

    enMay 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • CEO and Alex Jones fill in for Steven Crowder's morning show due to health issueCEO and Alex Jones co-host show, discuss Biden's speech, Megyn Kelly's feud, new Twitter CEO, border crisis, and exclusive content. Encourage audience to move to Rumble, express gratitude, and ask if Easter bunny is real.

      Steven Crowder will be unable to host his morning show due to his ongoing health issue, known as red tide. This has left the team in a bind, as they had planned for him to be there. In an attempt to fill in, the CEO and Alex Jones step in to co-host the show. The topics for discussion include Biden's controversial speech at a historically black college, Megyn Kelly's feud with Charlize Theron, and the new CEO of Twitter. The team also plans to cover the border crisis and provide exclusive content behind the paywall. They encourage their audience to move to Rumble to avoid censorship and express their gratitude for the platform's efforts in building an alternative. The show promises to be entertaining and thought-provoking, with Alex Jones's unique style and insights. The team also poses the question of the day, asking if the Easter bunny is real.

    • Discussion on Alex Jones' career and controversiesAlex Jones remains committed to his independent platform, acknowledges past mistakes, and continues to push boundaries in media.

      The discussion covered various topics, including the new Twitter CEO, Alex Jones' past controversies, and the success of his independent broadcasting platform. Despite some lighthearted moments, it's clear that Jones is committed to his platform and his audience, and he continues to push boundaries in the world of independent media. It's also evident that he has faced personal challenges and has addressed them publicly, acknowledging that some of his past actions were not suitable for broadcast. Overall, the conversation highlighted Jones' resilience and his dedication to his unique brand of satire and commentary.

    • Shifting from YouTube to Rumble: A Revolutionary MoveThe team's move from YouTube to Rumble symbolizes a fight for freedom of speech and a challenge to the established online content landscape, with potential consequences for America's societal fabric and divisive rhetoric.

      The team behind this podcast is leading a revolutionary movement by being the first to leave YouTube for Rumble, and their success is causing fear among those who want to maintain control over online content. This shift is not just about entertainment or freedom, but about changing the landscape of America and creating a "wild, wild west" where new systems aren't just replacements for the old establishment. Additionally, there is a growing concern about divisive rhetoric and the labeling of certain groups as supremacists, with examples given of violent attacks by individuals of various races. The team's bravery in speaking out against these issues, even in high-profile settings, is commendable. Overall, this podcast episode highlights the importance of standing up for freedom of speech and challenging the status quo, even in the face of opposition.

    • Lack of consistent attention towards crimes against specific communitiesRecognize and address disproportionate crime rates, ensure communities are informed, and promote understanding, unity, and accurate information to foster a safer society

      There has been a lack of consistent attention and response from authorities and media towards crimes against specific communities, particularly those involving white victims and Asian people. The use of statistics and accurate information is crucial in understanding the nature of crime and addressing community safety. However, recent developments, such as the FBI's new rule against using crime statistics, hinder the ability to effectively allocate resources and create confusion. It is essential to recognize and address the disproportionate crime rates and ensure that communities are informed and prepared to defend themselves against potential threats, regardless of the perpetrator's race or ethnicity. Additionally, it is important to avoid using divisive language and labels, as they can create unnecessary fear and confusion. Instead, we should focus on promoting understanding, unity, and accurate information to foster a safer and more informed society.

    • Misunderstandings from Discrepancies in Reported StatisticsDiscrepancies in crime and border statistics can lead to misinformed decisions. The FBI's crime report exclusion of major cities and underreporting at the border result in misleading information.

      There are significant discrepancies in reported statistics, particularly regarding crime and border crossings. These discrepancies can lead to misunderstandings and misinformed decisions. For instance, the FBI's decision to exclude major cities from crime statistics in 2019 resulted in a misleading 0.2% decrease in crime rates. Similarly, the border situation is being underreported, with only 20% of actual occurrences being documented. This information is crucial for understanding current events and making informed decisions. Additionally, there are ongoing debates about gun control and self-defense, with some arguing that law-abiding citizens are being unfairly targeted and incarcerated. It's essential to critically evaluate the information we receive and consider multiple perspectives to gain a clear understanding of complex issues.

    • Discussion on Trump's HBCU funding vs Biden's student loan forgiveness promiseTrump increased HBCU funding, but reparations may have financial limitations and focusing on solutions is key.

      While political figures may make promises to address specific community needs or historical injustices, the implementation and impact of these promises can vary greatly. During his presidency, Trump worked to increase funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), unlike Biden's reversed student loan forgiveness promise. However, the discussion also highlighted the potential financial implications and limitations of reparations, such as the hypothetical example from California, which would result in astronomical inflation. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of hard work, determination, and focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on past grievances or perceived injustices. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the resilience and success of the Asian community, who have faced discrimination but have continued to thrive through dedication and perseverance.

    • Focus on personal growth, not external factorsEncourage personal empowerment, accountability, and factual information, while avoiding labels and victimhood mentality.

      People, regardless of their cultural background or emotional intelligence, should focus on their goals and not let external factors hinder their progress. The speaker criticized the use of labels and victimhood mentality, encouraging individuals to overcome obstacles instead. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the hypocrisy of political figures and the media, pointing out inconsistencies and problematic statements made by public figures, including Joe Biden and Senator Byrd. The speaker emphasized the importance of factual information and critical thinking, advising people to look beyond surface-level narratives and consider the details. Overall, the message was about personal empowerment, accountability, and the importance of truth in a world filled with misinformation and manipulation.

    • Celebrities promoting harmful behaviors and controversial statementsSome celebrities advocate for disruptive behaviors and controversial statements, while others support the presence of drag queens at events with potential exposure to sexually explicit content and grooming risks for children. It's essential to protect children from inappropriate content and hold individuals and institutions accountable.

      Certain individuals and celebrities are advocating for disruptive and harmful behaviors, such as rioting in the streets and packing the Supreme Court, which are not in the best interest of the public. Meanwhile, other celebrities, like Charlize Theron, have made controversial statements in support of drag queens and their presence at events where children are present. While some may argue that these events can be fun for adults, there are also deeply disturbing instances where children are exposed to sexually explicit content and potential grooming. It's important to be aware of what our children are being exposed to and to advocate for their protection. The line between joking around and crossing the line into pedophilic behavior is a fine one, and it's crucial that we hold individuals and institutions accountable for promoting content that is not appropriate for children.

    • CVS Discovers Controversial Video in Children's AisleA controversial video was found in a children's aisle at a CVS store, raising concerns about inappropriate content near toys. Viewers were urged to check their local stores and report any similar findings.

      A controversial video was discovered in a children's aisle at a CVS store, leading to concerns about inappropriate content being placed near toys. The video, which features adult items, was reportedly seen by a crew member and later confirmed to be in a CVS location in Austin. The speaker expressed shock and disbelief, noting that they had previously seen the same display but were distracted at the time. The discovery sparked calls for viewers to check their local CVS stores and report any similar findings. The discussion also touched on the nomination of Jocelyn Elders for Surgeon General under the Clinton administration, who made controversial comments about children and sexuality. The speaker also mentioned Elon Musk's recent hiring of Linda Yaccarino as Twitter's new CEO and the potential implications for free speech on the platform. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing concern about the normalization of controversial content in various aspects of society.

    • Musk's actions raise concerns about his true intentionsWhile Musk's intentions may seem noble, it's crucial to scrutinize his actions and hold him accountable for his past behavior and commitment to free speech.

      Elon Musk's recent actions, such as creating a new platform and hiring a known censorship advocate, raise concerns about his true intentions. While some see him as a savior from big tech tyranny, others believe he's being opportunistic and even engaging in psychological warfare. Musk's past actions, like his handling of gun control issues and comments perceived as insensitive, have also been criticized. It's important to hold public figures accountable for their actions and not view them as messiahs. Musk's platform, like any other, should be scrutinized for its commitment to free speech and individual liberties.

    • New Twitter CEO's background raises concerns about conflicts of interestElon Musk's hiring of Linda Iaccarino as new Twitter CEO sparks debate over potential conflicts of interest due to her past role overseeing large ad revenues and her interactions on social media.

      The potential hiring of Linda Iaccarino by Elon Musk as the new CEO of Twitter raises questions about her allegiances and potential conflicts of interest, given her background in overseeing large advertising revenues and her interactions on social media. Some believe she may be a "wolf in sheep's clothing," leveraging her position to bring in globalist money to protect the system. Others see it as a necessary move for Twitter to make money, but are concerned about her stance on free speech and content moderation. It remains to be seen if Iaccarino will prioritize freedom of speech on the platform. Additionally, her past role at NBCUniversal, where she oversaw $13 billion in annual ad revenue, has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest with Musk, who has had a significant drop in advertising revenue in Q1 of 2023.

    • Musk's Unexpected Moves and Border CrisisElon Musk made headlines with unexpected hires and promises, while the end of Title 42 caused a surge in border crossings, leading to concerns despite Biden's claims of decrease.

      Elon Musk made unexpected moves this week, from promising a seat on a rocket launch to a woman who helped launch a streaming service, to hiring a new executive with advertising contacts to challenge industry giants. Meanwhile, at the southern border, the end of Title 42 has led to a surge in migrants, with border encounters reportedly down but massive numbers continuing to enter the country undetected. Despite Biden's claims of a 90% decrease, the situation remains a concern. Additionally, Musk was mistakenly believed to be hiring the new Jeopardy host due to a bet lost to Klaus Schwab. Overall, Musk's unconventional tactics and the ongoing border crisis dominated headlines this week.

    • Concerns over transparency and rule of law at U.S.-Mexico borderThe border situation involves trucks, darkness, and some authorities facilitating illegal immigration, creating a permanent underclass and risks to national safety and security.

      The current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border raises concerns about transparency and adherence to the rule of law. The use of trucks and darkness to hide border activities, as well as the facilitation of illegal immigration by some authorities, undermines trust and creates confusion. This issue goes beyond individual politicians, as demonstrated by the involvement of various organizations and individuals in the process. The long-term consequences of this situation include the creation of a permanent underclass, which sets a dangerous precedent for the rest of society. It's essential to address the root causes of migration and ensure that those who come to the United States do so legally, with the same rights and protections as everyone else. The lack of enforcement and accountability at the border not only harms the individuals involved but also puts the safety and security of the entire nation at risk.

    • Border Crisis: Security and Humanitarian ConcernsBiden's military deployment to the border raises security concerns, while overcrowding and humanitarian issues persist, surpassing Trump's total encounters in just over two years.

      The situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is a contentious issue, with questions surrounding the authenticity of orders regarding border control and the influx of migrants. Biden has claimed to send 1500 troops to help process the influx, but concerns have been raised about the large number of military-aged males among them and the potential for security risks. The Texas National Guard is following Biden's orders despite previous allegiance to Abbott. The border crisis has led to overcrowding and humanitarian concerns, with reports of rape, exploitation, and even death for migrants. Before Title 42 ended, border cities were already declaring states of emergency due to overwhelming numbers of migrants crossing the border. Despite claims of a decrease in encounters, Biden has already surpassed Trump's total encounters during his entire presidency in just over two years. The situation at the border is complex and raises important questions about security, humanitarian concerns, and immigration policy.

    • Border Crisis: More Than Illegal ImmigrationMillions cross U.S.-Mexico border illegally yearly, pedophiles released, children smuggled/trafficked, demand accountability from elected officials.

      The situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is far worse than previously estimated, with millions of people crossing illegally each year and a significant number of convicted pedophiles being released into the country. The speaker, who has had firsthand experience and knowledge of the situation, shares harrowing stories of children being smuggled and trafficked, and the powerlessness of law enforcement to stop it. The border crisis is not just about illegal immigration, but also about the exploitation and endangerment of vulnerable populations. The speaker's call to action is for people to educate themselves about the reality of the situation and to demand accountability and action from their elected officials.

    • Speaker's traumatizing border experienceSpeaker witnessed human trafficking, broken immigration system, emphasized need for stricter border control, effective legal immigration, and compassionate solutions.

      The speaker's experience at the border revealed the traumatizing reality of human trafficking and the broken immigration system. He witnessed the exploitation of children and the displacement of homeless veterans, leading him to believe that the situation required stricter border control and a more effective legal immigration process. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having a low-key wedding and saving money, while sharing his concerns about the potential threat of Islamic terrorists entering the country through the southern border. Additionally, he mentioned the arrest of an Afghan on the terror watchlist at the border and the controversial practices of certain hotels in prioritizing illegal immigrants over veterans and wedding guests. Overall, the speaker's account underscores the complexity and urgency of addressing the issues at the border and the need for compassionate yet effective solutions.

    • Alex Boianu steps down as co-host and makes Gerald Harris CEOAlex Boianu has stepped down as co-host of Steven Crowder's YouTube show and appointed Gerald Harris as CEO, with Harris now hosting the show, which will continue for at least 40 minutes daily starting at 11 AM CST. The show plans to move behind a paywall on Rumble, and Alex expressed gratitude for Rumble's support and displeasure with YouTube.

      Alex Boianu, a former co-host on Steven Crowder's YouTube show, has announced that he will no longer be hosting the show and will instead make Gerald Harris the CEO. This unexpected change means that Gerald will now be the one hosting the show, which is set to continue for at least 40 minutes starting at 11 AM CST. Alex also encouraged viewers to share the show and to listen on various platforms like Spotify and Apple, as they plan to move behind a paywall on Rumble. Alex expressed his gratitude to Rumble for providing a safer platform and expressed his displeasure with YouTube. This unexpected shift in the hosting role marks a significant change for the show.

    Recent Episodes from Louder with Crowder

    Introducing: 3 in 3

    Introducing: 3 in 3

    This show is three key facts in three minutes on the topics that you care about most, whether it's abortion, the Second Amendment, immigration, gun crime, the Constitution, the American Revolution, three key irrefutable facts, that you need to start with in three minutes or less.

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024



    Are you ready for the debate of the century? The Rumble on Rumble? The fight for the future of America as we know it? Have you decided already? President Donald Trump versus Former Vice President Joe Biden. Have you decided whether or not your children might get married and raise families of their own one day in safe communities, held together by strong morals and appreciation for American greatness, or will they burn their cities down in a rage that can only be induced by mutilating your genitals? Will Joe Biden fall to the floor or will he merely leer off into the distance as he quietly soils himself on national television? Let’s see what’s in store TONIGHT!

    GUESTS: Nick Di Paolo | Alex Jones

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/crowder-2024-debate-livestream-1

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024

    This is How Trump Beats Biden in the Debate | GUEST: Trump Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt

    This is How Trump Beats Biden in the Debate | GUEST: Trump Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt

    Gearing up for tomorrow night’s mega live stream, we’ve got President Donald Trump’s top three keys to victory in tomorrow night’s debate with Former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt joins the show, Generation Z’s polite euphemism for being late, it’s time to close for Congress-obstructing fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman, fake conservative Adam Kinzinger endorses Biden, and more!

    Tune in to our Debate Mega Livestream Tomorrow Night at 9PM ET

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    GUESTS: Karoline Leavitt | Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-26-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 26, 2024

    Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool

    Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool

    Julian Assange is a free man after agreeing to a plea deal with the United States Justice Department, the World Economic Forum wants you in filthy clothes, in an unsurprisingly daft move, CNN threatened to hit YouTubers with copyright strikes if they live stream Thursday’s Presidential debate under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and more!

    GUEST: Tim Pool | Josh Firestine

    Tax Network USA’s tax specialists have settled over $500 million in tax debts to the IRS and state taxing authorities. Call 1 (800) 245-6000 or visit tnusa.com/crowder

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 25, 2024

    BREAKING REPORT: ARMY Admits Debilitating Heart Conditions Linked to Covid Vax!

    BREAKING REPORT: ARMY Admits Debilitating Heart Conditions Linked to Covid Vax!

    An exclusive report from Catherine Herridge, Taylor Swift sang “f*ck the patriarchy” in a monarchy over the weekend, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman attended a racially charged rally in the Bronx, CNN's fact check of Trump's Wisconsin rally speech found 30 false statements & we are fact-checking all of them, and so much more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    One of the leading firearm manufacturers in the world for 135 years. Go to www.WaltherArms.com to try the Walther.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder

    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 24, 2024

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

    Today, we culturally appropriate Native American Indians, because to appropriate is to appreciate! This marks the second installment of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation Month celebration! In the news, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a land return to the Shasta Tribe in an episode of virtue signaling, Louisiana is officially the first American state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public classrooms, Jon Stewart is wrong on guns, NYC State of Crime, and so much more!

    Support freedom of speech with Rumble's 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775coffee.com/Crowder right now and pick up your first bag. Use code CROWDER to save 10%.

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-20

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 20, 2024

    EXCLUSIVE: Murderer Groomed High School Girl into Sex in Jail; Massive Cover-Up

    EXCLUSIVE: Murderer Groomed High School Girl into Sex in Jail; Massive Cover-Up

    A Mug Club viewer like you came to Mug Club Undercover with a tip regarding an incident and an apparent subsequent cover-up involving the coercion and abuse of a minor intern at a county jail housing federal inmates for U.S. Marshals in Ohio. As our journalists pulled the thread, we found it nearly impossible to get answers over the phone, so we sent boots on the ground to ask face-to-face. We obtained exclusive access to and are publishing today materials corroborating this shocking case!

