
    America's Mental Health Crisis, and Speaking the Truth, with Carrie Prejean Boller, Britt Mayer, and Charles Negy | Ep. 517

    enMarch 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on the Nashville school shooting and its impact on addressing mental health and institutionalizationThe Nashville school shooting underscores the importance of recognizing signs of potential danger, addressing mental health, and taking preventative measures to protect the most vulnerable members of society.

      The shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, which claimed the lives of six people including three 9-year-old children and three school administrators, has brought attention to the need for addressing mental health and institutionalization in the wake of mass shootings. Megyn Kelly, reflecting on the tragedy and her own experiences as a parent, emphasized the innocence and vulnerability of 9-year-olds and the importance of recognizing the signs of potential danger. The release of disturbing video evidence of the attack has prompted calls for transparency and accountability from law enforcement, as well as a renewed focus on prevention rather than reaction. The shooting serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing the root causes of such violence and taking action to protect the most vulnerable members of society.

    • School Shooting Tragedy: Mental Health, Heroism, and Random VictimsA 28-year-old shooter with mental health issues and a history of attending the school carried out a random shooting, leaving victims and heroes in its wake. Discussing events is essential, but prioritizing school security is crucial.

      The recent school shooting tragedy involved a 28-year-old shooter with a history of mental health issues who had previously attended the school and may have held some resentment. The shooter, who identified as a transgender man, had no prior criminal record but left chilling messages indicating a suicide plan before the shooting. Despite the heinous act, there were also stories of heroism and courage from the law enforcement officers who responded. The shooter did not appear to target specific individuals and instead chose victims seemingly at random. Tragically, the head of the school and a substitute teacher were among those killed. While it's important to discuss these events to understand and learn from them, it's also crucial to ensure school security and prevent these stories from going on loop in the media.

    • Actions of selfless heroes serve as a reminder of human capacity for courageDuring tragedies, selfless actions of heroes remind us of human capacity for courage and the importance of community support during grieving process.

      During times of tragedy, the actions of selfless individuals, like the police officers Michael Collazo and Rex Engelbert, who risked their lives to save others, serve as a reminder of the importance of heroism and the human capacity to respond to terror with courage. The loss of young lives, such as those of Halle Scruggs, Evelyn Dickhouse, and William Kinney, leaves their families and communities in grief, but the memories of these children can be kept alive through stories, love, and support from others. The grieving process can be painful, but it can also involve joy, love, and community. The community of Nashville is now left to heal from this shooting that ended in less than 15 minutes, with the help of resources and platforms like Battle Cry, which aim to protect children. The events serve as a reminder to appreciate the simple joys of life and the importance of looking for helpers and heroes in times of need.

    • Mothers and Women of Faith Feel Helpless Amidst School Shootings: Addressing the Root CausesDiscussing gun control is important, but mental health and potential links to mental illness and certain demographics should also be addressed to understand the root causes of school shootings.

      The recent school shooting tragedy is a heartbreaking reality for mothers and women of faith, leaving them feeling helpless despite their efforts to protect children. The conversation surrounding gun control is important, but it's not the only factor. Mental illness is a growing crisis in our society, and we need to address it honestly. The constant obsession with guns is preventing us from dealing with the root causes of these tragic events. We need to talk about mental health and the potential link between mental illness and certain demographics, such as those who identify as transgender. The focus should be on understanding what leads someone to commit such acts of violence, rather than just on gun control. Additionally, it's important to acknowledge that hate crimes, like the one at the Christian school, are attacks on specific communities and families. We need to be honest about the situation and work towards finding solutions that address the underlying issues.

    • Divisive rhetoric after tragic eventsEmphasizing oppressor vs oppressed classes can worsen tensions and lead to harmful consequences. Media's role in assigning blame without evidence and promoting vengeance can escalate situations. We need to strive for a more unified society.

      The constant emphasis on dividing society into oppressors and oppressed classes, as seen in the aftermath of tragic events, can exacerbate tensions and potentially lead to harmful consequences. The media's role in fueling this narrative and assigning blame without sufficient evidence is a significant concern. The ongoing promotion of vengeance and calls for protests in the wake of these events only serves to further escalate the situation. It's essential to recognize the potential dangers of this divisive rhetoric and strive for a more unified and understanding society.

    • Labeling and demonizing without understandingOpen discussions focusing on facts and evidence are crucial for understanding complex issues, such as political ideologies and mental health, rather than fearing accusations and labeling others.

      The media and certain groups labeling political figures and their supporters as racist or white nationalists, without considering the complexity of the situation and individual actions, is a simplistic and divisive approach. Meanwhile, the trans community and its advocates are also quick to demonize those with differing views, ignoring potential mental health issues and the long-term consequences of affirming gender lies. It's crucial for society to have open and honest discussions, focusing on facts and evidence, rather than fearing accusations and labeling others. The history of gender identity ideology and its impact on mental wellbeing, particularly in children, is an essential topic for further investigation. The long-term effects and data on those who have undergone gender transitions are vital to understanding the implications of this ideology on individuals and society as a whole.

    • The tragic outcome of an experiment on twin boys raised as different gendersThe experiment on twin boys, one of whom was raised as a girl despite being biologically male, ended in tragedy, highlighting the potential harm caused by affirming mental disorders as normal without proper understanding.

      The experiment conducted by John Money on the twin boys, one of whom suffered a traumatic circumcision and was raised as a girl despite being biologically male, ended in tragedy with both boys taking their own lives as adults. This experiment was upheld as a success by Money, but it was later discovered that the entire endeavor was a failure. This early data serves as a warning about the potential harm caused by affirming mental disorders as normal without proper understanding and consideration of the underlying issues. The trend of misdiagnosing autistic children as transgender and the pressure from society and academia to accept these diagnoses are contributing to this problem. Parents, desperate for answers, are being fed lies, leading them to make hasty decisions that could exacerbate their children's mental health issues rather than addressing them. This situation is a cause for concern and demands open conversation and a thorough examination of the underlying issues.

    • Understanding Complex Causes of Violence Involving Transgender IndividualsIt's crucial to consider multiple factors when analyzing violent incidents involving transgender individuals, including mental health issues, societal influences, and personal identity.

      The discussion highlights the need to consider multiple factors when analyzing the causes of violent incidents, particularly those involving individuals who identify as transgender. While it's important to acknowledge and understand gender dysphoria, it's equally important to consider other potential contributing factors, such as mental health issues and societal influences. The speakers emphasized the importance of asking questions and not shying away from potentially controversial topics, especially when dealing with issues that have significant societal implications. They also pointed out the need for a more nuanced understanding of gender and the potential risks associated with medical interventions for those who may not truly identify as transgender but have other underlying issues. The speakers urged for a more balanced approach to these complex issues, one that acknowledges the importance of mental health, personal identity, and societal influences.

    • President Biden's reaction to Nashville school shooting criticizedCritics argue Biden's focus on ice cream and gun control distracted from the tragedy and raised questions about his mental competence

      The reaction of President Joe Biden to the Nashville school shooting was criticized for being insensitive and off-topic, focusing on ice cream instead of addressing the tragedy directly. The shooting, which resulted in the deaths of six people including three children, led to calls for gun control measures from the White House. However, critics argue that the president's reaction and subsequent statements were misplaced and distracted from the real issues, particularly the mental competence of the president himself. The discussion also touched upon the polarized political climate and the differing perspectives on gun ownership and culture. It's important to remember that tragedies like these are complex and require thoughtful, compassionate responses from our leaders. Instead, the president's remarks were seen as tone-deaf and disconnected, leaving many feeling frustrated and disappointed.

    • Media focus on guns and misgendering overshadows root causesCriticizing media for sensationalism and focusing on root causes of school shootings for a better future

      The media's focus on guns and misgendering the shooter in the Nashville school shooting has overshadowed the importance of addressing the root causes of such tragedies. Nancy Sinatra and others criticized public figures for hypocrisy regarding gun ownership and empathy towards the victims. The media's confusion over the shooter's gender identity added to the chaos, while important issues like mental health and school safety were overlooked. The dedication of Brit and Megan is to uproot the low-hanging fruit of sensationalism and instead, focus on understanding the underlying causes of such incidents to create a better future for children. The media's obsession with guns and misgendering the shooter is a distraction from the real issues at hand.

    • Transgender recognition in women's spaces: Fairness vs. InclusivityThe recognition of transgender individuals in women's spaces, like sports and beauty pageants, sparks debates about fairness and inclusivity. This was seen in cases of Leah Thomas and the unnamed Miss America contestant. These decisions raise questions about women's rights and future implications.

      The recognition and validation of individuals identifying as transgender in women's spaces, such as sports teams and beauty pageants, has led to controversy and disputes over fairness and inclusivity. This was highlighted in the cases of Leah Thomas (Will Thomas) in swimming and the unnamed individual in the Miss America pageant. The debate raises questions about the implications of these decisions on women's rights and the potential impact on future generations. Additionally, the discussion touched on the historical context of these issues, including the influence of Kinsey's research and the role of institutions like schools and psychology in shaping societal norms. Overall, it's crucial to have an open and honest conversation about these complex issues and their consequences.

    • Interview derailed by objectification and disrespectful commentsFocus on substance of discussions about women's rights and gender equality, rather than being sidetracked by irrelevant distractions.

      The interview discussed the importance of gender equality, particularly in the workforce and law, but was derailed by the interviewer's objectification and disrespectful comments towards women. The person being interviewed expressed a desire to see more women in law and the workforce, but the interviewer's focus on their appearance and the person's background as a child of a janitor overshadowed the conversation about women's rights. The conversation also touched on the issue of transgender identity and the importance of not affirming falsehoods, such as the idea that men can become women. The interview ultimately failed to address the actual issues at hand and instead devolved into a disrespectful and embarrassing exchange. It's crucial to keep the focus on the substance of discussions about women's rights and gender equality, rather than being sidetracked by irrelevant distractions.

    • Identity, representation, and societal reactions in the digital ageThe line between reality and representation is blurring, leading to complex discussions around identity, appropriation, and acceptance. It's important to engage in open, respectful dialogue and strive for a more nuanced understanding of identity and representation in the digital age.

      The line between reality and representation is becoming increasingly blurred, leading to complex discussions around identity, appropriation, and acceptance. The conversation around Dylan Mulvaney's online persona raises questions about the distinction between a person and their representation, and whether this impacts their human rights and responsibilities. Simultaneously, the issue of digital blackface highlights the potential harm of appropriating cultural expressions, especially when it comes from individuals with significant platforms and influence. The inconsistency in societal reactions to these issues underscores the importance of challenging double standards and refusing to live by lies or accept false narratives. Ultimately, it's crucial to engage in open, respectful dialogue and strive for a more nuanced understanding of identity and representation in the digital age.

    • The Importance of Speaking the TruthStanding firm in beliefs despite potential backlash is essential for individuals and society. Open dialogue and data-driven discussions are necessary to address complex issues.

      Speaking the truth, even in the face of potential backlash, is essential for individuals and society as a whole. The discussion emphasized the importance of not living by lies and demanding answers that address the root causes of issues. This was exemplified by Professor Charles Nagy's experience, who faced cancel culture after tweeting about racial essentialism and black privilege during a time of heightened racial tensions. Despite the challenges, he stood firm in his beliefs and fought back against the university's efforts to silence him. The conversation also touched upon the impact of cancel culture on individuals' lives and livelihoods, and the need for open dialogue and data-driven discussions to address complex issues.

    • DEI investigations can lead to professor's termination despite tenureDEI complaints can result in lengthy investigations, termination, financial and emotional hardship for professors, emphasizing the importance of academic freedom and free speech protection

      Even holding non-woke views as a minority professor can lead to investigation and potential termination, despite the usual support from DEI groups. The administration at the University of Central Florida, in an attempt to appease the DEI mob and send a message to other professors, launched a lengthy investigation into the professor's career after receiving complaints about his tweets. The professor, despite being tenured, was fired and faced significant financial and emotional hardship before being reinstated through a union and a lawsuit. The incident highlights the power and potential overreach of the DEI movement and the need for protection of academic freedom and free speech.

    • Professor's freedom of speech under scrutiny after being let go from UCFA professor's career and personal life were negatively impacted after expressing views against DEI initiatives, sparking a debate about academic freedom and ideological alignment in universities

      The debate surrounding ideological alignment and freedom of speech in universities has come to a head, with professors and administrators facing consequences for expressing certain views. The discussion revolves around a professor who was let go from UCF for questioning DEI initiatives and facing backlash for it. Despite winning an arbitration and a federal lawsuit, the professor has faced personal and professional damages, and struggles to find employment elsewhere. Universities, including UCF and Connecticut College, are under scrutiny for promoting ideologies and making decisions that spark controversy and upheaval. The professor hopes to use the lawsuit to protect his freedom of speech and recover damages for the harm caused to his career and personal life. The issue raises larger questions about the role of universities in promoting ideologies and the implications for academic freedom and diversity in higher education.

