
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the Unexpected During the HolidaysThe holiday season brings unexpected experiences and emotions. Embrace them, consider each child's feelings, and cherish family moments.

      The holiday season can bring about a lot of emotions and unexpected experiences. During this episode of the podcast, the hosts shared their own experiences of running into listeners in their hometown and recognitions they've received. They also discussed the Elf on the Shelf tradition and a situation where one parent threw the elf away as a prank, causing controversy. The hosts emphasized that every family has their unique ways of celebrating the holidays and that it's essential to consider each child's feelings and backgrounds. Despite the chaos and unexpected events, the hosts expressed their excitement for the upcoming year and the charities they plan to highlight on the show. Overall, the episode showcased the importance of embracing the holiday season's ups and downs and cherishing the moments with family and loved ones.

    • Considering feelings in holiday traditionsHoliday traditions should add joy, not detract. Parents should consider children's ages and emotions when implementing them, avoiding fear and damage.

      Traditions can bring joy and excitement to children, but they should be executed in a way that considers the feelings and well-being of all involved. In the discussed situation, the Elf on the Shelf tradition brought excitement to the children, but the way it was carried out led to distress and negative experiences for some. The husband's insistence on enforcing the elf's "naughtiness" through pranks went too far and caused unnecessary fear and damage to the children's belongings. It's essential to remember that traditions should add to the magic of the holiday season, not detract from it. Parents should consider the age and emotions of their children when implementing traditions and ensure they are promoting positive behaviors and feelings.

    • Father's prank during child's birthday causes unnecessary traumaAvoid using family traditions to intentionally make children feel left out or traumatized. Consider their emotional needs during celebrations.

      Using a holiday tradition as a tool for discipline or to intentionally make a child feel left out can cause unnecessary trauma and harm. The discussion revolved around a situation where a father, visiting from Canada, played a prank on his son during his birthday celebration, making him feel unwanted and upset. The mother defended the father's actions, but others in the conversation pointed out the potential negative impact on the child's emotional well-being. It was also suggested that the father might have had unresolved issues from his own childhood, leading him to find joy in having power over others. The conversation also touched upon the importance of making each child feel special during their birthdays, especially when they share a special day with a holiday. Overall, the consensus was that the father's actions were not acceptable, and it's crucial to consider the emotional needs of children during celebrations and family traditions.

    • Using Santa as a Punishment ToolAvoid using Santa as a means of punishment to prevent emotional harm and distorted perceptions of love and acceptance for children.

      Using the concept of Santa Claus as a tool for punishment rather than reward can be harmful and perceived as emotional abuse by children. The discussion revolves around a father's behavior of destroying his children's belongings and using the Elf on the Shelf (E.L.F.) as a means of punishment. This can lead to a distorted perception of love and acceptance, potentially normalizing bullying behaviors. The debate also touches upon the idea that parents might fear their children discovering the truth about Santa Claus and the potential impact on their trust and relationship. Ultimately, it's crucial for parents to be mindful of their actions and ensure they are setting positive examples for their children.

    • Sensitivity to social norms and financial mattersBe mindful of others' feelings and social norms when discussing financial matters to avoid discomfort and tension.

      Money and social etiquette can vary greatly among different people and backgrounds. In the given situation, Lindsay's persistent questioning about expenses came across as intrusive and disrespectful to the family. Her behavior was perceived as gold digging, and her lack of social awareness caused discomfort and tension. It's essential to remember that not everyone is comfortable discussing financial matters openly, and it's crucial to be sensitive to others' feelings and social norms. The family in this story could have addressed the issue privately, and Lindsay could have been more mindful of her questions and actions. Ultimately, effective communication and respect for others' boundaries are essential in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Backgrounds and experiences shape holiday gift-giving perspectivesUnderstand everyone's unique backgrounds and experiences to avoid misunderstandings during holiday gift-giving, and prioritize quality time over material possessions.

      Everyone has unique experiences and backgrounds that shape their perspectives and behaviors, particularly when it comes to the holiday season and gift-giving. The speaker grew up with financial struggles, while her brother's family had more resources. Her mother's love language was expressed through extravagant gifts, which the speaker now understands but finds unnecessary as they prioritize quality time over material possessions. The speaker's sister, Lindsay, grew up with different financial circumstances and may have misunderstood social cues, leading to awkward conversations about prices. It's essential to approach these situations with empathy, understanding that everyone comes from different backgrounds and experiences, and to communicate effectively to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

    • Money Conversations: Sensitivity and NormsBe respectful and sensitive when discussing money, as people have varying comfort levels and societal norms around the topic.

