
    An Interview: Get Off Your Ass & Get Noticed With Chase Jarvis

    enMay 13, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding social media's subtleties for effective sellingMastering social media's intricacies like timing, word count, and customized content can help creatives and professionals stand out in the noisy environment and sell effectively.

      Social media is more than just sharing pictures and sending tweets, it's a science with intricacies that require attention to detail for effective use as a selling mechanism. Gary Vaynerchuk compares social media to boxing, emphasizing the importance of subtle maneuvers to avoid getting hit directly. He wrote his book "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook" to showcase the subtleties, including the importance of timing, word count, and customized content for different platforms. Social media's current noisy environment makes it challenging to stand out, but understanding these subtleties can help creatives and aspiring professionals navigate the space and get noticed.

    • See social media as a gateway to opportunities, not just distribution channelsTo stand out in the saturated content market, provide exceptional value upfront on social media, build relationships, and adapt to each platform's unique context.

      Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others should be seen as gateways to larger opportunities rather than just distribution channels. Content creators, including photographers, need to focus on providing value to their audience through consistent, high-quality "jabs" before making an ask. The market is saturated with content, so standing out requires exceptional value upfront. Social media platforms are powerful tools for creators, but it's essential to adapt to the unique context of each platform and embrace the new realities of the digital age. The most successful creators understand that providing value and building relationships are the keys to breaking through the noise and converting on the back end.

    • Exploring Social Media Opportunities for CreativesCreatives can leverage Snapchat's ephemeral nature and LinkedIn's evolving media focus to build audiences and establish thought leadership. Storytelling is key to success, and partnerships can help navigate the business side of their craft.

      Social media platforms like Snapchat and Vine offer unique opportunities for creatives to build audiences and tell stories in innovative ways. Snapchat, specifically, is a powerful tool for photographers and other visual artists due to the near-guaranteed consumption of content as images disappear after a short time. LinkedIn, while traditionally seen as a professional networking site, is also evolving into a media company and can be an effective platform for creatives to reach new audiences and establish thought leadership. Ultimately, storytelling is the key to success in the digital age, and creatives have a distinct advantage in cutting through the noise and making their work stand out. To maximize their potential, creatives should consider partnering with business-savvy individuals to help navigate the business side of their craft. In summary, the creative class has a significant advantage in the digital landscape, but it's essential to understand the unique opportunities and challenges of various social media platforms and to leverage partnerships to build a successful career.

    • Exploring LinkedIn's potential for B2B businesses and artistsLinkedIn offers significant ROI for B2B businesses and artists through authentic content and direct consumer access. Don't underestimate the internet's potential.

      LinkedIn presents an exciting opportunity for B2B businesses to find a return on investment in social media. Artists, too, can benefit from the direct-to-consumer access the internet provides, but they must balance their creative work with marketing efforts. Brandon Stanton's "Humans of New York" success story demonstrates the power of building a following through authentic content. The internet's impact is still unfolding, with unprecedented opportunities for individuals and businesses alike. However, underestimating its potential is a mistake.

    • The Importance of Patience in MarketingPatience is crucial for marketing success. It took Gary Vaynerchuk 18 months to gain traction with Wine Library TV, emphasizing the long-term nature of social media marketing. Building relationships and growing a business require a marathon mentality, not a focus on quick results.

      Patience is an essential asset for marketing professionals. Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned entrepreneur and marketing expert, emphasized the importance of patience in building a successful business or brand. He shared his personal experience of creating Wine Library TV, which took him 18 months of consistent effort before gaining any traction. He believes that social media marketing is a long-term game and requires a marathon mentality, rather than a focus on quick results. Gary also highlighted the human aspect of social media, which makes it an effective platform for building relationships and growing a business over time. He contrasted patience with the popular notion of hustle and hard work, suggesting that they are related but that patience is the key to achieving long-term success. Holly, an audience member, asked for a cheat sheet on social media methods and their specific roles. Gary promised to create an infographic to help clarify the best use of each platform. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of patience and a long-term perspective in marketing and building a successful brand.

    • Understanding audience, giving value, and being authentic are crucial for success according to Gary VaynerchukGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of understanding your audience, giving value, and being authentic for success. He also admires trendsetters and believes in the appeal of vulnerability and authenticity on social media, with a hint towards an upcoming trend of imperfection and human connection.

      According to Gary Vaynerchuk, having a strong foundation or "religion" in place is crucial for success. He emphasizes the importance of understanding your audience, giving value, and being authentic. Vaynerchuk also mentioned his admiration for those who forecast trends and shared his belief in the attractiveness of vulnerability and authenticity in social media. He also hinted at an upcoming trend of imperfection and human connection on social media platforms. Additionally, he shared a fun fact about Oprah's first Instagram post featuring a photo of Gary Vaynerchuk himself.

    • Being authentic and vulnerable builds connectionsEmbrace authenticity and vulnerability to attract people and build meaningful relationships online. Apologize sincerely for mistakes and strive to build up rather than tear down.