    • Professor Fights for Academic Freedom After Controversial CommentUniversities must uphold academic freedom and protect professors' right to express their views, even if controversial, to avoid silencing and retaliation.

      Academic freedom and free speech are under threat, and professors should not be silenced or retaliated against for expressing their views. Megan Stokes, a tenured professor at her university, faced termination after a controversy surrounding her use of a word in class. Despite winning the arbitration, she was further defamed and felt the need to pursue legal action for damages and punitive damages. The lack of support from colleagues and the university administration was disheartening, but Stokes remains determined to send a message that free speech is a fundamental right, regardless of one's ideology or the perceived offense caused. The case serves as a reminder that universities must uphold academic freedom and protect the rights of their faculty, rather than succumbing to cancel culture and public pressure.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Guru Singh On Compassion, Discernment & The Primacy of Self-Mastery

    Guru Singh On Compassion, Discernment & The Primacy of Self-Mastery
    This episode marks the first installment of Guru Corner — a spiritual version of my popular Coach's Corner series featuring my favorite teacher on all things mystic, metaphysical and ethereal, Guru Singh. For those new to the show, imagine a modern-day Gandalf who rocks like Hendrix while dropping pearls of wisdom that beautifully fuse Eastern mysticism with Western pragmatism. A celebrated third-generation Sikh yogi, master spiritual teacher, author, and musician, for the past 40 years Guru Singh has been studying and teaching Kundalini Yoga. He is the author of several books, a powerful lecturer, and behind-the-scenes guide to many a luminary, including Fortune 500 CEOs, athletes, and artists. A peer of rock legends like Janis Joplin and the Grateful Dead, Guru Singh is also a supremely talented musician who began his recording career on Warner Bros’ Reprise label in the 1960s. When he isn’t recording tracks with people like Seal, he’s bringing down the house on the daily at Yoga West, his Los Angeles home base. Today's conversation is intimate exploration into cultivating compassion, developing discernment, embracing our divinity, and ultimately expanding our capacity to do what we are here to do – to love ourselves and love others to the best of our abilities. We discuss the root of psychic and emotional pain and the nature of violence. We imagine new educational modalities for future generations. We dive deep into the power of group consciousness to drive cultural change. And we consider the importance of maturing the social infantilism of our emotional infrastructure as a social imperative. Over the last couple years, I have grown quite close with Guru Singh, a beautiful and highly relatable consciousness I’m proud to call friend, family and mentor. It’s a privilege to share more of his powerful wisdom with you today. My hope is that this conversation will empower you to more deeply invest in the development of your conscious awareness, personal boundaries, and spiritual growth. Because, to quote Guru Singh, life is not about controlling the outside world, it's about mastering perceptions from the inside. Note: If you missed our initial two conversations, you can find them here and here. Another Note: We recorded this episode back in mid-February, so the topical events we discuss are not quite as current as they were on the date of the conversation. Nonetheless, the wisdom remains timeless. Final Final Note: The visually inclined can watch our conversation on YouTube at: http://bit.ly/gurucorner1 (just make sure to subscribe!) Let the master class begin. Peace + Plants, Rich

    I Was a Woke Activist… Not Anymore! - Amala Ekpunobi

    I Was a Woke Activist… Not Anymore! - Amala Ekpunobi
    SPONSORED BY: ATHLETIC GREENS. Get a free 1-year supply of Vitamin D and 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to https://athleticgreens.com/triggernometry/ Amala Ekpunobi is a social media personality and commentator. Once a leftist activist, she experienced a dramatic political reversal. Now she is the presenter of 'Unapologetic with Amala' on PragerU. Join our exclusive TRIGGERnometry community on Locals! https://triggernometry.locals.com/ OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: https://www.subscribestar.com/triggernometry https://www.patreon.com/triggerpod Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube:  @xentricapc   Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/sign-up/ Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices