
    Podcast Summary

    • Bodybuilder's Mindset and DeterminationDeveloping a strong mindset and determination from a young age played a crucial role in this bodybuilder's success in bodybuilding. His dedication helped him make an impact and reach great heights, but as he aged, his priorities shifted towards functional training and health-related goals.

      Determination and a strong mindset played a crucial role in the success of this bodybuilder's career. He developed these qualities at a young age, having grown up in a challenging environment and feeling the need to change his life. His extreme dedication to bodybuilding helped him make an impact on the scene and reach great heights. However, as he aged, his priorities shifted towards functional training and health-related goals, recognizing that the physique he once strived for was not practical for everyday life. The interview also highlights the impact of magazines and media on inspiring aspiring bodybuilders and the importance of mental fortitude in achieving success in any field.

    • The power of dedication and intense workouts in bodybuildingThrough intense workouts and proper recovery, one can build muscle effectively in a short time. Dedication and focus are crucial in bodybuilding success.

      Extreme dedication and a focus on intense, short workouts, coupled with proper recovery time, are key to achieving success in bodybuilding. The interviewee shares his experience of learning about training and nutrition independently, and how he was able to compete in a world championship just 18 months after starting, due to his unwavering commitment and intensity in the gym. He emphasizes the importance of allowing the body to recover between workouts, using the analogy of sandpaper and a hand to illustrate the need for rest before growth can occur. Ultimately, it's not about pushing yourself to the limit every day, but rather finding the right balance of stress and recovery to build muscle effectively.

    • Focusing on the negative part of a rep for total failure trainingEffective training goes beyond lifting weights to failure, focusing on the lowering part for maximum muscle exhaustion, known as total failure training.

      Effective training goes beyond just lifting weights to failure. It's essential to focus on the negative part of the rep, the lowering, by slowing it down and exhausting the muscles in that movement. This approach, known as total failure training, was developed through trial and error and refined from earlier training methods. The speaker, a bodybuilder, shares how he adopted this method during his competitive years but later shifted to yoga for injury recovery and overall wellness. Yoga offers physical benefits like increased range of motion and mobility, as well as spiritual aspects. The speaker emphasizes the importance of adapting training methods to current needs and considering long-term health implications.

    • Focus on overall fitness, not just target areasEngage various muscles, improve fitness, and avoid injury by incorporating diverse activities into your workout routine.

      The body functions as a connected system, and working out should focus on engaging various muscles and improving overall fitness rather than just targeting specific areas. The speaker shares his personal experience of learning this after suffering injuries, which led him to explore activities like yoga, cycling, and living in a place with good weather for outdoor pursuits. He also discusses the potential of new surgeries and treatments, such as stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma, for repairing damaged tissue. The speaker's situation is similar to that of many bodybuilders, who put immense stress on their joints and may face mobility issues in retirement. Ronnie Coleman, a former Mr. Olympia, is an example of this, having undergone multiple back surgeries and hip replacements due to the strain of heavy weightlifting.

    • Maintaining mobility and preventing injuriesIncorporating methods like hanging, inversion tables, exercises, addressing muscle imbalances, and considering regenerative treatments can help alleviate or reverse damage to the body, especially the spine, and prevent injuries.

      Maintaining mobility and preventing injuries through various methods, such as hanging, inversion tables, and specific exercises, can help alleviate or even reverse damage to the body, especially the spine. The discussion also highlighted the importance of addressing imbalances in muscle development and focusing on strengthening smaller muscles and tendons to avoid injuries. Additionally, the potential of regenerative treatments, like stem cell therapy, was mentioned as a promising solution for damaged joints, although it's not widely adopted due to legal and financial challenges.

    • The importance of self-discovery and personal investment in bodybuildingIn the 80s, bodybuilders relied on self-discovery, goal setting, and record keeping for success. Today, athletes often rely on coaches, but the speaker argues personal investment leads to greater growth.

      The bodybuilding scene has evolved significantly since the 80s, with more resources, knowledge, and preventive measures available. Back then, individuals like the speaker had to figure things out on their own, but now, athletes often rely on coaches and trainers, which some argue takes away from the learning experience. The speaker emphasized the importance of self-discovery, goal setting, and keeping records of workouts and diet. He believes that this level of personal investment and accountability led to greater success and growth. However, he also noted that the financial gains often go to the coaches rather than the competitors. The speaker's personal training logs from the 80s serve as a testament to his dedication and commitment to the craft.

    • Writing down clear, specific goals strengthens focus and commitmentSetting and committing to goals on paper can make a big difference in achieving them, providing a tangible reminder and source of motivation.

      Setting and writing down clear, specific goals can significantly strengthen your mental focus and commitment to achieving them. It provides a tangible reminder of your intentions and acts as a source of motivation and motivation. Whether it's quitting a bad habit, winning a contest, or reaching a personal milestone, the simple act of committing to a goal on paper can make all the difference. It's like having a map and a plan to reach your destination instead of setting sail without one. Remember, having a plan and taking action towards your goals is crucial to making progress. As the speaker emphasized, "Everything needs a plan."

    • Bodybuilding's Evolution: From Maximum Effort to Cosmetic ApproachBodybuilding has shifted from a focus on maximum effort and pushing limits to a more cosmetic approach, potentially due to societal pressures and reliance on performance-enhancing drugs. Innovation in training methods is lacking among champions.

      Bodybuilding has evolved over the years, leading to different categories like men's physique and classic bodybuilding. The focus has shifted from pushing the limits of what's possible to a more cosmetic approach. The passion and dedication to pushing one's body to the max, as exemplified by legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Platz, seems to be missing in today's bodybuilding scene. This change could be a reflection of society's desire for quick fame and easy success. Modern bodybuilders may rely more on performance-enhancing drugs for systemic growth, leading to a less appealing look. The lack of innovation in training methods among bodybuilding champions is also noteworthy.

    • Performance-enhancing drugs: From hidden to mainstreamPeople use performance-enhancing drugs for various reasons, including cosmetic enhancement and quick results. Once started, it's hard to stop due to the attention, respect, and self-confidence boost they receive, creating a cycle of use.

      The use of performance-enhancing drugs, such as steroids, has become increasingly mainstream in various industries like bodybuilding, Hollywood, and music. Initially, it was kept hidden, but now it's more openly discussed and accepted. People take these substances for various reasons, including cosmetic enhancement and quick results. Once someone starts using these drugs, it can be challenging to stop due to the attention, respect, and self-confidence boost they receive. The fear of losing these benefits keeps individuals on the "merry-go-round" of using performance-enhancing drugs. The speaker, who used steroids for competitive bodybuilding, emphasized that he stopped using them once he was done competing. He saw his bodybuilding journey as an art project and didn't need the enhanced physique for everyday life. However, for others, the enhanced appearance becomes an essential part of their identity, making it difficult to abandon.

    • Personal growth through intense pursuits and the challenge of retirementIntense goals bring growth, but retirement can lead to identity crisis. Find new passions to fill the void and remember the value of purpose and focus.

      The drive to pursue a goal, even if it's something as intense as becoming a bodybuilder or a professional athlete, can bring about significant personal growth and positive change in one's life. However, retirement from such pursuits can be a challenging transition, leading to feelings of identity crisis and loss. It's essential to find new passions and interests to fill the void left by the retired goal, and to remember that there are countless opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment in life beyond the arena of competition. The speaker's experience of winning the British Championship despite living in poverty, and later struggling with retirement and identity, highlights the importance of maintaining a sense of purpose and focus even in the face of adversity.

    • The importance of knowing when to move onEmbrace new experiences, have no regrets, and find satisfaction in the journey, even when it's time to move on from something you've dedicated your life to.

      Knowing when to step down and move on from something, even if it's something you've dedicated your life to, is essential. The interviewee shares his experience of injury and retirement from bodybuilding, and how he dealt with it by starting a nutrition company and embracing new experiences. He emphasizes the importance of giving it your all and having no regrets, rather than dwelling on what could have been. Muscle memory in bodybuilding allows for a quick return to form after a long break, and examples like Arnold Schwarzenegger's comebacks illustrate this. Overall, the interviewee encourages young people to put in their best effort and find satisfaction in the journey, rather than dwelling on the end.

    • The drive to win can lead to calculated risks with negative health consequences, like using steroidsThe desire to succeed can push individuals to make risky decisions, such as using performance-enhancing drugs, despite potential long-term health consequences.

      The drive to win, whether in sports or business, can lead individuals to make calculated risks with potential negative health consequences. The discussion revolved around bodybuilding and the use of steroids. The speaker shared his personal experience of starting to use steroids after 18 months of training, feeling pressured to keep up with others. He began with a small dose of D-ball and later switched to Anavar and Primabolin closer to his contest. The speaker also mentioned that even fitness and bikini chicks use steroids to look leaner and harder. He explained that anabolic steroids are derived from testosterone, and while less androgenic, they still carry male side effects. The speaker acknowledged the mentality of wanting to win at all costs, even if it means risking long-term health effects. He compared this mentality to Goldman's Dilemma, a study where athletes were asked if they would take a pill to guarantee a win, despite the risk of dying young. The speaker considered his use of steroids a calculated risk, but acknowledged the potential long-term health consequences, comparing it to smoking. He also mentioned Chris Bell's documentary "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" as a recommended resource for further understanding the topic.

    • Health Risks of Performance-Enhancing Substances in SportsDiuretics and steroids can lead to serious health risks including electrolyte imbalances, heart complications, and long-term health consequences. UFC's strict testing and penalties have decreased usage, but athletes may still take risks for competitive advantage.

      While diuretics and steroids are commonly used in bodybuilding and other sports to achieve a desirable physical appearance or performance enhancement, they come with significant health risks. Diuretics can lead to electrolyte imbalances and potentially fatal heart complications, while steroids can have long-term health consequences and may lead to unfair competition. The UFC, in an effort to combat the use of performance-enhancing substances, has implemented rigorous random testing and harsh penalties, leading to a decrease in usage. However, the desire to win and the pressure to perform can make athletes take risks despite the potential health hazards.

    • Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Performance EnhancementAthletes seek natural ways to boost testosterone levels, but performance-enhancing drugs like insulin carry risks and may not provide desired muscle quality.

      Testosterone replacement therapy was once used in sports to enhance performance, but it's no longer allowed due to the potential damage caused to the pituitary gland from head trauma. Some athletes seek natural ways to increase testosterone levels through supplements like diaspartic acid and herbs, as well as high-intensity exercise. The use of performance-enhancing drugs like insulin, however, comes with significant risks and may not yield the desired quality of muscle. The speaker, a bodybuilder, shares his personal experience of using large quantities of testosterone and other supplements during his competitive career, and expresses his opinion against the use of insulin due to its risks and lack of benefits.

    • Focus on lower reps and longer rest periods for powerFighters can increase punch power without adding weight by training with fewer reps and longer rest periods, while also strengthening internal muscles and core for optimal punching power.

      For fighters looking to increase power behind their punches without adding muscle size and weight, a strength training regimen focusing on lower reps and longer rest periods may be more effective than traditional high-rep bodybuilding workouts. This approach, which is foreign to many in the MMA community, can help fighters stay in their weight class while maintaining strength and power. Additionally, internal musculature and core strength are crucial for generating power in a punch, not just the size of muscles like biceps. Examples of athletes who have successfully employed this strategy include Fedor Emelianenko and Tyron Woodley.

    • Natural advantages in bodybuildingGenetics impact potential success in bodybuilding, but dedication and effort can help overcome limitations.