    GUEST: Breanna Morello

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder

    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 19, 2024

    Magical Mystery Faith Healing with Tumor Toucher Cori Bush

    Magical Mystery Faith Healing with Tumor Toucher Cori Bush

    Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has introduced the term “Cheapfake” into the public lexicon to distance the administration from the latest Biden gaffe, Former President Joe Biden is exploiting Donald Trump’s political conviction with a new ad blitz, Cori Bush, Congresswoman and Squad member, alleges she can cure cancer by touching tumors, California crime is so bad they can’t even conduct basic road repairs as criminals are gutting copper and metal and running street takeover side shows, and more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    CBDistillery’s targeted formulations are made from the highest quality CLEAN ingredients. No fluff, no fillers - just pure, effective CBD solutions designed to help support your health. Go to CBDistillery.com and use code CROWDER for 20% off and a 100% money back guarantee.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 18, 2024

    Here's How Google Is Going to Steal the Election Again | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein

    Here's How Google Is Going to Steal the Election Again | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein

    Dr. Robert Epstein joins the show today to share findings from his study pertaining to how exactly Google can rig and change the results of an election, at a star-studded Los Angeles fundraiser for the Biden campaign this weekend, Jack Black’s cringe endorsement stole the show, more proof Chuck Schumer is a fake person, we’ve prepared a series of disturbing facts to support our contention that mass migration across the Western world is immoral as Former Vice President Joe Biden announces a massive amnesty program for hundreds of thousands of illegals, and so much more!

    GUEST: Dr. Robert Epstein | Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 17, 2024

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

    Folks, today marks the start of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation month celebration. We all know appropriation is appreciation and today we are appreciating Iran! In the news, young Iranians are protesting their nation’s strict religious laws through a phenomenon called “turban knocking,” space lesbian witches are somehow getting pregnant and destroying Star Wars, a string of attacks on American fast food restaurants in Iran has got us wondering who could be responsible, after the shocking helicopter crash death of Iran’s President, Ibrahim Raisi, Iran will hold a free and fair election to replace him, we’re going to be straddling the borderline today, so buckle up and come to Rumble and Mug Club if you want to the show today because YouTube definitely ain’t okay with what’s happening today!

    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

    Visit http://PrepWithCrowder.com for My Patriot Supply emergency food kits, and $50 Off the Grid Doctor Solar Generator System

    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 13, 2024

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    Who was first in line to carry out the Holocaust? The authoritarian voter next door. Survivors described how their neighbors turned on them, throwing rocks through their windows. That’s who Trump is appealing to, driving out people who have existed throughout history: longing for a strongman to crush their enemies, and put mouthy women, smug nonwhite people, those pesky gays, and don’t forget entitled refugees in their place. These are the “vermin” Trump scapegoats as he travels the country, amplifying Russian disinformation, and consolidating his base: the authoritarian voter next door. 

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    Given the immense power we’ve shown, it’s time to abolish the Electoral College, a monument to slavery, and agitate for other reforms to modernize the United States government. Gaslit Nation is working on a special series on how to Trump-proof our democracy, protecting us and future generations from his massive cult that ensures succession is guaranteed. Even after Trump is gone, another cultist will take his place. So it’s time to expand our historic Blue Wave energy into overdue government reform. The nonsense press release from the Supreme Court pretending to care about ethics is not what we’re talking about. 

    As a thank you to our Gaslit Nation community on Patreon, look out the weekend after Thanksgiving for a special MAKE ART workshop in the form of a podcast that you can download and try at your own leisure. We’re all natural born artists, and this act of self-care and meaningful therapy reminds us that our voices matter and that we’re needed now more than ever. In his brilliant resistance pocket guide On Tyranny, historian Timothy Snyder urges us to be visible, and that visibility comes through creativity, as we use our voice for our collective good. The model of this has always been embedded in this show that has featured interviews with extraordinary artists like Nelson George, a writer of the hip-hop movement and Andrea’s longtime mentor, and filmmaker Oleg Sentsov who survived a Siberian prison by writing a novel, stories, and directing a film.

