
    99 | Scott Aaronson on Complexity, Computation, and Quantum Gravity

    enJune 01, 2020
    What is the main benefit of using Indeed for hiring?
    Who is Scott Aronson and what does he study?
    What is the firewall paradox related to black holes?
    How does quantum mechanics relate to information retention?
    What shift in focus occurred regarding computational complexity in physics?

    Podcast Summary

    • Find high-quality candidates efficiently using IndeedUtilize Indeed for hiring to access over 350 million monthly visitors and a matching engine, delivering the best matches compared to other job sites. Mindscape listeners receive a special offer of a $75 sponsored job credit to boost job visibility.

      When it comes to hiring, instead of actively searching for candidates, utilize a platform like Indeed. With over 350 million monthly visitors and a matching engine, Indeed helps you find high-quality candidates efficiently. Plus, 93% of employers agree that Indeed delivers the best matches compared to other job sites. For Mindscape listeners, there's a special offer of a $75 sponsored job credit to boost your job's visibility on Indeed.com/mindscape. In the realm of problem-solving, computer scientists, specifically those in theoretical computer science, focus on understanding the computational complexity of problems. Scott Aronson, a world-renowned computer scientist from the University of Texas at Austin, is an expert in this field. He discusses intriguing problems such as P versus NP and quantum complexity theory. While quantum computers may offer some speedups, the potential is not as exaggerated as often claimed. Moreover, progress in this area has been slow, leaving many results unproven. For those interested in making a mark in a new and emerging field, quantum mechanics and quantum gravity are fascinating areas to explore. Scott's expertise spans various fields, making him an invaluable resource when discussing these complex topics. Tune in to the Mindscape podcast to learn more from Scott and gain insights into the biggest ideas in the universe.

    • Understanding the resources needed to solve a problem in theoretical computer scienceTheoretical computer science focuses on analyzing the resources, specifically time and memory, needed to solve a problem as it scales in size. The goal is to find algorithms with polynomial scaling, which offers significant improvements in resource usage compared to exponential scaling.

      In theoretical computer science, computational complexity refers to the resources needed to solve a problem, specifically focusing on how these resources scale as problem sizes increase. The most common resources of concern are time and memory. Complexity analysis goes beyond just providing specific resource requirements for a given problem size, but rather examines the rate at which these resources grow. For instance, an algorithm that can determine if a number is prime, whose input size is the number's length, is preferred if its time and memory requirements grow only as a fixed power of the problem size. This is known as polynomial scaling. On the other hand, an algorithm with exponential scaling is considered extremely difficult to solve, as its resource requirements grow exponentially with the problem size. In practical terms, the focus is on finding algorithms with polynomial scaling, as they offer significant improvements in resource usage compared to exponential scaling. This is the dividing line in theoretical computer science, and while there are intermediate possibilities, the primary goal is to find the most efficient polynomial algorithm for solving important problems. This constant quest for improvement drives the field of theoretical computer science, as researchers strive to shave off logs in resource requirements and make previously intractable problems solvable.

    • Understanding the complexities of computational problemsStudying computational problems can reveal general principles and deeper structures, similar to taxonomist work in biology. This field began with Alan Turing's work in the 1930s and is essential for modern technology understanding.

      The complexity of solving certain computational problems depends on both finding the fastest algorithm and proving that no better one exists. However, proving a negative is much harder than finding a solution. In the world of computer science, researchers often encounter a set of problems that are "computer friendly," meaning they can be precisely defined and have underlying structure. By studying these problems, researchers hope to uncover general principles and deeper structures. This is similar to the work of a taxonomist in biology, who seeks to classify and understand patterns in the natural world. The Science of Information from The Great Courses Plus is an excellent resource for those interested in learning more about the principles of information and computation. This streaming service offers a free trial of unlimited access to a vast library of introductory college-level courses on various topics, including science, math, and information theory. By studying the complexities of computational problems, we gain a deeper understanding of the theoretical foundations of modern technology. This field of study began with Alan Turing's work in the 1930s, and his concept of a Turing machine laid the groundwork for modern computers. In essence, the challenges we face in solving computational problems are an integral part of the intellectual journey in understanding the fundamental principles of information and computation.

