
    A Look Back on Beach Games

    en-usAugust 24, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Michael Scott organizes beach games at Lake Scranton to determine his successorThe Office's third season episode 22, 'Beach Games,' was filmed at Lake Scranton, a reservoir in California, where Michael Scott organized emotional challenges to determine his successor, featuring Pam's heartfelt confession to Jim.

      In The Office's third season episode 22, titled "Beach Games," Michael Scott takes his employees to Lake Scranton for a day of challenges to determine his successor. The episode is filled with emotional moments, including Pam's heartfelt confession to Jim. The beach games were filmed at the Hanson Dam Recreation Center in Sylmar, California, for four days and nights. Lake Scranton, where the games took place, is a reservoir built in the early 1900s and named after William Walker Scranton. Swimming and boating are not permitted, but canoeing and kayaking are allowed. The ladies of The Ultimate Office Rewatch Podcast, Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, shared behind-the-scenes stories and fond memories of filming at the location.

    • Collaborative Writing of 'The Office' Episode 'Beach Games'Greg Daniels and Jen Salata's unique collaboration led to a 'Survivor'-inspired episode, highlighting Pam's growth through divided writing tasks and mutual respect.

      The making of "The Office" episode "Beach Games" involved a unique collaboration between writers Greg Daniels and Jen Salata. The episode was inspired by the reality TV show "Survivor," with Michael Scott using it as a method to choose his branch successor. Jen shared that the process of writing the script together was new to her, as she was used to working solo. They divided the work, with Greg contributing more to Pam's arc and her finding her voice. The cold open, featuring Michael and Dwight in Michael's office, was inspired by Greg's curiosity about other writers' processes. The result was a beautifully written episode that showcased Pam's journey and growth.

    • Writers Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak bonded over their procrastination before writing an episode of 'The Office'Procrastination and distractions are common experiences, even for the most successful and creative people, and can lead to valuable ideas and inspiration.

      Even the most successful and creative people experience procrastination and self-diagnosis before diving into their work. This was evident in a conversation between writers Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak, as they shared their relatable experiences of procrastination before starting to write an episode of "The Office." They bonded over their ailments and used their procrastination time to diagnose each other and even ended up using their unproductive behavior as inspiration for their cold open. This anecdote highlights that procrastination and distractions are common experiences, even for those who seem to effortlessly produce creative work. It also shows that these seemingly unproductive moments can lead to valuable ideas and inspiration.

    • Michael's Beach Day Preparation and Cast's Wardrobe ChoicesMichael's beach day episode showcases his preparation for fatherhood amidst extreme temperature changes, cast's layered wardrobes, and unique character dynamics, including Pam's unusual task and a sing-along party bus ride.

      The episode's beach day scene showcases Michael's preparation for fatherhood and the extreme temperature changes that required the cast to wear layers. Another interesting observation is the wardrobe similarities between Toby and Angela, as well as Andy and Stanley. Michael also assigns Pam an unusual task during the beach day, and the group rides a party bus to the location. Behind the scenes, the cast sang on the bus during the first day of filming. Overall, the beach day episode highlights Michael's readiness for fatherhood, the cast's wardrobe choices, and the unique dynamics between characters.

    • Overcoming Challenges on the Beach Set of 'The Office'The cast and crew of 'The Office' demonstrated resilience and creativity while filming the challenging beach episode, making the most of limited resources and creating memorable experiences off-camera.

      Despite the challenges of filming in a difficult location, the cast and crew of "The Office" were able to make the most of the situation and create a memorable episode through teamwork, creativity, and a strong sense of camaraderie. The group's ability to adapt and have fun in the face of adversity is a testament to their team spirit and the unique dynamic of the show. During the filming of the beach episode, the team faced numerous obstacles such as extreme heat, lack of nearby facilities, and limited shooting space. However, they didn't let these challenges dampen their spirits. Instead, they made the best of it by creating their own fun activities and making memories off-camera. For instance, Jenna and Angela recalled singing songs on the bus to the beach and having a makeshift beach day with a football. The episode's production was also filled with challenges, including long hours, hot and cold temperatures, and a lack of amenities. Despite these difficulties, the team persevered and managed to produce a high-quality episode. For example, they used golf carts to transport cast members to the bathrooms, and they made the most of the limited shooting space by huddling under pop-up tents when not in scene. Overall, the beach episode showcased the cast and crew's resilience and creativity in the face of adversity. It also highlighted the strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork that was a defining characteristic of "The Office."

    • The Office writers added personal touches to the showWriters incorporated their interests and inside jokes into the show, enhancing fan engagement

      The writers of The Office had a playful and creative work environment, often incorporating their personal interests and inside jokes into the show. For instance, they decorated chopsticks as Harry Potter wands and used them to cast comedy spells in the writers room. Additionally, Michael's survivor speech in "The Survivor Office Olympics" episode contained a callback to the writers' experience working on Survivor, with hard-boiled eggs and spoon races. These small details add layers of meaning and depth to the show, making it more engaging for fans.

    • Improvised humor and behind-the-scenes creativityThe Office episode's egg race scene showcased unique improvisation, on-the-fly dialogue, clever props, and character quirks, enhancing the show's charm and entertainment value.

      The scene from The Office's egg race episode showcases the unique improvisational humor and behind-the-scenes creativity that went into making the show. Mindy's laughter during Ed's shouting, Ryan's spontaneous response, and Jenna's diligent note-taking are examples of this. Additionally, the scene included some on-the-fly dialogue and clever props, such as the rubber fish used in Creed's fishing gag. The episode also highlighted the quirks and idiosyncrasies of the characters, like Michael's losing control and Creed's unconventional fishing method. These elements added to the overall charm and entertainment value of the show.

    • A discussion about hot dogs and layers leads to a memorable moment on The OfficeImprovised lines and unexpected events create memorable moments in The Office, showcasing the show's unique humor and spontaneity.

      The popular TV show "The Office" not only entertains viewers but also inspired one person to start the art of making bread. During an episode, Michael asks Pam to prepare 800 hot dogs in a short amount of time, leading to a discussion about the cost and the layers Pam wore that day. Although Michael took credit for cooking the hot dogs, a deleted scene reveals Pam was the one grilling them. An improvised line from Steve, "dip it in the water so it will slide down your gullet more easily," became a memorable moment. The conversation then shifted to a debate about the definition of a layup in basketball. Overall, the episode showcases the improvisational nature of the show and how it can lead to memorable moments and inside jokes.

    • Behind the scenes challenges during The Office filmingActors faced hot dog eating contests with continuous takes, used spit buckets, and endured extensive preparation for stunts like Michael's floating away scene. Cast remained dedicated to authentic performances despite challenges and showcased hidden talents.

      The filming of The Office involved challenging scenes for the actors, such as the hot dog eating contest where they had to eat on every take due to the continuous group shot. This required the use of spit buckets to discreetly dispose of the hot dogs. Another memorable scene was the stunt of Michael's character floating away at sea, which required extensive preparation and filming. Despite these challenges, the cast remained dedicated to delivering authentic performances, showcasing their commitment to the show. Additionally, the conversation revealed some unexpected talents, like Brian Baumgartner's hidden basketball skills. Overall, the behind-the-scenes discussion highlighted the dedication, teamwork, and creativity involved in bringing The Office to life.

    • Hot dog eating contest memories and a birthday cake mishapThe Office's hot dog eating contest scene brought back memories of a personal food experience, and the actual event differed from the portrayal on screen. Planning filming locations for specific scenes was important for authenticity.

      The Office's hot dog eating contest scene brought back memories of a gross food experience for the speaker, reminding her of a chocolate chip ice cream cake incident from a friend's birthday. The scene did not accurately reflect the amount of hot dog eating that occurred, as some participants, including Jim and the speaker herself, did not participate. The speaker also shared her personal experience attending the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest at Coney Island in 2011, where she had to ask an employee for permission to use the restroom during the event. The scene between Dwight and Angela discussing sabotage was a favorite of the speaker, and they had to carefully plan their filming location for the scene.

    • Memorable moments behind the scenes of Jenna Fischer and Rainn Wilson's scenes in The OfficeDespite challenges like height differences and mishaps during filming, Jenna Fischer and Rainn Wilson's scenes in The Office resulted in iconic moments through their childlike fun and local references.

      The scenes in "The Office" between Jenna Fischer and Rainn Wilson, particularly the spy scene and the sumo competition, were filled with memorable moments and behind-the-scenes challenges. The height difference between the two actors required wide shots, and Dwight's Cooper seafood t-shirt was a local Scranton reference. The sumo competition brought out the childlike fun in the actors, but also caused some mishaps like Leslie David Baker getting sand in his eyes and suffering a scratched cornea. Despite the challenges, the actors had a great time and created some iconic moments for the show.

    • Unexpected injuries and mishaps on setDespite injuries and mishaps, the cast remained dedicated to completing each episode of The Office.

      Filming The Office involved unexpected injuries and mishaps. Leslie got a piece of sand in his eye during a scene, causing him significant pain, while Ed broke his fingernail during a sumo wrestling match. These incidents did not prevent the cast from continuing their work, as they were dedicated to completing the episode. Another notable moment was Andy's attempt to cool off by dipping a yellow bandana in the lake, which resulted in him falling in and starting to float away. These behind-the-scenes stories demonstrate the commitment and resilience of the cast, as well as the unique challenges of filming a show in a small office setting.

    • Ed O'Neill's dedication to performing own stunts in 'Modern Family' water sceneEd O'Neill's commitment to authenticity led him to perform lengthy water stunts for 'Modern Family', resulting in memorable scenes despite challenges in improv dialogue and production logistics.

      Ed O'Neill went to great lengths to perform his own stunts in the water scene for "Modern Family," floating for over 45 minutes in total during day and night shoots. The improvised dialogue added to the challenge, making it difficult for Angela to keep a straight face. Ed's dedication to the role resulted in authentic and memorable scenes, despite the physical and logistical challenges involved. Additionally, the production team faced difficulties in capturing the timing and camera angles of Ed's floating scenes, making it a complex and intricate process.

    • Creating complex scenes in film productionOvercoming challenges like water hazards, powerboats, and safety concerns through careful planning and creativity leads to successful complex film sequences.

      Creating complex scenes in film production involves overcoming numerous challenges. For instance, during the shooting of a sequence featuring Ed in a sumo suit in a lake, the production team faced issues such as water snakes, powerboats not being allowed, and keeping Ed's head above water. They had to use a stunt coordinator in a rowboat to pull Ed, who wore a floaty bun helmet designed by the wardrobe department to ensure safety. The team's determination and creativity resulted in a successful sequence, but it required careful planning and execution.

    • Creating a humorous scene in The Office with sumo suitsBringing a humorous scene to life on The Office required significant resources, coordination, and teamwork to overcome logistical challenges and stay within budget.

      Creating a single scene in a television show can involve an immense amount of effort and coordination behind the scenes. During the filming of a particular sequence on "The Office," the writers came up with a humorous idea for Jim and Karen to call David Wallace for job considerations while wearing sumo suits. However, the execution of this scene required significant resources and time, leading to logistical challenges and potential budget overages. The scene was originally intended to take place in the office, but was changed to occur later in the day, causing additional complications. Despite these challenges, the production team managed to get the shot they needed, demonstrating the dedication and teamwork required to bring even the smallest moments to life on screen.

    • Balancing Creativity and Practicality in PartnershipsEffective partnerships require a balance between creative ideas and practical constraints. Both parties must collaborate to bring visions to life while staying mindful of time and budget.

      Effective partnerships require a balance between creativity and practicality. Kent from the TV show serves as a metaphor for the person in a partnership who keeps things on budget and on schedule. His role involves estimating the time and cost of each scene, ensuring that creative visions can be realized within practical constraints. However, this balance can be challenging to maintain, as going over time or budget in one area can cause delays or sacrifices elsewhere. This was evident in the production of a particularly ambitious scene involving a coal fire pit, where safety regulations and practical considerations required the use of special effects and careful planning. Ultimately, the success of the partnership relies on both parties working together to bring creative visions to life while staying mindful of practical realities.

    • Michael's Inspiring Coal Walk Goes AwryUnexpected challenges arose during Michael's motivational coal walk event, leading to emotional revelations and growth for Pam.

      The Office's Michael Scott tried to inspire his team by having them walk across hot coals, but instead, they faced challenges like sore feet and improvised lines. Meanwhile, Pam, inspired by the challenge, ran across the coals and shared her deep feelings for Jim, revealing the truth about her canceled wedding. The experience was a turning point for Pam, showcasing her growth and emotions. Jenna Fischer's performance as Pam was moving and memorable, making it a standout moment in the series. Despite the challenges and unexpected twists, the team continued to navigate their professional and personal lives, highlighting the unique dynamics of the Office.

    • Understanding and Preparing for a Memorable PerformanceExtensive preparation and authentic emotion are crucial for delivering a memorable and impactful performance on TV.

      Delivering a memorable and impactful performance on a television show requires extensive preparation and understanding of the material. Jenna Fischer, who played Pam Beesly on The Office, shared her experience of delivering a key monologue in the show, which was meticulously written by Greg Daniels. Fischer worked tirelessly to memorize every word and put herself in the right mindset to deliver an authentic performance. The scene required not only the person delivering the lines but also the reactions of others to create a compelling and engaging moment for the audience. Fischer's experience of being the "driver of the scene" gave her a new appreciation for the work that Steve Carell, who played Michael Scott, put into his performances every week. The scene was meant to evoke a range of emotions from the audience, from awe and impulsiveness to heartbreak, and Fischer's preparation allowed her to fully embody those emotions and deliver a captivating performance. The scene was originally meant to be the end of the episode, but a tag scene of the cast singing on the bus was added as an extra bit of fun, despite confusing some viewers.

    • Mentoring from Harold Ramis on 'The Office'Harold Ramis mentored Jenna Fischer during 'Beach Games' episode, sharing directorial responsibilities and inspiring improvisations that became a signature of The Office's style.

      The making of "Beach Games" episode of The Office was a memorable experience for the cast and crew, particularly for Jenna Fischer and Rashida Jones, who shared trailers and morning coffee breaks with Harold Ramis. Ramis, who directed the episode, was instrumental in mentoring Fischer and sharing his directorial responsibilities with her during the challenging shoot. The episode, which featured a lot of outdoor scenes and extreme weather conditions, was a learning experience for Fischer, who went on to direct two episodes of The Office herself. Ramis's influence extended beyond the set, as he inspired the tag scenes and improvisations that became a signature of The Office's style. Overall, the "Beach Games" episode represents a pivotal moment in the history of The Office, both for the characters and for the cast and crew who brought them to life.

    • Exploring the making of Office LadiesThe team behind Office Ladies is dedicated to delivering high-quality content, with Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey, and a talented production team bringing listeners behind the scenes of their popular podcast.

      The hosts, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, assure listeners that both parts will be worthwhile. They remind everyone to tune in next week for the continuation of their job-related conversation. Office Ladies is produced by Earwold, Jenna Fischer, and Angela Kinsey. The team behind the scenes includes producer Cody Fisher, sound engineer Sam Keefer, and associate producer Ainsley Buba Co. The episode's theme song is "Rubber Tree" by Creed Bratton. For those who prefer ad-free listening, Stitcher Premium offers a free one-month trial with the code "Office." This premium version of the podcast allows listeners to enjoy the content without interruptions. Overall, this episode of Office Ladies highlights the production process and the commitment of the team to deliver engaging and entertaining content for their audience.

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    Link to Creed’s new song “Corner of the Universe”: https://onerpm.link/corneroftheuniverse


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion


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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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