
    Podcast Summary

    • BBC Interviews Elon Musk Using Twitter PollBBC uses innovative approach to interview Elon Musk through Twitter poll while discussing various topics like Roe v. Wade, MLK anniversary, and debt ceiling, with advertisements for Blue Nile and Burrow.

      Marianna from BBC is in San Francisco on a mission to interview Elon Musk, using a Twitter poll as a new approach after not receiving a response from Musk or his team. Meanwhile, the BBC team is discussing various topics including a Twitter investigation, Roe versus Wade, the Martin Luther King anniversary, and the debt ceiling. Additionally, there are advertisements for Blue Nile's lab-grown diamonds and Burrow's furniture sale. The team is also introducing themselves, with Sarah being the North America editor, Justin at the London headquarters, and Anthony as the North America correspondent. The podcast promises to discuss these topics in depth, including a historical perspective from Walter Cronkite on the 50-year anniversary of the Supreme Court legalizing abortions.

    • Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Millions Lose Abortion AccessThe Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has resulted in millions of women losing access to abortion care in their own states, despite continued support for some form of abortion rights among Americans.

      The Roe versus Wade ruling in 1973 granted American women a constitutional right to have an abortion during the first three months of pregnancy. However, in 2022, the Supreme Court overturned this decision in the Dobbs versus Jackson case, giving states the power to ban abortion procedures entirely. This has resulted in over 20 million women of reproductive age losing access to abortion care in their own states. Despite this, polling shows that a majority of Americans, including Republicans, support some form of abortion rights. The issue remains divisive, but pro-choice ballot initiatives have been successful in recent elections.

    • Kansas voters pass pro-abortion rights ballot initiativeThe overturning of Roe v. Wade has sparked a complex and chaotic state-by-state battle over abortion rights, with some states offering services and others attempting to penalize those who aid in abortions across state lines.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade has led to a complex and contentious battle between states over abortion rights. In Kansas, the argument for abortion rights was framed as a matter of privacy and individual freedom, which resonated with voters and led to the passing of a ballot initiative. However, this has resulted in chaos as states take opposing stances, with some calling themselves "sanctuary states" offering abortion services and others, "bounty states," attempting to penalize those who aid in abortions across state lines. The legal complexities and potential for interstate conflicts echo the tensions leading up to the Civil War. While it remains to be seen if this issue will escalate to such extremes, it is clear that the end of Roe v. Wade has set the stage for a prolonged and intricate state-by-state battle.

    • Women Traveling to Oregon for Abortion AccessWith Roe v Wade overturned, out-of-state patients are flocking to states like Oregon for legal abortion services. Planned Parenthood reports a surge in appointments from states with restrictive laws, like Idaho, and patients are going to great lengths to secure this essential healthcare service.

      The fall of Roe v Wade has made accessing abortion a significant challenge for many women, leading to an increase in the number of patients traveling to states like Oregon, where abortion is still legal. Planned Parenthood in Oregon and other states are seeing a surge in out-of-state patients, with some coming from as far as Florida and Texas. The process involves making an appointment, securing financial support, and navigating the complex system. The situation has become particularly relevant for neighboring states with restrictive abortion laws, such as Idaho. The number of patients from Idaho seeking abortions in Oregon has doubled, and the situation highlights the resourcefulness and determination of individuals seeking this essential healthcare service. The confusion and difficulty in accessing abortion care should not be the reality, but it is a current challenge. Despite the ongoing debate, it's essential to remember that the majority of Americans support an individual's right to make decisions about their body.

    • The Impact of Abortion Laws on IndividualsThe overturning of Roe v. Wade has led to varying abortion laws and restrictions, causing significant financial burdens and even criminal penalties for some individuals seeking abortions. Access to abortion pills is increasing, but availability and legality remain uncertain.

      The issue of abortion rights in the United States is a deeply contentious and evolving one. The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has led to varying laws and restrictions across different states, with some imposing significant financial burdens and even criminal penalties on individuals seeking abortions. The pattern of public opposition to these restrictions is clear, but the impact is not evenly felt. For those without the means to travel or pay for abortions, the legal landscape can be a source of immense hardship. Meanwhile, some cities and states are taking steps to provide greater access, such as offering free abortion pills. The use of abortion pills is on the rise, and they offer a potential solution to the problem of access, but their availability and legality remain subject to change. Ultimately, the issue raises larger questions about community values, individual rights, and the role of government in people's lives.

    • The complex and changing landscape of medication abortions in the USDespite making up a large portion of abortions, medication abortion access is restricted and uncertain due to ongoing legal challenges and state regulations.

      The landscape of abortion policies and laws in the United States is complex and ever-changing, particularly with regards to medication abortions. While medication abortions make up a significant percentage of abortions in some states like Oregon, there are restrictions that limit access to these medications across state lines. The legal landscape is also fluid, with ongoing court cases challenging the approval of certain abortion medications. This uncertainty creates confusion and hinders access to abortion care for those who need it. The ongoing debate over abortion rights continues to shape legislation, with incremental changes giving way to more drastic decisions like the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, which overturned Roe v. Wade and significantly altered the legal landscape for abortion access in the US.

    • Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy: Redeeming the soul of AmericaMartin Luther King Jr.'s legacy goes beyond civil rights, inspiring spiritual and moral leadership and shaping American society.

      Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy extends beyond his role as a civil rights leader. His mission was deeply spiritual and moral, with the goal of "redeeming the soul of America." The observation of Martin Luther King Day serves as a moment of American awareness for the civil rights movement and Martin's impact. The holiday, which was once controversial, is now widely celebrated and was a long-standing campaign to honor and remember him. Stevie Wonder's "Happy Birthday" song played a role in this campaign. Martin's impact was felt most strongly during his lifetime, and his speeches and actions inspired many, particularly during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. His legacy continues to shape American society and serves as a reminder of the importance of spiritual and moral leadership.

    • MLK's Complex Legacy: Beyond ColorblindnessThe legacy of MLK is more complex than his 'I Have a Dream' speech and colorblindness message, requiring a nuanced understanding of his radical activism and ongoing civil rights struggle.

      While the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and his message of judging people by their character rather than the color of their skin is widely celebrated, there is a growing sentiment that his complexities and the full extent of his activism are being oversimplified and even trivialized. Some argue that focusing solely on his famous "I Have a Dream" speech and his message of colorblindness overlooks his more radical and confrontational aspects. The recent commercialization of his image, such as the Martin Luther King bobblehead, is seen by some as a form of "Santa Clausification" that diminishes the depth of his activism and the ongoing struggle for civil rights. The debate highlights the importance of remembering the complexity and nuance of historical figures and the need to continue the conversation around race and equality beyond symbolic gestures.

    • Public art sparks debate over meaning and costCreating meaningful public art for important figures is challenging due to subjectivity and cost, especially when funded by taxpayers and installed in prominent locations. Debate over 'Embrace' statue in Boston highlights this issue, while the US faces an unprecedented national debt.

      Public art, such as the controversial "Embrace" statue of Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King in Boston, can spark intense debate and division due to its subjectivity and cost. The statue, which depicts a loving embrace between the couple, has been criticized for its suggestive appearance from certain angles. The debate highlights the challenge of creating meaningful public art that represents important figures in a way that resonates with everyone, especially when funded by taxpayers and installed in prominent locations. Meanwhile, the United States continues to grapple with an unprecedented $31.4 trillion national debt, which is approaching the debt ceiling and poses significant risks if not addressed.

    • US Faces Potential Crisis Due to Debt CeilingThe US could default on its debts, leading to significant consequences for both the US and global economies if Congress doesn't vote to raise the debt ceiling. A default could harm the US and global economies, and it's uncertain what the outcome will be with Republicans in control of the House.

      The United States is currently facing a potential crisis due to the debt ceiling, which is the amount of money the US government is allowed to borrow. If Congress does not vote to raise this limit, the US could default on its debts, leading to significant consequences for both the US and global economies. This situation is complex, as it involves political tussles and potential impacts on various sectors, including the military and parks. The Republicans have used this tactic before to push for budget cuts, but the implications are more severe now. It's important to note that this is different from a government shutdown, where the government runs out of money to fund its operations. A default on the American debt, which has never happened before, could be catastrophic. The predictions suggest that it would not only harm the US economy but also the global one. The last time this issue was prominent was in 2011, and it led to the US credit rating being downgraded. The situation is back with Republicans in control of the House, and it remains uncertain what the outcome will be.

    • Exploring Radicalization and Returning ExtremistsThe BBC Sounds series 'I'm Not a Monster' delves into the complexities of radicalization and the challenges of reintegrating extremist individuals into society, while 1800flowers.com adds heart to gift-giving and Quinn's offers ethical essentials for travelers

      The story of Shamima Begum, a British schoolgirl who went missing and later emerged from Syria after joining the Islamic State group, raises important questions about radicalization and the complexities of returning extremist individuals to their home countries. This story is explored in detail in series 2 of "I'm Not a Monster" on BBC Sounds. Meanwhile, shifting gears, 1800flowers.com is more than just a gift-giving destination. They put heart and care into every product, from flowers to baked goods, ensuring that every occasion is celebrated with love. Lastly, for those planning their next trip, Quinn's offers jet-setting essentials at affordable prices while ensuring ethical manufacturing practices.

    Recent Episodes from Americast

    The Biden vs Trump Presidential Debate!

    The Biden vs Trump Presidential Debate!

    Joe Biden and Donald Trump face off in their first presidential debate

    The testy showdown was marked by personal attacks and a stumbling Biden performance. The Americast Team reacts to the policies debated as well as each candidate’s performance.

    Sarah and Anthony join us from the Spin Room after the debate, where they talk about the Democrats’ mood and how the Trump team is reacting.

    GUESTS: Miles Taylor, former chief of staff at Department for Homeland Security

    HOSTS: Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter Sarah Smith, North America Editor Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Purvee Pattni and Catherine Fusillo. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham

    enJune 28, 2024

    Americanswers! What are bump stocks? And would Biden step aside?

    Americanswers! What are bump stocks? And would Biden step aside?

    More questions, more answers: Anthony and Miles disect how Democrats in the deep south lost the working class vote.

    The team tackle who Trump’s current VP pick might be, and respond to the most asked question in the Americast inbox: whether if it’s too late for Trump or Biden to drop out of the race.

    We also find out how politics is breaking up American families, and whether Western allies fear the return of Donald Trump.

    GUESTS: Miles Taylor, former chief of staff at Department for Homeland Security

    HOSTS: Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Rufus Gray and Catherine Fusillo. The technical producer was Philip Bull. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enJune 24, 2024

    Up for debate? Trump and Biden prepare to spar again

    Up for debate? Trump and Biden prepare to spar again

    Joe Biden and Donald Trump will face off next week in the first presidential debate of the 2024 U.S. election season. Questions are swirling about how prepared both candidates are before they meet each other at the podium once again.

    Sarah and Justin sit down with Mike Murphy, a veteran Republican strategist who has prepared many Republican candidates for debate, to break down what we can expect from the rematch. Can Biden calm concerns about the economy? Can Trump swat away attacks about his criminal conviction? What should Americasters be watching out for?

    The showdown could be the most momentous debate of both men’s political careers.

    HOSTS: • Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter • Sarah Smith, North America Editor

    GUEST: • Mike Murphy, Republican strategist & Co-Host of ‘Hacks on Tap’

    GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email Americast@bbc.co.uk • Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Purvee Pattni with Rufus Gray and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Hannah Montgomery. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enJune 20, 2024

    Americanswers! The ‘special relationship’ and running for a third term?

    Americanswers! The ‘special relationship’ and running for a third term?

    Justin gets grilled by the Americasters on why he didn’t correct an interviewee who referred to Donald Trump as “President”... And why he refers to the world wide HQ of Americast as being in “London, England”.

    He and Sarah also tackle precinct issues like how Trump and Keir Starmer would interact if elected this year, and whether he could run for a third term, and how a President builds his cabinet. We also hear from a caller, who wants to know what happened to the political centre ground in the United States?

    HOSTS: Sarah Smith, North America editor Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Rufus Gray. The technical producers were Mike Regaard and Hannah Montgomery. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enJune 17, 2024

    Hunter Biden Trial…Guilty!

    Hunter Biden Trial…Guilty!

    Hunter Biden has been found guilty on all three charges in his federal gun trial, becoming the first child of a sitting U.S. president to be criminally convicted. Prosecutors said Biden lied about his drug use when he bought a handgun in 2018. Sarah Smith - who has just returned from Delaware where the trial took place - and Justin Webb unpack the evidence and the consequences for President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

    Also, Justin and Sarah speak to Jill Biden’s former Press Secretary, Michael LaRosa on how the case will be affecting Joe Biden’s inner circle. Could the U.S. president pardon his son?

