
    A FIRE Keynote: ClickFunnels In Boise, Idaho | Audio & Being First & Measuring ROI Of Social Marketing

    enSeptember 28, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing art and math in businessInvest in new opportunities, explore emerging trends, and balance calculated risks with creativity for long-term business success.

      Success in business requires a balance of both art and math. Gary Vee emphasized the importance of respecting both creative and analytical aspects of entrepreneurship. He shared his personal experience of investing time and money in new opportunities, even when they don't yield immediate returns, as a key factor in his success. Additionally, he encouraged the audience to allocate more resources towards exploring emerging trends and technologies, rather than focusing solely on current successes. By combining a willingness to take calculated risks with a deep understanding of the creative process, individuals can position themselves for long-term success.

    • The Future of Media: Art and Science of Audio ContentInvesting in audio technology saves time and opens opportunities for reaching consumers. Recognize consumer behavior and understand the difference between headline readers and practitioners to reap rewards.

      The future lies in the intersection of art and science, particularly in the realm of audio content. The speaker emphasizes that time is a valuable commodity in today's world, and investing in audio technology can save people time, making it an invaluable asset. He encourages everyone to consider starting a podcast or finding ways to utilize audio platforms to reach consumers. The speaker also highlights the importance of recognizing consumer behavior and understanding the difference between headline readers and practitioners in the industry. He believes that there are still underpriced opportunities in various platforms, and those who take action and become practitioners can reap significant rewards. Overall, the speaker's message is that the future of media will be shaped by those who can effectively combine creativity and data to engage audiences and save them time.

    • Emerging trends in marketing and technologyStay updated on emerging trends like LinkedIn's B2B Facebook, AI and robots in marketing, and work-life balance. Be open to new possibilities and technologies to create opportunities and success.

      The marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and it's essential to pay attention to emerging trends and technologies, even if they go against conventional wisdom. LinkedIn's desperation to become the B2B version of Facebook is an example of this, as is the potential of AI and robots in the marketing space. Another key takeaway is the importance of aligning your actions with your ambitions and figuring out what you want in your work-life balance and legacy. Lastly, in the realm of music festivals, the use of technology like VR and mixed reality is expected to create new and exciting opportunities for connection and immersive experiences. Overall, staying aware of these trends and being open to new possibilities can lead to significant opportunities and success.

    • Leveraging YouTube and Facebook for Content DistributionBusinesses need to adapt to changing consumption habits by creating native content for each platform. Facebook Watch and YouTube have unique features, requiring different approaches. Stay hungry and experiment to stay ahead in business as technology and social media continue to evolve.

      Technology and social media are changing the way we consume experiences, such as music festivals and content creation, and businesses need to adapt to these changes by creating native content for each platform. Gary Vaynerchuk, a businessman and media personality, discussed his strategies for leveraging YouTube and Facebook for content distribution. He noted that Facebook Watch and YouTube have unique features that require different approaches, and he has split his shows between the two platforms to reach audiences effectively. He also emphasized the importance of staying hungry and constantly experimenting to stay ahead in business. Ultimately, the shift towards mixed reality and virtual experiences will continue to change the way we live and do business, and it's essential to stay informed and adapt to these changes.

    • Communication pillars remain constant despite changing formsEmbrace strengths, surround with weaknesses, remember legacy, prioritize long-term goals, and learn from successful individuals.

      Communication forms may change, but the pillars of communication remain constant. While voice and live streaming are on the rise, written content will continue to hold significance. Betting on one's strengths and surrounding oneself with weaknesses is crucial for success. Additionally, money and wealth can bring new challenges and it's essential to remember the importance of legacy, family, and personal growth beyond financial gains. As for growing further and setting priorities, it's essential to define what "growing" means and stay focused on long-term goals while embracing short-term achievements. Inspiration and learning from successful individuals can provide valuable insights for personal and professional development.

    • Consistency and authenticity are keys to growing a successful platformTo build a loyal audience, put out historically correct content for free. Buy underpriced attention through ads or collaborations. Build a team by learning the craft or hiring talented individuals, and be open to collaboration and experimentation.

      Consistency and authenticity are key to growing a successful platform. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of putting out historically correct content for free to build a loyal audience and continue living the life one desires. He also suggests buying underpriced attention through ads or collaborations to reach more viewers. Building a team is essential, but it requires either learning the craft yourself or bringing in talented individuals and closely monitoring their work. Overthinking and fear of failure should be avoided, as taking risks and learning from mistakes are part of the process. To build a powerhouse team, one can hire people or invest time to learn the craft, and be open to collaboration and experimentation.

    • Experimenting with new content within an existing audienceContent creators should take calculated risks within their existing audience to discover new winning formulas and stand out in the oversaturated content market

      Content creators who have built an audience on a particular platform should consider experimenting with new content within their existing show or channel, even if it means losing some followers. The risk is worth taking because there's a chance of discovering a winning formula that can lead to significant growth. Additionally, in today's oversaturated content market, creators need to constantly evolve and offer something unique to stand out. This may involve creating products or services to complement their content, or simply being five times better than their competitors. Success often goes to those who are first to identify and capitalize on new trends or opportunities. So, instead of starting from scratch, it's better to take calculated risks within your existing audience.

    • Expanding Businesses into Other Languages for GrowthInvesting in content translation and influencer marketing in other languages, especially Spanish, can lead to untapped potential and affordability.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a marketing and branding expert, emphasizes the importance of expanding into other languages for business growth, especially in the areas of marketing, fitness, and influencer marketing. He shared his personal experience of investing heavily in transcribing and distributing content in various languages, particularly Spanish, due to its untapped potential. He also emphasized the affordability of influencer marketing in Spanish compared to English. Gary also expressed gratitude for the impact he and Russell Brunson have had on Caleb Maddox's life and offered advice on patience, which he believes is crucial for young people to avoid making hasty decisions and becoming "straight fucking assholes." He shared a personal story about how his own father played a significant role in teaching him salesmanship and honesty, despite not being present in his life growing up.

    • A father's strict upbringing can limit creativity but provide valuable skillsA father's traditional values and hard work ethic can lead to success, but also stifle creativity. Balancing personal passions with practicality is essential for future success.

      While a father's strict upbringing and business focus may initially limit a child's creativity and self-expression, it can ultimately provide them with valuable skills and experiences that contribute to their future success. The speaker's father's insistence on traditional values and hard work led him to build a successful business, but also stifled his more unconventional side. However, when the father took a year off to focus on personal goals, the speaker was able to prove himself and change the family dynamics. This experience taught the speaker the importance of balance between following one's passions and adhering to practicality. For parents, it's essential to recognize their children's unique talents and encourage them while also preparing them for the realities of the world. Fame and brand awareness are crucial in today's society, and building a personal brand can lead to opportunities, but it's also essential to remember the value of hard work and perseverance. For parents, instilling a strong work ethic and providing opportunities for their children to develop their skills can lead to a successful future. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of allowing children the freedom to pursue their passions while also teaching them the value of hard work and practicality.

    • Values for raising children and making decisionsSuccessful entrepreneurs prioritize kindness, authenticity, and trusting intuition when raising children and making decisions. They encourage authenticity and independence in children, warn against using wealth to impose oneself, and provide honest communication. When faced with opportunities, they trust their intuition and say 'yes' more often.

      Kindness, authenticity, and trusting one's intuition are the most important values for raising children and making decisions in life. The speaker, a successful entrepreneur, emphasized the importance of kindness above all else, warning against the danger of using wealth to impose oneself on others. He also encouraged raising children to be authentic and independent, rather than living in a politically correct environment. The speaker shared that he relies on his intuition when making decisions, even with the vast amount of opportunities available to him. He also emphasized the importance of authenticity and honesty in communication. When it comes to choosing between opportunities, he believes in trusting his intuition and saying "yes" more often, rather than being overly thoughtful or strategic.

    • Collaborate with winners for successFocus on authenticity and collaboration with successful individuals for long-term success, recognize unique challenges, and adapt to changing marketing trends.

      In the long run, authenticity and collaboration with winners will lead to success. The speaker emphasizes that it's easier to focus on competition and trying to "destroy" others, but ultimately, winners will always come out on top. It's important to recognize and collaborate with other successful individuals rather than envying or talking negatively about them. The speaker also touches on the importance of understanding the economic context and the unique challenges faced by younger generations, encouraging reflection and growth to prepare for potential hardships. Additionally, the speaker notes that while social media and Facebook marketing have value currently, it may not remain so indefinitely.

    • Leveraging the Super Bowl for BusinessThe Super Bowl offers a huge audience, but navigating emotional discourse and influencer marketing requires clear communication, measurable sales strategies, and a commitment to logical discourse.

      The Super Bowl offers immense value for businesses despite the high cost and additional expenses, as it reaches a massive audience. However, the emotional and irrational nature of modern discourse, particularly in politics, can pose a challenge in maintaining a logical and productive workplace environment. Influencer marketing, while less measurable than traditional digital ads, can also yield significant sales if approached correctly. To navigate these complexities, focus on clear communication, measurable sales strategies, and a commitment to logical discourse.

    • Leveraging influencers for personal brand growthEffectively use influencers' reach to boost personal brand, ensure quality, consider opportunity cost, trust intuition, embrace losses, and balance loved ones' opinions.

      Building a personal brand can benefit from leveraging the reach of established influencers, even if they are in different niches. However, it's essential to ensure that your product or service is of good quality to convert the audience. The decision to invest in growing your personal brand versus using influencers depends on the opportunity cost and your ability to deliver value. Additionally, trusting your intuition and belief in your ideas, despite potential criticism, is crucial for success. It's essential to remember that losses are a part of the journey, and the wins ultimately matter. Lastly, be mindful of the influence of loved ones on your decisions and strive for a balance between their opinions and your own.

    • Being true to oneself and unique qualitiesEmbrace your uniqueness, learn from adversity, and stay true to yourself to connect with others and achieve success. Positive influences and determination are key.