      While everyone can improve their physique and get better in bodybuilding, some people have natural advantages due to genetics such as bone structure, muscle bellies length, and metabolism. These factors can significantly impact one's potential to become a competitive bodybuilder. It's essential to understand that not everyone can achieve the same level of success, and it's important to be realistic about one's goals. Being born with a good frame, long muscle bellies, and a good metabolism can give one a better chance of success in bodybuilding. However, even if one doesn't have all these factors, they can still improve and enjoy their training. It's also crucial to be smart, hardworking, and committed to the process. Ultimately, genetics play a role, but dedication and effort can help overcome some limitations.

    • Natural abilities and genetics impact success in sportsSuccess in sports requires a combination of natural abilities, dedication, and the ability to withstand physical and mental challenges. Genetics can give an edge, but hard work and determination can lead to unexpected victories.

      Genetics and natural abilities play a significant role in success, especially in competitive sports. Michael Jordan's superior genetics made him unbeatable in basketball, just as Mark Hunt's strength and resilience made him a top kickboxer. However, dedication and hard work can still lead to unexpected victories, as seen in the English gypsy fight. Additionally, the brain's ability to absorb punishment has limits, and fighters may experience shutdowns to protect themselves. While some sports may be safer than others, all have inherent risks, and moderation is key to minimizing harm. Ultimately, success in competitive sports requires a combination of natural ability, dedication, and the ability to withstand the physical and mental challenges.

    • Short interval training as an alternative to endurance activities10-minute high-intensity workouts with recovery periods can improve cardiovascular health and lower resting heart rate, producing fewer free radicals compared to long endurance activities

      While endurance activities like marathon running have their benefits, they also come with the downside of producing a large amount of free radicals that can accelerate aging. A more efficient alternative is short interval training, which provides similar cardiovascular benefits in a shorter time frame and produces fewer free radicals. For instance, a 10-minute workout consisting of short bursts of high-intensity activity followed by recovery periods can significantly improve cardiovascular health and lower resting heart rate. Additionally, bodybuilders, who require efficient cardiovascular systems due to the high oxygen demands of their workouts, can benefit from short interval training as well. Studies have shown that even four or five-minute workouts can yield comparable results to longer sessions. Ultimately, the goal is to maximize the benefits of exercise while minimizing the negatives.

    • Maintaining muscle mass during calorie restrictionGradual weight loss, high protein diets, and proper macronutrient balance are essential for muscle mass maintenance during calorie restriction.

      Maintaining muscle mass while cutting calories involves a careful balance. While anabolic steroids can help preserve muscle, excessive calorie restriction and intense exercise can still lead to muscle loss. Fighters, for example, have learned that starving themselves before a fight can result in weakened performance. A more sustainable approach is to lose weight gradually, keeping the body from going into shock. Nutrition plays a crucial role, with high protein diets being essential for muscle growth, and carbohydrates important for glycogen storage and muscle volume. The balance between different macronutrients can vary depending on the individual's goals and the specific phase of competition. It's also important to note that dietary trends and misinformation, such as the long-standing stigma against dietary fats, can influence nutritional approaches. Understanding the science behind muscle mass maintenance and nutrition can help individuals make informed decisions for their own health and fitness journeys.

    • Misleading focus on low-fat foodsA balanced approach to nutrition, including healthy fats and complex carbs, is recommended over focusing solely on low-fat foods.

      Focusing solely on low-fat foods for health can be misleading, as many of these products are high in sugar, which can contribute to weight gain. A more balanced approach to nutrition, including natural sources of healthy fats and complex carbohydrates, is recommended. The speaker also emphasized the importance of mental strength in sticking to a challenging diet, especially during competition preparation. In his current holistic approach to life, the speaker focuses on functionality, health, and well-being rather than competitive bodybuilding. He encourages young bodybuilders to seek specific advice for their goals, while acknowledging the extreme nature of his past accomplishments.

    • Bodybuilding: Pushing Limits and Adapting to StressBodybuilding is an ongoing process of stressing the body to adapt, get bigger and stronger, with the core principle remaining the same despite changing trends.

      Bodybuilding is about pushing your limits and adapting to stress. The speaker, a bodybuilder, discussed his intense training regimen and the importance of visual appearance in determining body fat levels. He mentioned using experience to determine water intake and training frequency, which caused significant discomfort but led to growth and improvement. Bodybuilding, he explained, is an ongoing process of stressing the body to adapt and get bigger and stronger. However, the landscape of bodybuilding has changed since the 90s, with more options like MMA, CrossFit, and men's physique competitions available, potentially leading to less interest in traditional bodybuilding. Despite these changes, the core principle of pushing one's limits and adapting to stress remains the same.

    • Bodybuilding: Size, Health Risks, and RetirementBodybuilding involves using various substances to enhance size and appearance, but long-term health risks and emotional challenges during retirement are concerns.

      Bodybuilding is a challenging sport where size often matters, but the industry has evolved with more avenues, leading to different body types and debates about health risks. The speaker shares his personal experience of bodybuilding and retirement, mentioning the impact of steroids and growth hormones on body appearance. He also discusses the potential reasons for the bloated look in bodybuilders, such as insulin, water retention, or fat build-up around internal organs. The speaker expresses concern about the long-term effects of these substances on health and the debate surrounding their use. Additionally, he reflects on his retirement and the emotional challenges he faced during the process, including depression and anxiety.

    • Struggling with Steroid RecoveryComing off steroids can lead to health issues and a long recovery process. Seek professional guidance for a safer transition.

      Coming off steroid use can lead to significant health issues and a prolonged recovery process. The speaker shared his personal experience of experiencing symptoms for up to two years after stopping, despite not having any traumatic events happening in his life at the time. At the time, there was limited information available on how to safely come off steroids, and the bodybuilding community did not have established methods for gradual cycling off. The speaker also discussed the societal stigma surrounding steroid use and the lack of support or understanding from medical professionals during his recovery. Today, there is more information available online, but it's important to note that coming off steroids can still be a challenging process, and individuals may benefit from seeking professional guidance.

    • History of Anabolic Steroids in SportsAnabolic steroids, developed in the 1950s, have been used in sports for their muscle-building effects. Despite warnings of side effects, their use became widespread. Legal status varies, but transparency and education are crucial.

      Anabolic steroids have been used in bodybuilding and other sports since at least the early 1960s. They were developed as a refined version of testosterone, with a greater emphasis on the anabolic effects and a reduced emphasis on the androgenic side effects. John Sigler is believed to have developed Dynabol for the US weightlifting team around 1958. Despite early warnings of potential side effects and a disclaimer stating that steroids do not increase athletic performance, many athletes continued to use them. The use of steroids became more widespread and less regulated in the following decades, with some athletes obtaining them from their gyms. The legality and regulation of steroids vary from country to country, but in some places, they are perfectly legal for personal use. However, the issue is not just about the use of steroids, but also about the truthful communication of their effects to the public. The speaker believes that all drugs should be legal as long as there is proper education and transparency.

    • Portugal's drug decriminalization: Focusing on health and social outcomesPortugal's approach to drug decriminalization prioritizes education, treatment, and re-integration, resulting in improved public health and social outcomes.

      Portugal's decriminalization of drugs, particularly marijuana, has led to significant improvements in public health and social outcomes. By focusing on education, treatment, and re-integration, Portugal has seen a decrease in drug-related issues and an increase in people getting back on their feet. Meanwhile, the debate around steroid use and its potential health risks continues, with some evidence suggesting a link to heart disease. The speaker's personal journey with psychedelic drugs, such as DMT and ayahuasca, has led him to new perspectives and a deeper understanding of the world. While these experiences can be transformative, the speaker notes that the information gained is not easily retained upon returning to everyday life.

    • Psychedelic experiences offer personal insights and healingPsychedelics like DMT and Ayahuasca can help individuals face past traumas, gain new perspectives, and improve emotional understanding. However, these experiences require careful preparation and support due to their intensity.

      Psychedelic experiences, particularly with DMT and Ayahuasca, can lead to profound personal insights and healing. These substances can help individuals face and process traumas from their past, leading to a new perspective on life and improved emotional understanding. However, the experiences can be intense and sometimes overwhelming, requiring careful preparation and support. While some people may only need one experience to gain significant benefits, others may require multiple sessions or longer-term therapies like Ayahuasca retreats. Ultimately, these substances can be transformative, helping individuals to see things from other people's perspectives and leading to personal growth and development.

    • Childhood experiences shaped by large father's presence, now using platform for spiritual growthDespite unusual childhood experiences, speaker uses platform to promote spirituality, reality, and consciousness awakening. DMT use leads to profound personal growth, but more people, including politicians, should experience it.

      The size of one's persona and experiences, no matter how unusual, can have a profound impact on others. The speaker's experiences with a large father and his own presence led to feelings of unease for him as a child. However, in his adult life, he has used his platform to help spread messages of spirituality, reality, and consciousness awakening, touching the lives of many people. The use of psychedelics, particularly DMT, has been a catalyst for personal growth and understanding, although the speaker wishes more people, including politicians, could experience it to broaden their perspectives. The speaker's descriptions of DMT experiences defy conventional language, but the connection between breath, movement, and music during these experiences have left a lasting impact on him. Through the use of shamanic practices, the speaker has found a way to enhance and guide these experiences, further deepening his understanding and connection to the world around him.

    • Our thoughts and emotions shape our realityRecognizing the power of positive thinking can help navigate challenging experiences and shape a better reality

      Our thoughts and emotions have a real impact on our reality, shaping our experiences and interactions with the world around us. This was exemplified in the speaker's personal experiences with DMT, where negative thinking led to dark and threatening images, while positive thinking brought about beautiful and geometric ones. This concept, though it may seem hippie or spiritual, is now being supported by scientific discoveries, such as the idea that reality is a self-correcting computer code. Our thoughts and actions, therefore, play a significant role in shaping the program of our reality. Conflict and negative thinking can be particularly damaging as they become a part of our system, affecting us deeply. By recognizing this and staying relaxed and positive, we can navigate the "valley of the shadow of death" and emerge into a better experience.

    • Experiences with DMT and sensory deprivation can be difficult to define as real or hallucinationDMT and sensory deprivation experiences can lead to profound shifts in perspective and understanding, challenging our definition of reality

      Certain experiences, like those described with DMT, may be difficult to define as real or hallucination. Some people claim these experiences connect them with a divine force or another dimension, while others may view them as drug-induced hallucinations. Regardless of the interpretation, these experiences often lead to profound shifts in perspective and understanding. The speaker's friend Doug Stanhope, for instance, had a harrowing yet ultimately rewarding experience with DMT, despite his unhealthy lifestyle. Floating in a sensory deprivation tank, as the speaker did, can also lead to transformative experiences. Ultimately, these experiences challenge our understanding of reality and offer a glimpse into the mysterious and unknown.

    • Enhancing the Isolation Tank Experience with MarijuanaUsing marijuana, especially edibles, can intensify the sensory deprivation tank experience by making thoughts more powerful and immersive.

      The experience in a sensory deprivation tank, also known as an isolation tank, can be enhanced by using marijuana, particularly edibles. The speaker shares his personal experience of being underwhelmed during his first session without any preparation or enhancement. He suggests that the isolation tank experience involves relaxing and settling in, with layers to explore and deeper levels to reach. The speaker, who owns an isolation tank, often uses it while high to intensify the effects and have full-blown psychedelic experiences. He believes that the absence of visual and auditory input in the tank makes other thoughts more powerful. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of considering one's thoughts and perspectives in stand-up comedy and how the isolation tank can help in that regard. Overall, the use of marijuana in an isolation tank can intensify the experience and make it more immersive and impactful.

