
    #926 - Joey Diaz & Alberto Gallazzi

    en-usMarch 06, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming Obstacles with Consistency and DedicationDespite initial challenges, consistent practice and dedication to a fitness program can lead to significant improvements in mobility and strength. The program, which emphasizes simple bodyweight exercises, has helped people of all ages and backgrounds.

      Resistance, whether it's physical or mental, can hold us back from achieving our goals. However, with consistent practice and dedication, we can overcome these obstacles and make progress. This was highlighted in the discussion about a fitness program that helped a listener improve his mobility and strength, despite initial difficulties. The program, which emphasizes simple bodyweight exercises, allowed the listener to make significant improvements and even inspired him to share it with others. The system, developed by Scott Thammer, has helped people of all ages and backgrounds, and the listener's personal experience is a testament to its effectiveness. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of persistence and the potential benefits of seeking out new methods to overcome challenges and improve our physical and mental well-being.

    • The Importance of Mobility in FitnessMobility is crucial for overall health, performance, and injury prevention. Incorporate tools like the wad supernova ball and yoga to improve range of motion and flexibility.

      Mobility is often overlooked in fitness routines, but it's essential for overall health and performance. By focusing too much on strength training and neglecting mobility, we limit our range of motion and risk injury. Tools like the "wad supernova" ball and yoga can help improve mobility and flexibility, allowing us to move better and recover faster. As Curtis the Red emphasized, mobility is not a luxury, it's a necessity for optimal fitness and performance. Additionally, mobility work can prevent injuries and help us maintain a high level of physical readiness, as demonstrated in military training. So, next time you're working out, don't forget to prioritize mobility alongside strength training.

    • Foot health and mobility: A crucial factor for athletic performance and daily lifeFoot strength and mobility are essential for optimal athletic performance and daily activities. Minimalist shoes and yoga can help improve foot health, enabling better ground connection, ankle mobility, and power transfer to the core.

      The importance of foot health and mobility is often overlooked in athletic performance and daily life. Michael Blevins, a trainer who works with various high-level combat sports athletes, emphasized the significance of foot strength and mobility in a fight or even in everyday activities. Jamie Pearson, a yoga instructor and Vibram Five Fingers ambassador, shared his personal experience of how improving his foot health through yoga helped him overcome foot pain and discomfort while skiing. The use of minimalist shoes, like Vibram Five Fingers, can aid in rebuilding the capability to grab the ground, understand the stability of the foot, and improve ankle mobility. These factors are crucial for transferring power from the feet to the core and engaging properly with the ground. Ignoring foot health can lead to limitations and potential injuries in the long run.

    • Trustworthy training partners and mobility are key to aging gracefully in jujitsuMaintain trustworthy training partners, prioritize mobility, and practice yoga to prevent injuries and optimize performance in jujitsu as we age.

      As we age, the physical demands of activities like jujitsu can put a strain on our bodies, particularly on our joints and neck. To mitigate this, it's essential to roll with trusted training partners who won't overly stress your joints during practice. Additionally, focusing on improving mobility and treating your body like a science project can help prevent injuries and ensure you reach your fitness goals efficiently. Neglecting the importance of mobility and proper form can lead to imbalances and hinder progress. Practicing yoga and focusing on breath control during exercise can help identify and address imbalances and improve overall performance.

    • Proper assessment crucial for effective coaching and injury preventionEffective coaching requires understanding body limitations, addressing imbalances, and focusing on stability, flexibility. Simple exercises can improve mobility and reduce pain.

      Proper assessment of an individual's body movements and identifying imbalances or deficiencies is crucial for effective coaching and injury prevention. The human body is complex, and even small compensations or overcompensations in movements can lead to serious injuries, especially in the shoulders and knees. Many people are unaware of their body's limitations and may continue to train despite pain, leading to further damage. As a coach, it's essential to understand the body's capabilities and adjust training programs accordingly, focusing on stability, flexibility, and addressing imbalances. Additionally, simple exercises like hanging from a chin-up bar can be effective in improving shoulder mobility and reducing pain. Overall, prioritizing proper assessment and addressing imbalances can lead to better training outcomes and injury prevention.

