
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Complexities of People and Societal NormsStay open-minded, what's normal can change, learn from experiences, find comfort on your own terms, adapt and grow for happiness and success.

      People and societal norms can be complex and ever-changing. The speakers in this conversation touched on topics ranging from personal happiness and relationships to language and cultural sensitivity. They discussed the importance of being open-minded and understanding that what was once considered normal or acceptable may not be so in the present day. They also shared experiences of feeling uncomfortable or uncertain in their own lives and how they coped with those feelings. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of learning, growing, and finding comfort in one's own terms. It's a reminder that life can be unpredictable and challenging, but with a willingness to adapt and learn, we can find happiness and success.

    • Navigating career transitions in the artsStay true to artistic vision, adapt to change, and find healthy ways to cope with societal expectations and technological advancements.

      Navigating a career in the arts, especially during a cultural shift or period of great success, can be a complex and challenging experience. Shirley Manson of Garbage shared her personal experience of facing rejection and adapting to a changing music industry, which saw them go from chart-topping fame to a more introspective and creative phase. This transition, while difficult, ultimately led to a long and successful career. The importance of staying true to one's artistic vision and figuring out what one truly enjoys is crucial during these transitions. Additionally, the impact of cultural shifts and societal expectations can lead to feelings of self-doubt and confusion, but it's essential to remember that these feelings are common and temporary. The ongoing technological revolution and the constant influx of negative information can contribute to feelings of anger and upset, making it vital to find healthy ways to cope and adapt.

    • Managing the influx of informationDiscipline and prioritization are key to managing the influx of information. Emojis can help, but come with their own complexities. Focus on positive aspects to avoid information overload.

      In today's digital age, information overload and the pressure to comment on every issue can be overwhelming. With seven billion people generating information, it's challenging to manage and filter through the deluge of news, especially the negative kind. People expect constant updates and commentary, making it difficult to focus on one cause without being inundated with questions and concerns about other issues. The use of emojis as a form of communication is seen as a potential solution to this information overload, but even that comes with its own complexities and potential for misunderstandings. Ultimately, managing the influx of information requires discipline and the ability to prioritize, while also recognizing the importance of taking a break and focusing on the positive aspects of life.

    • Music's Impact on Brain and BodyMusic activates our reward system, heals, inspires, brings people together, and evokes emotions and memories.

      Music has a profound impact on the human brain and body, creating unique neurological pathways and physiological responses. This art form, entirely created by humans, taps into our reward system and can heal, inspire, and bring people together. While some may argue that dogs don't appreciate music, it's essential to remember that they respond to their owners' enjoyment and connection to it. Flexibility, whether in musical tastes or open-mindedness, is crucial for personal growth and differentiates individuals. The human reward system is activated when we engage with music and form connections with others, creating a powerful bond. Music's ability to evoke emotions and memories is a testament to its unique power.

    • Ancient reward systems and technology's role in learning and connectionTechnology can enhance ancient reward systems for learning and connection, but addressing complex issues and integrating it with a well-rounded approach is crucial for personal growth.

      Human beings have ancient reward systems that can be harnessed for learning and connection, which have been enhanced by media, music, books, and movies. However, there are challenges, such as the neglect of addressing painful or complicated issues, like raising children and discussing death, which can limit personal growth and understanding. The use of technology, including technology in the form of media and entertainment, can help connect people and ideas, but it's important to remember that it can also be shut off or ignored. Ultimately, the future of technology holds great potential for advancements, but also raises concerns about overpopulation and the calcification of the human mind. To fully embrace the benefits of technology and personal growth, it's essential to address these challenges and integrate technology with a well-rounded approach to education and personal development.

    • Understanding and Respecting Individual Choices and DifferencesPeople make unhealthy food choices for various reasons, including habits or simple pleasures. Consistently consuming non-nutritious food can lead to health issues. Respect individual choices and differences, promoting healthy habits and self-care.