      Money and related conversations can be sensitive and touchy subjects for people. The discussion around the cost of art and income transparency brought up various perspectives on how much people are willing to share about their finances and the societal norms around discussing money. While some believe it's important to be curious and ask about income to understand career paths or personal context, others see it as rude or intrusive. The concept of money and its value can also be a source of debate, with some seeing it as an invented concept and others valuing it highly. Overall, it's important to approach money conversations with sensitivity, respect, and an understanding that people have different comfort levels when it comes to discussing their finances.

    • Understanding Comfort Levels and Open CommunicationTransparent communication and respecting comfort levels are essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Avoid misunderstandings by having open conversations.

      Communication and transparency are key in maintaining healthy relationships. In the first situation, a woman felt uncomfortable when asked about the cost of her husband's customized Cartier watch, leading to accusations of gold digging. While some thought the question was rude, others believed the woman was justified in her reaction. However, it's important to remember that everyone has a different comfort level when it comes to sharing personal information. In the second situation, a man felt torn when his in-laws wanted to take their daughters to Disney without him and his wife. While some thought he was being selfish, others believed he had valid concerns and should have been included in the decision-making process. Ultimately, it's important to have open and honest conversations with loved ones to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. In both cases, clear communication could have prevented unnecessary conflict.

    • Creating cherished memories with loved onesDespite financial constraints, prioritizing family and creating cherished memories is priceless. Plan for comfort and energy levels to ensure a memorable experience for all.

      Despite financial constraints, creating cherished memories with loved ones, especially during challenging times, is invaluable. In this case, the opportunity to take a dying father-in-law to Disney with the family is a priceless experience that should not be missed. The cost can be managed through various means, including financing, budget adjustments, and creative solutions. The happiness and memories gained from such experiences often outweigh the monetary investment. Additionally, considering the father-in-law's health condition, it's important to plan for his comfort and energy levels during the trip. Ultimately, the importance of family, creating lasting memories, and cherishing time with loved ones should be prioritized over financial concerns.

    • Valuing family moments over personal desiresPrioritize cherished family experiences, especially during significant life events, as they create lasting memories and strengthen relationships.

      Prioritizing special moments with family, especially during significant life events, is more important than personal desires or being "first" in experiences. In the discussed Reddit thread, the husband's desire to take his kids to Disney World for the first time was questioned when his wife's father, who is dying, wanted to create memories with his grandchildren. The top commenters emphasized the importance of allowing the grandfather this opportunity and not taking it away from him and the children, as these moments may be cherished memories for all involved. Additionally, the unique experiences and memories created at Disney World change as children grow, and missing out on these moments with grandparents could lead to future regrets. The husband's actions were seen as selfish and potentially damaging to his relationship with his wife and daughters.

    • Husband's Behavior Towards Baby: A Serious ConcernImmediate help needed for husband's potential postpartum depression or underlying issues affecting his behavior towards baby, ensuring baby's safety and seeking professional help.

      A husband's behavior towards their baby, expressing hate and cursing, is a serious concern and warrants immediate attention. The sweet and normal demeanor he exhibits around others raises questions about potential postpartum depression or other underlying issues. It's crucial for the safety of the baby and the wife to seek professional help and ensure the baby is not left alone with the father until the situation is resolved. Sleep deprivation could also be a contributing factor, and recording devices or sleep apps can be used discreetly to gather more information. The importance of addressing this issue cannot be overstated, as the well-being of the baby and the family is at risk.

    • Taking immediate action when someone expresses threatening behavior towards a loved oneRecord instances, seek professional advice, prioritize loved one's safety, and don't confront alone.

      If someone expresses threatening or disturbing behavior towards a loved one, especially a child, it's crucial to take immediate action. This can include recording any instances of such behavior, seeking advice from professionals, and not confronting the person alone. It's essential to remember that such behavior could be a sign of serious issues like postpartum depression or even a danger to the child. Ignoring it or brushing it off could lead to more severe consequences. The situation described in the discussion is indeed terrifying and requires careful handling. It's important to prioritize the safety and well-being of the child and seek help as soon as possible.

    • Recognizing Postpartum Depression in MenPostpartum depression can affect men and women, and it's crucial to recognize signs like monotone tone, worrying behavior, and personality changes in new parents. Seek professional help if concerned, and don't hesitate to involve third parties for support.