    • Mastering Martial Arts: Beyond Physical StrengthImproving breathing and addressing respiratory issues are essential parts of martial arts training. Dedicated practice of breathing exercises can lead to significant progress.

      Effective training in martial arts goes beyond just physical strength and technique. For Joe, overcoming his fears and improving his breathing were crucial aspects of his growth in jujitsu. His experience with sleep apnea and the impact it had on his training led him to prioritize addressing his respiratory issues. Through the guidance of his coach, he learned the importance of hip escapes and controlled breathing in mastering the rings. Despite the simplicity of breathing exercises, Joe discovered that they were challenging for him and required dedicated practice. By focusing on both the breathing techniques and the physical movements, Joe was able to make significant progress in his martial arts journey.

    • Proper breathing for better performance under stressEffective breathing techniques like tactical breathing help regain cognitive presence and access to motor skills during high-stress situations, improving decision-making and response times.

      Proper breathing is essential for both physical and mental performance, particularly during high-stress situations. The body's response to stress can lead to a freeze or fight-or-flight reaction, which may hinder the ability to make complex decisions or access fine motor skills. Proper breathing techniques, such as tactical breathing, can help regain cognitive presence and access to gross and fine motor skills, allowing for better decision-making and response times. Regular practice of these techniques can improve overall performance and resilience under pressure.

    • Focus on deep breathing for better performance under stressDeep breathing can help improve performance and decision-making in high-pressure situations by calming the body and mind

      Our body's natural response to stress is to brace and breathe shallowly, but this reaction can hinder our ability to make critical decisions or perform fine motor skills effectively. By focusing on deep, controlled breathing, we can regain control and improve our performance in high-pressure situations. This is something that requires practice and training, as many people are not accustomed to being in severely stressful situations. Breathing control is essential for various aspects of life, from sports like jujitsu to everyday activities, and can make a significant difference in our ability to handle stress and make the right choices.

    • Focusing on breathing can help manage stress during high-pressure situationsBy focusing on breathing and maintaining a calm posture, we can counteract the physiological response to stress and improve performance. Regular practice and preparation can also help reduce fear and tension.

      Breathing plays a crucial role in managing stress and performing effectively, especially during public speaking or high-pressure situations. Our bodies naturally respond to stress by tensing up and preparing for a threat, making it difficult to breathe smoothly. However, by focusing on our breathing and maintaining a calm posture, we can counteract this physiological response and improve our performance. Additionally, regular practice and preparation can help reduce the fear and tension associated with stress, allowing us to perform at our best even under pressure.

    • Fear and psychology impact performance under pressureUnderstanding fear and psychology can help individuals prepare and cope with pressure to perform at their best in various situations

      Fear and psychology play a significant role in how individuals perform under pressure, even for those who appear to be at the top of their game. Fear of failure, physical consequences, and emotional reactions can hinder performance and create a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is not limited to competitive sports or martial arts, but also applies to high-stress situations like special operations or even everyday experiences. Understanding the psychological aspects of performance can help individuals prepare and cope with pressure to perform at their best.

    • Importance of real-life experiences over formal trainingQuick fixes and shortcuts are ineffective for self-defense and personal growth. Dedication, hard work, and learning from real experiences are key.

      Relying on shortcuts or quick-fix solutions for self-defense or personal growth is not effective. The speaker shares his experience with a veteran who emphasized the importance of real-life experiences and consequences over formal training. He also warns against believing in myths about street defense and pressure points, and highlights the dangers of late-night infomercials promising quick results. The speaker concludes by criticizing the culture of quick fixes and the exploitation of men's testosterone levels. Instead, he advocates for dedication, hard work, and a commitment to learning from real experiences.

    • Our bodies respond to stress with intricate mechanismsDuring high-stress situations, our bodies prioritize survival over sexual arousal or other non-essential functions.

      Our bodies have intricate responses to stress and anxiety, which can impact our ability to perform in various situations, including romantic encounters and physical competitions. The human body produces stress hormones to prepare us for danger, and during high-stress situations, it can shut down functions that aren't necessary for survival, such as sexual arousal. This evolutionary response helps ensure that we don't reproduce in dangerous conditions. Additionally, animals like zebras have unique camouflage that confuses predators, allowing them to blend in and avoid detection. This example highlights the fascinating ways in which our bodies and the natural world have adapted to survive in various environments.