      People, including public figures like Donald Trump, make unhealthy food choices for various reasons. Trump's preoccupation with fast food is a mystery given his wealth, but it could be a habit or a simple pleasure. However, consistently consuming non-nutritious food can lead to health issues. The speaker also shared her personal experience with her husband's eating habits and the importance of respecting individual choices in labeling oneself, such as the use of the term "actress" versus "comedian" or "male" versus "female." The conversation also touched on the complexity of gender identity and the importance of acknowledging and respecting differences while recognizing the commonalities that unite us all as humans. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding and respecting individual choices and differences while promoting healthy habits and self-care. (Approximately 148 words)

    • Respecting Individuality and Identity ExpressionRespect individuals' freedom to express their identity, even if it seems unusual or extreme to others. Understand that personal experiences and influences shape how people express themselves.

      Individuals have the freedom to express their identity in various ways, whether it's through gender, body art, or cultural practices. The speaker acknowledges the legitimacy of these choices, even if they may seem unusual or extreme to others. The conversation also reveals the speaker's personal experiences and influences, including his encounter with a man who had transformed himself into a lizard and his relationship with Debbie Harry, a music icon who helped launch his career. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of respecting individuality and the complexities of identity expression.

    • Paving the Way for Modern Pop Stars: Debbie Harry's Authenticity and ImpactDebbie Harry's unique authenticity and long-lasting pop career revolutionized music, but young musicians today may lack the life experience that shapes perspective and understanding.

      Debbie Harry revolutionized pop music and paved the way for modern pop stars, as she was the first to have a long-lasting pop career. Her authenticity and uniqueness set her apart from other musicians, and her impact on music history is significant. Recording technology, which allowed for the creation and distribution of music on a large scale, is a relatively new development in human history, and pop stars have only been around for a short time. Young musicians today have access to resources and learning opportunities that were not available before, but they may lack the life experience and authenticity that comes with struggle and motivation. It's important to remember that there is much to learn and that experience shapes our perspectives and understanding of the world.

    • Concerns over young artists' exploitation and growth in entertainment industryYoung artists deserve personal growth and autonomy; facing challenges is part of pursuing passions, but proper guidance and agency are crucial.

      The fetishization and exploitation of young people in the entertainment industry is a concerning issue that can limit their personal growth and autonomy. The speaker shares her experiences of encountering young artists being pushed into the spotlight without proper guidance or agency. She advocates for young people to live their lives freely and pursue their passions without being dictated by external pressures or expectations. The speaker also reflects on her own journey into music, sharing how she stumbled into it by chance and faced challenges along the way, including substance abuse. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of allowing young artists to develop organically and empowering them to take control of their own careers.

    • Love, Challenges, and Growth in ParentingParenting brings immense love, but also self-doubt, constant attention, and balancing responsibilities, making it a unique experience filled with joy and challenges.

      Becoming a parent brings about immense love and compassion, but also significant challenges and responsibilities. Many people, regardless of talent or profession, experience feelings of self-doubt and questioning. Parenting requires constant attention and patience, and it changes the way one views oneself and their role in the world. The love between a parent and child is powerful and unique, but it also comes with fear and worry for their wellbeing. Additionally, parents often have to balance their responsibilities with the needs of their children, making it a challenging but rewarding experience.

    • The Importance of Quality Time with ChildrenDespite busy schedules, parents should prioritize one-on-one time with their children. Mistakes are inevitable, but valuable lessons can be learned. Success and interesting lives don't require a 'fucked up' background.

      Quality time with children is essential, even if parents have long working hours. The speaker shares a personal experience of not having had enough one-on-one time with her father, leading to a missed connection. It's important for parents to understand that they will make mistakes but should try their best, as even seemingly negative experiences can teach valuable lessons. The speaker also emphasizes that not all interesting or successful people come from "fucked up" backgrounds, and that even those who do can find purpose and meaning in their experiences. The speaker reflects on her own upbringing in a seemingly idyllic family and acknowledges feelings of inadequacy, but ultimately recognizes that everyone's experiences shape them in unique ways.

    • Discovering Comedy Through Taboo Humor: Sam Kinneson's InfluenceSam Kinneson's unconventional comedy style, tackling taboo subjects with humor, inspired the speaker to discover his own comedic voice and pursue a career in stand-up comedy.

      Sam Kinneson was a groundbreaking comedian whose unconventional and chaotic style introduced the speaker to the world of stand-up comedy. The speaker first heard about Kinneson from a volleyball player at the Boston Athletic Club, who shared a shocking bit about homosexual necrophiliacs. The bit was part of a real news story, and the speaker was struck by Kinneson's ability to tackle taboo subjects with humor. This experience made the speaker realize that comedy could be more than just a guy standing in front of a microphone telling jokes. The speaker's friends from martial arts eventually encouraged him to try stand-up comedy, and he found inspiration in Kinneson's bold and unapologetic approach to comedy. Ultimately, Kinneson's influence helped the speaker discover his own comedic voice and led him to pursue a career in stand-up comedy.

    • Facing Fears and Discovering New PassionsEmbracing fears can lead to discovering new passions and skills, even if initial experiences are intimidating or uncomfortable.

      People, including the speaker, often engage in activities that scare them due to past experiences of insecurity and bullying. The speaker, for instance, turned to martial arts to learn how to defend himself after being bullied as a child. Later, a friend encouraged him to pursue stand-up comedy, an endeavor that initially terrified him due to his nervousness and insecurity. These experiences, though intimidating, ultimately led the speaker to discover new passions and skills. Additionally, the speaker shared how he unintentionally adopted a Boston accent during his teenage years as a way to fit in, only to later regret it. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of facing fears and the importance of self-acceptance.

    • Finding Joy in Everyday Life: Intense Experiences and Ordinary MomentsIntense experiences are not just limited to extraordinary events, they can be found in everyday life. Everyone has the capacity for joy and focus, although some may struggle with mundane situations and have a lower tolerance for them.

      Our capacity for joy and intense experiences is not limited to extraordinary events, but can be found in everyday life. The speaker's experience of performing in front of a large crowd in Russia was compared to the joy of having a great meal or holding a newborn baby. However, people with a high capacity for intense experiences may have a lower tolerance for mundane or uninteresting situations, leading to labels like attention deficit disorder. The speaker acknowledged that they struggle to remember important information at times, but emphasized their intensity and focus during conversations. Overall, the speaker's perspective was that everyone has the ability to experience joy and intensity in their own way, and that these experiences are not limited to specific events or circumstances.

    • Scotland's Unique Sense of Humor: Born from ChallengesScotland's small size and harsh weather have led to a distinctly acerbic sense of humor, with fast-paced dialogue and verbally sparring, contrasting polite cultures like America.

      Scotland's small culture and harsh weather have contributed to the development of a unique and acerbic sense of humor. This is evident in the country's many colorful expressions and the popularity of its comedians, including Billy Connolly. The fast-paced dialogue and lack of politeness in Scotland lead to a culture where people are used to verbally sparring and taking the piss out of one another. This is in contrast to other places like America, where people may be more polite and less likely to engage in such banter. Despite the challenges of living in a small, rainy country, the Scots have found a way to turn their circumstances into a source of humor and camaraderie.

    • The Challenges Faced by Musicians in the Digital AgeThe rise of digital streaming platforms has led to artists earning less money while corporations profit, forcing musicians to adapt and book shows in advance. The industry needs to find a fairer way to compensate artists for their work.

      The music industry has undergone significant changes due to the rise of digital streaming platforms, leading to artists making very little money from their work while large corporations continue to profit. This was foreseen by some musicians and bloggers, but the industry's reluctance to adapt resulted in a "crime spree" against artists. The competition for gigs has also become more intense, forcing musicians to book shows well in advance. Despite these challenges, some artists, like the ones in the conversation, have managed to adapt and retain control over their catalogs. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for the music industry to find a fairer way to compensate artists for their work.

    • Record labels' role in artists' success questionedArtists earn little from streaming while labels profit, but labels distribute widely and create visibility, costing artists a percentage of earnings from publishing, performance rights, merchandise, and endorsements. Exceptional talents can succeed independently.

      The music industry has undergone significant changes, with record labels playing a questionable role in the success of artists. Artists often earn very little from their music being played on streaming platforms like YouTube, while record labels profit significantly from their distribution and other revenue streams. The justification for record labels lies mainly in their ability to distribute music widely and create visibility for artists. However, this comes at a cost, as labels now take a percentage of almost everything an artist earns, including publishing, performance rights, merchandise, and endorsements. The exception to this trend are exceptional talents who manage to gain visibility and build a fanbase independently. Record labels have managed to stay relevant by manufacturing public interest through various forms of advertising and distribution. However, the ease of creating and sharing music online has led to a saturated market, making it difficult for artists to sustain long careers.

    • Navigating Financial Complexities in the Music IndustryTraditional music deals can be opaque, charging artists for expenses and taking a large percentage of earnings. Younger artists are embracing digital technologies and direct-to-fan models for more control and transparency.

      In the music industry, artists often face complex financial arrangements where they have little control over expenses and are charged back for every expenditure, while the success of their careers determines the salaries of industry executives. Additionally, in modern times, record labels often take a significant percentage of an artist's touring earnings and merchandise sales through 360 deals. This lack of transparency and control can lead to confusion and frustration for artists. However, with the emergence of digital technologies and the shift towards direct-to-fan business models, younger artists are becoming more savvy and questioning these traditional deals. It's a fascinating time in the music industry as it continues to adapt to these new realities. In our business, we keep 10% of everything we earn, and each band member gets 10%, meaning we take home 40% of our total earnings before taxes. We are fortunate to not have to pay a percentage of our touring and merchandise sales, and we have a high royalty rate on our records. However, we recognize that not all artists have the same luxury, and we empathize with the challenges they face in navigating these financial complexities.

    • The Unsatisfying Pursuit of Wealth for ArtistsTrue fulfillment comes from self-expression and connection, not wealth and material possessions. Artists face financial struggles and high taxes, highlighting the importance of being true to oneself.

      The pursuit of wealth and material possessions, often driven by societal pressure and the desire to fit in, can be a dangerous and ultimately unsatisfying goal for artists and individuals alike. The speaker, who grew up admiring artists who didn't flaunt their wealth, believes that true fulfillment comes from expressing oneself and connecting with others, rather than accumulating material possessions. The speaker also highlights the reality of artists only receiving a small percentage of revenue from their work and the high taxes they pay, while many people with modest jobs may be wealthier than artists. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes that happiness and contentment come from being true to oneself and not being consumed by the pursuit of wealth.

    • The hollowness of wealth and powerFocus on community happiness, find contentment with what we have, ask 'how much is enough?' and prioritize self-affirmation over material wealth and power.

      The pursuit of wealth and the desire to be a "king" or hold power over others can be hollow and unfulfilling. It's important to examine the meaning behind the words we use and consider the impact they have on ourselves and others. The wealth-at-all-costs mentality can lead to greed and a never-ending desire for more, rather than finding contentment with what we have. It's essential to focus on making everyone in our community happy and live in a pleasant environment, rather than hoarding wealth and isolating ourselves. The numbers and material possessions become meaningless in this pursuit, and it's crucial to ask ourselves, "how much is enough?" instead of constantly accumulating more. The conversation also touched on the power of words and the importance of self-affirmation, especially when feeling disadvantaged in society. Ultimately, it's a reminder to find fulfillment in the present moment and in the connections we build with others, rather than chasing after fleeting material wealth or power.

    • Factors Shaping Political Identities and PolarizationUpbringing, community, experiences, and social status shape political beliefs, leading to deep-rooted ideologies and polarization. America's dominant two-party system and social media amplify this trend, raising concerns for democratic process and free press.