    • The Limits of Computers in Solving Mathematical ProblemsComputers can't solve all mathematical problems due to limitations like the halting problem, requiring human creativity and intuition.

      While all computers have the potential to solve complex functions given enough time and resources, there are certain problems, like the halting problem, that cannot be solved by any algorithm or computer, no matter how powerful. These problems, such as the Riemann hypothesis, encode significant mathematical questions that cannot be answered by a machine, requiring human creativity and intuition. Creativity, in this context, refers to the ability to go beyond mechanical algorithms and introduce new ideas or axioms. Penrose's argument, which asserts human creativity cannot be simulated by machines, can be related to the halting problem, as humans can sometimes intuitively know the truth or falsehood of certain statements that computers cannot determine. However, the idea of humans being infallible in mathematics is a debatable concept, and Penrose's argument requires further examination. Ultimately, the boundary between what computers and humans can achieve highlights the importance of both in the realm of mathematics and problem-solving.

    • The difference between human and machine capabilities raises questions about computability and successComputability is crucial for determining if problems are efficiently solvable by computers, leading to the distinction between polynomial and exponential complexity

      While computers can be programmed to follow strict rules and algorithms, humans have the ability to learn from experience, make mistakes, and even give up when faced with unsolvable problems. This fundamental difference between humans and machines raises questions about the definition of success and the limitations of computability. Historically, the focus on computability led to the realization that not only is it important to determine if something is computable at all, but also if it is efficiently computable to avoid a brute force checking of astronomical possibilities. This insight led to the distinction between polynomial and exponential computational complexity. In essence, polynomial complexity refers to problems that can be solved with a reasonable amount of time and resources, while exponential complexity implies that the time and resources required grow at an unreasonable rate. Understanding these computability classes is crucial for navigating the complex landscape of what is computationally feasible.

    • The relationship between polynomial time and polynomial spacePolynomial time is contained within polynomial space, but it's not clear if the reverse is true. This question is significant as it could imply the existence of efficient algorithms for certain problems, but the answer remains an open question.

      Polynomial time and polynomial space are related concepts in computer science, but their equality is an open question. Polynomial time refers to the amount of time it takes for a computer to solve a problem, while polynomial space refers to the amount of memory needed. Polynomial time is contained within polynomial space, but it's not clear whether the reverse is true. This question is significant because if polynomial time and polynomial space were equal, it would imply the existence of efficient algorithms for solving certain problems, such as perfectly playing games of perfect information, which is currently not known to be possible. Additionally, the relationship between time and space in computing becomes more complex when comparing different resources. We do know that exponential time is greater than polynomial time and exponential space is greater than polynomial space, but determining the equality of polynomial time and polynomial space, or polynomial time and exponential space, remains an open question. It's important to note that these concepts are fundamental in understanding the limits of computation.

    • Unexpected discoveries in mathematicsMathematicians should remain open to surprising discoveries, even in the most theoretical fields, as past discoveries have shown unexpected results and redefined our understanding.

      Even in the realm of pure mathematics, where proofs and theories reign supreme, there is still room for surprises and unexpected discoveries. The speaker acknowledges that there are opinions and beliefs about certain unproven theories, but emphasizes the importance of being prepared for potential surprises and unexpected findings. The comparison is drawn to empirical science, where assumptions are taken as well-supported, and there is a hierarchy of surprisingness. The speaker shares examples of past discoveries that were surprising but not as shocking as some theoretical findings could be. They also mention the anthropomorphic way they view complexity classes, with each having unique "powers" and personalities. The defining characteristic of complexity classes is what is provable within them. This perspective encourages a sense of curiosity and openness to new discoveries, even in the most theoretical of fields.