    • In the wild and in the ring, standing out can be dangerousBeing strategic and calculated can lead to success and survival in both nature and martial arts

      In nature, predators target animals that stand out from the herd, making it crucial for zebras to blend in. This was demonstrated when a zebra with an ear tag was singled out and killed by the herd's predators. Similarly, in martial arts, fighters must be strategic and calculated, as one misstep could lead to dire consequences. The highly anticipated fight between Tyrone Woodley and Stephen Thompson was criticized for being "boring" due to the lack of action, but to those who understand the intricacies of martial arts, it was a display of high-level problem solving with potentially life-altering outcomes. Both fighters had to be cautious and strategic, making it a tense and suspenseful match. Ultimately, the importance of staying focused and alert, whether in the wild or in the ring, cannot be overstated.

    • Refereeing in MMA: A High-Pressure JobReferees in MMA face immense pressure to make split-second decisions with long-term consequences for fighters' careers and earnings.

      Being a referee in mixed martial arts is an incredibly challenging job, with high stakes and little recognition. Referees must constantly stay alert and make split-second decisions while dealing with fast-moving fighters. The consequences of their decisions can significantly impact the fighters' careers and earnings. For instance, in a close fight between Tyran and Wonderboy, the champion Woodley was able to secure a victory due to the importance of the belt and the potential financial rewards it brings. The referee's role is often overlooked, but it plays a crucial part in determining the outcome of a fight.

    • Speaker's views on wind bonuses in sports and importance of physical trainingSpeaker dislikes wind bonuses in sports, emphasizes physical training, specifically boxing and heavy bag use.

      The speaker expresses his dislike for wind bonuses in sports, believing they encourage an unfair advantage. He also emphasizes the importance of physical training, specifically mentioning boxing and the benefits of using a heavy bag. The conversation then shifts to the speaker's experiences in Italy, where he praises the country's beauty and cuisine, expressing a desire to let go of dietary restrictions while there. The speaker also shares his confusion about driving on the opposite side of the road in certain countries. Overall, the conversation covers a range of topics, from sports and training to travel and cultural differences.

    • The American Take on Italian Fettuccine AlfredoThe American version of Fettuccine Alfredo features heavy cheese and cream, contrasting traditional Italian pasta sauces that let ingredients shine.

      While Italian cuisine is renowned for its rich and diverse offerings, the American interpretation of Italian food, particularly Fettuccine Alfredo, holds a unique place in the culinary landscape. For many immigrants, this dish was a staple upon arriving in the US, and its popularity continues to this day. Despite its simplicity, Alfredo sauce is beloved for its comforting and indulgent qualities. However, it's important to note that the traditional Italian approach to pasta favors lighter sauces that allow the flavors of the ingredients to shine through. The use of heavy cheese and cream in Alfredo sauce is not typical of Italian cuisine and is instead a distinctly American adaptation. Additionally, the preference for red wine with pasta dishes in the US contrasts with the Italian custom of pairing white wine with seafood and red wine with meat dishes. Ultimately, while there may be differences in interpretation and preference, both the traditional Italian and American versions of Italian cuisine hold value and provide unique culinary experiences.

    • Childhood experience with wine shapes attitude towards martial artsExperiences, good or bad, can impact our lives significantly. Finding the right mindset and proper technique in martial arts is crucial. Seek knowledge from diverse sources and learn from both successes and failures.

      Experiences, both good and bad, can significantly impact our lives. Alberto shared a story from his childhood where he drank an entire bottle of wine after watching his mother consume it, leading him to develop a strong aversion to wine for years. This experience also highlighted the importance of having the right mindset and proper technique in martial arts. Alberto's journey in martial arts began with boxing and karate, but it was Muay Thai that truly challenged him and changed his perspective. He emphasized the importance of finding a legitimate instructor, as learning incorrect techniques can be more difficult to correct than starting from scratch. Additionally, Alberto's interactions with various martial artists from different backgrounds and conflicts taught him the importance of having the right mindset for real-life situations. Overall, Alberto's experiences underscored the significance of resilience, determination, and seeking knowledge from diverse sources.