      The deep-rooted identification with political ideologies and the resulting polarization in society can be influenced by various factors such as upbringing, community, life experiences, and social status. This can lead to the formation of unwavering beliefs and the digging of deep trenches in people's minds. The current political climate in America, with its dominant two-party system and the influence of social media, exacerbates this phenomenon. The speaker expresses concern over the disrespect for the free press and the potential danger it poses to the democratic process. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains hopeful that America, as a relatively young experiment in self-government, will find a way to navigate these troubled waters.

    • A challenging yet opportunity-filled era for journalism and truthIn this era of biased media and distorted facts, traditional journalism is stepping up to provide accurate reporting, fact-checking, and holding leaders accountable.

      The current political climate, as discussed, presents unique challenges to journalism and truth, but also opportunities for growth and resistance. The proliferation of biased and agenda-driven media sources has put pressure on traditional journalism to step up and provide accurate and unbiased reporting. This can be seen as a disturbing time, but also an opportunity for reinvigorating the collective pursuit of truth and facts. The US press, which has been criticized for its standard of journalism since 9/11, is now being held to account and is responding by improving their game. The New York Times, in particular, is trying to rise to the challenge and provide quality journalism. The current climate also highlights the importance of fact-checking and holding leaders accountable for their words and actions. This is a time of great change and upheaval, but it can also lead to the creation of great art and good people. Ultimately, it's important for individuals to seek out reliable sources of information and to hold themselves and their leaders accountable for the truth.

    • Finding Event Details Online: garbage.com or Google?Event details can be found on specific websites or through Google searches. Essential information is easily accessible online.

      Important information, such as event details, can often be found online through various sources, including websites and search engines like Google. During a conversation, it was mentioned that details for an event could be found on a website with the unfortunate name of "garbage.com." However, if one cannot find the information on that site, a simple Google search should provide the necessary details. It was also mentioned that the event would take place in Austin, Texas, on August 11th, which is a birthday for one of the speakers. The conversation became light-hearted as the speakers joked about astrological signs and shared a common birthday. Overall, the key takeaway is that essential information can be easily accessed through digital means, making it important to utilize various online resources when searching for details.

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    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss

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    Episode Resources:

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

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    Authenticity is malleable. You have to allow space for transformation, and if you have this rigid idea of your authentic self then there is no room for transformation.

    We can't be everything all at once, we can be what we want to be but we can't do it all at the same time.

    I didn't know where I belonged, and I still don't know where I belong, and I have to constantly give myself permission to be able to sit in that and be okay with that. I ask myself, "what do I need?" and "what do I need to make myself feel like I fit in?" and "Is it okay to not fit in?"

    About Lisa Lackey from her LinkedIn profile:

    After a successful career in the entertainment industry beginning in my home country of Australia and spanning over 20 years here in the U.S, along with a life changing volunteer opportunity in Ghana, West Africa, I am excited to continue my work in this new and purposeful career focusing on social impact. Based in Los Angeles, I strive to be a vehicle for change, and I look forward to many more opportunities to align myself with the those who are rethinking how we can alleviate poverty especially as it pertains to the empowerment of women, and youth, locally and internationally.

    Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn! Or check out her IMDB!

    About Sarah Elkins

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

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    E135: Craig David Opens Up About His Painful Rise, Fall & Redemption

    E135: Craig David Opens Up About His Painful Rise, Fall & Redemption
    Craig David is a singer and DJ who has sold over 15 million records worldwide. With over 20 years in the music industry, he is one of the world’s best-known singers. But when he found his career falling away beneath him, Craig had to reinvent himself. Coming back with the incredibly popular TS5, Craig has risen to the top, fallen back and then rebuilt himself back to exactly where he left off. Nothing reveals the truth about yourself more than having it all and (most of it) being taken away. Craig had to dig deep and express what was true to himself, but first he had to find out what that meant. Topics: Your early years Your model of relationships Growing up on a council estate Your early music influences Your rise in music How were you dealing with your meteoric rise? Losing yourself Your mental health journey Being back and in a better place The last guests question Craig: https://www.instagram.com/craigdavid/ https://mobile.twitter.com/craigdavid Sponsors: Huel - https://my.huel.com/Steven Myenergi - https://bit.ly/3oeWGnl Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices