
    Podcast Summary

    • Jessica Alba's strategic career decisionsJessica Alba prioritized her image and maintained control over her public perception early in her career, even at the cost of limited acting opportunities.

      Jessica Alba, an impressive entrepreneur and business thinker, has always approached her career with a strategic mindset, thinking of herself as a brand even before it became a popular concept. She started considering her business interests early on, even as a young actress, and was protective of her image from the beginning. During their conversation, Gary Vaynerchuk asked about specific instances where Jessica had to make strategic decisions regarding her career. She revealed that she never got the opportunity to showcase her dramatic acting skills early on because she refused to reveal too much skin, which was a common expectation for actresses at the time. This decision was in line with her desire to protect her image and maintain control over how she was perceived by the public.

    • Focused on action roles for global brand and wider audienceJessica Alba strategically chose action roles to avoid typecasting and expand her audience, turning down romantic comedies for action franchises like 'Dark Angel' and 'Fast and the Furious'.

      Jessica Alba, during her career, made a strategic decision to focus on action roles instead of romantic comedies in order to build a global brand and avoid being typecast as an "America's sweetheart." She did this based on her analysis of the market and her desire to reach a wider audience. She turned down opportunities for romantic comedies and instead took roles in action franchises like "Dark Angel" and "Fast and the Furious." She had given herself a two-year window to decide if acting was her path, and when she was offered key roles in high-profile projects, she saw it as a sign to continue in the industry. After a long career that started when she was 12 years old, she took a break to have a child and focus on other aspects of her life. Currently, she has been away from acting for nearly a decade.

    • Finding fulfillment through hard work and purposeSuccess requires dedication, staying true to values, and continuous learning. Embrace challenges and remember the odds of being alive.

      Building a successful business requires a relentless work ethic and a deep sense of purpose. The speakers in this discussion shared their experiences of putting in long hours and facing unexpected challenges, but ultimately finding fulfillment in making a difference. They also emphasized the importance of staying true to your values and continuing to learn and evolve as your business grows. Another key point was the surprising and humbling realization of the odds against being alive and the responsibility that comes with it. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of hard work, resilience, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

    • A founder's authentic approach to social media for a health-focused companyThe founder of a health-focused company prioritizes human health and education, uses social media organically, and values authenticity over strategy.

      The company prioritizes human health above all else and values education to empower people to make better choices. The founder's personal social media use started on Twitter and evolved to include Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest. She is most active on Instagram and Snapchat, and while she acknowledges the importance of strategy, she prefers to post organically. The founder also shared her experience on Planet of the Apps, a reality show where entrepreneurs pitch their apps to industry experts. Despite some challenges, she found the experience rewarding and believes the first episode showcases the full journey of the featured entrepreneurs and their companies. Overall, the conversation highlights the company's commitment to health and wellness, as well as the founder's authentic and unapologetic approach to social media.

    • The human side of entrepreneurshipStarting a company is emotional and challenging, but it's important to not devastate people unnecessarily and stay resilient through setbacks.

      Starting and running a company is a challenging and emotional experience. The speaker shared their personal experience of the stress and devastation that comes with not achieving desired outcomes. They emphasized the importance of not devastating people unnecessarily, but also acknowledged that setbacks can be scary and potentially discouraging. The speaker also mentioned their media consumption habits, revealing their preference for shows like "Big Little Lies" and documentaries, while expressing an interest in watching "13th." They also discussed their sports fandom, which is influenced by their family and the teams their husband grew up supporting. Overall, the conversation highlighted the human aspect of entrepreneurship and the importance of resilience in the face of setbacks.

    • The power of personal connections and communityBuilding relationships and being part of a community can significantly enhance engagement and growth, whether it's attending games or growing a brand in the mass retail market.

      Personal connections and being part of a community can significantly enhance one's interest and investment in a particular activity or brand. This was evident in the discussion about attending games and owning sports team merchandise. The speaker shared how knowing the people involved made the experience more enjoyable. This concept was further emphasized when the topic shifted to the Honest Beauty brand, and the speaker shared their vision for its growth in the mass retail market. Despite coming from an unconventional background, they believed that having their products in people's hands and showcasing the brand in the best way was crucial, regardless of distribution channels. The speaker also highlighted the importance of building strong relationships and partnerships to achieve this goal. Overall, the discussion underscored the power of personal connections and community in driving engagement and growth.

    • Building an authentic personal brand leads to business growthAuthentic engagement and diverse experiences can lead to a loyal fan base and business success.

      Building an authentic personal brand, whether it's through social media or other channels, can lead to significant business growth. Jessica Alba shared her experience of feeling disconnected from her own image in the entertainment industry and how starting The Honest Company allowed her to tell her own story and build a loyal fan base. Authentic engagement and a rabid fan base can have a greater impact than influencers with massive followings who may be seen as part of a machine or pitching products every day. However, it's important to remember that context matters, and people will identify you based on different aspects of your life. While it may have frustrated her in the beginning, Alba ultimately embraces her diverse experiences and continues to act when the opportunity arises. In summary, building an authentic personal brand can lead to business success and personal fulfillment, but it's important to remember that people will identify you based on various aspects of your life, and it's essential to embrace those experiences.

    • Embracing Change and Finding JoyPersonal growth can come from various sources like acting, building a business, or helping others grow. Intimate relationships and witnessing personal development in professional life bring deep joy and fulfillment. Self-perception and resilience to negative opinions are crucial.