    • Understanding NP: A Complexity Class for Nondeterministic Polynomial ProblemsNP is a complexity class for problems that can be solved by nondeterministic algorithms and checked by polynomial time algorithms. Many common problems, such as jigsaw puzzles and Sudoku puzzles, are NP-complete, meaning that solving one can solve all NP problems in polynomial time.

      NP is a complexity class that stands for nondeterministic polynomial. A problem is in NP if the answer is yes, and someone can show you the solution that can be checked using a polynomial time algorithm. Examples include jigsaw puzzles, prime factorization, Sudoku puzzles, and optimization problems. NP is contained in PSPACE, and while p (polynomial) is believed to be contained in NP, it's not known for certain. The famous question is whether p equals NP, and while we believe that p is different from NP, we don't have a definitive proof yet. The surprise from the 1970s was that most NP problems have a special property called NP completeness, meaning that if one specific NP problem can be solved in polynomial time, then every NP problem can be solved in polynomial time as well. This connects the hardness of problems to each other.

    • Equivalence of Complex ProblemsDiscovering that some complex problems are equivalent can lead to practical insights and efficient solutions, just like empirical scientific discoveries.

      While some problems may appear different on the surface, they can be equivalent in terms of complexity. For instance, problems classified as NP complete, which include various optimization problems and puzzles, are all equivalent in the sense that a fast solution for one implies a fast solution for all. However, not all problems fall into this category. Some, like factoring, may be somewhere between P and NP complete. This discovery, which might seem abstract and theoretical, actually has practical implications and is comparable to discoveries made through empirical science. For example, just as we can learn about the expanding or contracting universe through observation, we can also gain valuable insights about the most efficient way to pack boxes into a trunk. In essence, mathematics, like empirical science, involves pushing against external constraints and discovering truths about the universe.

    • Universal mathematical concepts across civilizationsThe fundamental concepts of mathematics, like integers, Euclidean space, and complex numbers, are likely shared among intelligent civilizations due to their logical and ubiquitous nature.

      While the specific axioms and mathematical objects we use may not be universal, the fundamental concepts of mathematics, such as integers, Euclidean space, and complex numbers, are likely to be shared among intelligent civilizations due to their inherent logical and ubiquitous nature. The Pythagorean theorem, as an example of a logical consequence of certain axioms, is likely to be agreed upon by any civilization that accepts similar mathematical principles. However, the question of whether we and potential alien civilizations would have arrived at the same axioms is a more complex issue, and there may be some mathematical concepts unique to each civilization based on their specific physical and evolutionary contexts. Ultimately, the universality of certain mathematical concepts suggests a deep underlying logical structure to the universe that may be accessible to intelligent beings regardless of their specific physical or cultural contexts.

    • The connection between physics and computabilityTuring's definition of computability is invariant to physics, but efficient computability may depend on underlying physics. Quantum physics could expand what's computable in polynomial time, but it's unclear if quantum computers can solve more problems than classical computers.

      The connection between fundamental concepts in physics and computability is complex. While some concepts, like symmetry groups, may seem inherent to the deep understanding of physics, the relationship between physics and computability becomes more nuanced when considering efficient computability. Turing's definition of computability in the 1930s was surprisingly invariant to the details of physics, but once we ask about efficient computability, the answer may depend on the underlying physics. The shift from classical to quantum physics has the potential to enlarge what is computable in polynomial time, but this is still an open question. The class of problems solvable in polynomial time using a quantum computer is called BQP, and it is a quantum mechanical generalization of classical polynomial time. While a quantum computer can always efficiently simulate a classical computer, it's unclear if BQP is larger than P. The potential for quantum computers to solve problems that are intractable for classical computers is an exciting area of research.

    • Shor's Algorithm: A Quantum Advantage for Complex Problem SolvingShor's Algorithm, discovered in 1994, showcases quantum computers' potential to efficiently solve complex problems like factoring large numbers, surpassing classical computers' capabilities.