    • Impact of Environment on Mental ProcessesAllowing focus and minimizing distractions can enhance decision-making, while reactivity to external stimuli can hinder it. Ideal leaders should set positive standards and rise above conflict.

      Our physical environment and sensory input significantly impact our mental processes. When we remove distractions and allow ourselves to focus, we can make clearer decisions and think more resourcefully. However, constant reactivity to external stimuli can lead to poor decision-making and anxiety. This concept is relevant to the presidency, as some individuals, like Donald Trump, have been criticized for their reactive and divisive behavior on social media. The ideal leader should be able to rise above the conflict and set positive standards for their followers. The speaker also expresses skepticism towards the power and influence of the presidency, suggesting that other forces may be at play. Ultimately, change, whether positive or negative, often moves slowly in society, and sudden, rapid changes can be unsettling for many people.

    • Distractions and Complexity in Societal IssuesDiscussed the role of distractions in keeping public distracted from larger societal issues and the historical impact of propaganda and industrial interests on shaping perceptions and policies around substances like hemp.

      The complex nature of societal issues and power dynamics can make it difficult to attribute control to one person or group. The discussion touched upon the idea that distractions, such as political debates and prohibitions on substances like marijuana, serve to keep the public entertained and distracted from larger, more complicated issues. The conversation also explored the historical impact of propaganda and industrial interests on shaping public perception and policy around substances like hemp. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the intricacy of societal structures and the challenges in understanding the true motivations and influences behind various events.

    • The Legalization of Cannabis: Economic and Social ImplicationsCannabis legalization brings economic benefits through tax revenue and social benefits through health improvements, but faces resistance due to financial interests.

      The legalization of cannabis in various states in the US is a significant trend that has gained momentum in recent years, driven by growing awareness of its potential benefits and the influx of investment money. The speaker shares his personal experience of selling hemp protein and the challenges they faced sourcing it legally when it was still illegal to grow in America. He also highlights the economic implications of legalization, with states like Colorado using the tax revenue to fund public services. The speaker also shares anecdotes of people using cannabis to cure health conditions, including cancer, and the resistance from mainstream media and pharmaceutical companies to acknowledge its curative properties due to the potential financial impact on their businesses. The speaker expresses frustration with the attempts to patent and modify the plant for commercial gain, arguing that the plant is perfect as it is and that attempts to alter it for profit are misguided. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that the legalization of cannabis is a positive trend that has the potential to bring about significant social and economic benefits, but that it is being met with resistance from various quarters due to financial interests.

    • Cannabis: A Natural Health SupplementCannabis is a natural health supplement with antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Users report relief from pain, anxiety, and improved mental clarity. Research suggests it may be more effective than other supplements. Strategic use can enhance overall well-being.

      Cannabis, a plant naturally grown from the ground, is considered by some to be the most powerful health supplement due to its antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Users report relief from pain, anxiety, and mental clarity, and studies suggest it may be more effective than other supplements. Despite common misconceptions, cannabis can be used strategically for specific purposes and in moderation, enhancing overall well-being. As more research emerges, it's crucial to challenge long-held misinformation and consider the potential benefits of this natural substance.

    • Marijuana's effect on lung health is more complex than believedContrary to popular belief, long-term marijuana smoking may not lead to decreased lung function or increased cancer risk, but could even slightly improve it.

      Despite common beliefs, marijuana, when smoked responsibly, may have positive effects on lung health. Contrary to popular belief, a study conducted over 20 years following tobacco, marijuana, and tobacco-marijuana users, revealed that daily marijuana smoking over 20 years did not result in increased cancer or loss of lung function. Instead, there was a slight increase in lung function as compared to non-smokers. This is due to the bronchodilating properties of marijuana, which keeps dilating and improving lung functionality over time. It's important to note that this refers to smoking marijuana in its pure form and not mixing it with tobacco. As more people become educated about the potential benefits of marijuana, the perception of it as a harmful drug is shifting.

    • Effects of Cannabis on AthletesCannabis can enhance focus and endurance during physical activities, help manage pain, and potentially have neuroprotective properties for athletes, but its use remains illegal in many places, creating a complex legal landscape.

      The use of cannabis, whether through smoking or extracts like dabbing, can have different effects on the body and mind. While smoking weed is often seen as more relaxing, dabbing can provide an intense energy boost, helping to improve focus and endurance during physical activities. Some athletes, particularly in bodybuilding and martial arts, have reported using cannabis to help manage pain and relax before competition, despite the stigma surrounding its use in professional sports. Studies suggest that cannabis may have neuroprotective properties, which could potentially help athletes recover from injuries or reduce the risk of brain damage. However, while some countries like Spain and Holland have more lenient laws regarding cannabis use, it remains illegal in many places, leading to a complex and often contradictory legal landscape.

    • Marijuana Legalization: Economic Impact and Challenges with EdiblesMarijuana legalization brings economic benefits but edibles require caution due to delayed onset and unpredictable effects, potentially deterring some users. Consumers should approach edibles with care and patience.

      The legalization of marijuana is having a significant economic impact in places like Canada and Colorado. The industry is vast and encompasses more than just growing, with various products like edibles leading to unique challenges for consumers. While edibles can be enjoyable, they require caution due to the delayed onset and unpredictable effects. The potential for negative experiences, particularly with edibles, could deter some people from trying cannabis again. Despite the potential risks, marijuana is generally considered a relatively harmless substance with no known lethal dose. Consumers should approach edibles with care and patience, allowing enough time for the effects to fully kick in before consuming more.

    • Exploring the Enhancement of Marijuana on Experiences and Introducing Super LeagueThe speaker advocates for the benefits of marijuana in enhancing experiences like working out, traveling, and enjoying food and music. He also introduces Super League, a new competition combining bodybuilding and strength athletics, and encourages participation for those not interested in traditional bodybuilding competitions.

      The speaker values the enhancing effects of marijuana on various experiences, including working out, traveling, and enjoying music and food. He also promotes a new competition called Super League, which combines bodybuilding and strength athletics, and encourages athletic individuals who may not want to compete in traditional bodybuilding competitions to participate. The first Super League event will take place in Las Vegas on Saturday, October 29, 2022, at the City Athletic Club gym. Interested individuals can learn more and register at the Super League Live website. The speaker also mentions that he will be attending the UFC event in Anaheim on the same day and invites Joe Rogan to Super League. Overall, the speaker expresses excitement and enthusiasm for both marijuana and the new competition.

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    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Download our FREE week of gym workouts and get a program that WORKS: https://nextstepnutrition.co.uk/freeworkouts/ 

    Struggling with sabotage mode, time management and stress eating? Download our FREE video course: https://nextstepnutrition.co.uk/mbhtoolkit/ 

    Get into your best ever shape and actually STAY that way for good: https://nextstepnutrition.co.uk/nsncoaching/ 

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    Email: zussman13@gmail.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gal.zussman/

    Thank you to Epidemic Sound for the intro/outro music.  https://www.epidemicsound.com/

    Thank you, Mike Russell, for that AMAZING outro:  https://musicradiocreative.com

    Thank you again to Mike Russell from https://musicradiocreative.com for that AWESOME PODCAST INTRODUCTION !!!!

    I use Squad Cast for all my remote interviews.  Great audio and it saves locally on both ends! If you are interested in Squad Cast, check out my link:  https://squadcast.fm/?ref=pedropena

    For correspondence/inquiries/merchandise: Pedro Peña, PO Box 1585, La Porte, Texas USA 77572