      Postpartum depression can affect men as well as women, and it's important to be aware of the signs and seek professional help if necessary. The discussion revolved around a Reddit post where a man's concerning behavior towards his child raised concerns among the online community. The man's tone and actions were described as monotone, worrying, and not in line with his usual personality. The community suggested that this could be a sign of postpartum depression or even psychosis, emphasizing the need for professional help. The topic of postpartum depression being a lesser-known issue for men was also brought up, highlighting the importance of raising awareness about this issue. The community advised staying alert, being aware of one's surroundings, and seeking help if something doesn't seem right. They also suggested inviting third parties to help monitor the situation if necessary. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of recognizing the signs of postpartum depression and seeking help when needed.

    • A mother's struggle with her daughter's frequent hospitalizations due to food sensitivitiesBalancing a child's autonomy and health: A mother faces criticism for limiting her daughter's access to foods that trigger frequent hospitalizations, but the severity of symptoms suggests more than just a food sensitivity.

      Dealing with a child's health issues becomes increasingly complex as they grow older. In this case, a mother is struggling with her daughter's frequent hospitalizations due to her inability to stop eating foods that upset her stomach. Despite knowing what triggers her symptoms, the daughter continues to consume these foods, leading to multiple hospitalizations each year. The mother's attempts to limit her access to these foods have been met with resistance, and her decision to not visit her during her latest hospital stay resulted in criticism from family members. This situation raises questions about the balance between allowing a young adult to make their own choices and intervening when their health is at risk. The mother's friend shares her experience with a similar condition, adding that the severity of the symptoms and frequent hospitalizations suggest that this may be more than just a food sensitivity. Overall, this is a challenging situation that requires a delicate balance between respecting the daughter's autonomy and ensuring her well-being.

    • Supporting a Teenager Through HospitalizationEven when a teenager's hospitalization is self-inflicted, parents should be present and communicate effectively to help them cope and learn important lessons.

      Even if a teenager's hospitalization is self-induced, parents should consider being present and supportive, rather than avoiding it entirely. The hospital environment can provide familiar faces and medical professionals to help the teenager learn important lessons and cope with their condition. The frequency and underlying causes of the hospitalizations should be considered when deciding the level of parental involvement. For conditions like anorexia or pica, therapy interventions may be necessary to address the mental health aspects. Parents should communicate effectively with their teenagers about the consequences of their actions and encourage them to make better choices. It's essential to strike a balance between allowing teenagers to learn from their mistakes and providing them with the necessary support.

    • Balancing support and responsibility in parenting a child with chronic illnessEmpathy, patience, and adaptability are key in parenting a child with chronic illness. Tough love and seeking professional help can also be beneficial.

      Parenting a child with chronic illness is a complex and challenging task that requires a delicate balance between providing support and allowing the child to learn important life lessons. In the discussed situation, the mother's decision not to accompany her daughter to the hospital on the first night was a tough call, as she had previously experienced her daughter's repeated hospital stays leading to long periods of time in the hospital and emotional distress. Some people may view the mother as being callous or uncaring, but others argue that she was practicing tough love and allowing her daughter to learn to take responsibility for her own health. Ultimately, the best approach may depend on the specific dynamics of the family and the child's individual needs. Regardless, it's clear that parenting a child with chronic illness is a demanding role that requires empathy, patience, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances. Additionally, seeking professional help, such as therapy, can be beneficial for both the child and the parent in navigating the emotional and practical challenges of chronic illness.

    • Teenagers with food allergies face social challengesIt's crucial to consider maturity and provide compassionate support for teenagers with food allergies, while also addressing potential mental health concerns.

      Being a teenager with food allergies or sensitivities can be challenging beyond just the physical symptoms. It can limit social experiences and require extra planning, leading to feelings of isolation. However, it's important to consider the maturity level of the individual and whether they are capable of making informed decisions about their health. Some may use attention from being sick as a way to cope, and in those cases, therapy may be necessary. Ultimately, it's a complex issue with no easy answers. The thread showed a range of opinions, from empathy and understanding to tough love and criticism. It's essential to approach each situation with compassion and an open mind. Additionally, mental health resources and support systems should be readily available for those dealing with these issues.

    • Engaging with diverse perspectives in the communityFoster inclusive and productive discussions by acknowledging and respectfully engaging with diverse viewpoints to broaden understanding and grow as individuals.

      There's a lot of passionate discussion happening in the "too hot takes" community. It's important to acknowledge and engage with these perspectives, even if they may not align with our own. By doing so, we can foster a more inclusive and productive community. Additionally, the hosts expressed their excitement about continuing these conversations in the future. They emphasized the importance of staying connected and coming back for more. Overall, the discussion highlighted the value of open-mindedness, respectful dialogue, and the pursuit of knowledge in a community setting. It's important to remember that everyone's perspective is valuable, and by engaging with diverse viewpoints, we can broaden our own understanding and grow as individuals. So, let's keep the discussions going and continue to learn from each other. See you all next time!

    Recent Episodes from Two Hot Takes

    172: Worms in the Brain..

    172: Worms in the Brain..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Michaela Okland! This week's episode has us reading stories where someone just doesn't seem to be thinking straight. Whether it's worms in the brain, emotions running high, or psychological games.. worms can come in many shapes and sizes. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on these stories!

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    enJune 27, 2024

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! This week's  assortment of stories has us wondering who is really in the wrong, because there's a lot of grey area in these ones. There's a story where someone's partner is threatening to breakup over walking in on them in the bathroom to someone who turned down her sister's request to be a maid of honor due to their childhood.. This one is a bumpy ride so hang on and share your takes when you can!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJune 20, 2024

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Michaela Okland! This week's episode has us responding to stories where someone is a bit peeved, upset, or triggered by the situations they're in. Whether it's a stepdaughter who won't stop singing, finding out your friends lied about your boyfriend, or your boyfriend's dad hitting on you.. these are all "triggering". Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJune 13, 2024

    169: You're a Red Flag..

    169: You're a Red Flag..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin! This week's episode has us reviewing red flags! Could a guy sleeping in another girls bed not be a red flag? Are the couple you're being a surrogate for entitled to contribute to the birth plan or is that a giant red flag? Are pranks ever funny or do they always give red flag? We're going to need your input on these ones.. especially, what's worse than a red flag?!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJune 06, 2024

    168: A Wee Bit Rude..

    168: A Wee Bit Rude..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! This week's episode has us dissecting situations that may or may not be rude. Offensively impolite? Ill-mannered? We'll be the judge of that! From sending a venmo request after a wedding to telling your husband's kids you're not a gold-digger there are some wild ones this week!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 30, 2024

    167: Is it Really a Big Deal..?

    167: Is it Really a Big Deal..?
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-hosts Lauren and Justin! This week's episode is all about determining if certain scenarios are a big deal or not. Putting family in a middle row at your wedding, using your shirt as your sauce tray, and getting waxed by your parents.. we really question it all. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and checkout YouTube for some polls!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 23, 2024

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guests Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar from Zane and Heath: Unfiltered! This episodes stories have people that seem to just want to have a good time.. but things are not going according to plan. Cue the YTA and NTA debates! We're going to need your help on these ones :)

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 19, 2024

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host ConcreteCrotchKiss aka LyssieLooLoo aka Alyssa Collins and Juni!! When you hear about people having drama do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it all for yourself?! Well that's what these stories made me wish.. From someone's boyfriend cashing out his 401k to your cousin marrying an ex-fiance.. this is a wild ride.

    Checkout Alyssa's content!!

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre

    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

    Checkout Charlotte's content:

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

    Checkout Richa! https://www.instagram.com/richaanand/?hl=en

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    How to Embrace the Holidays with Depression

    How to Embrace the Holidays with Depression

    Feeling the pressure to put a smile on and hide how you genuinely feel this Holiday?

    Perhaps you feel if you share your true feelings & struggles you will let your family & friends down.

    Amanda has been there, herself and it is why she wants to take the time today to discuss a common challenge many of us can face this time of year. Whether you battling depression, anxiety, an increase in trauma triggers or the Holiday blues, this episode is for you.

    The Holidays come with many demands and Amanda has done her best to support, encourage & guide you through this Holiday Season. We hope you can leave after listening to today's episode feeling seen, heard & encouraged. 


    In today's episode, How to embrace the Holidays with Depression we discuss,

    1. Ten reasons we may see a decline in our mental health & suffer from depression this time of year

    • The weather changes. We are dealing with colder, darker and shorter days. Naturally, this can impact our mental health especially if we have a mental illness.
    • Overstimulation by the thought & participation of social gatherings, Holiday shopping & more.
    • An increase in distractions can make it difficult to stay grounded & engaged, particularly when navigating trauma & mental illness
    • Suppressed emotions, putting a smile on and acting like everything is okay when it is not.
    • Increase in loneliness due to suffering in silence. Not wanting to disappoint or be a burden to our loved ones.
    • Reflection as we approach a new year. Feeling discouraged that we have not been able to achieve or do as much as we would have liked, due to our chronic illness, pain, trauma or mental illness
    • Financial hardship & stress. For many, this Holiday revolves around consumerism and that can add a complex layer of stress & emotions for us with low income or financial challenges.
    • Not being able to partake in the Holiday as you may have in the past due to your limitations, symptoms, pain & mental illness struggles.
    • Being confronted with the fact that your family may be more than a little dysfunctional and feeling the need to put yourself in unhealthy dynamics to appease others.
    • Accepting that our chronic conditions, pain, trauma and mental illness do not go away or give us a break, despite it being quote on a quote the happiest time of the year. 