      Being true to oneself and owning one's unique qualities is a powerful tool for connecting with others and achieving success. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal experiences, including growing up as a Russian immigrant and facing adversity, which shaped him into the person he is today. He emphasized the importance of positive influences, such as his mother, in shaping his character and instilling values that helped him persevere through challenges. A memorable example he shared was his decision to fail every class in 4th grade and focus on developing business skills instead. This authenticity and determination resonated with Katie Richardson, who was won over by Gary's rant in a cab and became a fan. This authentic connection is a crucial aspect of Gary's appeal and has contributed to his success as a speaker, entrepreneur, and media personality.

    • Understanding value proposition, connecting with audience, and staying ahead of trendsStay true to yourself while adapting to new areas and audiences, understand unique challenges for women in entrepreneurship, and be radically transparent to overcome them.

      Success in speaking and building a personal brand involves understanding your unique value proposition, connecting with your audience, and staying ahead of market trends. Native presence on the right platform at the right time can lead to significant exposure and impact. The speakers discussed the importance of authenticity and staying true to oneself, even when transitioning to new areas or audiences. They also emphasized the importance of understanding the unique challenges women face in entrepreneurship and being radically transparent to overcome them. Ultimately, the key to success is staying true to who you are while adapting to the changing landscape of business and culture.

    • Staying focused on the next opportunityTo overcome failure and stay relevant, download a new app daily, produce content, and adapt to new platforms

      When faced with failure and feeling at your lowest point, it's important to keep pushing forward and not get discouraged. As the speaker shared his own experience of going from couch surfing to success with an app that no longer exists, he emphasized the importance of staying focused on the next opportunity and not getting stuck in the past. He recommended downloading a top social or consumer-facing app every day and producing content to stay relevant and adapt to new platforms. Additionally, he shared his personal experience of balancing work and family by not adhering to societal norms and going all in when he's working, but being fully present with his family during his time off. Ultimately, he encouraged everyone to stay true to their unique strategies and not be afraid to make unconventional choices.

    • CEO's approach to building a strong company cultureCEO prioritizes one-on-one meetings with employees, emphasizes empathy and gratitude, and stays informed on market trends to build intentional and thoughtful company culture and strategy.

      Building and maintaining a strong company culture is crucial for growth, but it can be challenging as a company scales. The CEO of a rapidly growing company shared his approach, which involves making time for regular one-on-one meetings with every employee to ensure the company values are being upheld. He acknowledged the time commitment but emphasized that culture is the only thing a company truly trades on. Additionally, he advised empathy and gratitude as tools for overcoming negative influences and staying focused on the mission. Another topic discussed was the importance of staying ahead of trends and understanding the market before investing significant resources, using the example of the VR market. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being intentional and thoughtful in both culture building and business strategy.

    • Listening to intuition leads to successful business decisionsIntuition and openness to new opportunities can lead to business success, even when shifting marketing budgets or evaluating large funds. Focus on sales over vanity metrics in social media marketing.

      Intuition and understanding the market can lead to successful business decisions, even when faced with overwhelming opportunities or challenges. Sabrina Soto shared an example of how Sour Patch Kids became the fastest growing candy in 20 years by shifting their marketing budget to social media platforms when others weren't. Meanwhile, Kevin Harrington discussed his experience of trusting his intuition to give back a $150,000,000 fund when he felt uneasy about it. Both stories illustrate the importance of listening to one's intuition and being open to new opportunities, even if they seem unconventional or counterintuitive. Additionally, Soto emphasized the significance of focusing on sales rather than vanity metrics in social media marketing.

    • Embracing Vulnerability in EntrepreneurshipBeing open and vulnerable can lead to growth and impact in entrepreneurship. Self-awareness, determination, and embracing weaknesses are essential for success.

      Starting a business requires making important decisions about its structure and goals, and being vulnerable and open to new experiences can lead to growth and impact. Caitlin shares her personal experience of feeling like an entrepreneur by accident and the challenge of being more open and vulnerable, despite her introverted nature. Gary encourages doing what's hard and trying new things, emphasizing that everyone has weaknesses and that growth comes from pushing past them. The conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, determination, and embracing vulnerability in entrepreneurship.

    • Focusing on personal growth for enjoyment and impactGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that success is about finding joy in long-term goals and making a difference, not just outdoing past achievements or for financial gains.

      People focus on improving their weaknesses not just to impress others, but because they too have their own areas for growth. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his perspective on moving forward in business, emphasizing that the drive for success is not solely about outdoing past achievements or financial gains, but rather about finding enjoyment and making a significant impact. He encouraged young entrepreneurs to consider their long-term goals and passions, and to build their businesses around those. In his own experience, he made a 20-year decision to focus on communication and later used his successful business, VaynerX, to make a difference in various areas, including helping hurricane victims and supporting charitable causes. Ultimately, the numbers and financial gains are not the only way to measure success. Instead, it's about using your strengths and passions to make a positive impact and create something meaningful.

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    Produced by Social Chameleon

    Recorded via Riverside.fm

    Mike’D Up! Merch