      Quantum computers have the potential to solve certain complex problems much more efficiently than classical computers. For instance, Shor's algorithm, discovered in 1994, demonstrated that factoring large numbers, which is a challenge for classical computers, can be accomplished using a quantum computer with a significantly smaller number of operations. However, it's important to note that not all problems can be solved more efficiently using quantum computers. Some problems, like the black box model, have proven advantages for quantum computers over classical ones in terms of query complexity, with some advantages being exponential. These discoveries highlight the potential of quantum computers to surpass classical computers in solving specific complex problems.

    • Understanding quantum computers' query complexityQuantum computers may offer exponential advantages in solving certain problems, but they cannot solve uncomputable problems or the halting problem. The relationship between P, BQP, and P space makes it uncertain if quantum computers are truly superior to classical computers.

      Query complexity, or the ability to answer questions, is a crucial aspect in understanding the potential advantages of quantum computers over classical computers. While quantum computers can solve certain problems exponentially faster than classical computers, they cannot solve uncomputable problems or the halting problem. Moreover, the fact that P (what a classical computer can do) is contained in BQP (what a quantum computer can do) and BQP is contained in P space, means that quantum computers could at most offer an exponential advantage in terms of running time in the real world. Additionally, the unsolved problem of proving that P is not equal to BQP and P is not equal to P space makes it difficult to definitively prove that quantum computers are superior to classical computers in the real world. The importance of the P versus NP problem lies in its potential implications, as a solution could lead to solving other significant problems and potentially even yielding financial gains.

    • Misconception about quantum computers solving NP-complete problemsQuantum computers don't directly solve NP-complete problems but can potentially offer advantages for specific optimization problems and quantum simulations.

      NP (nondeterministic polynomial time) and BQP (quantum polynomial time) are two different complexity classes that we believe are incomparable. NP refers to problems with easily checkable solutions, while BQP refers to problems easily solved by quantum computers. The common misconception is that quantum computers can easily solve NP-complete problems, but the real challenge is extracting the correct answer from the vast number of possibilities. Quantum computers use quantum rules of probability, which assign amplitudes to each possible configuration, allowing for constructive interference to boost the probability of finding the correct answer. However, exploiting this interference requires arranging it without knowing the answer in advance and much faster than classical methods. While quantum computers can't directly solve NP-complete problems, they offer potential advantages in solving specific optimization problems and simulating quantum systems.

    • Quantum Computing's Unique Advantage in Solving Specific ProblemsQuantum computers can efficiently solve certain complex problems, like factoring and searching, through unique algorithms, but not all problems will experience exponential speedups.

      Quantum computing offers the potential to solve certain complex problems much faster than classical computers, but not all problems will experience exponential speedups. Factoring, for example, is a special case where quantum computers can reveal factors of large numbers through Shor's algorithm, which exploits the unique structure of this problem. However, for other NP-complete problems, we don't expect quantum computers to offer exponential speedups, but rather more modest improvements. Grover's algorithm, another famous quantum algorithm, can search a list of possibilities in only about the square root of n steps, providing a significant advantage over classical methods. Overall, the power of quantum computing lies in its ability to solve specific problems more efficiently due to their unique structures.

    • Grover's Algorithm: A Quantum Leap in Complex Problem SolvingGrover's algorithm reduces problem-solving steps in quantum computing from 2^100 to 2^50, making previously unsolvable problems solvable. Easier to understand than Shor's algorithm, it's an accessible entry point for those interested in quantum computing, with potential applications in studying the nature of space and time.

      Grover's algorithm, a quantum computing technique, can significantly reduce the number of steps required to solve certain complex problems compared to classical computing. This algorithm can be layered on top of classical methods to solve NP-complete problems, which typically take 2 to the power of 100 steps with classical computers, in about 2 to the power of 50 steps with a quantum computer. This expansion of solvable problem sizes is a significant advancement and could have applications in a world with scalable quantum computers. Grover's algorithm is also easier to understand than Shor's algorithm, which is another famous quantum algorithm. Although both algorithms require a solid understanding of quantum mechanics, Grover's algorithm has less quantum-specific content, making it a more accessible entry point for those interested in quantum computing. The relevance of quantum computing and quantum information to the study of the nature of space and time is a topic of interest for many physicists, including those who previously focused on high-energy physics and cosmology. They were drawn to this new and exciting field due to the relevance of their existing knowledge.

