
    America's "Reality Crisis," and Free Speech and Censorship Today, with Spencer Klavan, Will Chamberlain, and Kate Tummarello | Ep. 493

    enFebruary 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Modern-Day Crises with Ancient WisdomBy reconnecting with ancient wisdom, we can navigate modern-day crises, including questions about truth, the human body, and the meaning of the world, and find valuable answers and a sense of community.

      Western civilization is facing a crisis, and we're not alone in dealing with these issues. The virtual and digital world is replacing genuine experiences, and feelings are often prioritized over facts. Spencer Clavin, a guest on The Megyn Kelly Show and author of "How to Save the West," argues that these crises are not new, as they have been addressed throughout history. By looking back at ancient wisdom, we can navigate modern-day problems, including questions about the nature of truth, the human body, and the meaning of the world. Clavin emphasizes that being surrounded by the wisdom of the past, as found in books, can provide us with valuable answers and a sense of community. Therefore, it's essential to reconnect with this knowledge to save the Western world.

    • The Crisis of Truth and Reality in Today's WorldThe rejection of absolute truth and the proliferation of competing narratives have led to a crisis of trust and uncertainty about reality. Reason and philosophy offer a way to seek the absolute truth and recover confidence in our own abilities to discern it.

      We are facing a crisis of truth and reality in today's world, where the lines between facts and alternative facts, or disinformation and malinformation, have become increasingly blurred. This crisis is not a new phenomenon, but rather a continuation of issues that have been present for decades. The rejection of absolute truth and the proliferation of competing narratives have led many to feel untethered and uncertain about what is real. The tech industry's role in censorship and control of information has only exacerbated this issue. The ancient Greeks grappled with similar questions of truth and power in their democracy, leading to a "war of all against all." However, the author argues that reason and philosophy offer a way to seek the absolute truth and recover confidence in our own abilities to discern it. The rejection of God or higher power may complicate this search for truth, but it does not negate the importance of reason and critical thinking in our quest for understanding.

    • Competing demands for power and control over facts due to absence of widely accepted higher power or absolute truthThe absence of a widely accepted religion or absolute truth can lead to dangerous competing demands for power and control over facts, seen in various beliefs and ideologies, and recognizing their religious nature and seeking traditional sources of morality and truth can help us understand what is worthy of worship and seek the highest good.

      According to the speaker, the absence of a widely accepted higher power or absolute truth leads to the assertion of personal perspectives as absolute authorities, resulting in competing demands for power and control over facts. The speaker argues that this void can be dangerous and can be seen in various beliefs and ideologies, such as gender identity and political demands. He believes that recognizing the religious nature of these beliefs and looking to traditional sources of morality and truth can help us understand what is worthy of worship and seek the highest good. The speaker also laments that without a recognized religion to limit its influence, these beliefs can permeate society and be pushed on individuals at various levels, including education, jobs, and government.

    • Embracing the Embodied Soul ConceptAncient philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle emphasized the importance of recognizing the body as an expression of the soul, rather than a separate entity. This perspective promotes mental health, social cohesion, and overall well-being, and encourages us to question elites and seek truth and knowledge.

      The current trend of viewing the body and soul as separate entities, as popularized by trans extremism and post-gender ideologies, is a spiritual claim with potentially harmful consequences. This separation ignores the idea that the body is an expression of the soul, and instead treats it as a toy or an appendage. While this belief may bring comfort to some, its negative impact on mental health, social fabric, and overall well-being is evident. Looking to ancient philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle for guidance, we can find wisdom in embracing the embodied soul concept and recognizing the importance of standing up for truth, even in the face of opposition. These philosophers, despite facing persecution, have left us a legacy that continues to shape civilization. Therefore, it's crucial to view ourselves as inheritors of this tradition and to preserve the flame of knowledge for future generations, even if the present seems uncertain. Plato's cave allegory also highlights the importance of questioning elites and their narratives, encouraging us to seek truth and knowledge for ourselves.

    • The Danger of Relying on Elites for TruthQuestioning authority and maintaining skepticism towards elites is crucial to avoid being misled by their hidden agendas and to protect our best interests.

      The idea of relying on elites or external sources for truth and reality can be dangerous, as they may have hidden agendas and may not have our best interests at heart. This concept was explored by Plato in his Allegory of the Cave, where people in a cave only see shadows on the wall and believe it to be reality, while the truth lies outside in the sunlight. As technology advances, such as virtual reality and digital tech, the temptation to hand over control of our lives and truth to these elites can be alluring, but it comes with risks. Instances of betrayal of trust, like during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, serve as reminders of the importance of questioning authority and maintaining a healthy skepticism towards those in power.

    • Founding Fathers vs. Progressives: Sovereignty and Ethical DecisionsThe Founding Fathers believed in individual and national sovereignty, but the progressives advocated for the growth of the administrative state and outsourcing ethical decisions to governing bodies, leading to a concentration of power in the executive branch and ineffective Congress.

      The founding fathers established the principle of individual sovereignty and national sovereignty, believing that ethical decisions are not a math problem but a moral one. However, this idea was challenged by the capital P progressives who advocated for the growth of the administrative state and the outsourcing of ethical decisions to governing bodies. This has led to a concentration of power in the executive and administrative branches, with politicians acting like kings and Congress becoming ineffective. It's important to remember that scientists and experts are not meant to rule over us, but rather, we as the people should make the decisions. The current political climate, with a powerful executive and ineffective Congress, can lead to despair, but understanding the historical context of political philosophy can help us navigate this spiral.

    • Aristotle's Views on Government and Civic LoveAristotle believed the success of a government depends on rulers' intentions and love for citizens, but decay can occur in monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy when self-interest prevails. Civic love is key to preventing this, but it's lost when society views each other as tribes rather than citizens.

      According to Aristotle, the success or failure of a government depends on the rulers' intentions and their love for their citizens. He identified three types of governments: monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. Monarchy can decay into tyranny when the ruler prioritizes their own interests over the ruled. Aristocracy can become an oligarchy when the ruling class prioritizes their own self-interest. Democracy can devolve into mob rule when the majority acts without consideration for the common good. The key to preventing this decay, Aristotle believed, was civic love - rulers making decisions for the benefit of their citizens out of love and concern for them. However, when different parts of society view each other as tribes based on race, gender, or sexuality, rather than fellow citizens, civic love is lost, leading to class warfare and the destruction of the republic.

    • Reviving local communities and fostering civic friendshipFocusing on community and civic engagement is essential for healing societal divisions and addressing issues together, rather than allowing ourselves to be divided by race, sexuality, or political agendas.

      Reviving local communities and fostering civic friendship, or "philia," is crucial for reclaiming ownership and addressing the issues facing our country. This bottom-up approach involves engaging in local societies and associations, and emphasizes unity rather than division. The speaker shares personal experiences of feeling divided by cultural and political issues, but ultimately finds common ground in the shared love for country and its ideals. It's essential to remember the principles that unite us, rather than allowing ourselves to be divided by race, sexuality, or political agendas. By focusing on community and civic engagement, we can begin to move towards solutions and heal the divisions within our society.

    • Understanding the eternal dynamics of political systemsThe cycle of regimes theory explains the rise and fall of monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and mob rule, offering insights into current political trends and internal decay in America's oligarchic court state.

      The cycle of regimes theory, as discussed with Spencer Lavin, provides a template for understanding the eternal dynamics of human nature that play out in the evolution of political systems. These dynamics include the rise of monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and mob rule. While it's not a prediction of what will happen next, it can help us make sense of the current state of affairs. In America, we're experiencing a decaying republic turning into an oligarchic court state, marked by class warfare. Simultaneously, our global influence is leading to complications, but the real issue is our internal decay. Machiavelli's insights from The Discourses on Livy offer a relevant perspective on the elites versus the populace, highlighting the importance of recognizing the potential pitfalls of both.

    • Elite decay and corruption pose a greater danger than external threatsInvesting in local communities fosters civic friendship and love, essential for civilization building, and protecting free speech is crucial for a vibrant and inclusive society.

      Elite decay and corruption pose a greater danger to society than external threats, as they undermine trust in the system and fuel despair. The solution, according to the speaker, lies in investing in local communities where problems become manageable and solutions can be discussed at a human level. This approach fosters civic friendship and love, which are essential for civilization building. It's important to remember that meaningful connections and community engagement happen offline, not online. The ongoing debate about tech censorship and section 230 highlights the importance of protecting free speech in America, which affects everyone. These issues, though complex, require our attention and engagement to ensure a vibrant and inclusive society.

    • Section 230 debate: Empowering users vs. censorshipThe Section 230 law, which shields online platforms from liability for user-generated content, is a subject of ongoing debate. Supporters argue it empowers users and smaller platforms, while critics claim it enables censorship and can thwart state laws protecting individual speech rights.

      Section 230, a 1996 law that shields online platforms from liability for content created by their users, is a topic of ongoing debate. While it empowers users to speak and share content online, critics argue that the federal immunity for content removal can thwart state laws protecting individual speech rights. Kate Tamarello, from Enjin, supports Section 230 as it enables smaller platforms and empowers users. Will Chamberlain, from the Internet Accountability Project, is critical of the immunity for content removal, which he believes can be used to censor content, often targeting conservative viewpoints. The debate continues as the Supreme Court prepares to hear a case involving this issue.