    HOSTS: - Sarah Smith, North America Editor - Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter

    GUEST: - Michael LaRosa, Former Press Secretary to Jill Biden

    GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email Americast@bbc.co.uk • Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Purvee Pattni with Rufus Gray, Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Hannah Montgomery. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enJune 12, 2024

    Americanswers! Project 2025 and Biden’s mental capacity

    Americanswers! Project 2025 and Biden’s mental capacity

    Sarah Smith is reunited with the Zurch! She’s back from her holiday, and returns to a very full inbox of Ameriquestions to answer.

    They include queries on whether the U.S. would ever elect a President who isn’t a Christian, and why politicians “approve this message” at their end of their campaign adverts?

    And we speak to Americaster Joanna, who wants to know whether Americans harbour desires for their own monarchy.


    - Sarah Smith, North America editor - Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email Americast@bbc.co.uk • Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Rufus Gray with Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Hannah Montgomery. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enJune 10, 2024

    Trump Trial… An interview with team Donald Trump

    Trump Trial… An interview with team Donald Trump

    Donald Trump has been speaking out after being convicted last week on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. His team say they will continue to appeal, but on what grounds, and how likely are they to overturn the verdicts? Justin and Anthony hear directly from the Trump campaign, and also put forward questions from Americast listeners. Sentencing takes place on July 11th.

    Also, what happened in Hunter Biden’s criminal trial which got underway in Delaware this week? It is the first trial for the son of a sitting US president. He is accused of lying about his drug use on a form when purchasing a firearm and ammunition. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

    enJune 08, 2024

    Is Biden losing the black vote? (ft. Charlamagne Tha God)

    Is Biden losing the black vote? (ft. Charlamagne Tha God)

    Black Americans could be the deciding vote this election year. Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are making their case to court black voters, but are their messages breaking through? Justin sits down with Charlamagne Tha God, one of the most influential radio broadcasters in the US whose show has become a campaign stop for presidential candidates. As the author of the new title ‘Get Honest or Die Lying,’ Charlamagne gets straight to the point on how both Biden and Trump are losing support. Also, Biden has unveiled new executive actions aimed at curbing the number of migrants seeking asylum at the US-Mexico border. Justin and Anthony look at how effective it might be and the politics behind the move. HOSTS: • Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter • Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent GUEST: • Charlamagne Tha God, Host of ‘The Breakfast Club’ and author of 'Get Honest or Die Lying, Why Small Talk Sucks' GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email Americast@bbc.co.uk • Or use #Americast US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155 This episode was made by Purvee Pattni with Rufus Gray, Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Philip Bull. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enJune 07, 2024

    Americanswers! After Trump’s conviction, what’s next?

    Americanswers! After Trump’s conviction, what’s next?

    Former President Donald Trump is now the first former US president to be criminally convicted. The historic verdict has drawn Americasters from all over the world to send in their burning questions: Could the fallout trigger civil unrest? Is Trump’s status causing Republicans to think twice about supporting him?

    Marianna and Anthony tackle all these questions and more in this special edition of Americanswers!

    HOSTS: * Marianna Spring, Disinformation & Social Media Correspondent * Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Tim Walklate with Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Dafydd Evans. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enJune 03, 2024

    The man who beat Trump

    The man who beat Trump

    The Libertarian Party is known for being unconventional in US politics. But could it have an outsized influence in who wins the Oval Office this election year?

    Americast sits down with Chase Oliver, the man who beat both Trump and RFK Jr for his party’s 2024 nomination. But what does he and his party believe in? Could he make it all the way to the top? And will he give the BBC his first interview if he’s elected president.

    HOSTS: * Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter * Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent

    GUEST: * Sumi Somaskanda, BBC Chief Presenter * Chase Oliver, 2024 Libertarian presidential candidate

    GET IN TOUCH: * Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB * Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 * Email Americast@bbc.co.uk * Or use #Americast

    US Election Unspun: Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by Tim Walklate with Rufus Gray, Catherine Fusillo and Claire Betzer. The technical producer was Mike Regaard. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

    enMay 31, 2024

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    Sign up here to get The Daily in your inbox each morning. And for an exclusive look at how the biggest stories on our show come together, subscribe to our newsletter

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    For more information on today’s episode, visit 


    . Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

    272 - Night of The Beating

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    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Tax Payers Tabs on Terrorists, Frederick Forsyth, Vivek Ramaswamy

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    Watch Piers Morgan Uncensored at 8 pm on TalkTV on Sky 522, Virgin Media 606, Freeview 237 and Freesat 217. Listen on DAB+ and the app. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.