
    Podcast Summary

    • The Office Stars Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Stories of Filming at Lake ScrantonIn episode 22 of The Office's third season, Michael takes employees to Lake Scranton for challenges, Pam confesses feelings to Jim, and Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey share filming details and interesting facts about the reservoir in their podcast.

      Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, who starred in The Office, have started a podcast where they re-watch and discuss each episode with behind-the-scenes stories. In episode 22 of season 3, Michael takes his employees to the beach for a day of challenges to determine his successor. Pam summons up the courage to confess her feelings to Jim. The beach scenes were filmed at the Hanson Dam Recreation Center in Sylmar for four days and nights. Lake Scranton, where the episode is set, is a reservoir built in the early 1900s and named after William Walker Scranton. Swimming and boating are not permitted, but canoeing and kayaking are. The lake is filled with circulated drinking water. A fan question prompted the discussion about the filming location and the facts about Lake Scranton.

    • Collaborative Writing of 'The Office's 'Beach Games' EpisodeGreg Daniels and Jen Salata collaborated on 'The Office's 'Beach Games' episode, inspired by 'Survivor'. Pam's empowering speech was mostly written by Greg, but they worked together on the script. The writing process involved some procrastination and finding the right conditions for creativity.

      The "Beach Games" episode of "The Office" was a collaborative effort between Greg Daniels and Jen Salata, with inspiration drawn from the reality TV show "Survivor." The cold open, featuring Michael's office antics with Dwight, was inspired by their curiosity about each other's writing processes. The episode's standout moment, Pam's speech, was mostly written by Greg, but the pair worked together on various parts of the script. Jen was excited to act in the well-written episode, which saw Pam finding her voice and asserting herself. The process of writing the script involved some procrastination and figuring out the ideal conditions for creativity.

    • Finding value in unexpected momentsUnexpected moments, like procrastination or self-diagnosis, can lead to valuable ideas and opportunities. Embrace the unexpected and find value in seemingly mundane tasks.

      Even the most seemingly unproductive moments, like procrastinating or self-diagnosing, can lead to valuable ideas and opportunities. In the Office episode "Beach Games," Michael and Pam's attempt to diagnose each other's ailments resulted in a home remedy for Michael's ear and an inspiration for their cold open. Similarly, Michael's unconventional phone call with David Wallace led to him being considered for a job opening at corporate. These instances show that it's important to embrace the unexpected and find value in seemingly mundane tasks. Additionally, the episode highlights the unique dynamic between Michael and his bosses, showcasing his unconventional approach to work and relationships.

    • The Office's beach episode wardrobe trend and Michael's assignment for PamDespite unpredictable weather and Michael's assignment, the cast adapted and showcased camaraderie during the filming of The Office's beach episode

      The unpredictable weather during the filming of The Office's beach episode required the cast to wear layers, resulting in a noticeable wardrobe trend. Toby and Angela, Andy and Stanley, and even Michael were among those who followed this fashion pattern. Another interesting observation was Michael's assignment for Pam to take notes on her colleagues' character traits, which led to the famous "Pam's going to bloom" moment. The behind-the-scenes anecdote about the cast singing on the bus also added a fun element to the production. Overall, this episode showcased the cast's camaraderie and adaptability to unexpected circumstances.

    • Overcoming challenges at the beachThe cast and crew's positive attitude and ability to adapt to challenging conditions resulted in a memorable and enjoyable episode despite the heat, lack of facilities, and long hours.

      Despite the numerous challenges faced during the filming of a particular episode at the beach, the cast and crew managed to maintain a positive attitude and make the best of the situation. The heat, lack of facilities, and long hours did not dampen their spirits, and they even found ways to have fun and create memorable moments off-camera. The episode, filled with struggles and hardships, ultimately resulted in a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. The cast's ability to adapt and make the most of their circumstances is a testament to their professionalism and teamwork. The Harry Potter references added an exciting element to the episode, bringing a sense of joy and familiarity to the production.