    • Section 230 protects tech companies from liability for removing objectionable contentSection 230's immunity for tech companies can prevent states from enforcing censorship laws and allows social media companies to decide what content to remove based on their own First Amendment rights.

      Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides tech companies and platforms with broad immunity from liability when they remove objectionable content, including pornography and politically controversial speech. This immunity is so extensive that it can prevent states from enacting laws intended to protect citizens from censorship. For instance, when Florida passed a law allowing citizens to sue tech companies for censorship, the law was found unconstitutional due to Section 230's preemption. A notable case involving this issue is Laura Loomer's lawsuit against Twitter for removing her account, which was dismissed due to Section 230's protections. While Section 230 enables platforms to remove content, it's essential to remember that the First Amendment also applies. Social media companies have their own First Amendment rights to not be compelled to host speech or be censored, making Section 230 a modifier to the First Amendment.

    • Section 230 and content moderation on social mediaSection 230 shields social media companies from legal responsibility for user-generated content, enabling them to moderate while avoiding costly lawsuits, but the line between moderation and censorship remains debated.

      Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act plays a crucial role in content moderation on social media platforms. The law protects companies from legal liability for user-generated content, allowing them to moderate and remove content without fear of costly lawsuits. However, the first amendment also comes into play, as platforms are not considered speakers of the content they host. The line between moderation and censorship can be blurry, and some argue that platforms should not be able to have it both ways – enjoying liability protection for user-generated content while also controlling the content and deciding what is allowed on their platforms. The debate continues on the balance between free speech and content moderation in the digital age.

    • Regulating Tech Companies: Balancing Liability Protection and CensorshipThe debate centers around revising Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to strike a balance between tech companies' liability protection and preventing censorship, ensuring predictability in content moderation and protecting citizens from arbitrary censorship.

      There is a debate about the need for liability protection for tech companies regarding user-generated content and the potential for censorship. The Internet Accountability Project argues that this protection allows for censorship of certain political opinions, while the tech industry maintains it's necessary to do business. A proposed solution is to revise Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to remove the catchall term that allows companies to remove content at their discretion and require good faith belief in the violation of terms of service to be objectively reasonable. This would allow states to pass laws protecting their citizens from censorship while maintaining a reasonable standard for content removal. Ultimately, the goal is to provide a meaningful remedy for those arbitrarily censored and ensure predictability in content moderation. The debate highlights the importance of regulating tech companies as public squares in the digital age.

    • Protecting the Internet's Health and FunctionalityBalancing the need to protect small businesses and individual users' rights to speak on major social media platforms, while ensuring regulations adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the Internet.

      The Internet is more than just Twitter, Facebook, and Google, and there's a need to protect the immunity of small startups and Internet creators while ensuring Americans' right to speak on major social media platforms. The speaker emphasizes the importance of Section 230, which allows platforms to remove speech they deem harmful or unwelcome, keeping the Internet healthy and functional. However, concerns arise over what constitutes hate speech and the potential suppression of factual-based conversations. A balanced approach is necessary to protect the interests of both small businesses and individual users, while ensuring that major social media platforms maintain the ability to regulate their content. The ever-evolving nature of social media platforms underscores the need for flexible and adaptive regulations that can keep up with the changing landscape.

    • Balancing free speech and misinformation in content moderationThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to the complexities of content moderation, requiring a balance between free speech and misinformation while addressing ideological diversity and bias.

      Content moderation on social media platforms is a complex issue with no easy solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges of balancing free speech with misinformation, and the difficulty of ensuring ideological diversity among those making censorship decisions. Companies invest heavily in technological tools and human resources to review content, but criticisms of bias persist. The debate around Section 230 reform illustrates the conflicting pressures on these companies, with some calling for more speech regulation and others advocating for less. Ultimately, there is no perfect answer, and the challenges of content moderation are compounded by external and internal pressures from various stakeholders. My proposal for private rights of action could help alleviate some of these pressures by establishing clear legal boundaries for what is and isn't allowed on these platforms, allowing them to focus on core moderation issues. However, it's important to acknowledge that these companies do have a liberal bias, and addressing this issue will require ongoing dialogue and commitment from all parties involved.

    • Historically, civil rights laws allowed businesses to refuse discriminatory customers. Social media giants resist moderation regulations.Despite historical precedent, social media companies resist regulations that would require them to act as neutral conduits, preferring to maintain control over moderation and curation.

      Federal civil rights laws have historically served as liberating constraints for businesses, allowing them to refuse service to discriminatory customers and focus on their core operations. However, when it comes to social media giants, there is a lack of desire among those in control to be liberated from the complexities of moderation. The debate over whether these companies should be treated as public utilities, subject to stricter regulations, is ongoing. Social media platforms, unlike traditional phone companies, do not hold themselves out as neutral conduits and have not made the same promises to their users. While moderation and curation can be valuable, there is currently no clear legal pathway for social media companies to be considered common carriers. Startups aiming to compete with these giants do not desire the potential regulatory burdens that come with becoming a public utility.

    • Social Media Censorship and the Lack of Legal RemediesCurrent laws don't protect individuals or businesses from social media censorship, and regulation is needed to ensure equal service and speech

      Current laws may not provide a legal remedy for individuals or businesses when social media platforms, such as Twitter or Facebook, censor certain political viewpoints. These companies, being monopolists, have the power and freedom to do so due to their entrepreneurial interests not being enough to prevent censorship. The lack of recognition of conservatives as a protected class further complicates the issue. The ongoing case of Gonzales v. Google highlights the question of who should be held responsible for terrorist content on platforms, including recommendations. Google argues that recommendations should be protected under Section 230, but the outcome of this case could potentially impact the regulatory landscape of social media platforms. The need for regulation to ensure equal service and speech on these platforms is becoming increasingly apparent.

    • Supreme Court to Hear Google Case on Section 230 Immunity for Recommended Harmful ContentThe Supreme Court will decide if tech companies like Google can be held liable for recommending potentially harmful content, which could impact Internet's information discovery process and online content regulation.

      Tech companies, such as Google and YouTube, use recommendations and curated content to engage users, but they face legal challenges regarding their liability for hosting and recommending potentially harmful content. The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in a case concerning Google's immunity under Section 230 for such content, with some experts predicting a narrowing of the grant of immunity. The case hinges on the distinction between hosting and actively recommending content, and the potential impact on the Internet's information discovery process if tech companies are held liable for recommendations. The outcome of the case could have significant implications for the regulation of online content and the role of tech companies in shaping the digital landscape.

    • Google and YouTube face potential restrictions on free expressionNew regulations on social media companies could impact free speech in various areas, including politics and medicine, leading to a dangerous outcome for many.

      The ongoing legal case against Google and YouTube for allegedly promoting terrorist content could lead to wider restrictions on free expression if the companies decide to limit the promotion of controversial content in response to a negative ruling. This could potentially impact various areas of speech, including politics and medicine, leading to a dangerous and scary outcome for many. It's crucial for fair-minded individuals to consider the potential implications of new regulations on social media companies and the need for laws that protect free speech while addressing concerns related to censorship. The debate around this issue is ongoing, and it's essential to stay informed and engaged in the conversation.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    A deep dive into plant medicine (woo-woo free)

    A deep dive into plant medicine (woo-woo free)
    Herbalist, nutritionist and bestselling author Erin Lovell Verinde decodes healing with plant medicine. She discusses the science, key plants with healing properties and how to make your own tasty (and not-so-tasty) concoctions.    WANT MORE FROM ERIN? Erin’s new book, The Plant Clinic (Thames & Hudson, $39,99) can be found here. Or, follow her on Instagram here.    WANT MORE BODY + SOUL?  Online: Head to bodyandsoul.com.au for your daily digital dose of health and wellness. On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Got an idea for an episode? DM host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley.  In print: Each Sunday, grab Body+Soul inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania). 

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    How to get a little extra "blue health" in life

    How to get a little extra "blue health" in life
    You know that sense of calm you feel after meandering along a beach? Well, now there’s evidence proving that being surrounded by water can be wondrous for wellbeing. This area of research into so-called “blue health” is investigating the connection between blue spaces, climate and mental health.   Vikki Weston is a full-time adventurer and entrepreneur, and the founder of She SUPs, an all-women’s stand-up paddleboarding community empowering women and girls. Vikki spends stacks of time surrounded by water - standing on it, swimming in it and witnessing people’s mental health being transformed because of it.    In this episode, Vicki discusses the health benefits of stand up paddleboarding and her burgeoning business. Plus, how to get more blue health into your day.   WANT MORE FROM VIKKI WESTON?   You can find out more about Vikki Weston via her website. Or follow She SUPs on Instagram @shesups_ or Facebook.    WANT MORE BODY + SOUL?    Online: Head to bodyandsoul.com.au for your daily digital dose of health and wellness.   On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Got an idea for an episode or some feedback? DM us or host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley.  In print: Each Sunday, pick up the latest copy of the Body+Soul/Stellar flipbook inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania).

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