
    A Woman's Sexual Desire - How To Last Longer In Bed, Increase Penis Size & Master Seduction PT 1

    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Societal construct of large penises for women's satisfaction is a mythMost women require clitoral stimulation to orgasm and prefer average-sized penises, contradicting societal norms.

      The obsession with having a large penis for satisfying women is largely a societal construct and may not be based on women's actual preferences. According to a urologist and YouTube sensation, doctor Rena Malik, 85% of women need clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm, and not all women find large penises comfortable or enjoyable during intercourse. The average penis size falls around 5.1 to 5.7 inches, and the sex toys women buy also suggest that they prefer an average-sized penis. The societal obsession with penis size may stem from a lack of knowledge about how to pleasure women, as the clitoris is the only organ in the human body specifically designed for pleasure and is located above the vagina. It's essential to remember that every person's preferences and comfort levels are individual, and societal norms should not dictate what is desirable in the bedroom.

    • Can men really enlarge their penises?Traction devices can lead to modest penis length gains, but risks and uneven results are possible. Other methods like vacuum erection devices and surgical procedures have not been proven effective.

      While it's possible for a man to enlarge his penis through methods like traction devices or surgical procedures, the safety and effectiveness of these methods are still subjects of ongoing investigation. The most commonly studied and proven method is traction, which involves using devices to apply gentle pressure to the penis for extended periods of time. This can lead to modest gains in length, around 2 centimeters or about 0.8 inches. However, it's important to note that these gains come with risks, including potential damage to the penis and uneven results. Additionally, some methods, such as vacuum erection devices and surgical procedures, have not been proven to be effective in increasing penis size. Ultimately, it's essential for men to approach penis enlargement with caution and to consult with healthcare professionals before trying any methods.

    • Applying constant tension to penis tissue for growthUsing medical-grade traction devices can increase penis size, but risks and effectiveness limits are unknown. Focus on underlying causes of ED before trying traction therapy.

      Traction devices for penis enlargement work by applying constant tension to gently stretch the tissue, similar to tissue expanders used in medicine. This process can increase penis size, but it's essential to use medical-grade devices and avoid causing damage through manual methods like jelqing. Risks include bruising and discomfort, but the upper limit of effectiveness and safety is unknown. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue often caused by blood flow problems, and maintaining good blood flow is crucial for penis health. If someone has ED and wants to use traction, they should first focus on addressing the underlying causes to improve overall health and enhance the potential benefits of traction therapy.

    • Causes of Erectile Dysfunction: Psychological, Neurological, Hormonal, and Medication-RelatedED can be caused by various factors including anxiety, diabetes, nerve damage, low testosterone, and medications. Prevention includes maintaining heart health and a heart-healthy lifestyle.

      Erectile dysfunction (ED) can have various causes, including psychological, neurological, hormonal, and medication-related factors. Psychological causes, such as anxiety, are more common in younger men. Neurological issues, like diabetes and nerve damage from surgeries, can also contribute to ED. Hormonal imbalances, specifically low testosterone, can play a role, but it's not the sole cause in most cases. Medications, particularly high blood pressure and antidepressants, are common culprits. Prevention includes maintaining heart health through a heart-healthy diet and regular exercise, as ED can be an early sign of cardiovascular issues. The female anatomy is also intriguing; the clitoris, which shares similar tissue with the penis, has external and internal parts, with some parts located far from the vaginal canal. The reason for this arrangement remains a topic of debate among scientists.

    • The clitoris and vagina's complex relationshipThe clitoris, not directly connected to the vagina, is the primary source of female sexual pleasure, and women's anatomy varies in length between the clitoris and vaginal opening, influencing their preferred methods of sexual stimulation and the size of toys they can comfortably use.

      The female anatomy, specifically the clitoris and its relationship to the vagina, is more complex than it seems. Despite the clitoris being the primary source of female sexual pleasure, it is not directly connected to the vagina. Instead, the clitoris and the urethra are situated in close proximity. This anatomical arrangement may explain why some women prefer vaginal penetration for orgasm and why they may not prefer larger toys. Additionally, there is variability in the length between the clitoris and the vaginal opening, with some women more likely to orgasm through vaginal penetration. This anatomy also presents limitations to the size of toys that women can comfortably use. Understanding these intricacies of female anatomy is crucial for promoting sexual satisfaction and pleasure.

    • Transforming cars, businesses, and bodiesUsing the right tools and resources can lead to successful transformations in various aspects of life, including car maintenance, business growth, data privacy, and pelvic health.

      Whether it's reviving an old car or growing a business, transformation requires effort and the right tools. For car enthusiasts, eBay Motors offers a vast selection of parts to keep their rides running smoothly. For entrepreneurs, Shopify provides an all-in-one platform to help businesses grow efficiently. Meanwhile, protecting personal data has become crucial in today's digital age, making services like DeleteMe essential for maintaining privacy. Regarding the human body, the vagina, like the penis, comes in various shapes and sizes, but pelvic floor muscle tone can impact its size and comfort during penetration. Overall, taking the time to prepare and use the right resources can lead to successful transformations and improvements in various aspects of life.

    • Addressing pelvic floor weakness after childbirthRebuilding pelvic floor muscles and ligaments through surgery can prevent prolapse, while regular exercises like kegels maintain a healthy pelvic floor. Communication and understanding between partners are essential for sexual satisfaction.

      Pelvic floor weakness after childbirth can lead to various issues such as prolapse, where the vaginal skin and the organs behind it, like the bladder, uterus, or rectum, can sag. This weakness can be addressed through reconstructive surgery, which involves rebuilding the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. While some women opt for cosmetic reasons to make their vaginal opening smaller, the primary goal is to prevent prolapse from recurring. It's essential to note that vaginal reconstruction only makes the introitus smaller and can help pull together some muscles. However, to maintain a healthy pelvic floor, regular exercises like kegels are necessary. A mismatch between a man's penis size and a woman's vaginal size can lead to discomfort during intercourse. Solutions exist for both partners, such as devices to shorten the length of penetration or focusing on non-penetrative methods to achieve pleasure. Interestingly, studies show that 45% of women have an orgasm with a first-time male partner compared to 95% with a first-time female partner. This highlights the importance of communication and mutual understanding between partners to ensure satisfaction.

    • Open communication and understanding non-penetrative sexual pleasure for womenEffective communication and recognizing the significance of non-penetrative sexual pleasure for women may lead to increased sexual satisfaction, possibly influenced by evolution and the external location of the clitoris.

      Open communication and understanding the importance of non-penetrative sexual pleasure for women may lead to greater sexual satisfaction. The speaker suggests that this phenomenon could be rooted in evolution, as seen in primates like bonobos, where genital contact is used to resolve conflicts and build bonds. The speaker also hypothesizes that the external location of the clitoris may have evolved to serve non-penetrative purposes, potentially to prevent women from climaxing first during intercourse to ensure successful sperm deposit. Communication and exploration of women's unique sexual needs and desires are crucial for enhancing sexual experiences and overall satisfaction.

    • Exploring the depths of pleasureCommunicate, be mindful, and patient for a satisfying sexual experience. Women's unique anatomy allows for continued pleasure with penetration and lubricant enhances it.

      Good sex goes beyond just achieving an orgasm. It's about allowing vulnerability and mindfulness in the moment, enjoying the entire experience, and communicating with your partner. Women, unlike men, are generally multiorgasmic due to the sensitivity being localized in the clitoris, allowing for continued penetration. However, it's crucial to remember that every person's preferences are unique, and the journey to a satisfying sexual experience involves patience, foreplay, and open communication. Additionally, the use of lubricant can enhance pleasure for women, regardless of their level of arousal.

    • Communication and understanding are keys to enhancing sexual experiencesEffective communication and understanding between partners can lead to new discoveries and improved orgasms by discussing desires, providing feedback, and experimenting with different sensations in a safe, judgment-free environment.

      Effective communication and understanding between partners are crucial for enhancing sexual experiences. It's essential to remember that various factors can impact arousal levels, and personal differences in preferences and responses are normal. Therefore, open and non-judgmental discussions about desires and feedback outside of the bedroom are vital. Additionally, experimenting with different sensations, such as touch, temperature, and vibration, can lead to new discoveries and improved orgasms for both partners. Remember, trust and a safe, judgment-free environment are essential for exploring new experiences together.

    • Explore your body for better sexUnderstand your preferences through self-exploration, use lubricant, prioritize pleasure, and respect individual differences in duration.