    • Writers' Room Procrastination Activity Inspires Office SceneThe Office writers drew inspiration from their own experiences, including a Harry Potter-themed procrastination activity, to create engaging and authentic scenes for the show.

      The writers' room of The Office had a playful Harry Potter-themed procrastination activity, which later influenced a scene in the show where Michael holds a survivor-style speech and conducts a spoon and egg race with blindfolded contestants. The writers, some of whom had previously worked on Survivor, drew inspiration from their personal experiences and practical considerations, such as the risk of leaving debris on the beach and the impracticality of dealing with wardrobe issues with egg yolk. These behind-the-scenes moments showcase the writers' creativity and attention to detail, as well as their ability to draw upon their own experiences to enrich the show. Additionally, the Harry Potter-inspired wand stands and chopstick wands add a layer of fun and whimsy to the writers' room dynamic.

    • Improvising and Attention to Detail in 'The Office'Jenna Fischer took notes to stay in character, a rubber fish was used for a fishing scene, and the cast and crew's dedication brought the office environment to life.

      The making of "The Office" involved a lot of improvisation and attention to detail. Jenna Fischer, who played Pam, shared that she took diligent notes during filming to help her stay in character. One scene, where Creed catches a fish with his bare hands, was achieved using a rubber fish in a bucket. Fishing is not allowed on Lake Scranton, but this little trick allowed them to get the shot. Fischer also mentioned her love for cooking shows, particularly "The Great British Bake Off," which inspired her to start baking bread. The scene where Michael hands Pam 800 hot dogs to prepare in 10 minutes was a challenge, but they managed to make it work. The show's success came from the combination of scripted and improvised moments, as well as the dedication of the cast and crew to bring the office environment to life.

    • Michael's Hot Dog Cooking Misunderstanding and Pam's Hidden Wardrobe MalfunctionMichael mistakenly takes credit for cooking hot dogs during the Office's contest, while Pam wears multiple layers to hide a wardrobe malfunction. Unscripted moments include Michael's basketball background references and the 'so it slides down your gullet more easily' line.

      During the Office's iconic hot dog eating contest scene, Michael takes credit for cooking the hot dogs despite it being an improvisation by Steve Carell. Pam wears multiple layers to hide a ward malfunction, and the scene includes unscripted moments like the "so it slides down your gullet more easily" line. Michael's basketball background is also referenced throughout the conversation. While a layup and a softball might seem similar, they have distinct differences in team involvement. A layup is a solo move to score at the basket, while a softball is a team effort with one player sending the ball to another for a home run. The discussion also reveals that Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam, is a basketball fan and has a strong outside shot.

    • Filming The Office's hot dog contest scene was a challenging experience for Ed Helms and Brian BaumgartnerActors Ed Helms and Brian Baumgartner displayed impressive dedication to their roles during the hot dog contest scene, despite the discomfort and extensive coverage which took up half a day to shoot. A surprise moment was Brian's hidden basketball skill.

      The making of "The Office" hot dog contest scene was a challenging experience for the actors, particularly for Ed Helms and Brian Baumgartner, who had to eat hot dogs on every take due to the continuous group shot. The scene required extensive coverage, taking up half a day to shoot. Despite the discomfort, both actors displayed impressive dedication to their roles. Another notable moment was Brian's hidden basketball skill, which surprised everyone on set. Overall, the episode showcased the cast's commitment to bringing authenticity to their roles, even if it meant enduring some less-than-appetizing situations.

    • Hot Dog Eating Contest on The Office vs. Real-life Nathan's ContestThe Office's hot dog eating contest depiction differed from the real-life event, with Andy being the only character to come close to the record-breaking consumption.