    • Interdisciplinary Approach to Quantum Computing and PhysicsQuantum computing and physics are becoming interconnected, leading to new insights and discoveries through the use of quantum information theory in understanding fundamental questions in physics.

      The field of quantum computing, which was once seen as a narrow and specialized area of research, has become increasingly interconnected with other areas of science, particularly high energy physics and string theory. This convergence has led to new insights and discoveries, as researchers have begun to use the language and tools of quantum information theory to understand fundamental questions in physics. In the 1990s, quantum computing was seen as a separate field with little connection to these areas. However, in recent years, there has been a remarkable shift, with researchers talking about quantum gravity, black hole information, and holographic space-time using the language of qubits and quantum circuits. This interdisciplinary approach has allowed for new perspectives and progress in understanding complex problems in physics. The speaker, who started his career in high energy physics and later shifted to quantum computing, sees this as a sign of the maturing of both fields and the importance of exploring new connections between them.

    • Black hole information problem and its implications for computer scienceThe black hole information problem, which questions how information is retained and retrieved from black holes, led to the discovery of their high entropy state and holographic principle, but practical retrieval remains impossible.

      The black hole information problem, which questions how information can be retained and come out of a black hole while maintaining quantum mechanics' unitarity, led to the discovery of black holes' entropy and their status as the highest density data storage in the universe. However, retrieving the information from a black hole is not practical due to its high entropy state and the long wait for Hawking radiation. The intrigue of black holes' information properties started in the 70s and 80s but wasn't fully connected to computer science until the 2012 AMPS paper introduced the firewall paradox. This paradox led to the holographic principle, suggesting that different physical theories with various spatial dimensions could encode each other. Although researchers thought they had a solution to the black hole information problem, the AMPS paper disrupted their understanding once again, revealing the complexity of this fundamental concept.

    • Experiment to detect information in black holes: Firewall proposalThe firewall proposal, an experiment to detect information in black holes, suggests either quantum mechanics fails or a wall of high energy photons prevents observation past the event horizon, deepening our understanding of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

      Black holes, from an outside observer's perspective, quickly scramble information, but in principle, an experiment could be designed to detect subtle correlations in the Hawking radiation emitted by a black hole, indicating the encoded information of what fell in. This experiment, called the firewall proposal, suggests that either quantum mechanics breaks down or a wall of ultra-high energy photons prevents the observer from crossing the event horizon. The firewall proposal marked a significant step in combining quantum information and quantum gravity theories. Despite the impracticality of the experiment, it highlighted the importance of addressing the information paradox in black holes and deepened our understanding of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

    • The time it takes to solve a problem in physics impacts our understandingThe firewall paradox highlights the importance of understanding computational complexity and the limitations of effective field theories in physics

      The distinction between solvable and unsolvable problems in physics is not the only important consideration. The time it takes to solve a problem, even if it's beyond the reach of current technology, can impact our understanding of physical phenomena. The firewall paradox, which involves trying to detect correlations in Hawking radiation from a black hole, is an example of a problem that would take an exponentially long time to solve, far beyond the age of the universe. This realization has led to a shift in focus towards understanding the computational complexity of physical systems and the limitations of effective field theories. While some argue that the impracticality of solving such problems is a mere technical issue, others see it as a fundamental aspect of physics that can help us better understand the limits of our current theories and the need for a quantum theory of gravity. This interdisciplinary approach, which combines ideas from quantum information theory, theoretical physics, and computer science, has led to new insights and discoveries in the field.

    • Exploring the Implications of Quantum PhysicsThis podcast episode delves into the intriguing world of quantum physics, discussing concepts like entanglement, wormholes, and the multiverse, challenging our classical understanding of reality.

      Key takeaway from this discussion with Scott Aaronson on the Mindscape podcast is the exploration of the concept of quantum physics and its potential implications on our understanding of reality. Scott introduced the idea of how certain quantum phenomena, such as entanglement and wormholes, challenge our classical understanding of physics. He also touched upon the concept of the multiverse and how it relates to the notion of quantity in physics. While the conversation was intriguing, the topics of free will and consciousness, which were also on the agenda, would require more time and attention to be fully explored. Scott expressed his interest in returning for a future episode to delve deeper into these topics. Ultimately, this conversation underscores the fascinating and complex nature of quantum physics and its potential impact on our understanding of the universe.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/09/09/288-max-richter-on-the-meaning-of-classical-music-today/

    Max Richter trained in composition and piano at Edinburgh University, at the Royal Academy of Music, and with Luciano Berio in Florence. He was a co-founder of the ensemble Piano Circus. His first solo album, "Memoryhouse," was released in 2002. He has since released numerous solo albums, as well as extensive work on soundtracks for film and television, ballet, opera, and collaborations with visual artists.

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    AMA | September 2024

    AMA | September 2024

    Welcome to the September 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with AMA questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/09/02/ama-september-2024/

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    287 | Jean-Paul Faguet on Institutions and the Legacy of History

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/26/287-jean-paul-faguet-on-institutions-and-the-legacy-of-history/

    Jean-Paul Faguet received a Ph.D. in Political Economy and an M.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics, and an Master of Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He is currently Professor of the Political Economy of Development at LSE. He serves as the Chair of the Decentralization Task Force for the Initiative for Policy Dialogue. Among his awards are the W.J.M. Mackenzie Prize for best political science book.

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    286 | Blaise Agüera y Arcas on the Emergence of Replication and Computation

    286 | Blaise Agüera y Arcas on the Emergence of Replication and Computation

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/19/286-blaise-aguera-y-arcas-on-the-emergence-of-replication-and-computation/

    Blaise Agüera y Arcas received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University. He is currently a vice-president of engineering at Google, leader of the Cerebra team, and a member of the Paradigms of Intelligence team. He is the author of the books Ubi Sunt and Who Are We Now?, and the upcoming What Is Intelligence?

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    285 | Nate Silver on Prediction, Risk, and Rationality

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    Being rational necessarily involves engagement with probability. Given two possible courses of action, it can be rational to prefer the one that could possibly result in a worse outcome, if there's also a substantial probability for an even better outcome. But one's attitude toward risk -- averse, tolerant, or even seeking -- also matters. Do we work to avoid the worse possible outcome, even if there is potential for enormous reward? Nate Silver has long thought about probability and prediction, from sports to politics to professional poker. In his his new book On The Edge: The Art of Risking Everything, Silver examines a set of traits characterizing people who welcome risks.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/12/285-nate-silver-on-prediction-risk-and-rationality/

    Nate Silver received a B.A. in economics from the University of Chicago. He worked as a baseball analyst, developing the PECOTA statistical system (Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm). He later founded the FiveThirtyEight political polling analysis site. His first book, The Signal and the Noise, was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Society Book Award in Science. He is the co-host (with Maria Konnikova) of the Risky Business podcast.

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    AMA | August 2024

    AMA | August 2024

    Welcome to the August 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/05/ama-august-2024/

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    284 | Doris Tsao on How the Brain Turns Vision Into the World

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/29/284-doris-tsao-on-how-the-brain-turns-vision-into-the-world/

    Doris Tsao received her Ph.D. in neurobiology from Harvard University. She is currently a professor of molecular and cell biology, and a member of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, at the University of California, Berkeley. Among her awards are a MacArthur Fellowship, membership in the National Academy of Sciences, the Eppendorf and Science International Prize in Neurobiology, the National Institutes of Health Director’s Pioneer Award, the Golden Brain Award from the Minerva Foundation, the Perl-UNC Neuroscience Prize, and the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience.

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    283 | Daron Acemoglu on Technology, Inequality, and Power

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/22/283-daron-acemoglu-on-technology-inequality-and-power/

    Daron Acemoglu received a Ph.D. in economics from the London School of Economics. He is currently Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Econometric Society. Among his awards are the John Bates Clark Medal and the Nemmers Prize in Economics. In 2015, he was named the most cited economist of the past 10 years.

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    282 | Joel David Hamkins on Puzzles of Reality and Infinity

    282 | Joel David Hamkins on Puzzles of Reality and Infinity

    The philosophy of mathematics would be so much easier if it weren't for infinity. The concept seems natural, but taking it seriously opens the door to counterintuitive results. As mathematician and philosopher Joel David Hamkins says in this conversation, when we say that the natural numbers are "0, 1, 2, 3, and so on," that "and so on" is hopelessly vague. We talk about different ways to think about the puzzles of infinity, how they might be resolved, and implications for mathematical realism.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/15/282-joel-david-hamkins-on-puzzles-of-reality-and-infinity/

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    Joel David Hamkins received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently the John Cardinal O'Hara Professor of Logic at the University of Notre Dame. He is a pioneer of the idea of the set theory multiverse. He is the top-rated user by reputation score on MathOverflow. He is currently working on The Book of Infinity, to be published by MIT Press.

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    Ask Me Anything | July 2024

    Ask Me Anything | July 2024

    Welcome to the July 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/08/ama-july-2024/

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    Related Episodes

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    41 | Steven Strogatz on Synchronization, Networks, and the Emergence of Complex Behavior
    One of the most important insights in the history of science is the fact that complex behavior can arise from the undirected movements of small, simple systems. Despite the fact that we know this, we’re still working to truly understand it — to uncover the mechanisms by which, and conditions under which, complexity can emerge from simplicity. (Coincidentally, a new feature in Quanta on this precise topic came out while this episode was being edited.) Steven Strogatz is a leading researcher in this field, a pioneer both in the subject of synchronization and in that of small-world networks. He’s also an avid writer and wide-ranging thinker, so we also talk about problems with the way we educate young scientists, and the importance of calculus, the subject of his new book.             Support Mindscape on Patreon or Paypal. Steven Strogatz received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Harvard, and is currently the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Applied Mathematics at Cornell. His work has ranged over a wide variety of topics in mathematical biology, nonlinear dynamics, networks, and complex systems. He is the author of a number of books, including SYNC, The Joy of x, and most recently Infinite Powers. His awards include teaching prizes at MIT and Cornell, as well as major prizes from the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Lewis Thomas Prize. Web site Cornell web page Google scholar page Amazon author page Wikipedia TED talk on synchronization Twitter See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    242 | David Krakauer on Complexity, Agency, and Information

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2023/07/10/242-david-krakauer-on-complexity-agency-and-information/

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    David Krakauer received his D.Phil. in evolutionary biology from Oxford University. He is currently President and William H. Miller Professor of Complex Systems at the Santa Fe Institute. Previously he was at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he was the founding director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery and the Co-director of the Center for Complexity and Collective Computation. He was included in Wired magazine's list of "50 People Who Will Change the World."

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    18 | Clifford Johnson on What's So Great About Superstring Theory
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    Bonus | AIP Oral History Interview

    Bonus | AIP Oral History Interview

    Here is a special bonus punishment treat for Mindscape listeners: an interview of me, by David Zierler of the American Institute of Physics’s Oral History project. This is a fantastic project that collects interviews with influential physicists of all ages, and apparently sometimes less-influential physicists. So if you’d like to hear my (academic) life story boiled down to a mere four hours, here you go!

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    It’s well worth checking out the AIP Oral History Project website, which has over 1000 fascinating interviews with physicists from different decades. The transcript of this particular interview can be found there. Thanks to David and the AIP for letting us include this as a bonus podcast episode.

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