    Yes, art matters. Art is survival. And each of us, to navigate these civilization-making-or-breaking years ahead, can embrace our inner artist to create a sustainable, livable future together. Artists imagine and show that another world is possible. As Sentsov said on our show: Dictators die. Art is forever. Look out for that special MAKE ART workshop next week! To get access to that, bonus shows, all episodes ad free, and more, subscribe to join our community of listeners at Patreon.com/Gaslit 

    This week’s bonus show will look at the latest in the Israel-Hamas war, troubling jumps in A.I., and answer questions from listeners at the Democracy Defender level and higher. Thank you to everyone who supports the show – we could not make Gaslit Nation without you! 

    If you’re in NYC, stop by 42 Second Avenue, between 2nd & 3rd Streets, to see a giant photograph of a “car cemetery” in Irpin, Ukraine, an area that suffered greatly during the early days of Russia’s total war genocide. The photographer is Phil Buehler, and more of his work can be seen here: https://modern-ruins.com/irpin-ukraine-please-dont-forget-us/

    You can also join Andrea this Thursday at NYU to check out a talk by Terrell Starr of the Black Diplomats podcast. Details here: https://twitter.com/terrelljstarr/status/1724146505001422925

    Andrea joined Jennifer Taub, author of Big Dirty Money: Making White Collar Criminals Pay, on her podcast Booked Up. Listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/andrea-chalupa-on-dictatorship-is-easy/id1651929984?i=1000634521344


    MUST WATCH: Missing in Brooks County by Lisa Molomot and Jeff Bemiss https://www.missinginbrookscounty.com/

    MUST WATCH: John Oliver on the Israel-Palestine Conflict https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ9PKQbkJv8

    Opening Clip: Trump in New Hampshire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE3S2_zWEIc

    Supreme Court Announces Ethics Code for Justices The decision comes after revelations about undisclosed property deals and gifts have intensified pressure on the court to adopt such a code. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/13/us/politics/supreme-court-ethics-code.html

    Supreme Court approval ratings at record lows, new Gallup poll shows https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/02/politics/supreme-court-record-lows-gallup/index.html

    In a Historic First, the Supreme Court Has Adopted a Code of Ethics The code, which does not include any enforcement mechanism, comes after ProPublica and other outlets disclosed that justices had repeatedly failed to disclose gifts and travel from wealthy donors. https://www.propublica.org/article/supreme-court-adopts-ethics-code-scotus-thomas-alito-crow

    FROM AXIOS: “Driving the news: In a Veterans Day speech in New Hampshire on Saturday, Trump vowed to "root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections." He then posted the same message on Truth Social, including the word "vermin" often used by Hitler and Mussolini to denigrate Jews and their political enemies. Trump went on to say that "the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within." The big picture: Trump's increasingly violent rhetoric — calling for a U.S. military leader to be executed, mocking a near-fatal assault on a congressional spouse, urging police to shoot potential shoplifters — has become a staple of his brand as he faces the threat of conviction in four different criminal cases.” https://www.axios.com/2023/11/13/trump-vermin-fascist-language-speech

    “The institutional right is screening a “pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists” that, if elected, Trump plans to use to unleash DOJ on his political enemies, create deportation camps for millions of immigrants, and generally turn his whim into law.”  https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1724037010183123157

    We encourage you to check out the sponsor of this week’s episode: 

    Our listeners can go to HelloFresh.com/gaslitfree and use code “gaslitfree” for FREE breakfast for life! One breakfast item per box while subscription is active. Thank you so much for our sponsor, HelloFresh, America’s #1 Meal Kit 

    Trump Mug Shot & Border Gates Open | 8.25.23

    Trump Mug Shot & Border Gates Open | 8.25.23

    Trump posts his mug shot on X, the border gates are open, Wall Street firms abandon New York and mask mandates on the rise. Get the facts first with Morning Wire.

    Black Rifle Coffee: Get 10% off your first order or Coffee Club subscription with code WIRE: https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/

    Consumer Tax Advocate: http://www.CovidTaxRelief.org is helping all types of businesses and nonprofits receive up to twenty-six thousand dollars per employee.

    #24 - Jordan Dittloff - Free Speech is Under Attack

    #24 - Jordan Dittloff - Free Speech is Under Attack

    Pietro is joined instead by Jordan Dittloff, federal Secretary of the Libertarian Party in Australia. They discuss the important topic of government giving powers to ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) which would allow them to censor free speech on the internet. 


    You can find Jordan at: 



    Collectivitis is on Instagram and Twitter:

