
    America United Against Elite Brats, Trump Lawyer Grills Stormy Lawyer, and Noem's Puppy Excuse, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 782

    enMay 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • UCLA Protests: Hate Messages, Violence, and a Goal Beyond DivestmentProtesters at UCLA dismantled encampment contained hate messages towards Israel, wore masks and helmets during clashes with police, sought to dismantle university system, lacked knowledge on issues, professors support students, and goal went beyond divestment.

      The UCLA encampment, which was dismantled by authorities after weeks of protests, was found to contain messages of hate and violence towards Israel, with protesters wearing masks and helmets during clashes with police. The protesters' goal was not just divestment but the dismantling of the university system itself, as they believe it is inherently violent due to its colonialist foundations. Michael Moynihan from The 5th Column podcast noted that the protesters lack knowledge about the issues they are protesting and are instead interested in cosplaying as revolutionaries. The difference from past campus protests is that the professors are now supporting the students, unlike in the 1968 protests. The encampment's spokesperson's statement that UCLA was built on colonialism is incoherent and can be applied to anything built before modern times.

    • University unrest rooted in anti-American sentimentUniversities' failure to maintain order & allow free speech leads to violent clashes. Law enforcement necessary to keep peace & ensure safety.

      The unrest at universities like UCLA and Columbia, as seen in the video of the "F**k Biden" chant, is rooted in anti-American sentiment and a disregard for the rule of law. The radical left's issue is not just with Israel or specific policies, but with America itself. The universities' failure to maintain order and allow for free speech while preventing disorder has led to violent clashes. The presence of law enforcement is necessary to keep peace and ensure safety for all involved. It's important to differentiate between acceptable actions, such as free speech, and unacceptable ones, like setting up encampments and impeding others' freedoms. The universities' inability to maintain order and keep their campuses open for education is a damning indictment of their mismanagement.

    • The growing disconnect between mainstream population and fringe elementsRecent protests and riots have alienated many, potentially harming causes they support, emphasizing the importance of upholding principles and open dialogue in educational institutions.

      The current political climate, as exemplified by recent events such as the chaos on college campuses and the radical demonstrations, is contributing to a growing disconnect between the mainstream population and the fringe elements driving these issues. Joe Scarborough's comments on this issue resonate with many, as the riots and protests are seen as a turnoff to reasonable people, regardless of political affiliation. The seeds of this discontent were planted long ago, with the free speech movement in the 1960s marking a significant turning point. The protests and riots, while perhaps intended to bring about change, have instead alienated many and may ultimately harm the causes they claim to support. The importance of standing up for one's principles and values, and insisting that campuses remain a place for learning and open dialogue, cannot be overstated.

    • Protesters' demands raise questions about commitment and focusProtesters' focus on individual needs distracts from their core message, raising questions about their commitment and understanding of the issues they're advocating for.

      The ongoing protests at UCLA and elsewhere, while demanding various supplies like vegan and gluten-free food, flashlights, helmets, and even no bananas, do not pose a significant threat to the institutions they are targeting. The list of demands also includes more controversial items like gas masks, respirators, and utility gloves. Despite the seemingly bizarre list, the protesters' focus on their individual needs rather than effective action against their goals raises questions about their commitment and understanding of the issues they are advocating for. The incident involving bananas brought by counterprotesters further highlights the potential for unintended consequences and distractions from the core message.

    • Protests at Columbia University: Distinguishing Between Extremists and MisinformedUniversity faces challenges in distinguishing between genuine antisemites and misinformed protestors, concerns about potential terrorist involvement, debate over providing supplies to occupying protestors, and need for commitment from protestors not to obstruct humanitarian aid delivery.

      During a protest at Columbia University, there are individuals exhibiting extreme behavior and making inflammatory statements. It's challenging to distinguish between those who are genuinely antisemitic and those who are misinformed or using provocative language. There are concerns about potential terrorist involvement in the protests. One protest leader, Johanna King Slutsky, demanded food and supplies for protesters occupying a building, but there's a debate about the university's obligation to provide such aid. Slutsky's name and appearance drew ridicule from the speaker. Another protester, dressed inappropriately for the situation, was also mocked. The situation remains complex, with both morons and potentially dangerous individuals involved. The university is seeking a commitment from protesters not to obstruct the delivery of humanitarian aid.

    • The Disconnect Between Academic Privilege and Real-World IssuesSome academics prioritize privileged lifestyles over real-world issues, like inflation and humanitarian crises, and can make absurd requests, like specific food items for protests, reflecting a disconnect between their research and reality.

      There is a disconnect between the extravagant demands and privileged lifestyles of some individuals, particularly those in academic institutions, and the real-world issues of inflation, recession, and humanitarian crises. This disconnect was highlighted in a discussion about a PhD student, Johanna Slutsky, who requested specific food items for a protest, including gluten-free, cheese-less, and tomato-sauce-free pizzas, delivered in recycled boxes. Despite the seemingly absurd and excessive nature of these requests, they reflect the mindset and priorities of some individuals. This disconnect was further emphasized when it was revealed that Johanna is studying the concept of metabolic rift under capitalism, which refers to the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization. The irony of her research and her own demands was not lost on the discussion. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the issue of academic incoherence and the contest that used to exist for identifying such incoherence in academic papers. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of recognizing the disconnect between privileged lifestyles and real-world issues and the potential for absurdity and incoherence in academic circles.

    • Student Protest at Columbia University: Controversial Topics and PrioritiesA student protest at Columbia University featured a speaker who criticized the focus on local issues and the university's ties to Israel, sparking debate over the priorities of protests and the effectiveness of divestment efforts.

      During a student protest at Columbia University, a speaker brought up various controversial topics, including the use of water fountains, land acknowledgements, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The speaker criticized the focus on student issues while ignoring larger global crises, such as genocide in Gaza and the university's ties to Israel. She also criticized the hypocrisy of land acknowledgements and the appropriation of suffering. The speaker's remarks sparked a debate about the priorities of protests and the effectiveness of divestment efforts. Some argue that universities should not engage in exchange with entire countries and should divest from companies doing business with those countries. Others argue that these efforts may not be effective and that the focus should remain on local issues. Ultimately, the speaker's remarks highlighted the complexities and controversies surrounding student protests and social justice issues.

    • Students' Demands at Columbia University: Extreme and Hypocritical?Students' demands for defunding the police and disrupting learning are met with skepticism due to their hypocritical behavior and lack of practical solutions. A more productive approach would be to engage in meaningful dialogue and find common ground.

      The students' demands during the recent protests at Columbia University seem extreme and hypocritical to many. Their calls for defunding the police and breaking the law in the name of social justice are met with skepticism, especially when contrasted with the realities of the world beyond the university campus. The cops, who are often targeted in these discussions, are essential workers and risk their lives every day. The students' behavior, which includes damaging property and disrupting learning, is seen as unjustified and even laughable by some. The disconnect between the students' actions and their stated goals highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of complex issues. The students' demands, while rooted in genuine concerns, are often misguided and lack practical solutions. Instead, a more productive approach would be to engage in meaningful dialogue and work towards finding common ground.

    • Protests driven by belief in US-Israel power dynamicsCollege protests focus on US-Israel power dynamics, accusing Israel of genocide, ignoring human rights abuses, and being influenced by external funding and ideologies, despite severe anti-LGBTQ laws in Palestine.

      The ongoing protests on college campuses in support of Palestine and against Israel's policies towards Palestinians are driven by a belief that the US and Israel's power dynamics are the root cause of the conflict. Protesters see Israel as being backed by the US, enabling genocide, and ignoring human rights abuses, particularly against Palestinians and the LGBTQ community. They prioritize this issue over others, despite the severe anti-LGBTQ laws and attitudes in places like Palestine. The protesters' focus on American power and colonialism may lead them to overlook the human rights abuses they condemn, and they may be influenced by external funding and ideologies. For instance, there have been reports of connections to terrorist organizations and infiltration by extremist elements. The case of Sami Al Arian, who went on Fox News after 9/11 and was later revealed to have ties to Hamas, highlights the potential for infiltration and manipulation. The complexities of the situation require a nuanced understanding, but in essence, the protests are driven by a belief in American and Israeli power dynamics and a desire for change.

    • US College Protests and Terror LinksConcerns of terror group involvement in US college protests and potential refugee relocation raise security and political implications

      There are concerns about potential links between terror groups and college protests in the US, as evidenced by the case of a deported terrorist's wife being present at one such protest and reports of Hamas encouraging escalation at these events. Additionally, there are discussions about bringing Palestinians from Gaza to the US as refugees, which has raised concerns about security and potential political implications. The language used in Hamas' communications encourages militancy and confrontation with law enforcement, adding to the unease. It's important to note that these are developing situations and require careful monitoring and investigation to determine the true extent and nature of any potential threats.

    • FBI's Role in Infiltrating Terrorist GroupsWhile concerns about terrorist support and disruptions exist, it's essential to distinguish fact from fiction and focus on actual violence and planning, rather than incendiary rhetoric. The radicalization of young people influenced by extremist ideologies, particularly on college campuses, poses a significant threat.

      While there have been concerns about material support for terrorist organizations and potential threats, particularly around election time, it's important to separate fact from fiction and be aware of FBI's involvement in infiltrating such groups. There might be attempts to disrupt the convention, but the focus should be on actual violence and planning rather than incendiary rhetoric. The idea that words are violence and violence are speech is a mishmash concept that doesn't make sense. Terrorism infiltration is not a major concern, but the shift in ideology and the radicalization of young people, particularly on college campuses, is a cause for concern. These impressionable individuals, who have been influenced by extreme left organizations with eliminationist anti-Semitic beliefs, such as Hamas, can pose a significant threat. It's crucial to differentiate between extremist ideologies and actual terrorist activities.

    • Protests and Tensions: Genocide or Peace?Protesters must consider consequences and strive for orderly protests to avoid fueling tensions and potential genocide or terrorism. National security concerns also arise from possible refugee influx.

      The current state of protests and tensions between Palestinians and Israelis raises concerns about the potential for genocide if Israel disarms, while Palestinians putting down their weapons could lead to peace. The actions of some protesters, who engage in solidarity but lack understanding of the complexities of the conflict, can make it difficult to distinguish between those with genuine concerns and actual genocidal or anti-Semitic individuals. It is crucial for protesters to consider the potential consequences of their actions and strive for orderly, professional protests. The ongoing tensions also raise concerns about potential infiltration by terrorists and the possibility of bringing refugees from the conflict into the US, which could have serious implications for national security and public safety.

    • Proposed Palestinian refugee camp in US unlikelyPolitical, practical challenges make Palestinian refugee camp in US unlikely, concerns over cultural clashes and human rights issues raised

      The proposal of establishing a Palestinian refugee camp in the United States on October 7th, as suggested by some, is unlikely to happen due to various reasons including border security concerns, political considerations, and practical challenges. The speaker also expressed concerns about the potential cultural clashes and human rights issues related to this proposal. Furthermore, the desecration of George Washington's statue at George Washington University was criticized as a disgrace and an example of political correctness gone too far. The speaker called for more action to protect historical statues and for a more nuanced and balanced approach to cultural and political issues.

    • The refugee crisis in Gaza: Complex humanitarian and geopolitical challengesThe refugee crisis in Gaza is a complex issue with deep regional dynamics, where Hamas's rule and international politics complicate matters, leaving the people in distress. Meanwhile, strong American patriotism is on display in a UNC Chapel Hill GoFundMe campaign.

      The refugee crisis in Gaza is a complex issue with deep regional dynamics that has left the people of Gaza in a distressing situation. Despite the widespread support for Palestinians in Muslim countries, there is a reluctance to take in refugees from the region, even temporarily during times of war. Hamas, the ruling power in Gaza, is considered a criminal organization and is responsible for the suffering of its citizens. Meanwhile, a GoFundMe campaign to throw a party for UNC Chapel Hill students who raised the American flag during a protest has raised over $400,000, showcasing the strong patriotism and support for American values in the country. Ultimately, the situation in Gaza is a complex one, with both humanitarian and geopolitical challenges that require nuanced and thoughtful solutions.

    • Immigrants' deep love for America despite challengesImmigrants, including those from 'shithole' countries, have integrated into American society, served in the military, and hold deep respect for the American flag.

      The love and appreciation for America among immigrants, especially those who have come from challenging backgrounds, can be profound. This was highlighted during a conversation on the Megyn Kelly Show when it was shared that some immigrants, including those from countries labeled as "shithole" by certain individuals, have not only integrated into American society but have also served in the military and shown great respect for the American flag. The conversation also touched upon the idea of a potential refugee program where American protesters could be exchanged for those from conflict zones, with the belief that the quality of life in America would lead to a positive conversion experience. Meanwhile, during the Donald Trump trial, it was revealed that Michael Cohen's lawyer, Keith Davidson, was being cross-examined, and Trump's defense team was trying to make him look untrustworthy, emphasizing the financial motivations behind the deals involving Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

    • Michael Cohen Trial: A Dispiriting and Entertaining SpectacleThe Michael Cohen trial, featuring accusations of hush money payments and political scandals, is seen as a significant distraction and potential miscarriage of justice, with questions surrounding witness testimony and jury instructions.

      The trial of Michael Cohen, former attorney to President Donald Trump, is seen as a dispiriting and entertaining spectacle, with Cohen being painted as a serial extorter trying to get money from celebrities. Beau, a prosecutor, is successfully casting doubt on Cohen's credibility by unearthing unsavory episodes from his past. Cohen's defense team is suggesting that the payments to Stormy Daniels may not have been to cover up an affair but rather to prevent extortion. Despite this, there's a sense of fatigue and frustration over the trial and the focus on hush money and political scandals. Some questions surrounding the trial include whether Michael Avenatti, a prominent lawyer, will be called as a witness, and what the odds of conviction are. The trial is being held in Manhattan, which is seen as a potential disadvantage for Trump due to the liberal leanings of the jury pool. The jury instructions are also a concern, as they may not accurately reflect the law. Overall, the trial is seen as a significant distraction from politics and a potential miscarriage of justice.

    • Controversial Legal Proceedings and Ethical DilemmasThe subjective nature of tough decisions and media's impact on public perception were explored in a debate over a public figure's potential conviction and a dog owner's decision to euthanize a dangerous pet.

      There are ongoing controversial issues surrounding the legal proceedings against a public figure and a local incident involving the euthanizing of a dog. The speaker expresses skepticism towards the potential conviction and jail time for the public figure, while another individual defends her decision to put down a dangerous dog that had attacked her and livestock. The debate highlights the subjective nature of tough decisions and the role of media in shaping public perception. The speaker also touches upon the issue of expectations and the potential influence of personal biases. The discussion also reveals the speaker's strong opinions towards certain individuals and events.

    • Discussing Potential Vice Presidential Picks for TrumpThe podcast hosts joked about Christy Noem's book and speculated about Trump's potential VP picks, including Tim Scott, Mitt Romney, and Marco Rubio, emphasizing the importance of a strong public image for the chosen candidate.

      During a podcast discussion, the hosts speculated about potential Vice Presidential picks for former President Trump, with Christy Noem's book coming under scrutiny due to a story about shooting a dog. They joked about the situation and suggested that Noem might have had a ghostwriter for her book. The hosts also discussed Trump's past choices for lawyers and potential picks like Tim Scott, Mitt Romney, and Marco Rubio. They noted that Trump might prefer someone who can convincingly present him as a strong leader, despite any controversies. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and speculative in nature.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    Donald Trump did a town hall event with Sean Hannity in Iowa & the media is already freaking out, John Kerry takes a trip to Dubai for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

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    Music by @Pogo