    • The Impact of Childhood ExperiencesChildhood experiences shape our behaviors and mindset as adults. A strong foundation based on good values and morals is crucial for personal growth.

      The way we learn and the experiences we have in our formative years significantly impact our behaviors and mindset as adults. If we learn things incorrectly or grow up in challenging environments, it can be difficult to break free from old patterns and adopt new, healthier ways of thinking and acting. It's crucial to make sure we learn things right the first time and have a strong foundation based on good values and morals. Those who have had positive childhood experiences often make us feel inferior, but they also serve as an inspiration for what's possible with the right upbringing. Conversely, even those with seemingly ideal childhoods can still make poor choices in life. Ultimately, the choices we make and the foundation we build are what shape us as individuals.

    • Early choices shape our futureEarly decisions, influenced by factors like environment and support systems, can have lasting impacts on our future success or failure. Value hard work and perseverance, learn from mistakes, and stay committed to goals.

      The choices we make early in life, often influenced by factors like luck, environment, and support systems, can significantly impact our future trajectory. The speaker shares personal experiences and observations, highlighting how small decisions, such as getting a tattoo or making friends with hardworking individuals, can have profound effects on our chances of success or failure. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of hard work and perseverance, and the potential consequences of procrastination and avoidance. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to make the most of their opportunities, learn from their mistakes, and stay committed to their goals.

    • Perseverance in difficult timesKeep pushing through tough times, don't quit, and build skills gradually. Draw inspiration from baseball, comedy, and jujitsu to keep going.

      No matter what field you're in, whether it's baseball, comedy, or jujitsu, it's important to keep pushing through difficult times and not give up. IKA shares his experience of panicking every week as a comedian, but emphasizes the importance of sticking with it and not quitting, even when things aren't going well. He draws a parallel to baseball, where a player in a slump doesn't quit but keeps trying, and shares the story of Tony Perez's game-winning single in the 1976 World Series after going 0 for 17 in the series. IKA also discusses his fear of being on his back in jujitsu and how he kept going despite doing it wrong, and the importance of addressing underlying issues rather than quitting. He emphasizes the importance of consistency and doing things right every time, and shares Pavel Tazzolini's philosophy of strength as a skill that should be built up gradually rather than pushing to failure.

    • Prioritize form and consistency for optimal skill development and injury preventionFocus on practicing each exercise perfectly with low repetitions and heavy weights to enhance fitness, improve skills, and reduce injuries.

      For optimal skill development and injury prevention, it's essential to prioritize form and consistency over high repetitions and heavy weights. This approach, known as "greasing the groove," involves practicing each exercise perfectly with low repetitions and heavy weights, ensuring that your body is prepared for peak performance each time. This method has been particularly effective for strength training, reducing injuries and allowing for better recovery and energy for other activities. A notable proponent of this approach is Pavel Tsatsouline, whose resources, including books, podcasts, and videos, provide valuable insights into this training philosophy. By implementing this approach, you can enhance your overall fitness, improve your skills, and maintain the energy and stamina to tackle various physical challenges.

    • Combining different physical training methodsCross-training in various forms of physical activity can improve overall movement abilities, leading to better explosive power, flexibility, agility, and quick reflexes. However, proper coaching, technique, and injury prevention are essential to avoid overtraining and potential injuries.

      Various forms of physical training, such as TACFIT, jujitsu, breakdancing, soccer, and CrossFit, can enhance each other by improving overall movement abilities. These cross-training methods can lead to better explosive power, flexibility, agility, and quick reflexes, which are essential in combat sports like jujitsu and in high-level competition. However, it's crucial to remember that proper coaching, technique, and injury prevention are essential to avoid overtraining and potential injuries. CrossFit, for instance, while having great potential, can be detrimental when the focus shifts solely to competition and disregards the importance of proper form and gradual progression.

    • Understanding the purpose behind CrossFit exercisesCrossFit is not a standalone sport, focus on building strength for other activities, use Olympic lifts wisely, and incorporate low repetition lifting, endurance training, and great technique.

      CrossFit, while effective for conditioning and building strength, should not be treated as a standalone sport. Instead, it's essential to understand the purpose behind each exercise and train smartly to avoid injuries. Olympic lifts, such as cleans and presses, should be used to build strength for other sports or competitions, rather than for high repetition. Additionally, incorporating techniques like low repetition lifting, endurance training through sprints or heavy bag work, and following great technique are more effective ways to improve overall fitness and strength.

    • Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle While TravelingPlan for stress management, schedule workouts, eat nutritious foods, use supplements like melatonin and phosphatidylserine, and ensure access to good quality produce, even when traveling. Consider growing your own vegetables or carefully selecting soil for potted plants.

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially while traveling frequently, requires careful planning and prioritization. This can include managing stress, scheduling workouts, eating nutritious foods, and ensuring access to good quality produce. The use of supplements like melatonin and phosphatidylserine can also help support overall health. Additionally, growing your own vegetables or carefully selecting the soil for potted plants can ensure access to fresh, nutrient-dense produce. The conversation also highlighted the importance of good soil and the potential risks of contaminated soil.

    • California drought ends, brings back natural wondersEnd of California drought brings flooding, reactivates natural phenomena, and requires adjustments; reducing sugar intake, even in juices, benefits overall health; Cuban-Chinese fusion showcases cultural diversity

      California is experiencing an end to its long-lasting drought, as evidenced by the return of natural wonders like the "morning glory hole" in northern California. This drought was caused by years of minimal rainfall, but this year, the excessive rain has led to flooding and the reactivation of previously dormant natural phenomena. Despite the challenges, people are excited about the end of the drought, even if it means waiting for certain TV shows or adjusting their diets. Another key takeaway is the importance of reducing sugar intake, even in seemingly healthy foods like fruit juices. The speaker emphasizes that cutting out as much sugar as possible is beneficial for overall health, and shares his preference for hemp protein and low-sugar protein bars. Lastly, the conversation touches on the unique fusion of Cuban and Chinese cuisine in a restaurant in New York City, highlighting the rich cultural history and diversity that exists even in seemingly ordinary places.

    • Friend's Mysterious Disappearance and Balancing LifeFriend's unexpected disappearance highlights the importance of cherishing relationships and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The speaker reflects on his own career and personal life, and the benefits of staying focused on projects instead of constantly going out.

      The speaker is discussing the mysterious disappearance of a friend and the challenges of balancing work and personal life. The friend, who has been in various countries including China, Cuba, Vietnam, and Thailand, has vanished without communication for several months. The speaker expresses amazement at his friend's ability to disappear and wonders if he's talking to anyone. The friend is also known for his love of cars and has a large collection. The speaker also reflects on his own career and personal life, mentioning his UFC contract and his wife. He notes that he and the friend have been discussing the benefits of staying in town and working on weekends instead of going out. The speaker also mentions that he and the friend have both recently released comedy specials and are in the process of creating new material. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of friendship, work-life balance, and the creative process.

    • Relying too much on short sets and exploring new topicsComedians should focus on longer performances to improve and evolve their material, while podcasts offer a creative outlet and help listeners connect with them. Unexpected discussions can lead to new ideas and experiences.

      Some comedians are relying too much on a tight, 15-minute set instead of doing longer performances on the road to improve and evolve their material. The speaker also mentioned the benefits of doing a podcast for creative expression and avoiding distractions during the day. An unexpected topic that emerged during the conversation was the discussion about a notorious criminal named "Iceman," who had a chilling method of disposing of his victims by freezing them in his basement. Despite the unexpected tangent, the speaker emphasized the importance of being open to new experiences and topics in creative pursuits.

    • Desensitization and a sense of power fuel violent actsDesensitization and a need for dominance can make taking a life seem easy and enjoyable, leading to a dangerous cycle of violence.

      Desensitization and a sense of power can lead individuals to commit violent acts, including murder. The speaker recounted a man's chilling tales of killing, which he compared to casual conversations about lifting weights. The man's actions were rooted in a deep sense of disrespect and a need to assert dominance. He detailed his involvement in a mob-like group that killed people in gruesome ways, and the more they did it, the easier and more comfortable it became. The speaker suggested that there's a thrill and a sense of power in taking a life, and that those who commit such acts can get used to it and even enjoy it. The man's first murder was at the age of 14, and he got away with it, leading him to continue killing without remorse. The cycle of violence and desensitization can be a dangerous and destructive one.

