
    An Interview On The Tom Ferry Show at Agent 2021

    enMarch 13, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Belief in Content CreationGary Vaynerchuk, a $200 million communications media company owner, emphasizes the importance of content creation in the digital era for staying ahead in business and life.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, in the last 24 months, has quadrupled down on his belief in the power of content creation in this digital era. He's seen significant growth in his business, VaynerMedia, which is now a $200 million communications media company, and in his personal life. He's also started new businesses and entered the real estate industry. Despite the widespread acceptance of digital media and communications, Gary still believes that the most dramatic shift is yet to come, and he encourages agents to invest in their content creation to stay ahead of the curve.

    • Crossroads for Real Estate Agents: Traditional vs Digital MarketingSuccessful agents face a choice: stay with traditional marketing or embrace digital methods for potential growth. Agents who aim higher can reap significant rewards.

      Real estate agents who have established successful businesses, despite using traditional marketing methods like direct mail and print ads, are at a crossroads. They risk stagnating without embracing technology and digital marketing, which could potentially help them grow from good to exceptional. The speaker emphasizes that the leap from 2 million to 7 million in this business is not insurmountable for those with the right skills and mindset. However, some agents might be content with their current success and unwilling to put in the extra effort required to scale up. The speaker encourages these agents not to underestimate the potential rewards of aiming higher and not to become complacent. The speaker also expresses admiration for these agents' contributions to renovating the city and their dedication to their work. Ultimately, the choice between staying put and striving for more rests with each individual agent.

    • Feeling Vulnerable Despite SuccessRecognize potential for growth, stay open to new opportunities, invest in mastering social media platforms, and not underestimate their power as 'toll booths of our attention'.

      Success in business, particularly in the digital realm, can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it brings validation and a sense of accomplishment. On the other hand, it can lead to complacency and a false sense of security. The speaker, who has achieved significant success in social media marketing for businesses, shares his experience of feeling vulnerable and uncertain despite his achievements. He highlights the importance of recognizing the potential for growth and staying open to new opportunities. Moreover, the speaker emphasizes the power of social media platforms as "toll booths of our attention," where businesses can either be the toll collectors or the cars passing through. He encourages the audience to invest in mastering these platforms and not to underestimate their potential. The speaker's passion for this topic stems from his deep understanding of the transformative impact of digital marketing on businesses, as evidenced by success stories of companies like Wish and Zillow. In essence, the speaker's message is that success is not an endpoint, but a stepping stone on the path to continuous growth and learning. He encourages the audience to stay curious, adapt to new trends, and not be afraid to challenge their own assumptions.

    • Creating and distributing valuable content for personal brand and business growthReverse engineer your brand by testing different types of content, analyzing engagement and feedback, and adjusting accordingly to build a strong online presence and become a local expert.

      Creating and distributing valuable content is crucial for building a successful personal brand and business. This can be done across various sections, including business-to-business reviews, agent-focused content for recruitment, consumer-focused content, and even documentary-style content with fans. The key is to reverse engineer your brand by testing different types of content, analyzing engagement and feedback, and adjusting accordingly. While some individuals may excel in face-to-face sales, others may find their niche in content creation and building a strong online presence. Ultimately, becoming a local expert and providing valuable information to your audience can lead to significant growth and emotional connection with your fans.

    • Creating Engaging Podcast Content and Building a Loyal FollowingTo succeed in podcasting, create engaging content, build a loyal following, hire skilled professionals, and stay open-minded to unexpected opportunities.

      To succeed in today's media landscape, particularly in podcasting, it's essential to create engaging content that resonates with your audience. The person who can consistently deliver such content and build a loyal following will ultimately win the podcast game. This is because podcasts are a popular medium for consumption during travel and other activities, making them an excellent opportunity to reach a wide audience. Moreover, success in any creative endeavor, be it podcasting, video production, or writing, requires a team effort. Hiring skilled professionals, such as interviewers and writers, can help turn raw content into polished and engaging pieces that resonate with your audience and generate revenue. For instance, having a skilled interviewer can help extract valuable themes and insights from your content, while a good writer can transform those insights into compelling articles or social media posts. Finally, it's essential to remember that success can come from unexpected places. Some people have made millions from 6-second Vines or by creating Star Wars content. So, the key is to stay open-minded, embrace your unique perspective, and be willing to experiment with different formats and mediums.

    • Discovering and leveraging unique strengthsStaying true to your strengths and building a strong foundation can lead to long-term success, even if initial challenges persist.

      Identifying and leveraging your unique strengths can lead to success in unexpected ways. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his personal journey of discovering his talent in communication and marketing, which helped him build a successful business despite initial challenges. He emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, hard work, and authentic relationships. Even if your business may not be profitable at first, focusing on your strengths and building a strong foundation can lead to long-term success. VaynerMedia, with its significant revenue and unique communication machine, is an example of this principle in action. Ultimately, it's important to remember that the journey to success may not be easy, but staying true to yourself and your strengths can make all the difference.

    • Focus on strategy over tacticsEmphasize long-term strategy, avoid focusing on tactics, and create profound impact by sharing experiences and learning from diverse perspectives.

      Tactics are commoditized, but strategy and mindset are not. Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned entrepreneur and businessman, emphasizes the importance of focusing on strategy rather than tactics in his new book. He believes that over the next 20 years, he will receive 30,000 emails about a particular strategy mentioned in the book that will have a profound impact on people's lives. This strategy is compared to the formative moments in college when we form deep connections with people. Vaynerchuk encourages creating such moments for others around the things that have worked, rather than focusing solely on one's own experiences. He also warns against the common mistake of making decisions based on a focus group of one. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of listening and learning from a variety of perspectives. Overall, Vaynerchuk's message is to focus on the big picture and the long-term strategy, rather than getting bogged down in the details and tactics.

    • Understanding and responding to audienceEffective content creators listen, observe, and adapt to their audience to produce high-quality, engaging content.

      Successful content creation is not just about producing content, but also about deeply understanding and responding to your audience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening and observing the reactions to their content, which informs and refines their future output. They also prioritize quiet time for reflection and strategy development, and create content with a focus on legacy and learning rather than solely for financial gain. Overall, the key to effective content creation is a deep connection with and understanding of your audience.

    • Focus on providing value to your audienceProviding value to your audience builds loyalty and grows businesses. Focus on empathy, patience, and genuine connection to stand out in a crowded market.

      Focusing on providing value to your audience above all else can lead to remarkable results, even if your tactics are not perfect. It's easy to get caught up in trying to optimize for search engines or sales, but if you create content with the genuine intention of helping others, the best customers will naturally find their way to you. This approach may seem counterintuitive, but it's the key to building a loyal following and growing a successful business. Additionally, Gary Vaynerchuk shared his success with the "4 D's" product offered by VaynerMedia, which has shown significant returns for businesses bringing in $1,000,000 to $20,000,000 in revenue. If you're ready to take your business to the next level, consider investing in this service. Empathy, patience, and providing value are essential elements often overlooked in business strategies. By focusing on these aspects, you can create a genuine connection with your audience and stand out in a crowded market.

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    Brandon Birkmeyer is a personal branding coach who helps industry experts become content creators. He’s a seasoned marketing strategist and up-and-coming writer, author, speaker, podcaster, and business coach. For more than 17 years, he advised and directed brand strategy for top Fortune 100 companies, including Apple, Coca-Cola, Walmart, and Wells Fargo. In 2018, he launched Brands on Brands, a marketing consulting firm based in Los Angeles. He also produces and hosts a top-100 marketing podcast called Brands on Brands.


    In this episode, you’ll hear:


    1. Why Brandon Birkmeyer believed so strongly that Lauren needed to start a podcast and the three items he identified that made the impact she could have obvious.
    2. How he became her very first interview and why it will never be published.
    3. What began his entrepreneurial life and why he left his corporate career behind.
    4. How you can begin to transform a single hour of content into an entire month of content distribution.
    5. What you can do to find your topic and the platform you’re best suited for.
    6. Brandon Birkmeyer’s process for choosing a content topic and how he coaches his clients to position themselves.
    7. Why having pillar content helps shape your overall content strategy.
    8. The steps he takes to begin breaking down his content for separate purposes.
    9. What repurposing content means and why you should be doing it.
    10. The myth Brandon Birkmeyer wants to debunk about creating and distributing content.


    Connect with Lauren V. Davis here:





    Connect with Brandon Birkmeyer here:


    Convert 1 Hour into 1 Month of Content

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