony charges for falsifying paperwork. This led to the loss of his permit, negative publicity, and a long legal battle. Despite ultimately winning the case, he was forced to accept criminal charges and go on probation for five years. This experience taught Darwin a valuable lesson about the importance of honesty and integrity, even in the face of pressure to cut corners. After his legal troubles, he sold his medical marijuana company and began investing in affiliate marketing, demonstrating that it's possible to turn a negative experience into a new opportunity for growth.

    • Relying too much on external validation can lead to financial and emotional lossesBeing upfront about financial struggles and focusing on trust and authenticity are essential for personal and financial success

      Trusting appearances and relying too heavily on external validation, such as wealth and reputation, can lead to significant financial and emotional losses. The speaker's experience of investing in a friend who turned out to be running a Ponzi scheme resulted in a sudden loss of income, damage to relationships, and a tarnished reputation. However, the lesson he learned was that reputation and relationships are more valuable than money. Despite the difficult situation, he chose to be upfront with his friends and family about his financial predicament and came to the realization that trust and authenticity are essential components of a strong foundation for personal and financial success.

    • From adversity to transformation: Taking accountability for personal growthAdversity can lead to personal growth when we take responsibility for our actions and focus on internal success.

      Personal growth and transformation require acknowledging and taking responsibility for one's own actions, even in the face of adversity. The speaker, after being involved in a Ponzi scheme and losing everything, went through a deep depression and realized that the only way to change his life was to change his thinking process and take full accountability for his actions. He started reading, meditating, and focusing on internal success to attract external success. Despite the challenges, including moving back in with his parents, he ultimately found a lifeline in an unexpected place that helped him turn his life around. This experience taught him that true change comes from within and that external circumstances do not define one's worth or future.

    • Seizing opportunities leads to unexpected successBeing open to new experiences, having a growth mindset, and staying true to values can lead to significant revenue and personal growth.

      Being open to new opportunities and having a willingness to learn and take action can lead to unexpected success. The speaker, who had no experience in makeup or website development, seized an opportunity to help a makeup artist take her business online. With limited resources and time, he built a website from scratch and managed to make a significant revenue within the first month. However, instead of splurging on material possessions, he chose to stay in a small apartment and focus on repaying his debts. This story highlights the importance of being ready for opportunities, having a growth mindset, and staying true to one's values.

    • Rebuilding from rock bottomOvercoming financial and personal struggles led to business growth and a supportive partnership, but past mistakes and ongoing investigations required a permanent shift towards financial conservancy.

      Hitting rock bottom financially and personally allowed this individual to rebuild their life and business from the ground up. Despite having a successful business and bringing in a lot of money, they chose to stay carless and pay off their debts to regain respect and trust from their loved ones. During this time, they met their future partner who believed in them and supported them through their struggles. Together, they scaled up their business, creating makeup products, an online beauty box subscription, and hiring over 100 employees. However, the individual's past mistakes and the ongoing FBI investigation added to their challenges. Despite being able to afford their old lifestyle, they chose to stay conservative to ensure a permanent mindset shift towards success.

    • Childhood experiences shaping adult perspectivesEarly experiences can influence beliefs about money, success, and happiness, potentially leading to negative consequences if not examined closely

      Our past experiences, particularly during our formative years, can significantly shape our perspectives and actions in life. The individual in this discussion shares how feeling like an outsider during his childhood led him to associate money with love and acceptance. This obsession with money and success eventually led him down a dark path, including involvement in illegal activities. However, he was eventually vindicated and now recognizes that his past experiences do not define him. Many of us can relate to the desire to fit in and the belief that material wealth is the key to happiness. It's important to reflect on these beliefs and consider the root causes, as they can impact our decisions and relationships in profound ways.

    • Childhood experiences of exclusion fueled a deep desire for acceptance and successEarly experiences of rejection led the speaker to work hard and strive for recognition, believing that success was the key to acceptance

      The speaker's experiences of being excluded from social groups as a child shaped their desire to prove themselves and be accepted. The first experience involved being denied entry to a club based on intelligence or payment, leading the speaker to feel the need to be interesting and worthy of attention. The second experience was being picked last in a dodgeball game, which fueled a strong drive to become the best athlete and be recognized for their abilities. These experiences instilled a deep sense of determination and a belief that success and acceptance were closely linked.

    • Realizing the need for personal growth after facing challengesThrough introspection and self-reflection, individuals can learn from past experiences, make amends, build supportive relationships, and ultimately find deeper joy and personal growth after facing challenges

      Personal growth often comes from facing and overcoming challenges. Both individuals in this discussion had a realization in their mid-thirties that their lives had been driven by a need to win and look good, which ultimately left them feeling unfulfilled. Through introspection and self-reflection, they both came to understand that their past experiences had shaped them into who they were. They then focused on making amends, building supportive relationships, and waiting until they were ready to re-enter the public eye. By going through difficult times and learning from their mistakes, they were able to develop a deeper sense of empathy and create content that resonated with others. Ultimately, their suffering led them to new heights of joy and personal growth.

    • The Power of Caring and Commitment in Content CreationStaying committed, caring, and experimenting are crucial in creating meaningful content that resonates with people.

      Caring and love are essential to creating meaningful content. The speaker, who started a beauty subscription box and later ventured into creating inspirational videos, shared her journey of persisting despite initial failures. She tried various approaches, from scripted speeches to storytelling and even hiring actors, but the views remained low. However, she didn't give up due to her commitment to helping people and her belief that everyone starts somewhere. Eventually, she discovered the power of storytelling and showing rather than telling. Despite the late nights and energy spent, she was on the verge of giving up when she realized that her content was starting to resonate with her audience. This experience highlights the importance of staying committed, caring, and experimenting to find what truly connects with people.

    • Tapping into emotions for viral contentCreating viral content requires an emotional connection. Evoke sadness, happiness, or laughter to increase shares.

      Creating viral content requires an emotional connection with your audience. The speaker, who went from getting only a few hundred views on his first video to nearly three billion views within a year, learned this lesson the hard way. He was on the verge of giving up after several failed attempts, but the very next morning, his last video went viral. He realized that the key to his success was tapping into the emotions of his viewers. Whether it's sadness, happiness, or making them laugh, if you can evoke an emotional response, people are more likely to share your content. The speaker's most common comment on his videos is "this video made me cry," demonstrating the power of emotional connection in creating viral content.

    • Creating relatable and emotionally connecting content is key to successFocus on authenticity and impact to build a strong following and make a positive impact on audiences, regardless of algorithms or competition. Create content that matters and resonates.

      Creating relatable and emotionally connecting content is key to success in social media and content creation. Darman, with nearly 3 billion views, emphasizes the importance of authenticity and impact. By focusing on content that matters and resonates with audiences, creators can build a strong following and make a positive impact, regardless of the ever-changing algorithms or competition. Darman's vision moving forward includes targeting younger audiences with relatable content and expanding internationally to reach a broader audience. To connect with Darman, search for "Dar Mann" on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, or visit liveglam.com for information about his beauty subscription box. When reflecting on the "three truths," Darman emphasizes the importance of creating content that matters, resonates with audiences, and leaves a lasting impact.

    • Three truths for turning adversity into greatnessKeep going despite failures, stay focused on one goal, and think long-term to turn adversity into fulfilling work and personal growth.

      No matter what challenges life throws at us, we have the power to turn things around and leave a positive impact on the world. Darman shared his three truths: keep going despite failures, stay focused on one goal at a time, and think long-term. He acknowledged the importance of making conscious decisions to change and find purpose. Darman's story serves as an inspiration to keep going, even when faced with adversity, and to focus on fulfilling work and personal growth. We can all learn from his experience and apply these truths to our own lives. Greatness, according to Darman, is doing what we love every day and being fulfilled with who we are. By sharing this message, we can inspire and be a hero to someone going through tough times.

    • Fame and wealth aren't the ultimate answers to fulfillmentDiscover what truly matters and focus on inner peace and greatness, not just material success

      Material success, such as fame and wealth, is not the ultimate answer to finding fulfillment in life. Instead, it's essential to discover what truly matters to you and focus on creating inner peace and drive towards greatness. Jim Carrey's quote, "I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of so they will know that it's not the answer," highlights this idea. By tuning in to our episodes and interviews, we aim to provide you with the tools and strategies to help you on your journey to personal growth and success. Don't forget to follow Darman, who is making a significant impact, and check out his social media channels for inspiration. It's time to take action and create something great for yourself.

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    Join Scott and the Dinner Table Community 

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    • The impact of money on mental health and relationships.
    • How to heal from money traumas and develop a secure attachment to money.
    • The significance of generosity and stewardship in creating a lasting legacy.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    As you listen, I want you to think about this: What is one small change you can make in your daily routine that could have a profound impact on your productivity and overall happiness? Let’s dive in and discover how to unlock your full potential.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of a disciplined morning routine on productivity and mindset.
    • The power of gratitude and its role in combating negative emotions.
    • Key money lessons from Tony Robbins on mastering core businesses and giving back.
    • The importance of innovating and progressing during challenging times.
    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full-length episodes featured today:

    Tony Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1218-pod

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    Episode Notes


    Dusty worked his way from the absolute bottom in the radio broadcast industry to achieve success. He has been rejected more times than he can count but has always believed in himself. We talk about priorities in life, balance, being prepared, and sooo much more. If you are starting your way on the entrepreneurial journey, you are going to want to listen to the ups and downs of Dusty’s story. This is an episode you don’t want to miss. 

    Dusty is the host of Dusty and Cam in the Morning - with former NFL tight end Cam Cleeland. 

    He was born and raised in Hillsboro, Oregon, and went to Southern Oregon University where he played football and studied journalism. After SOU, Dusty was hired at 1080 the Fan as a board operator, pushing buttons to run commercials and make sure Mariners games, college, NFL and NBA games made it on the airwaves. 

    He worked up to becoming a SportsCenter Update anchor and sideline reporter for high school games of the week, as well as hosting a Saturday morning show on The Fan. After a couple  years, he became the producer of Primetime with Isaac and Suke for five years before taking over as the midday host with Cam in 2015. Six months after our show launched from Noon-3pm, we moved to the mornings and have spent the last 4.5 years or so from 6-9am in the morning drive slot. 

    As Dusty worked his way up at the radio station, he was also working on air with Comcast Sportsnet/NBC Sports Northwest on various shows, from Blazers pre/post game shows, Ducks and Beavers preview shows, and a radio show was simulcast for two years before the partnership ended between 1080 and NBC.

    Where can you find Dusty online? 

    Radio: 1080 the FAN

    Twitter: Dusty_Harrah 


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    Working Through Setbacks To Triumph Over Defeat

    Working Through Setbacks To Triumph Over Defeat
    ENTREPRENEUR MINDSET – Overcoming Setbacks & Failures How do you embrace and accept failure? In this episode, I question our experts on overcoming setbacks and failures in order to succeed in business and life. TOPICS How do you embrace failure and learn to accept the lessons that it teaches? What kinds of support have you found in dealing with setbacks & failure? Looking back, do you feel gratitude for setbacks? How?

    Ep15. Kirk and Taye aka Levyne Daniel, talk business, yacht parties and the mindset necessary to build a billion pound empire!

    Ep15. Kirk and Taye aka Levyne Daniel, talk business, yacht parties and the mindset necessary to build a billion pound empire!

    Levyne Daniel is a now prestigious luxury Automotive brand centred around innovation and stylish design, but it began as a teenage hustle operated out of a family living room.

    In this episode Kirk and Taye, the founders of Leyne Daniel, discuss their journey from said living room to their London workshops, describing the hardships and mentality needed to succeed in business at such a young age.

    The pair disclose exciting future projects as well as intimate stories from their past, having been life-long friends who are now striving to build an empire together beyond their existing success.

    Check out their instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/levynedaniel/?hl=en

    Find our live-broadcast Twitch channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/lostlnthemiddle

    Links to all other social media can be found via our Twitch-site.

    Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
    Track Name: Watching The Clouds - (Lakey Inspired)

    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy8wuTpC95lefU5d1dt2Q
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode
    Music promoted by: Chill Out Records @ https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ

    Track: Syn Cole - Time [NCS Release]
    Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
    Watch: https://youtu.be/XDNFAujgJb0
    Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/SCTime

    Thriving in Business and Life: Wisdom from a Resilient Entrepreneur

    Thriving in Business and Life: Wisdom from a Resilient Entrepreneur

    Join us for an empowering episode as we uncover the 10 powerful lessons learned by our host Stephanie as she shares her experience as an entrepreneur. Gain valuable insights and practical advice on self-belief, building a supportive network, embracing failure, managing stress, work-life balance, persistence, and continuous learning. Discover the transformative power of creativity and innovation in business, and unlock your full potential. This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs and working women seeking inspiration, guidance, and actionable strategies to thrive in business and life. Tune in now and embark on a journey of growth and success. Don't miss out - listen to the episode today and take your work and life to new heights.

    How to find WOMENdontDOthat:








    How to find Stephanie Mitton 



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    970 Mel Robbins: The “Secret” Mindset Habit to Building Confidence and Overcoming Scarcity

    970 Mel Robbins: The “Secret” Mindset Habit to Building Confidence and Overcoming Scarcity

    “When the world feels upside down, you always have the power to make it right.”

    Lewis sits down with motivational speaker, author, and old friend Mel Robbins to discuss how to make the most of challenging situations, break negative patterns, overcome childhood trauma, and think about confidence in a whole new way. Mel also talks about the opportunity we all have during COVID-19's "great pause," and why she's committed to using her platform to fight racial injustice.

    -Listen to Mel's first interview on School of Greatness: https://lewishowes.com/podcast/the-5-second-rule-to-change-your-life-with-mel-robbins/

    -Dan Harris can help you become 10% happier: https://lewishowes.com/958

    -Text "podcast" to 614-350-9360 to start a conversation with Lewis