      The hot dog eating contest episode of "The Office" did not accurately depict the amount of hot dog consumption by the main characters, as some of them did not even participate. A notable exception is Andy, who won with 13 hot dogs. The real-life Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, which the speakers attended in 2011, saw Joey Chestnut (Jaws) consume a world record-breaking 75 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes, while Miki Sudo won the female category with 48.5 hot dogs. The scene where Dwight and Angela discuss sabotage in the sand dunes is a favorite of the speakers. Despite the itchy reedy grass, they found a secluded spot to film the scene, with bloopers featuring the speakers' laughter at the absurdity of Dwight's request for sabotage and Angela's repeated response of "sandwich."

    • Unexpected humor and camaraderie during filmingDespite challenges like medical emergencies and height differences, the cast found unexpected humor and camaraderie during The Office filming

      The unexpected humor and camaraderie found in the scenes between Dwight and Jen, such as their shared love for writing for Dwight and Angela, and Dwight's humorous appearance in the sumo competition. Another surprising element was the challenges the cast faced during filming, like Leslie David Baker getting a scratched cornea from sand in his eye, which required him to seek medical attention but still finish filming. The height difference between Dwight and the speaker was also noticeable during the group hug scene. Overall, the discussion highlighted the unique moments and challenges that arose during the filming of The Office.

    • Actors Rainn Wilson and Ed Helms suffered injuries during filming of 'The Office'Despite injuries, Rainn Wilson and Ed Helms continued filming to ensure authenticity in their roles

      During the filming of a scene in "The Office," both Rainn Wilson (Dwight) and Ed Helms (Andy) suffered injuries. Rainn recalled an incident where he got sand in his eye while filming a wrestling scene with Stanley, but the moment that really stood out was when Ed broke his fingernail during a sumo wrestling scene with Dwight. Ed's injury was not just a broken nail, but it appeared to be gruesome, with the nail supposedly ripping below the cuticle. Despite the injuries, both actors continued filming, with Ed even enduring over 45 minutes of floating in the water for a stunt scene. These behind-the-scenes stories show the dedication and commitment of the cast to bring authenticity to their roles.

    • Creating a complex water scene in a filmActors face difficulties like improvising lines, dealing with cold water, and navigating currents. Production teams consider safety concerns, timing, and camera angles, dealing with additional challenges like snakes.

      Creating a complex water scene in a film involves numerous challenges and careful planning. Actors like Ed, who had to float away in a sumo suit, faced difficulties such as improvising lines, dealing with cold water, and navigating currents. Behind the scenes, the production team had to consider safety concerns, timing, and camera angles. For instance, they had to find a way to pull Ed behind a boat without using powerboats, which were not allowed on the lake. Jen also shared that there were concerns about water snakes during the shoot, adding an extra layer of tension. Despite these challenges, both Ed and Angela delivered impressive performances, making the scene a memorable one.

    • Bringing a humorous costume idea to life on setCreating a single scene involves intricate planning and collaboration between departments to overcome challenges and achieve desired effects.

      Creating a single scene in a production involves a great deal of planning, problem-solving, and collaboration between various departments. Using the example of Ed wearing an inflatable sumo suit and being pulled by a man in a rowboat while filming for a TV show, it's clear that the wardrobe designer faced a significant challenge in creating a costume that would allow the actor to float safely on water. After consulting with a stunt person, they came up with the idea of a floaty helmet in the shape of a sumo wrestler's bun, which worked during testing. The scene's execution required careful coordination between the actors, stunt team, and camera crew to ensure the desired effect was achieved. The behind-the-scenes anecdote highlights the intricacies and complexities involved in bringing a simple, seemingly humorous idea to life on screen.

    • Respecting Professional Communication and Avoiding DistractionsEffective communication and focus are crucial during professional situations, even on a film set. Avoid unnecessary interruptions and respect others' professional communication to maintain productivity and efficiency.