      Exploring your body and understanding your own sexual preferences is an essential step towards better sexual experiences. This involves taking a mirror to examine your anatomy, using lubricant to explore the clitoris, and experimenting with different techniques to discover what feels good. Men can also benefit from this exploration. The average length of penetrative sex is around 5 to 6 minutes, but the duration of sexual encounters should depend on individual preferences and goals. Some people enjoy long, sensual experiences, while others prefer quickies. Ultimately, the most important thing is to prioritize pleasure and connection with your partner.

    • Personal satisfaction and communication are key in sexual relationshipsFocus on mutual satisfaction and connection in sexual relationships, rather than societal or media expectations. Communicate individual preferences and understand each other's needs.

      Control in sexual relationships, especially regarding duration, should be based on personal satisfaction and communication between partners, rather than societal or media expectations. The discussion touched upon the use of porn as an unrealistic comparison and the importance of understanding individual preferences. Medical definitions of premature or delayed ejaculation may not align with every couple's experience, and it's essential to focus on mutual satisfaction and connection. Communication and understanding are key to addressing any concerns and ensuring a fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experience.

    • Communicating and Understanding Partner's Desires for a Satisfying First Sexual EncounterEffective communication and understanding of partner's desires are crucial for a satisfying first sexual encounter. Ask about turn-ons beforehand, ask for feedback during, focus on clitoral stimulation, and respect and trust are essential.

      Effective communication and understanding of your partner's desires are crucial for a satisfying first sexual encounter. While 55% of women do not orgasm during their first encounter with a male partner, asking for feedback and being attentive to their needs can increase the odds of a positive experience. Before the encounter, asking about turn-ons and going in with a blueprint can help set the stage for success. During the encounter, asking for feedback and focusing on clitoral stimulation can lead to a higher likelihood of female orgasm. However, it's important to remember that everyone is different, and open communication about desires and needs is essential for a fulfilling sexual relationship. Respect and trust are also essential components of a successful first encounter.

    • Making a woman feel desired and seen during a first sexual encounterFocus on foreplay, communication, and mental connection to create a positive and memorable first sexual encounter. Be confident, attentive, and respectful.

      When it comes to approaching a first sexual encounter with a woman, it's important to focus on making her feel desired and seen as an individual. Leading with aggressive or porn-like behaviors is not recommended. Instead, pay attention to her cues and respond accordingly. Foreplay is a crucial part of the experience, and it's essential to take the time to warm her up and make her comfortable. Communication is key, and asking for consent in a sexy way can help build intimacy. Be confident and take a leadership role, but avoid waiting for her to tell you what to do. Start the foreplay early, even before the date, and use visual aids like the book "She Comes First" for guidance. The brain is the biggest sexual organ, so focusing on mental and emotional connection is just as important as physical touch. Overall, being a man who is worthy of intimacy, demonstrating genuine interest, and being yourself are the best ways to create a positive and memorable first sexual encounter.

    • Discovering the value of authenticity and respect in relationshipsAuthenticity, respect, and understanding the importance of giving and receiving pleasure are key to building fulfilling relationships. Harmful ideologies can create antagonistic dynamics, but focusing on open communication, understanding, and respect can lead to healthier, more satisfying relationships.

      Building a fulfilling relationship involves finding confidence, respect, and understanding the importance of giving and receiving pleasure. The speaker shares her personal journey from trying to impress with grand gestures to realizing the value of authenticity and self-respect. She emphasizes the importance of respect in relationships, not just for women but also for men, who are worthy of pleasure and attention. She also warns against the harmful ideologies present in some movements, like the red pill community, which can create an antagonistic dynamic between genders and undermine the importance of mutual pleasure and respect. Instead, focusing on open communication, understanding, and respect can lead to healthier, more satisfying relationships.

    • Respect and Equality in Sexual RelationshipsViewing sex as an equal and intimate exchange between partners leads to deeper and more fulfilling relationships. Respect and communication are crucial in creating a healthy and satisfying sexual experience.

      Respect and equality are crucial elements in both relationships and sexual experiences. The speaker argues that viewing sex as a chore or something to be endured is a disrespectful attitude towards oneself and one's partner. Instead, sex should be seen as an intimate and equal exchange between two individuals. The speaker shares his personal experience of realizing that his wife is his equal and partner, rather than someone he needed to be better than, led to a deeper and more fulfilling relationship. He emphasizes the importance of respect and communication in creating a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. The speaker also acknowledges the cultural shifts that may contribute to these attitudes but warns against the potential negative consequences of disregarding the importance of respect and equality in relationships.

    • The importance of emotional connections for overall health and happinessDeep emotional connections with others are crucial for longevity and aging gracefully, but technology and pornography can make it harder for young people to form meaningful relationships, potentially leading to a toxic mindset and detrimental effects on mental and emotional well-being.

      Having deep emotional connections with others is essential for overall health and happiness. Loneliness is a significant indicator of mortality, and social interactions play a crucial role in aging gracefully. However, the increasing accessibility of technology and pornography is making it harder for young people to form meaningful relationships, potentially leading to a toxic mindset that undervalues emotional connections. This can have detrimental effects on mental and emotional well-being, making it essential to prioritize and cultivate healthy relationships. The convenience of pornography can make it tempting to avoid the challenges of real-life relationships, but it's essential to remember that emotional connections are vital for long-term happiness and well-being.

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    Middle-Class Is Wiped Out - RFK Jr. on Trump, Biden, Putin vs Ukraine, WW3 & Migrant Crisis | Robert Kennedy Jr PT 1
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    The 3 Steps to Financial Freedom! (Escape the Rat Race Now) | Wallstreet Trapper (Replay)

    The 3 Steps to Financial Freedom! (Escape the Rat Race Now) | Wallstreet Trapper (Replay)
    If you don’t understand how to manage your money then your chance of achieving financial success and freedom goes to zero. When you don’t know the rules to the game of money it's almost impossible to win. Wallstreet Trapper built the skills he needed to become a fundamental investor, a speaker, a stock market education, and an entrepreneur after doing over 8 years in prison, selling drugs and not having any advantages in life. One of the best things you can consider doing to improve your finances is to get into stocks, learn how to leverage real estate and build a business that generates value. Something you’ll want to consider from this episode: Have you learned the money game Are you prepared to exit the money matrix How can you become an investor What is keeping 99% of people broke [Original air date: 3-30-23]. QUOTES: “Wealthy people do three things. They stop trading time for money, they make their money work for them and they give as much value to people as they can.” “Just coming up in the streets you only see the game from the lowest level, and you look at everybody else in part admiration and part jealousy.” “Being at the bottom teaches you to envy people at the top.” “Once I broke the game down to a way I could understand it, it wasn’t about me being brilliant , it was like how do I make the game winnable for me” “Everybody won’t be able to build a million dollar business, but everybody can invest in one.” “If you’re bold enough to bet on the future and be patient enough to let it take place you will win and you will win big.” “A dollar that’s not moving is a dollar that’s losing.” Follow Wallstreet Trapper: Website: https://www.wallstreettrapper.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wallstreet504 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6hXiWOlFWc46qMFMClKHA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wall_street_trapper/ SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)

    The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)
    Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt researches moral psychology to help us understand ourselves and our world better. He is an expert on how we create webs of meaning that allow us to speak a common language, build institutions, and create functioning societies. And right now we may need his voice more than ever, as our webs of meaning seem to be in conflict with each other or slowly disintegrating. On this episode of Conversations with Tom Bilyeu, Jonathan Haidt explains why we need to lead with empathy, how to persuade people who have staked out very different positions from yours, and how to invite disconfirming evidence into your life. [Original air date: 8-20-20]. SHOW NOTES: Why are we 90% chimps and 10% bees? [2:01] Jonathan suggests a definition of morality [4:14] Jonathan and Tom discuss religion and spiritual, mind-opening experiences [5:53] Jonathan explains the “hive switch”, the group experience of religion and morality [11:27] Jonathan and Tom discuss the power of connection and group interaction [16:34] Jonathan talks about the problems with social media and how they developed [20:18] What makes some webs of meaning so powerful that they spread so fast? [27:57] Jonathan and Tom ask to what extent political affiliation is genetic [33:29] Jonathan discusses the disturbing trend towards conformity in political thought [37:18] Jonathan and Tom discuss changing American attitudes towards race [ Jonathan talks about how hard it is to lead with empathy [46:52] Jonathan advocates trying many approaches to dealing with problems like racism [50:30] How do we constructively discuss difficult topics? [54:51] Why we have to get people to focus on similarities [59:02] Jonathan discusses his experience with psychedelics [1:03:52] How to invite disconfirming evidence into your life--How do you know you’re right? [1:10:44] We need to find a way to speak a common language in our post-Babel Age [1:16:27] FOLLOW JONATHAN: WEBSITE: jonathanhaidt.com/ FACEBOOK: facebook.com/jonathanhaidt/ TWITTER: twitter.com/JonHaidt SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 2

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 2
    Welcome back to part two. Today, we are diving deep into a transformative discussion with the one and only Peter Diamandis—a pioneer in space exploration, innovation, and disruptive thinking. In this episode, Peter and Tom explore the groundbreaking policies and cultural shifts that have revolutionized companies like Amazon and Microsoft, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. We'll examine the immediate impacts of COVID on business models, the revolutionary advances of OpenAI, and the stunning prospects of AI in healthcare and longevity. From predicting AI reaching human-level intelligence by 2029 to the ethical dilemmas and societal shifts AI will bring, Peter and Tom leave no stone unturned. Have you ever wondered about living forever or what nanotechnology could mean for manufacturing and societal values? Or perhaps you’re curious about how AI could redefine personal and professional relationships, even to the point of creating deeply empathetic and tailored companions? We’ll cover that and more in today’s episode. Listen in as we discuss the future of education, entrepreneurship, and the potential for a post-capitalist society driven by abundant resources. From contemplating living in a simulation to the next big health revolution, Peter Diamandis reveals insights that challenge our current perceptions and inspire groundbreaking innovation. 02:04:29 Shift from random drug discovery to design. 02:09:04 Optimistic vision for personalized medicine and technology. 02:24:17 Ego impedes progress; focus on right answers. 02:40:38 Questioning reality, considering life as simulation. 02:54:31 AI and longevity key in global markets. 03:09:56 $101 million X Prize for FSHD research. 03:27:17 DMT journey: dissolution of ego, universe connection. 03:50:05 Proper OKRs expose talent, allow autonomy, unify. SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 1

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 1
    Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Impact Theory with your host Tom Bilyeu. Today, we are diving deep into a transformative discussion with the one and only Peter Diamandis—a pioneer in space exploration, innovation, and disruptive thinking. In this episode, Peter and Tom explore the groundbreaking policies and cultural shifts that have revolutionized companies like Amazon and Microsoft, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. We'll examine the immediate impacts of COVID on business models, the revolutionary advances of OpenAI, and the stunning prospects of AI in healthcare and longevity. From predicting AI reaching human-level intelligence by 2029 to the ethical dilemmas and societal shifts AI will bring, Peter and Tom leave no stone unturned. Have you ever wondered about living forever or what nanotechnology could mean for manufacturing and societal values? Or perhaps you’re curious about how AI could redefine personal and professional relationships, even to the point of creating deeply empathetic and tailored companions? We’ll cover that and more in today’s episode. Get ready to rethink what’s possible and glimpse into a future shaped by technology, science, and an unwavering commitment to human progress. Join us on Impact Theory for a journey into the extraordinary possibilities of tomorrow with Peter Diamandis. 00:00 Quantum computer, fusion energy, manifesting dreams. Future filmmaking. 29:36 AI's intimate knowledge will build extraordinary relationship. 46:18 Cells evolved into meta intelligence through technology. 58:06 Desire to freeze climate and evolution, merge with technology. 01:13:20 Future world: AI, sensors, data, fashion trends. 01:24:54 Life's growth, abundance leads to self-expression. 01:44:14 AI learning DNA language, predicting outcomes, epigenome importance. 02:04:29 Shift from random drug discovery to design. 02:09:04 Optimistic vision for personalized medicine and technology. 02:24:17 Ego impedes progress; focus on right answers. 02:40:38 Questioning reality, considering life as simulation. 02:54:31 AI and longevity key in global markets. 03:09:56 $101 million X Prize for FSHD research. 03:27:17 DMT journey: dissolution of ego, universe connection. 03:50:05 Proper OKRs expose talent, allow autonomy, unify. SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Warning For America: Corrupt Government, Rich, Poor, Trump Verdict & 2024 Election | Michael Malice PT 2

    Warning For America: Corrupt Government, Rich, Poor, Trump Verdict & 2024 Election | Michael Malice PT 2
    Welcome back to part 2 of this episode of Impact Theory with author, podcaster & anarchist Michael Malice!  We dive deeper into the power of thinking from first principles, the resistance to questioning societal norms, and the crucial role of inflicting personal cost for political change.  If you're passionate about challenging the status quo and understanding the deeper layers of human behavior and society, you won't want to miss the conclusion of this episode with Michael Malice.  And if you're loving the Impact Theory Podcast, please take a moment to leave us a review or rate the show. Your feedback is incredibly valuable! Follow Michael Malice: Website: https://malice.locals.com/ X: https://x.com/michaelmalice YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelMaliceofficial   Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Welcome back to LaidOPEN Podcast! More and more I feel like I am magnetizing potential lifelong friends and like-minded collaborators I feature on my podcast. People like this week’s guest, @yestantra better known as Dominique D’Vita, spent her life as a cardiovascular RN until she found tantra and found her calling as a trauma-informed tantra coach. 

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    Hi Everyone, Happy Holidays!

    In today's episode, we talk about the dating term 'breadcrumbing'!

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    Better Ways to Respond Instead of React When Your Partner Says Something That’s Hard to Hear: Episode 185

    Better Ways to Respond Instead of React When Your Partner Says Something That’s Hard to Hear: Episode 185

    When your partner says something that’s harder to hear, do you find yourself unconsciously reacting or consciously responding? You see, a solid partnership is where both people are safe to open up about things, even if it’s hard to hear sometimes.

    So if you’re committed to being the best partner you can be, then you want to master the difference between reacting and responding. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • The exact difference between reacting and responding
    • The deeper source of why you react to your partner when you don’t love what they’re saying
    • 6 examples of better ways to respond to your partner, so the conversation stay constructive rather than destructive


    Relationship Resources:

    1. Schedule a Couple’s Session with us HERE. You will finally overcome that recurring challenge in your relationship, so you can experience more joy and less frustration.
    2. Read our newest book, The Argument Hangover


    About Us:

    We’re The Freemans, your go-to couple for authentic and actionable relationship advice. Send us your relationship questions for the show with a DM on Instagram. As you listen to the episode, tag us on an IG story and let us know what you loved.

    Two Docs Talk- Donna Lee Gets Answers to Listener Questions about Prostate Cysts, Morning Erections, and Urologic Care for Veterans

    Two Docs Talk- Donna Lee Gets Answers to Listener Questions about Prostate Cysts, Morning Erections, and Urologic Care for Veterans

    Thanks for tuning in to the Armor Men’s Health Hour Podcast today, where we bring you the latest and greatest in urology care and the best urology humor out there.

    Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee are joined by the latest addition to their Urology Specialists' family, Dr. Lucas Jacomides. 
     In this segment Donna Lee selects questions submitted by listeners to be answered on the air by our experienced team! If you have a urology and health-related question that you would like to hear answered on the air, please email your questions to armormenshealth@gmail.com. Questions are answered anonymously, unless otherwise specified, and the answers will likely benefit many people with the same concerns. 
     In particular, our docs answer the following questions:
     - "I had an MRI two weeks ago for hip issues and a 12-14mm cyst was found on my prostate. Can you please tell me what's going on?"
     In many cases a cyst located on the prostate is nothing more than a fluid-filled cavity and completely benign or harmless. There are, however, cysts that can form and interfere with normal body functions such as fertility and reproduction. Our docs agree that since a prostate finding resulted from an MRI of the hip, further evaluation could be useful for a thorough check.
     - "I take cialis to enjoy sex with my wife but have woken up with erections. Is this normal when taking Cialis for Erectile Dysfunction?"
     Cialis is a preferred medication of Dr. Mistry's, particularly because it makes men able to achieve and maintain erections more easily. This leads to more sexual encounters and can also add back that confidence of being 'ready to go' when the opportunity arises (pun intended). 
     - "Can veterans with PTSD get a full body analysis (discussed on previous program)?"
     On a previous episode, Dr. Mistry discussed some cash pay options for certain exams such as a CT scan or MRI, as well as some basic labs that can be part of a general health check-up. Dr. Mistry shares about the Community Choice program which is a way for veterans to have easy and affordable access to primary care physicians. This program does cover most of the treatments offered at Urology Specialists for erectile dysfunction, with the exception of Trimix injections and shockwave therapy for ED. 

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share us with a friend! As always, be well!


    Dr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.

    We enjoy hearing from you! Email us at armormenshealth@gmail.com and we’ll answer your question in an upcoming episode!

    Phone: (512) 238-0762

    Email: Armormenshealth@gmail.com

    Website: Armormenshealth.com

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