      Authenticity and vulnerability are key in building connections in a world where privacy is becoming less of a concern. Robert Ricardelli emphasizes that being real and compassionate can attract people and help them overcome their fears of social media and technology. He believes that society is becoming less private and that people are happier as a result. He also suggests that owning up to mistakes and apologizing sincerely can turn things around when things go wrong on social media. Ultimately, Ricardelli encourages people to use these platforms to connect with others and build meaningful relationships. He believes that the intent behind our actions matters and that we should strive to build up rather than tear down.

    • Embrace imperfections and be authenticIn today's transparent world, authenticity and transparency are crucial for creators and salespeople to build trust and create value for their audience.

      Being human and making mistakes is inevitable, but the key is to put in the necessary effort to fix them. Authenticity and transparency are more important than ever in today's world where privacy is scarce and social networks amplify word-of-mouth. For creators, it's essential to position oneself in places where the thesis can be applied differently to avoid repetition. The best salespeople sell things they believe in and create value for the end user. Ultimately, being a good person or a good business has never been better due to the transparency brought about by social media.

    • Consistency and hard work are keys to success on social mediaTo succeed on social media, focus on understanding the medium, being consistent with content production, finding your niche, and putting in the required effort.

      Hard work and consistency are key to success in social media platforms like Vine. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of understanding the medium and being consistent with content production. He also warns against wasting time trying to gain recognition from others, and instead encourages creators to focus on building their own platform. Vaynerchuk shares his frustration with people who complain about external factors while not putting in the effort required to succeed. He also highlights the importance of finding one's niche and leveraging strengths, such as art or comedy, to stand out in a crowded space. Ultimately, success on social media requires dedication, stamina, and a willingness to put in the work.

    • Understanding unique context and adapting to cultural shiftsEmbrace the accessibility of knowledge, focus on building genuine connections, and adapt to changing industries to thrive in the digital age.

      The mindset of relying on external validation or adhering to outdated notions of success can hinder personal growth and effectiveness in today's digital age. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of understanding the unique context of each social media platform and adapting to the current cultural shift brought about by the internet. He also highlighted the diminishing value of being "information smart" and encouraged embracing the accessibility of knowledge and focusing on building genuine connections. Ultimately, it's crucial to respect the evolution of various industries and adapt to the changing landscape in order to thrive.

    • The Future is 'Smart Everything'The future brings 'smart everything', from appliances to clothing, with the potential for real revolutions. Regulation of the Internet is no longer an option, and free enterprise thrives while pockets of closed Internet exist.

      The future lies in "smart everything" - from refrigerators to pants - as the next evolution of technology. Regulating the Internet is no longer an option due to its global reach and the potential for real revolutions. Free enterprise has a chance to thrive, but there will always be pockets of closed Internet in places like Syria, Iran, and Belarus. The speaker, a fast follower and believer in innovation, encourages embracing the idea of smart technology and the possibilities it brings, such as refrigerators that reorder groceries or pants that text you to eat healthier. Starting a social conversation and building a brand again after a hiatus is possible, just like jumping back on a bike. Equity built before the hiatus remains and the context of the person has changed, allowing for new experiences and topics to be discussed.

    • Building a personal brand requires authenticity and consistencyAuthenticity and consistency are crucial for building a personal brand. Engage with your audience and focus on creating shareable content to grow your following.

      In today's digital age, building a personal brand requires authenticity and consistency. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that if you're building a personal brand, it should be you behind the screen, engaging with your audience. He believes that this authenticity is what brings people closer and builds trust. However, for businesses or solo entrepreneurs where the brand is not directly associated with the individual, outsourcing social media management can be an option. In terms of social media strategy, Gary does not rely heavily on tools like Hootsuite, but rather focuses on creating good content that is shareable. For growing a Facebook page organically, especially for non-profits, Gary suggests building a small base first, engaging with your audience, and consistently putting out good content. The key is to do the right things and build a following through authentic and shareable content.

    • Engaging with those who offer help for managing a tech Twitter handleDo due diligence before accepting help, balance jabbing and right hooking based on product quality, understand audience and communicate effectively on preferred platforms, self-awareness is crucial for effective communication and resource allocation

      Finding help for managing a technological Twitter handle can be achieved by engaging with those who raise their hands in response to a call for help. However, it's important to do due diligence as not all of them may be the best fit. The balance between jabbing (providing value) and right hooking (promoting yourself) in marketing depends on the quality of your product or service. Those with exceptional products can afford to focus more on right hooks, while those needing to build trust may need to jab more. It's essential to understand your audience and communicate effectively on the platforms they use. For a food photographer like Paula, Instagram is a natural fit due to her visual content. Self-awareness is crucial in determining the best way to communicate and allocate personal bandwidth across various platforms.

    • Experiment with social media platforms to find the best fitFocus on platforms where you can excel, build genuine connections, and align with unique strengths and interests. Authenticity and taking breaks are important, and success is not limited to one platform.

      Finding the right social media platforms for personal or business use requires experimentation and self-assessment. The speaker emphasizes trying out various platforms to discover which communities align best with your unique strengths and interests. He encourages focusing on the platforms where you can excel and build a genuine connection with your audience, rather than trying to be present everywhere. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of understanding that every platform has a significant audience, and success is not limited to one particular platform. Furthermore, he discusses the importance of authenticity and taking breaks when needed, as opposed to constantly producing content. The speaker also shares his belief in investing in and leveraging one's natural abilities, rather than trying to fix weaknesses. Regarding the ROI of social media marketing, the speaker acknowledges that it can be challenging to quantify, but shares his personal experience of generating substantial sales through social media.

    • Social media marketing's impact on sales and flawed ROI measurementSocial media can boost sales for large brands with minimal investment, but many businesses struggle to measure ROI due to misuse of tools and lack of education.

      Social media marketing can have a significant impact on sales, even for large brands like Mondelez's Nilla, which saw a 9% increase after focusing on Facebook and Pinterest with minimal investment. However, many businesses are not effectively measuring the ROI of their social media efforts due to flawed research and a lack of understanding of how to use the tools effectively. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that the tools themselves are not broken, but rather the mechanics and mindset behind their implementation. He encourages educating marketers on how to use social media effectively, as history repeats itself with new technologies facing skepticism and resistance. For Vaynerchuk, gratitude is the key to high productivity, as he attributes his success to the opportunities and support he received despite being born in a communist regime and facing adversity early in life.

    • The Significance of Blogging for Industries and BusinessesBlogging offers flexibility and impact while social media generates awareness and engagement. Find the right balance and understand unique value proposition of each platform. Consider time allocation and value exchange in content strategy. Personal and brand content can coexist, but maintain boundaries and respect privacy.

      While there are various social media outlets available today, the value of blogging remains significant, especially for specific industries and businesses. Long-form content on platforms like blogs provides more flexibility and the potential for greater impact, but short-form content on social media can also be effective in generating awareness and engagement. The key is to find the right balance and understand the unique value proposition of each platform. It's also important to consider the time allocation and the value exchange in your content strategy. Personal and brand content can coexist on various platforms, but it's essential to maintain boundaries and respect privacy when necessary. Ultimately, the most effective content strategy depends on the individual or business and their unique goals and audience.

    • Creating Value: The Key to Crowdfunding SuccessDemonstrate tool's use, provide extreme value, and build relationships to succeed in crowdfunding. Books can serve as valuable jabs to reach a wider audience.

      Creating value is the key to success in crowdfunding and other ventures. Michael, from a design shop in Seattle, emphasized the importance of demonstrating the tool's use rather than dictating it. He also discussed the potential of crowdfunding as a democratic alternative to traditional funding sources. However, he cautioned against overuse and emphasized the need for talent and extreme value to be successful. Gary, another attendee, asked about the role of books as jabs or right hooks in one's career. Gary admitted that writing books may not be a great business model but saw them as valuable jabs to reach a wider audience. He also revealed his strategy of building relationships and providing value before selling. Overall, the importance of providing value, whether through a tool, a product, or a book, was a recurring theme in the discussion.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's pursuit of the unscalableEmbrace challenges, stay true to passions, and push boundaries, even in the face of the seemingly impossible

      Gary Vaynerchuk's biggest strength and weakness lie in his relentless pursuit of the unscalable. He acknowledged that this approach has brought him great success and unique experiences, but it can also hinder him from seizing larger opportunities. It's a constant balancing act for him, and he encouraged the audience to embrace the challenges that come with scaling the unscalable. Additionally, during the Q&A session, Gary mentioned that he's giving away signed copies of his book and $100 gift certificates from Borrow Lenses to some lucky tweeters who engaged with the show. Overall, this episode emphasized the importance of staying true to one's passion and pushing boundaries, even if it means taking on the seemingly impossible.

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    Overall this is a really fun episode and I want your feedback on it! Enjoy!

    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com

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    • Commenting on other influencers posts if a brilliant free marketing tactic. Get the top 100 influencers in your space and niche on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube, turn the notifications on so that you are notified when they post. When they post, engage with them by having a meaningful discussion and debate. 


    • You need to be seen by people in order to engage and interact with them. You can get up on the stage in other people's clubhouse rooms and get known by answering people's questions. You can even start your own room which will help up your following. 


    • When you repurpose content across multiple channels, it gives you extra leverage. Instead of having to create content for Facebook Lives, Podcasts, Youtube Videos etc you can get multiple repurposing by using the same content across different platforms. Each time you put it on a new channel you get more interest and engagement and naturally you will gain more followers. 


    • Handwritten letters are so underrated. You are unlikely to throw away an envelope that came through the post containing a handwritten letter on high quality paper. For collaborations, partnerships or promotional purposes, take your time and hand write them letters. 


    • If you send emails out, put a call to action in your P.S. Any email you send out should contain a P.S for your book, podcast or social media pages. People always read the P.S but may not always read the content within the emails. 



    “If you do that, and you do that regularly, and you do that in your niche, then you’re going to build your own following for free.”


    “Once you get seen, then I know who you are and I can bring you into the discussion.”


    “People will promote your products and services, even if you’re bigger than them.”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

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