
    Anthony Taylor: The Outdoors Evangelist On How Nature Heals

    enMay 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Value of Outdoor Activities for Personal GrowthOutdoor activities offer unique opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and self-discovery, especially for marginalized communities, and can help build confidence, humanity, and a stronger connection to oneself and the natural world. Encouraging children to spend time in nature can help shape them into confident, capable humans.

      Outdoor activities and nature experiences offer unique opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and self-discovery. Anthony Taylor, a passionate advocate for greater access to outdoor environments, believes that these experiences are particularly valuable for marginalized communities and can help build confidence, humanity, and a stronger connection to oneself and the natural world. Outdoor activities also have the potential to reframe our relationship to our bodies, focusing on their ability to do work rather than aesthetics. Taylor's work includes advocacy, education, and outreach programs that make these opportunities accessible to more people. By encouraging our children to spend time in nature, we can help shape them into confident, capable humans.

    • Innovations in Apparel and Outdoor EducationNew tech in apparel enhances performance, with premium fabrics, sustainability, and energy return. Outdoor education emphasizes inclusivity, eradicating invisible boundaries, and teaching transformative lessons.

      Technology in apparel is often overlooked but plays a significant role in enhancing performance. The latest innovations in apparel, like those from On Labs, are pushing the boundaries with next-gen premium fabrics, increased sustainability, and improved energy return. Meanwhile, Go Brewing offers alcohol-free brews for those who want to enjoy their favorite beers without the negative effects of alcohol. In the outdoor space, Anthony Taylor's work as an activist and youth educator emphasizes the importance of making the outdoors accessible to all, focusing on eradicating invisible boundaries based on race, class, privilege, and gender. The transformative lessons learned through outdoor adventures are essential for youth development and our humanity. Overall, this conversation highlights the empowering, enlivening, and inspiring impact of outdoor recreation and the importance of inclusivity.

    • Shift from viewing communities as problems to assetsEmpower individuals, respect families, and work towards systemic change for effective community engagement and youth development.

      Effective community engagement and youth development require a shift in perspective. Instead of viewing communities as problems to be fixed, it's essential to see individuals as assets to be cultivated and empowered. This approach not only respects and empowers young people but also recognizes the importance of families and community partnerships. Additionally, recognizing the systemic challenges and working to change them is crucial for long-term, generational progress. This perspective has the potential to bring about significant change in the way we approach youth development and community engagement.

    • Historical context of whiteness and its benefitsAcknowledge history, take action, and prioritize self-care for a healthier, more equitable future.

      The concept of whiteness and the social and economic benefits it carries have evolved over time, with various ethnic groups striving to be accepted as part of the dominant white class. This historical context sheds light on the deep-rooted systemic issues we face today, particularly in the context of racial inequality. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging this history and using it as a foundation for creating a healthier, more equitable future. Additionally, personal self-care and proactive action are crucial in navigating the current volatile social climate. The speaker's work with the YMCA is an example of taking action to provide opportunities for people to retreat and find respite during this time of upheaval.

    • Connecting with ourselves and others during a crisisAcknowledging and processing emotions, creating rituals, and intergenerational conversations are crucial for coping with crises, especially for children and young people.

      The pandemic has highlighted the importance of connecting with ourselves and others, especially the younger generation, in times of crisis. People may try to numb themselves as a coping mechanism, but it's crucial to acknowledge and process emotions. For children, creating rituals and providing explanations can help them deal with distressing events. Young people, who have grown up with more integrated social realities and a stronger understanding of social justice, are leading the way in activism. However, their impulsiveness and lack of healthy fear can put them at risk. Intergenerational conversations and advisory roles can help guide and support them. The 40-50 year olds have a role to play as advisors, while older generations can engage from an experiential perspective. Connecting the experiences of different generations is essential to fully grasp the current moment and the ongoing social movement.

    • Learn from the past, create positive changeInstead of becoming jaded or complacent, learn from the past and use it as a foundation for positive change in the present and future. Define and work towards a desired future by focusing on its characteristics and the steps required to achieve it.

      While acknowledging the history and experiences of the past can bring wisdom, it's essential not to become jaded or complacent. Instead, we should learn from the past and use it as a foundation to create positive change in the present and future. The current situation, regardless of its outcome, presents an opportunity to define and work towards a desired future. By focusing on the characteristics of the outcome we aspire to, we can proactively define the work required to achieve it, rather than just reacting to external circumstances. This approach is empowering, gives us a hopeful vision for the future, and allows us to collaborate and align on the steps towards realizing it.

    • Essential workers turn to biking during COVID-19Local organization provided 300 bikes to essential workers, promoting mobility, freedom, and community connection.

      The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of mobility and access to bikes for essential workers. When public transportation became a health risk, essential workers in New York turned to biking as an alternative. However, the sudden demand for bikes led to shortages, making it difficult for essential workers to obtain them. In response, a local organization in the Twin Cities, Quality Bicycle Parts, teamed up with Free Bikes For Kids and Allina Healthcare to provide 300 bikes to essential workers for free. This initiative not only helped essential workers get to work but also provided them with a newfound freedom and a chance to reconnect with their communities. The bike represented more than just a means of transportation; it symbolized the initial breakthrough in creating mobility and transgressing invisible boundaries, especially in challenged communities where mobility has historically been limited as a means of control.

    • Struggle for Equitable Access to Public Green Spaces in AmericaThe history of unequal access to public green spaces for Black communities in America is deeply rooted, dating back to the 1919 Chicago race riots and continuing through the mid-20th century with the closing of public pools. This history has contributed to ongoing disparities in healthcare, education, and income based on zip code.

