
    Podcast Summary

    • China's tech companies pose a threat to the government's controlDespite human rights concerns, Chinese tech giants like TikTok and WeChat dominate daily life, holding significant power to shape society and education, with the government cracking down on their use due to their influence.

      While China is known for its lack of free elections, freedom of expression, and human rights issues, the Chinese government views its biggest rivals as its own technology companies. These tech companies, like TikTok and WeChat, have become integral parts of daily life in China, with apps serving multiple functions such as messaging, social networking, and even financial transactions. The dominance of these "super apps" is due in part to the fact that PCs and email never gained significant popularity in China. The Chinese government's crackdown on social media, including limiting usage of TikTok for children, highlights the power these tech companies hold in shaping Chinese society and education. It's a complex issue with implications for both China and the global community.

    • The Chinese Internet: An All-in-One Digital EnvironmentWeChat's all-in-one platform in China offers communication, payment, transportation, and home management services, creating a seamless digital experience for users, leading to strong emotional attachment.

      The Internet revolution in China happened much later than in the US, but when it did, apps like WeChat took advantage of the lack of pre-existing functions and built an entire operating system. This all-in-one platform allows users to communicate, pay bills, hail cabs, and even manage their homes, creating a seamless and convenient digital environment. Despite concerns about privacy and government control, Chinese users have embraced this superior user experience, leading to a strong emotional attachment to the Internet. This optimistic view of technology in China contrasts sharply with the dystopian perception in the West, where the focus is on the potential negative impacts. Instead, the Internet in China is seen as a liberating force that has extracted efficiency from the inefficiencies of Chinese society.

    • WeChat's permission-based system and focus on privacyWeChat's success is rooted in its permission-based system, focus on privacy, and prioritization of user experience over monetization

      WeChat, a popular communication app in China, operates differently than Western apps like email or social media. It has a permission-based system, limiting the number of messages brands and businesses can send to users. WeChat also values privacy, as users cannot see each other's friends list. The app's creator, Alan Zheng, aimed for more intentional connections, making it harder to create multiple accounts. WeChat's success is attributed to its focus on intimacy and the fact that its parent company, Tencent, makes significant revenue from online games, allowing it to prioritize user experience over monetization.

    • Chinese government's crackdown on big tech to protect citizensThe Chinese government is taking a more proactive approach to regulating tech companies compared to the US, focusing on protecting young people and limiting harmful content, despite potential negative side effects.

      While teenagers in China subsidize older generations through their use of platforms like WeChat, the Chinese government is taking a more proactive approach to regulating these tech companies compared to the US. The Chinese government's concern lies in the power these companies hold over culture and politics, and they have shown they are willing to take drastic measures, such as banning popular apps or limiting usage for minors, to protect their citizens. In contrast, the US government has been criticized for its inaction in regulating tech companies, leading China to feel increasingly confident in its ability to lead in this area. Despite the potential negative side effects, the Chinese government's crackdown on big tech is seen as a confidence-building measure, with a focus on protecting young people from excessive screen time and potentially harmful content.

    • China's Government Regulates Social Media to Control ContentChina's gov't boosts certain content, limits celebrity influence, restricts military access, and pushes for less anonymity online to mitigate negative impacts on youth and mental health.

      China's government is heavily regulating social media platforms to control content and mitigate potential negative impacts, particularly on youth and military personnel. This includes boosting certain content, limiting celebrity influence, restricting access to technology for the military, and pushing for less anonymity online. Despite some cultural differences, these issues around the impact of social media and algorithms on mental health, addiction, and influencer culture are similar in China and the West. However, the Chinese government's intervention requires a strong cultural alignment with its actions, which may not be present in the more fractured Western society.

    • Chinese vs Western Approaches to Regulating Online ContentIn China, there's an expectation that the government will take a more active role in regulating online content and guiding societal values, while in the West, there's a general distrust of government intervention and a belief in individual self-regulation.

      The role of the government in regulating and guiding societal values and beliefs, particularly in the context of technology use and online content, is significantly different in China compared to the West. Unlike in the US where individuals are more responsible for self-regulation and there's a general distrust of government intervention, in China, there's an expectation that the government will take action when issues arise. This expectation is rooted in a cultural belief that the government has a responsibility to guide moral and social beliefs. For instance, in China, parents, schools, and the government all play a role in overseeing Internet use for minors, with the government taking a more active stance against content that goes against cultural values, such as showing off personal wealth or family background. This cultural expectation is reflected in the Chinese government's goals to reduce myopia rates and inappropriate content. In contrast, in the US, there's a lack of consensus on who should be responsible for regulating online content and use, and concerns about privacy and freedom often outweigh the desire for government intervention.

    • China's tech crackdown: Power grab or value alignment?China aims to ensure technology aligns with CCP values, addressing concerns of social instability and economic progress

      China's tech crackdown can be viewed through multiple lenses. While some may see it as a cynical power grab by an authoritarian regime, others argue that China is attempting to ensure technology aligns with the values of the Chinese Communist Party. This perspective stems from concerns about the destabilizing effects of technology on Western societies, including inequality, social media polarization, and the January 6th insurrection. Shoshana Zuboff's perspective is that democracies should focus on harnessing technology to strengthen social structures and values, rather than allowing it to debase them. China's emphasis on common prosperity, a concept that emerged in 2017, reflects the government's concern about the middle income trap and the need to help those who have fallen behind economically. Overall, the Chinese tech crackdown reflects a desire to maintain social stability and economic progress in the face of the challenges posed by technology.

    • China's Economic Strategy: Common ProsperityChina aims for common prosperity by reducing burdens on individuals while balancing centralized power and decentralized chaos, focusing on internal development and security, not world domination.

      China's economic strategy, known as "common prosperity," aims to address income inequality while maintaining prosperity. This involves reducing burdens on individuals, such as high training or housing costs. However, China's shift from private sector investment to public sector investment raises concerns about its impact on innovation and growth. The future could see a balance between centralized power and decentralized chaos, with the goal of a digital open society. Understanding China's direction is essential for self-reflection and navigating the global landscape. China's intentions are not to dominate the world, but rather to focus on its internal development and security. The US-China dichotomy is more pronounced in America, but outside perspectives reveal a more complex reality.

    • Global Economic Landscape: US vs ChinaChina's emerging dominance in global markets challenges US companies, particularly in tech and physical goods. China's focus on deep tech and reducing dependence on foreign tech drives competition. US should attract global talent and benchmark against China to maintain dominance.

      The global economic landscape is shifting, with countries like China and India emerging as significant competitors to US companies in various industries. Chinese brands are aiming for global recognition, and the competition is not limited to tech companies but also physical goods. Europe, Southeast Asia, and other regions are also seeing this interplay between US tech firms and Chinese companies. Chinese entrepreneurs are even dominating in some markets outside of China. Furthermore, China has a deeper vision on technology, focusing on reducing dependence and building domestic capabilities in areas like semiconductors, AI, and quantum. The US needs to benchmark itself against China and attract and retain global talent to maintain dominance in some areas. China's long-term game is on deep tech, and the US should not be distracted by the social media aspect but address it while China has already "fixed" it.

    • Potential for US-China Cooperation on Global IssuesAmidst geopolitical tensions, US and China can cooperate on issues like climate change and space exploration, benefiting the world and fostering mutual understanding.

      Despite the current tense geopolitical situation between the US and China, there is potential for cooperation on issues such as climate change and space exploration. The Chinese people share similar concerns about the future, particularly regarding climate change, and China's aggressive plans for carbon neutrality could benefit the entire world. To move towards a less rivalrous dynamic, it's important to resume people-to-people exchanges and build greater understanding between the two countries. The US and China need each other more than they may admit, and cooperation on global issues could lead to mutual benefits. The International Space Station and climate change are two areas where progress has been made, and could serve as stepping stones towards a more collaborative relationship. However, healing the damage and putting a line under past conflicts will take time.

    • Collaboration despite geopolitical tensionsDespite geopolitical differences, China and the US can collaborate in areas beneficial to humanity, like cancer research and climate change. Governments should prioritize shared aspirations for prosperity and cooperation.

      Despite the geopolitical tensions between China and the United States, there are underlying similarities and a strong motivation for collaboration, particularly in areas that benefit humanity as a whole, such as cancer research and climate change. Duncan Clark, an expert on the internet and entrepreneurship in China, and Ray Ma, an investor and analyst focused on technology opportunities in both countries, emphasized the importance of governments delivering on the shared aspirations of their people for prosperity and cooperation. While the environment may be different between the two countries, there is still a lot of curiosity, sharing, and mutual learning. It's crucial for goodwill to extend and for both countries to find areas of collaboration to move away from contentious issues and work towards common goals.

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    In this episode, Tristan and Aza sit down with Petra Molnar to discuss how borders have become a proving ground for the sharpest edges of technology, and especially AI. Petra is an immigration lawyer and co-creator of the Migration and Technology Monitor. Her new book is “The Walls Have Eyes: Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.”


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    The UNHCR

    Information about the global refugee crisis from the UN.


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    The iBorderCtrl project referenced in this episode was a pilot project that was discontinued in 2019

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    Former OpenAI Engineer William Saunders on Silence, Safety, and the Right to Warn

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    2. Spotlight on AI: What Would It Take For This to Go Well? 
    3. Big Food, Big Tech and Big AI with Michael Moss 
    4. Can We Govern AI? with Marietje Schaake

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    War is a Laboratory for AI with Paul Scharre

    War is a Laboratory for AI with Paul Scharre

    Right now, militaries around the globe are investing heavily in the use of AI weapons and drones.  From Ukraine to Gaza, weapons systems with increasing levels of autonomy are being used to kill people and destroy infrastructure and the development of fully autonomous weapons shows little signs of slowing down. What does this mean for the future of warfare? What safeguards can we put up around these systems? And is this runaway trend toward autonomous warfare inevitable or will nations come together and choose a different path? In this episode, Tristan and Daniel sit down with Paul Scharre to try to answer some of these questions. Paul is a former Army Ranger, the author of two books on autonomous weapons and he helped the Department of Defense write a lot of its policy on the use of AI in weaponry. 


    Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Paul’s book on the future of AI in war, which came out in 2023.

    Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War: Paul’s 2018 book documenting and predicting the rise of autonomous and semi-autonomous weapons as part of modern warfare.

    The Perilous Coming Age of AI Warfare: How to Limit the Threat of Autonomous Warfare: Paul’s article in Foreign Affairs based on his recent trip to the battlefield in Ukraine.

    The night the world almost almost ended: A BBC documentary about Stanislav Petrov’s decision not to start nuclear war.

    AlphaDogfight Trials Final Event: The full simulated dogfight between an AI and human pilot. The AI pilot swept, 5-0.


    1. The AI ‘Race’: China vs. the US with Jeffrey Ding and Karen Hao
    2. Can We Govern AI? with Marietje Schaake
    3. Big Food, Big Tech and Big AI with Michael Moss
    4. The Invisible Cyber-War with Nicole Perlroth

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    AI and Jobs: How to Make AI Work With Us, Not Against Us With Daron Acemoglu

    AI and Jobs: How to Make AI Work With Us, Not Against Us With Daron Acemoglu

    Tech companies say that AI will lead to massive economic productivity gains. But as we know from the first digital revolution, that’s not what happened. Can we do better this time around?


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    1. The Three Rules of Humane Tech
    2. The Tech We Need for 21st Century Democracy
    3. Can We Govern AI?
    4. An Alternative to Silicon Valley Unicorns

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    Jonathan Haidt On How to Solve the Teen Mental Health Crisis

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    This episode was recorded live at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club.  

    Correction: Tristan mentions that 40 Attorneys General have filed a lawsuit against Meta for allegedly fostering addiction among children and teens through their products. However, the actual number is 42 Attorneys General who are taking legal action against Meta.

    Clarification: Jonathan refers to the Wait Until 8th pledge. By signing the pledge, a parent  promises not to give their child a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. The pledge becomes active once at least ten other families from their child’s grade pledge the same.

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    Correction: The latest available Nvidia chip is the Hopper H100 GPU, which has 80 billion transistors. Since the first commercially available chip had four transistors, the Hopper actually has 20 billion times that number. Nvidia recently announced the Blackwell, which boasts 208 billion transistors - but it won’t ship until later this year.


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    AI’s most popular chipmaker Nvidia is trying to use AI to design chips faster

    Nvidia's GPUs are in high demand - and the company is using AI to accelerate chip production


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    The AI ‘Race’: China vs. the US with Jeffrey Ding and Karen Hao

    Protecting Our Freedom of Thought with Nita Farahany

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



    Future-proofing Democracy In the Age of AI with Audrey Tang

    Future-proofing Democracy In the Age of AI with Audrey Tang

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    Recursive Public

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    A Strong Democracy is a Digital Democracy

    Audrey Tang’s 2019 op-ed for The New York Times

    The Frontiers of Digital Democracy

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    How Will AI Affect the 2024 Elections? with Renee DiResta and Carl Miller

    The AI Dilemma

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    U.S. Senators Grilled Social Media CEOs. Will Anything Change?

    U.S. Senators Grilled Social Media CEOs. Will Anything Change?

    Was it political progress, or just political theater? The recent Senate hearing with social media CEOs led to astonishing moments — including Mark Zuckerberg’s public apology to families who lost children following social media abuse. Our panel of experts, including Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, untangles the explosive hearing, and offers a look ahead, as well. How will this hearing impact protocol within these social media companies? How will it impact legislation? In short: will anything change?

    Clarification: Julie says that shortly after the hearing, Meta’s stock price had the biggest increase of any company in the stock market’s history. It was the biggest one-day gain by any company in Wall Street history.

    Correction: Frances says it takes Snap three or four minutes to take down exploitative content. In Snap's most recent transparency report, they list six minutes as the median turnaround time to remove exploitative content.


    Get Media Savvy

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    The Power of One by Frances Haugen

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    Real Social Media Solutions, Now with Frances Haugen

    A Conversation with Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen

    Are the Kids Alright?

    Social Media Victims Lawyer Up with Laura Marquez-Garrett

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



    Taylor Swift is Not Alone: The Deepfake Nightmare Sweeping the Internet

    Taylor Swift is Not Alone: The Deepfake Nightmare Sweeping the Internet

    Over the past year, a tsunami of apps that digitally strip the clothes off real people has hit the market. Now anyone can create fake non-consensual sexual images in just a few clicks. With cases proliferating in high schools, guest presenter Laurie Segall talks to legal scholar Mary Anne Franks about the AI-enabled rise in deep fake porn and what we can do about it. 

    Correction: Laurie refers to the app 'Clothes Off.' It’s actually named Clothoff. There are many clothes remover apps in this category.


    Revenge Porn: The Cyberwar Against Women

    In a five-part digital series, Laurie Segall uncovers a disturbing internet trend: the rise of revenge porn

    The Cult of the Constitution

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    Fake Explicit Taylor Swift Images Swamp Social Media

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    No One is Immune to AI Harms

    Esther Perel on Artificial Intimacy

    Social Media Victims Lawyer Up

    The AI Dilemma

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    Can Myth Teach Us Anything About the Race to Build Artificial General Intelligence? With Josh Schrei

    Can Myth Teach Us Anything About the Race to Build Artificial General Intelligence? With Josh Schrei

    We usually talk about tech in terms of economics or policy, but the casual language tech leaders often use to describe AI — summoning an inanimate force with the powers of code — sounds more... magical. So, what can myth and magic teach us about the AI race? Josh Schrei, mythologist and host of The Emerald podcast,  says that foundational cultural tales like "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" or Prometheus teach us the importance of initiation, responsibility, human knowledge, and care.  He argues these stories and myths can guide ethical tech development by reminding us what it is to be human. 

    Correction: Josh says the first telling of "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice" myth dates back to ancient Egypt, but it actually dates back to ancient Greece.


    The Emerald podcast

    The Emerald explores the human experience through a vibrant lens of myth, story, and imagination

    Embodied Ethics in The Age of AI

    A five-part course with The Emerald podcast’s Josh Schrei and School of Wise Innovation’s Andrew Dunn

    Nature Nurture: Children Can Become Stewards of Our Delicate Planet

    A U.S. Department of the Interior study found that the average American kid can identify hundreds of corporate logos but not plants and animals

    The New Fire

    AI is revolutionizing the world - here's how democracies can come out on top. This upcoming book was authored by an architect of President Biden's AI executive order


    How Will AI Affect the 2024 Elections?

    The AI Dilemma

    The Three Rules of Humane Tech

    AI Myths and Misconceptions


    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    Related Episodes

    China’s Soft Power Strategy

    China’s Soft Power Strategy

    China’s economic and military rise are well documented, but their ‘soft power’ strategy, which involves boosting their image as one of the good guys in the global mind, is more complicated. As China emerges from the pandemic relatively well, can they maintain their ‘peaceful rise’ narrative, particularly while the western world, including Australia, casts a skeptical eye on Chinese platforms such as TikTok and WeChat?