    These are just a few of the reasons we can see a decline in our mental health and suffer from depression this time of year. Whatever your reason or reasons may be please know you are NOT alone and it is not hopeless. We can still have a good Holiday.

    Amanda then goes on to share seven ways to navigate depression & mental illness this season. Of course, this is a summary and we encourage you to listen to the full episode to get the most encouragement and value out of today's episode.

    • Acknowledge, allow & accept. 
    • Bringing awareness to our thoughts, emotions, and triggers.
    • Be disciplined by working within your capacity, not your capability.
    • Embrace the small moments of joy, peace, and feelings of love.
    • Know you do not need to have a reason to be depressed. Depression can happen to anyone no matter how well life may be going.
    • Give yourself space, time, care & compassion.
    • Be aware of past memories & grief that could be contributing to your depression. Amanda shares her personal story walking through the loss of her father two years this January and how that impacted her depression greatly last year around this time. 

    Lastly, Amanda reminds us that we are not alone and that as much as depression can make us feel like there is no hope & that our mental health can never improve, it can. With the right support, medications and strategies depression can improve. It will not happen overnight and it will require us to be vulnerable, however, it is worth it. 

    Whatever you may be facing this season please know Amanda always offers a FREE one-hour consultation call. Amanda coaches and consults those suffering from chronic illnesses and pain, as well as, trauma, depression and anxiety being the three most frequent mental illnesses she has worked with.

    Book your FREE one-hour consultation call Here: https://embracingthepain.hbportal.co/schedule/616323e077a4ec1aab263a64

    We can often think of every reason in the book to not get support for our mental illness and we strongly encourage anyone listening today to reach out to your physician if you are suffering from mental illness & needing extra support. There is NO need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. You are wanted and loved. 

    Amanda hopes that today's episode has you leaving encouraged, seen and feeling more hopeful about how to approach this Holiday if you are indeed suffering from depression, chronic illness, pain or trauma.

    Amanda's inbox is always open.

    Connect with Amanda Today: amanda@embracingthepain.com

    If your enjoyed this episode and found it helpful please leave a review and share it with a friend. 

    Leave a review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-the-pain/id1616242542 

    Are you looking to the new year with hope and excitement or dread & hopelessness? If you want to head into the new year knowing you have personalized support, coaching, guidance, and exclusive methods, you can learn more by visiting Amanda's website.

    Learn more at: https://www.embracingthepain.com/

    Looking to connect with Amanda on a daily basis? Follow Embracing The Pain on Instagram today. Amanda shares her day-to-day and ALL the behind the scenes in her stories.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embracingthepain_1dayat_a_time/

    Amanda will be back next Wednesday with another Holiday related episode. Until then, know you are loved, worthy & wanted. 

    See you next week!

    Chronic Victory Podcast #67 - Ehlers Danlos Syndrome w/ Hannah McDowell

    Chronic Victory Podcast #67 - Ehlers Danlos Syndrome w/ Hannah McDowell

    In this episode, my friend Hannah McDowell joins us to discuss living with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS).  She's currently working as a nurse and formed her own local support group.  We both have similar types of EDS, but our symptoms can be way different.  Let's talk!


    • Hanna's superhero origin story..
    • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS).
    • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
    • Discrepancies in diagnosis.
    • Frustration with diagnosis. 
    • Support group life.
    • Support & people who GET IT.
    • Working as a nurse.

    Music Credits:
    Song:  "Dry Socks"
    Artist:  "Aphelion" (Daryl Danks & Bethan Collier)
    Soundcloud:  Click Here

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    [BEST OF] Robots In My Head: Deep Brain Stimulation (EP298 Rerun)

    [BEST OF] Robots In My Head: Deep Brain Stimulation (EP298 Rerun)

    Mental health is an umbrella term that spans a spectrum of severity. But when it comes to treatment-resistant major depressive disorder, it's a whole other ball game. A former healthcare communications executive, Jon Nelson is a living, breathing example of hope and progress in the mental health ecosystem. Joining Jon is Dr. Helen Mayberg, a neurologist, and psychiatrist at the Nash Family Center for Advanced Circuit Therapeutics. Learn how the latest advances in Deep brain stimulation (DBS) practically cure suicidal patients like Jon, but not without a considerable asterisk around access, approval loopholes, coverage, emerging skepticism, and, of course, massive stigma.

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