    • A Unique Friendship with LeeThe speaker shares a joyful bond with a friend named Lee, formed through shared experiences and humor, including trying various substances.

      The speaker shares a unique and humorous friendship with a man named Lee, who they met through their podcast. The speaker describes how they bonded over shared experiences, including trying various substances together. The speaker expresses their affection for Lee and how he brings joy to their life, despite their age difference. The speaker also shares stories of their pranks and antics, which often involve deceit and humor. The conversation also touches upon the availability of specific podcast episodes and the speaker's past experiences with acquiring different types of acid. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's lighthearted and entertaining relationship with Lee.

    • Stay updated with Alberto Galazzi and Joey Flaherty on social media and upcoming eventsFollow Alberto Galazzi on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and Joey Flaherty and Matt Flaver on Twitter for latest updates and engaging content. Check Talk Feed Academy or Talk for Europe websites for their upcoming seminars in Austin and March.

      Alberto Galazzi and Joey Flaherty, the guests on the podcast, shared their social media handles and upcoming events. Alberto Galazzi can be found on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook under the name @Galazzi. Joey Flaherty and Matt Flaver can be found on Twitter under @MattFlaver and @MattFlaverWorld, respectively. They also mentioned upcoming seminars in Austin and March, which can be found on Talk Feed Academy or Talk for Europe websites. The podcast itself was described as the "church of what's happening now" and is available on iTunes. The guests encouraged listeners to follow them for more information and engaging content. The podcast provides valuable insights and information on various topics, making it a must-listen for those interested in staying informed.

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    Go to https://coaching.tower26.com for a FREE workout and to subscribe to the Tower 26 Affiliate Program.

    After the topic of the episode is covered, the athlete questions are answered, and the topic for the next episode is revealed.

    To ask questions to be answered ON-AIR, tweet @Tower_26 or email the show at gerry@tower26.com. To listen to the show, subscribe to the TOWER 26 newsletter, read the Tower 26 blog, or to see what Tower 26 is up to, go to www.TOWER26.com.

    Follow Jim Lubinski on TWITTER @jimlubinski, www.jimlubinski.com, @jimlubinski

    Thanks to Tom Hiel for the Intro/Outro music.

    All information and content heard/disseminated on the "Tower 26-Be Race Ready Podcast" is property of TOWER 26 and shall not be copied, retransmitted, or rebroadcast without TOWER 26 consent.

    Tower 26 Subscription Plan: coaching.tower26.com


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    Episode Sponsor: Joovv – https://joovv.com/hpo promo code: HPO for gift

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    Instagram handles: @shawnbaker1967@zachbitter@mad_scientist_duffin 

    Twitter handles: @SBakerMD@zbitter,

    Facebook handles: Shawn Baker@zach.bitter@chrisduffinstrong 

    Website URLs: https://zachbitter.com , https://shawn-baker.com, and https://kabukistrength.com/chris-duffin-bio/ 

    YouTube: Zach (https://www.youtube.com/c/ZachBitterUltra) Shawn (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5apkKkeZQXRSDbqSalG8CQ) Chris (https://www.youtube.com/user/kabuki07

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    Go to https://coaching.tower26.com for a FREE workout and to subscribe to the Tower 26 Affiliate Program.

    After the topic of the episode is covered, the athlete questions are answered, and the topic for the next episode is revealed.

    To ask questions to be answered ON-AIR, tweet @Tower_26 or email the show at gerry@tower26.com. To listen to the show, subscribe to the TOWER 26 newsletter, read the Tower 26 blog, or to see what Tower 26 is up to, go to www.TOWER26.com.

    Follow Jim Lubinski on TWITTER @jimlubinski, www.jimlubinski.com, @jimlubinski

    Thanks to Tom Hiel for the Intro/Outro music.

    All information and content heard/disseminated on the "Tower 26-Be Race Ready Podcast" is property of TOWER 26 and shall not be copied, retransmitted, or rebroadcast without TOWER 26 consent.

    Tower 26 Subscription Plan: coaching.tower26.com