      Personal growth and evolution are essential aspects of life, and finding joy and fulfillment can come from various sources. Acting may bring pleasure, but building a business and helping others grow can also lead to a deeply rewarding and lasting impact. The speaker shares her experiences of creating intimate relationships and witnessing personal development in her professional life, which she values highly. She also acknowledges the importance of self-perception and being resilient to negative opinions. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of embracing change and finding joy in various aspects of life.

    • Overcoming personal challenges leads to societal impactDespite health issues as a child, the speaker found solace in acting and made a difference through initiatives like safe sleeping places for newborns and education reform in Africa. She encourages young Latina entrepreneurs to trust their instincts and seek support, while emphasizing the importance of representation and progressiveness in business.

      Overcoming personal challenges can lead to meaningful contributions to society. The speaker, who had numerous health issues as a child, found solace in acting and making a difference through various initiatives. One of these initiatives was providing safe sleeping places for newborns, reducing infant mortality. Another was advocating for education reform in Africa, empowering girls and changing families' lives. While raising her own children has been the most meaningful experience, she encourages young Latina entrepreneurs to trust their instincts and seek support when needed, despite potential challenges. The importance of representation and progressiveness in business was also emphasized.

    • Overcoming challenges without traditional resourcesEntrepreneurial success relies on determination, resilience, and a unique proposition. Focus on goals, not external factors, and balance personal and professional life with self-care.

      Determination and resilience are key to entrepreneurial success, regardless of one's background or circumstances. The speaker shares her experience of having to create her own path without traditional education or nepotism, and how the naysayers only fueled her drive to prove them wrong. She emphasizes the importance of having a unique proposition or perspective in a competitive market, and encourages entrepreneurs to focus on their goals rather than dwelling on external factors. The market, she says, doesn't care about one's background, and entrepreneurs will face challenges regardless. The key is to stay focused, work hard, and keep pushing forward. Additionally, the speaker touches on the importance of balancing personal and professional life, and encourages setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care to maintain healthy relationships and pursue passion projects.

    • Determination to make a difference fuels entrepreneurial pursuitsGermaine's passion for social justice drives her entrepreneurial endeavors, inspiring her to fill gaps and provide equal access to better products and education.

      Germaine's determination to make a difference in the world, particularly in the area of social justice, has been the primary motivation for her entrepreneurial pursuits. She believes that everyone deserves equal access to better products and education, and when she encountered roadblocks in trying to effect change through traditional means, she saw an opportunity to fill that gap through entrepreneurship. Her passion for social justice drives her every day and remains her top priority. Additionally, Germaine acknowledges the challenges she faces in balancing her personal life and entrepreneurial endeavors, but she emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and doing the best one can. Overall, Germaine's story is one of determination, passion, and the pursuit of making a positive impact on the world.

    • The joy of sharing knowledgeSharing knowledge brings joy to both parties and contributes to a larger community of learners, potentially leading to growth and development.

      Sharing knowledge and information, especially when it comes from a passionate source, can have a profound impact. In the given discussion, the speaker expressed that simply passing on their content is enough for them, and it means the world to them. This shows that the act of sharing, regardless of monetary gain, can bring joy and satisfaction to both parties involved. It also emphasizes the importance of knowledge dissemination and the potential ripple effect it can have. By sharing, we contribute to a larger community of learners and help spread ideas and insights that can lead to growth and development. So, the next time you come across valuable information, consider sharing it with others. It might just make a bigger difference than you think.

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    Subscribe to our channel to stay updated on future episodes of The Know Better Grow Better Show and never miss an opportunity to learn and grow. Let's know better and grow better together!

    Connect with Jamal Harding:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamalhardingiam/

    Website: https://www.jamct.com/

    Sponsors in this episode: 

    Cocovida Coquito: https://linktr.ee/cocovidacoquito  

    United Agency: https://linktr.ee/jdelong1  

    Follow us on Instagram:

    Know Better Grow Better Show - https://www.instagram.com/kbgbshow 

    Shawn - https://www.instagram.com/shawn_zues/  

    Jamila - https://www.instagram.com/jamila_delong/   

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    Subscribe to our channel to stay updated on future episodes of The Know Better Grow Better Show and never miss an opportunity to learn and grow. Let's know better and grow better together!

    Connect with Dj Tiny:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unorganizedbehavior

    Website: http://www.barsandhoopsradio.com/

    Sponsors in this episode: 

    Cocovida Coquito: https://linktr.ee/cocovidacoquito  

    United Agency: https://linktr.ee/jdelong1  

    Follow us on Instagram:

    Know Better Grow Better Show - https://www.instagram.com/kbgbshow 

    Shawn - https://www.instagram.com/shawn_zues/  

    Jamila - https://www.instagram.com/jamila_delong/    

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    “I’ve been through some fires, but I truly believe that every step is a finish line.”

    “I feel I have a duty to inspire others as best I can.”

    “No matter how dark it gets, you’re never out of the fight.”

    Check Richie out at: https://www.mcpeakmarket.com/

    And his awesome McPeak products are available at amazon

    Twitter links. Jon: @theagentmetro & Richie: @McPeakRichie

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    Until next time, love and good vibes. 

    Podcast Website: https://enterthelionheart.com/

    Check out the latest episode here:

    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/enter-the-lionheart/id1554904704

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4tD7VvMUvnOgChoNYShbcI

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    “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” —  Jiddu Krishnamurti”

    Enter the Lionheart proudly supports the Overwatch Foundation:



    Until next time, love and good vibes. 

    Podcast Website: https://enterthelionheart.com/

    Check out the latest episode here:

    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/enter-the-lionheart/id1554904704

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4tD7VvMUvnOgChoNYShbcI