    In this episode, Tom is joined by Professor Michael Keane to discuss the future of China’s international influence and global standing.

    • What is ‘soft power’? [00:55]
    • The narrative China wants to tell [02:17]
    • The role of apps like WeChat and TikTok in China’s storytelling [04:17]
    • Should people be suspicious of Chinese apps like TikTok? [08:55]
    • Understanding Chinese culture [21:25]
    • Will Australia see a rise of Chinese pop culture? [26:22]

    Learn more

    Got any questions, or suggestions for future topics?

    Email thefutureof@curtin.edu.au.

    Curtin University supports academic freedom of speech. The views expressed in The Future Of podcast may not reflect those of the university.

    Music: OKAY by 13ounce Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library

    You can read the full transcript for the episode here https://thefutureof.simplecast.com/episodes/chinas-soft-power-strategy/transcript.

    China's Rise in the Global Digital Space

    China's Rise in the Global Digital Space


    [01:30] Sinocentric Order in the Digital Sphere

    [06:51] China’s Digital Silk Road 

    [09:35] Global Rise of Chinese Digital Platforms

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    [14:04] The Digital Sector and Government Partnership

    [16:53] Dominance of Western Digital Platforms

    [19:08] Pros and Cons of Banning TikTok 

    [21:08] Chinese Crackdown of the Digital Sector

    [23:27] Looking Forward in the Digital Space

    86: Strategic Intelligence Series - China's Bid for Semiconductor Chip Dominance.

    86: Strategic Intelligence Series - China's Bid for Semiconductor Chip Dominance.

    In this episode, host Bidemi Ologunde discussed how the Chinese government is trying to achieve its semiconductor chip manufacturing goals as contained in their latest Five-Year Plan by co-opting Chinese tech companies using a carrot-and-sticks approach in terms of regulatory oversight.

    Please send questions, comments, and suggestions to bidemi@thebidpicture.com. You can also get in touch on LinkedIn, Twitter, the Clubhouse app (@bid), and the Wisdom app (@bidemi).

    Support the show

    Defending Digital Rights - Rebecca MacKinnon & Molly Roberts

    Defending Digital Rights - Rebecca MacKinnon & Molly Roberts

    Rebecca MacKinnon is the director of Ranking Digital Rights, a program at New America promotes freedom of expression and privacy on the internet by creating global standards and incentives for companies to respect and protect users’ rights. She was a Pacific Leadership Fellow at the Center for Global Transformation at UC San Diego School of Global Policy & Strategy.

    Ms. MacKinnon is the author of the book Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom and the co-founder of the citizen media network Global Voices.

    Ms. MacKinnon was CNN’s Beijing Bureau Chief from 1998-2001 and Tokyo Bureau Chief from 2001-2003. Since leaving CNN, she taught journalism and conducted research on Chinese censorship at the University of Hong Kong and the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

    Molly Roberts is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at UC San Diego and the director of the China Data Lab at the 21st Century China Center. Prof. Roberts uses social media, online experiments, and large collections of newspaper articles to understand the influence of censorship and propaganda on the spread of information in China. She is the author of the award-winning book Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China's Great Firewall.

    Editor/Host: Samuel Tsoi

    Music: Shanghai Restoration Project
    Illustration: Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University


    Le virage idéologique des plateformes sociales

    Le virage idéologique des plateformes sociales

    Une seule semaine aura suffi à Elon Musk pour amorcer un changement intense de culture chez Twitter. Il a dissous le conseil d’administration, accéléré le lancement de modifications techniques sur l’authentification des usagers, puis ordonné leur rétractation face à des ratés considérables. Surtout, il a licencié plus de la moitié des employés de l’entreprise. 

    Il est difficile d’établir clairement à quel point l’avenir de Twitter incarnera la vision libertarienne de l’homme le plus riche au monde, mais cette acquisition illustre quand même un virage dans l’écosystème des médias sociaux, dont les intérêts sont de plus en plus ouvertement idéologiques. Petit état des lieux. Invité : Alain McKenna, journaliste économique 

    Équipe : Philippe Papineau, animateur 
    Xavier Kronström Richard, réalisateur 
    Félix Deschênes, recherchiste 
    Alexis Elina, composition musicale originale 

    Pour joindre l'équipe du balado : balado@ledevoir.com