
    Podcast Summary

    • Open communication and education are essential for healthy sexual experiencesCommunicate openly about sexual pleasure, use education to address performance anxiety, and consider using pleasure-enhancing products like Promescent's legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, as well as the game-changing magic wand.

      Men often feel pressure to perform perfectly in sexual situations, leading to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. To address this issue, open communication and education about sexual pleasure are crucial. In the context of the podcast episode, various relationship dilemmas were discussed, and it was emphasized that open and honest conversations are essential for fostering healthy and satisfying sexual experiences. Additionally, the podcast recommended Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products to help individuals improve their sexual experiences. The legendary delay spray was highlighted for men, ensuring longer-lasting performances, while the warming arousal gel was suggested for women to enhance pleasure. Moreover, the magic wand was introduced as a game-changing sex toy, praised for its iconic status and powerful vibrations. It was described as a trusted confidant and a symbol of unapologetic pleasure, making it a must-have for anyone seeking to elevate their sexual experiences.

    • Communication and IntimacyExpress desires and needs to maintain intimacy and sexual satisfaction in relationships. Open communication is key to discussing the state of one's sex life and addressing any concerns.

      Communication is key in maintaining intimacy and sexual satisfaction in a relationship. The speaker discussed her attachment to an iconic vibrator, the Magic Wand, and how it continues to evolve to fit various lifestyles. She then addressed a listener's concern about feeling annoyed by a lack of intimacy in her relationship. The speaker emphasized the importance of expressing desires and needs to one's partner. She encouraged open communication and reminded listeners that it's normal to want more than what they currently have. The speaker acknowledged the challenges of maintaining romance in long-term relationships and emphasized the importance of discussing the state of one's sex life with one's partner.

    • Revitalizing Intimacy in Long-Term RelationshipsMake time for romantic gestures, disrupt routines, create separation, experiment with new experiences, and prioritize meaningful connections to keep the spark alive in long-term relationships.

      Creating and maintaining a sexually charged relationship takes effort and intentionality, especially when living together and seeing each other every day. It's essential to identify what makes the relationship feel sexy and bring that energy back into the present. This could involve leading the way with romantic gestures, disrupting routine patterns, and creating separation to build tension. Remember, it's not just about waiting for your partner to make the first move but also actively bringing the desire and passion into your relationship. Consider experimenting with new experiences, like trying a new activity or setting the mood with candles and music, to reignite the spark. Overall, it's crucial to prioritize making time for meaningful connections and intimacy in your relationship, even when life gets busy.

    • Embrace change for growthBeing open to change and disruption can lead to personal growth and improved relationships, but it may require difficult conversations and a willingness to learn and adapt.

      In order to disrupt negative patterns and bring about change, we must be willing to do something different. This could mean making small adjustments, like taking a walk or shaking up your routine, or making larger changes, like reevaluating a relationship. As the speaker in the conversation noted, doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results is a form of insanity. This concept, known as homeostasis in psychology, suggests that when we change who we are, those around us have an opportunity to react and potentially change as well. In the context of the text, the speaker's friend disrupted a pattern by being direct and honest about a difficult issue, leading to a productive conversation. Similarly, in our own lives, being open to change and disruption can lead to growth and improvement. However, it's important to remember that change can be difficult and uncomfortable, and it may require difficult conversations and a willingness to learn and adapt. In the specific situation described in the text, the speaker is facing a difficult decision about whether to continue a new relationship with someone who has herpes. While it's important to educate yourself about the condition and consider the potential impact on the relationship, ultimately the decision comes down to whether you're willing to be open to change and find ways to make the relationship work.

    • Managing Herpes and Sexual RelationshipsProper management of herpes through daily suppressants and open communication can prevent negative impacts on sex life and relationships. Regular testing is also essential for maintaining sexual health as many people with herpes are unaware they have it.

      Herpes, while common, carries a significant social stigma. However, with proper management, including daily suppressants and open communication, it does not have to impact one's sex life or relationships negatively. The speaker's partner, who has had herpes for over 15 years, is likely taking necessary precautions and is honest about her health status. It's important to remember that many people with herpes are unaware they have it, making open communication and regular testing crucial for maintaining sexual health. While the speaker initially felt uneasy about the situation due to societal stigmas, the facts and expert advice provided reassured him that the risk of transmission with a suppressant is low, and the relationship could still be fulfilling.

    • Protect yourself and your partner from herpes during sexual activityUse protection, communicate openly, and consider using dental dams and Promescent products for a pleasurable and safe sexual experience.

      When engaging in any kind of sexual activity, it's crucial to use protection, such as condoms or dental dams, to prevent the spread of herpes, even if there are no visible symptoms. Communication with your partner about their outbreaks and signs is essential. Dental dams can add texture and pleasure during oral sex. Herpes is a serious STD, and being considerate about your own sexual health is not being an asshole. Additionally, consider using Promescent products to enhance your sexual experience and last longer. Hero Bread offers a solution for those who love bread but want to minimize carb intake.

    • Discovering Delicious Low-Carb Options with Hero BreadExplore Hero Bread for healthy, tasty alternatives with impressive nutritional stats. Communicate openly about sexual needs and desires to overcome partner's reluctance to perform oral sex.

      Hero bread offers delicious, low net carb options for those looking to maintain a healthy diet without sacrificing taste or texture. The bread, which boasts impressive nutritional stats such as 0 to 1 net carbs per serving, 0 grams of sugar, and high fiber and protein content, has proven to be a game changer for various dishes, from sandwiches to enchiladas. Despite its light texture, Hero bread has become a staple for many, including the speaker, who has integrated it into her picnics, road trips, and breakfasts. On a different note, a listener named Erica shared her dilemma about her partner's reluctance to perform oral sex. Despite her communication and efforts to educate him, she felt ignored and frustrated. The doctor's advice was to continue the conversation, expressing her needs and desires, and encouraging him to take initiative in learning about female anatomy and sexual pleasure. The cultural pressure on men to be sexually knowledgeable and performative can contribute to this issue, and open and honest communication is key to addressing it.

    • Communicate and show compassion when addressing sexual needsApproach sexual issues with curiosity, openness, and compassion. Uncover underlying fears or past experiences and have calm, loving conversations to find a solution.

      Communication and compassion are key when addressing sexual needs and desires in a relationship. If one partner is not satisfying the other's sexual needs, it's important to approach the situation with curiosity and openness. The lack of experience or knowledge in a certain area should not be automatically dismissed, and there may be underlying fears or past experiences that need to be addressed. Having a calm and loving conversation about the issue can help uncover any unknown factors and lead to a better understanding between partners. Ultimately, if after gathering more information and having open conversations, the issue persists, it may be necessary to consider whether the relationship is still fulfilling overall. It's important to remember that everyone's sexual preferences and experiences are unique, and it's okay if certain acts are not in one partner's "wheelhouse." However, it's essential to ensure that both partners' needs are being met in a healthy and consensual way.

    • Having open and respectful conversations about sexual needs and desiresCommunication is crucial for addressing sexual disconnects in a relationship. Be open, respectful, and seek to understand each other's desires to find a solution that works for both partners.

      Communication is key in addressing sexual needs and desires in a relationship. If one partner is not meeting the other's expectations in the bedroom, it's important to have an open and respectful conversation about it. However, if the conversation consistently turns defensive or unproductive, it may be necessary to explore the underlying reasons for the disconnect. It's possible that one partner may need more information or clarification about the other's desires, or that there may be deeper emotional or psychological blocks at play. Ultimately, the goal should be to find a solution that works for both partners and enhances the overall health and satisfaction of the relationship. The conversation may be uncomfortable, but staying in an unsatisfying sexual situation for an extended period of time can lead to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction. It's important to remember that everyone's sexual preferences and needs are valid, and that open and honest communication is essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • Communicating about Sexual DesiresRespect each other's boundaries while openly discussing and exploring sexual desires, using resources like therapy books or podcasts to facilitate the conversation.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to addressing sexual concerns in a relationship. The speaker in this discussion expresses his desire for his partner to be more open and confident, specifically in regards to his fetish for ass play. However, she sees it as strange and defensive when the topic is brought up. The speaker respects his partner but is concerned about their sexual future. He suggests starting a conversation about sex and exploring each other's desires together, possibly using therapy books or podcasts as resources. The speaker acknowledges that this can be a difficult conversation to have, especially if the partner has limited experience talking about sex. He encourages patience and persistence in trying to open up the conversation, as he believes that eventually, she may come around. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of affording therapy and the cultural taboo around discussing sex in some places, but emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues for the health and happiness of the relationship.

    • Navigating Sexual Differences in RelationshipsApproach sexual conversations with empathy, curiosity, and a willingness to listen. Explore alternative solutions like therapy, open relationships, or sex workers. Remember everyone's sexual journey is unique and progress takes time. Avoid pushing or being insistent.

      Effective communication and understanding are key in navigating sexual differences and potential conflicts in relationships. When faced with a defensive or resistant partner regarding sexual topics, it's essential to approach the conversation with empathy, curiosity, and a willingness to listen. This might involve exploring alternative solutions, such as seeking therapy, considering open relationships, or engaging with sex workers. It's important to remember that everyone's sexual journey is unique, and progress may take time. Pushing or being insistent can be counterproductive and potentially damaging. Instead, focusing on building a safe and open dialogue can lead to a deeper understanding and stronger connection.

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    If you, or anyone you know is struggling please know that there is help available and you are worthy and deserving of that help.

    Call / text 988 or visit https://988lifeline.org/

    You can find Elle on Instagram at @stripperwriter, on Twitter @ellestanger and their website www.ellestanger.com. Catch “They Talk Sex” wherever you get your podcasts (it’s a great show!).

    If you’re pickin’ up what we’re putting down please like, Subscribe and tell your friends so other people know this exists! Submit a Sex Ed Pop Quiz question with a 5 star review and I'll give you a shout out!

    Stay connected through Birds and Bees Don't Fck on Instagram at @birdsandbeesdontfck & follow your host @ArielleZadok

    Like to watch? Check out the video version of this podcast on YouTube!

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    In this episode we explore:

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    • How to have the herpes disclosure conversation

    • The importance of nutrition and a holistic approach to your sexual health journey 


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    Connect with Adrienne:

    Instagram: instagram.com/yoninutritionist/

    Website: https://yoninutritionist.com/


    Connect with Sabi:

    Instagram: Instagram.com/sabi.kerr 

    Website: www.sabikerr.com

    To explore working with Sabi 1:1, apply and book a free call in here:


    Free worthiness bundle: www.sabikerr.com/worthiness-bundle-freebie 

    Free sensual feminine dance bundle: https://www.sabikerr.com/sensual-dance-bundle 

    Free self-love for business bundle: https://www.sabikerr.com/self-love-for-business-bundle 


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    Courtney says that “sexual health is mental health.” He hopes to expand the mental health resources available to those living with herpes and use the collective stories of the SPFPP community to inform healthcare practices, especially the delivery of an HSV diagnosis. Courtney engages those living with a positive diagnosis and their allies to transform the stigma that often works to silence them. 

    Download the transcript of this episode.


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    Courtney Brame is the founder of Something Positive for Positive People, a 501c3 nonprofit organization highlighting the intersections of sexual health and mental health stigma. After discovering that many people diagnosed with herpes struggled with suicide ideation, Brame decided to interview those living with herpes and share their stories with other folks navigating herpes stigma. Something Positive for Positive People also works to give healthcare professionals tools they can use to provide anti-stigmatizing, identity-validating, sex-positive health care. He also hosts a podcast, called Something Positive for Positive People, where you can hear these stories and experiences directly.