      Effective communication and focus are crucial during professional situations, even on a film set. Jen's phone call with David Wallace was disrupted by his heckling, which was intended to be playful but came across as unprofessional and distracting. This incident highlights the importance of respecting others' professional communication and avoiding unnecessary interruptions. Another important takeaway is the challenges of managing time and budget constraints in film production. Kent Sabornak, the line producer, faced the pressure of ensuring the show stayed within budget and timeline while also fulfilling Greg's creative vision. The added scene with Jen's phone call caused delays, and Kent had to balance the needs of the production while dealing with the creative team's requests for more time. In the end, Jen made a decision to prioritize getting the shot over answering Kent's call, which demonstrates the importance of making tough choices and staying focused on the goal. The incident also highlights the complexities of managing a film production, where creative and financial considerations must be balanced.

    • Balancing dreamers and doers in partnershipsEffective partnerships need a balance of ambitious planners and practical executors. Communication, adaptability, and improvisation are crucial in overcoming unexpected challenges.

      Effective partnerships require a balance between big thinkers and practical planners. The discussion about the making of the "Cold Walk" scene in "The Office" serves as a metaphor for this dynamic. One person, like Kent, keeps things on budget and on schedule, while another, like Angela, dreams up ambitious plans. The scene itself was a logistical challenge with intricate special effects to create the illusion of hot coals, which required extensive safety measures. This balance between dreamers and doers is essential for the success of any project or partnership. Additionally, the scene showcases the importance of communication, improvisation, and adaptability in overcoming unexpected challenges.

    • Pam's impromptu speech after walking on hot coalsUnexpected moments in life can lead to personal growth and revealing emotional expressions

      The Office's Pam, played by Jenna Fischer, delivers a powerful and impromptu speech after successfully walking across the burning coals. This moment represents her personal growth and the culmination of her feelings for Jim. Despite the challenging circumstances, she shares her emotions honestly and authentically, revealing her deepest thoughts about her art show, her longing for Jim, and the reason she called off her wedding to Roy. This scene showcases Jenna Fischer's exceptional acting skills and the emotional depth of the Office series. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most significant moments in life come when we least expect them and allow us to express our true selves.

    • Preparation and Confidence in ActingMemorizing lines allows for authentic reactions and full immersion in the scene, while a strong dynamic between scene partners enhances performance.

      Delivering a powerful performance in acting requires preparation and confidence. The speaker shared her experience of memorizing every word for a significant scene in "The Office," which allowed her to fully immerse herself in the moment and react authentically to her scene partners. She also noted the importance of the dynamic between the person driving the scene and those reacting to it. Additionally, she discussed the experience of being the audience reflected in the scene and the unexpected addition of a tag at the end of the episode that added an upbeat tone but didn't make sequential sense. The speaker also fondly recalled the close proximity of her trailer to Rashida's during filming, which added to the camaraderie of the production.

    • Mentorship from Harold Ramis on The Office setHarold Ramis, an influential director, mentored Jenna Fischer on The Office set, providing general notes, telling jokes, and even stepping in to help with technical aspects. His guidance extended beyond the set, leading Fischer to direct episodes herself.

      Harold Ramis, the director of the iconic "Groundhog Day" episode of "The Office," was an invaluable mentor to Jenna Fischer during her time on the show. Fischer shared stories of how Ramis would give general notes and tell jokes over a microphone while they filmed from a distance on the beach. She also recalled how he stepped in to help with the technical aspects during a particularly challenging episode, giving her a taste of directing. Ramis' influence extended beyond the set, as he later encouraged Fischer to direct episodes of "The Office" herself. The experience of working with Ramis was a significant thrill for Fischer and a pivotal moment in her career.

    Recent Episodes from Office Ladies

    Moving On, Pt 1

    Moving On, Pt 1

    This week we’re breaking down “Moving On, Pt 1”. Andy is grieving over his breakup with Erin, Pam has a job interview in Philly with a manager that is way too similar to Michael Scott, and Angela helps Dwight take care of his aunt. The ladies talk about what it was like to work with the director of this episode Jon Favreau, Angela shares Merriam-Webster's description of the “Aha” moment, Jenna shares some current fashion trends and the ladies talk about Mark Franks (Bob Odenkirk) and Simon Realty in Philly. So while you wonder what it would be like if Bob Dylan was your boss, enjoy this episode! 

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    This week the ladies chat with Phyllis Smith! Phyllis played our lovable, snarky sales rep who was also the second half of Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration. The ladies bond over some of their personal favorite “Office” moments which includes a scene both Phyllis and Steve Carell couldn’t get through. Phyllis also talks about her upcoming movie “Inside Out 2” where she plays the voice of Sadness. This episode is guaranteed to warm your heart so no need to get sassy over party planning ideas, just enjoy this episode! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    A Look Back on Counseling

    A Look Back on Counseling

    This week we’re taking a look back on “Counseling”. After spanking his nephew at work, Michael undergoes counseling with Toby. Meanwhile, Dwight attempts to get his “Pretty Woman” revenge at a Steamtown Mall shop and Pam gives herself a promotion. We hear an original “Whispers in the Breakroom” by musician Elyse Myers. Jenna reveals the backstory behind how Michael came to hate Toby, Angela shares why Dwight wanted that wizard statue so badly, and we get a fun audio clip from actress Kate Walsh! If you don’t listen to this episode, Big mistake, HUGE! 


    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    This week the ladies chat with Jake Lacy! Jake played Pete on “The Office” or as Andy liked to call him, Plop. Jake talks about what it was like to audition and join the cast in Season 9. Jake shares memories from his first day on set, answers call sheet questions and they all bond over parenting. Enjoy! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 05, 2024

    Couples Discount

    Couples Discount

    This week we’re breaking down “Couples Discount”. The office pretends to be couples to get a Valentines’ Day discount at a nail salon, and meanwhile Jim and Pam try to celebrate this romantic holiday but it doesn’t go so well. Angela shares the struggle of shoe shopping with tiny feet, Jenna deems that Valentine’s Day is not Jim and Pam’s holiday and the ladies try some fancy chocolate. So relax, get a mani with your office bestie and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 29, 2024

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    This week we're breaking down "Vandalism" and the ladies are joined by the director of this episode and Jenna's husband, Lee Kirk! (You might also remember Lee as Clark the Lactation Consultant.) Pam's mural in the warehouse gets vandalized, Angela and the Senator host a fancy first birthday party for their son and Jim and Darryl are a bit at odds as roommates in Philly. Lee shares what it was like to direct an episode of "The Office" through a fun analogy. Then Jenna shares a Nate moment that made her break, and Angela reveals more deleted party scenes. Plus Josh (Angela's husband in real life) made lemon madeleines for us this week! So keep your 5 lbs of flour away from Jim and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    This week the ladies chat with John Krasinski! John, Jenna and Angela talk about Season 9 of “The Office”, Jenna remembers John pitching a way to wrap up the Jim and Pam storyline, Angela asks John some call sheet questions, and John tells the ladies about his upcoming movie “IF”! This is a wonderful chat so please enjoy, Office Ladies fans! 


    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion


    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    This week we’re taking a look back at “Nepotism”. Michael got his nephew, played by Evan Peters, a job at Dunder Mifflin and he’s terrible. Like soy ice cream and bagel chips terrible. The ladies tell you everything you want to know about the lip dub opening, and Kate Flannery sends in a clip about her experience being strapped to Brian Baumgartner’s back. Then Angela shares a story full of twists and turns about trying to find a Blu-Ray player in her hometown so she could research this episode, Jenna explains a seemingly strange reaction Pam has in a conference room scene and the ladies wonder about being able to pee in the ocean. So bust out those dance moves, guitar riffs and magic tricks, and enjoy “Nepotism”! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Junior Salesman

    Junior Salesman

    This week we’re breaking down “Junior Salesman”. Dwight searches for a part-time salesman to fill in while Jim splits his time between Athlead and Dunder Mifflin. We hear audio clips from editor Dave Rogers who talks about his experience directing this episode. Angela has a very surprising update on the banned mallard duck, Jenna breaks down how fan reactions to the boom operator affected the storyline and the ladies discuss what they can podcast about next after their “Office” rewatch. So no need to go paintballing with Dwight’s friends, just enjoy this great episode! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Customer Loyalty

    Customer Loyalty

    This week we’re breaking down “Customer Loyalty”. Dwight goes out of his way to stop Darryl from leaving Dunder Mifflin, and Jim misses Cece’s recital which leads to a fight that causes Pam to turn to someone from the documentary crew! We hear audio clips from the director of this episode, Kelly Cantley, who talks about taking on such a big reveal. Angela also interviews her daughter, Isabel, who played a ladybug in this episode and Jenna shares a fan letter that pitches many incidents the documentary crew probably should’ve stepped in to help a Dunder Mifflin employee. So no need to “FIRE IN THE HOLE” to enjoy this big episode. It’s a good one!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Audio excerpt courtesy Penguin Random House Audio from Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling, narrated by the author. © 2011 by Mindy Kaling, ℗ 2011 Penguin Random House LLC

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    Prior to the interview, Mark shares some comments from recent episodes, a personal update, and a word from this episode's sponsor, Findaway Voices.

    You can learn more about how you can get your work distributed to retailers and library systems around the world at starkreflections.ca/Findaway.


    In the interview Mark and Joe talk about:

    • How story has always been important in Joe's life, and how that sometimes backfired when he was a young child
    • The way that everything is a story, and the more that we are comfortable with story, the better we can engage with others
    • Joe's musical background, and how story through music was one of his first loves and felt natural to him
    • The prominence of unplanned transitions in Joe's life
    • How it can be ALL about the journey
    • Different types of collaborations that creative storytellers can work on together in music verses prose writing
    • The critical nature of music and how it impacts a visual storytelling medium
    • The different types of documentary projects that Joe has worked on over the years
    • Fascinating answers you can get from some basic simple questions
    • The critical balance of skill combined with a solid community
    • How everything you learn is important to everything you do
    • The way that the collaborative community of FerroCity is the culmination of Joe's entire career
    • How the platform FerroCity helps connect the community together and learn from the way people engage with it
    • How writers who are interested in checking it out can begin to participate in the FerroCity community and platform
    • Why Joe says that you can't learn anything unless it's entertaining
    • The three phases of FerroCity that are being rolled out the spring/summer of 2020
    • Why Mark calls this platform a type of "Field of Dreams"
    • How a team can synergize over a single posting on a platform like this
    • The camaraderie that comes from working alongside other team members

    After the interview, Mark reflects on the universal nature of storytelling, and the unimagined and unforeseen benefits that can result from creative collaboration.


    Links of Interest:


    Joe Scacciaferro has been in the media and entertainment business for over 30 years and has founded and run several successful media and entertainment production and technical support companies, most noticeably FerroProductions.

    He has been honored with 5 Emmys, 9 Emmy nominations, co-authored 15 books on the creative use of music technology, written music scores for broadcast programming, produced dozens of network sports shows / documentaries and been honored with two super bowl rings from the NY Giants for his programming efforts during the past 20 years.

    Joe’s creative abilities are self-evident based on the longevity and diverse successes of his career. But when asked about his single greatest professional accomplishment, he will always point to enormous career successes of his interns.

    He is a strong believer in creative collaboration, and networking opportunities, and he shares an exciting new project called FerroCity, which represents the culmination of his extraordinary career and life.


    The introductory, end, and bumper music for this podcast (“Laser Groove”) was composed and produced by Kevin MacLeod of www.incompetech.com and is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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    Transcript and show notes: https://ideasonfire.net/33-e-patrick-johnson

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    Football player doing the Scarn


    The Network’s Song “Threat Level Midnight”



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