      The history of access to public green spaces in America, particularly for Black communities, has been a contentious issue with deep-rooted historical significance. This was first highlighted in the 1919 Chicago race riots, which erupted over the perceived infringement of an "imaginary line" on a beach in Lake Michigan. The struggle for equitable access to public pools in the mid-20th century is another example. The closing of these public pools in cities like St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Detroit rather than integrating them, highlights the racial tensions surrounding public spaces. This history is reflected in the present day, as disparities in healthcare, education, and income can still be predicted by zip code. The origins of these disparities can be traced back to the early 1900s and the practices of redlining and segregation. Understanding this history is crucial to recognizing the ongoing importance of advocating for equitable access to public green spaces.

    • History of urban development and environmental movement's impact on black people's relationship to natureThe history of urban development and the growth of the environmental movement have led to segregated outdoor experiences for black people, perpetuating a belief that nature isn't for them, and it's crucial to acknowledge this history and make outdoor spaces more inclusive and accessible.

      The history of urban development and the growth of the environmental movement in the late 20th century have been interconnected and have contributed to the socially segregated experiences of outdoor recreation in America. The creation of specific geographies for black bodies, the growth of the environmental movement, and the emergence of outdoor recreation as a predominantly white, individualistic pursuit have all influenced the perception and reality of black people's relationship to nature. This history has led to a legacy where many young black people believe that outdoor activities are not for them, perpetuating the cycle of disconnection. It's essential to acknowledge this history and work towards making outdoor spaces more inclusive and accessible to all communities.

    • Black Communities and the Outdoors: A Rich History and Diverse LegacyBlack communities have a long-standing relationship with the outdoors, creating their own spaces and experiences, and contemporary organizations and movements continue to challenge traditional notions of success and offer alternative pathways for black youth to connect with nature and build community.

      Throughout history, black communities have created their own spaces and experiences, particularly in the realm of outdoor activities and recreation. From segregated state parks and summer communities to contemporary organizations and movements, there has always been a parallel universe of black engagement with the outdoors. This legacy is often overlooked, but it's an essential part of understanding the rich history and diversity of black experiences in America. Additionally, hip hop culture's impact on young people and its promotion of entrepreneurship and self-sufficiency have contributed to a new generation of black voices and role models in the outdoor space. These developments challenge traditional notions of success and offer alternative pathways for black youth to connect with nature and build community.

    • Changing the narrative around outdoor activities for people of colorOrganizations like Outdoor Afro and Diversify Outdoors create welcoming spaces and shift focus from activity to shared experience, making outdoor activities more accessible and inclusive for people of color through emotional connections and solidarity past color.

      The outdoor movement, led by organizations like Outdoor Afro and Diversify Outdoors, has been instrumental in changing the narrative around who participates in outdoor activities and challenging systems of exclusion. These organizations have focused on creating welcoming spaces and shifting the focus from the specific activity to the shared experience of moving as a melanated community. By doing so, they have successfully made outdoor activities more accessible and inclusive for people of color. Additionally, the idea of solidarity past color and recognizing the global majority has also been a game-changer, as it challenges the dominant narrative of white superiority and shifts the power dynamics in the outdoor space. The success of these organizations lies in their ability to create emotional connections and make people feel comfortable, which is a crucial step in getting them to try new activities despite any initial insecurities or feelings of exclusion.

    • Understanding emotional experiencesAddress emotional needs for effective strategies and meaningful impact. Major Taylor's story illustrates this shift from competition to community building.

      When working with individuals or communities, it's essential to understand the emotional experiences they're having and address those needs rather than just focusing on providing information. This shift in perspective can lead to more effective strategies and a more meaningful impact. The speaker's personal story illustrates this concept, as he went from focusing on athletic competition to founding the Major Taylor Bicycling Club of Minnesota to promote inclusion and community building. Major Taylor, the first American-born black champion in cycling, overcame racial barriers to become a successful athlete, and his partnership with a white supporter shows the power of alliance and understanding across differences.

    • Bicycle as a symbol of freedom and achievement for marginalized communitiesThroughout history, the bicycle has provided freedom and opportunities for underrepresented groups, inspiring figures like Major Taylor and Justin Williams to break barriers and reclaim their place in history.

      The bicycle, particularly during the turn of the century, represented a significant symbol of freedom and technological achievement. Major Taylor, an African American cyclist, became a sensation by accumulating the most miles in nonstop 6-day races at Madison Square Garden, setting an unbelievable record of 2,300 miles. The bicycle was a crucial mode of transportation for marginalized communities, including women, black people, and immigrants, and Taylor recognized its potential to break barriers. Fast forward to modern times, Justin Williams, a hip hop generation cyclist, embodies the fearlessness and entrepreneurial spirit of Taylor by creating his own team, Legion, and bringing the hip hop sensibility into the world of cycling and fashion. The history of fixie culture, originating from the Caribbean community in New York, is another example of how the narrative of certain sports or cultural phenomena can be revised to acknowledge their true origins and the contributions of underrepresented communities. By changing the narrative and embracing the legacy, individuals can overcome imposter syndrome and authentically claim their place in history.

    • Snowboarding culture: Creating inclusive communitiesSnowboarding culture can foster inclusivity by creating accessible parks in urban areas, allowing individuals to build emotional connections and progressively learn the sport before advancing to advanced locations. This approach could make snowboarding more accessible to a wider range of individuals.

      Snowboarding culture, despite being often seen as exclusive, has the potential to integrate winter sports and create inclusive communities. This was highlighted through the stories of two young snowboarders, one who turned down an invitation to join the US Olympic team due to cultural differences, and another who qualified for the world championships. The speaker emphasized the importance of creating accessible snowboard parks in urban areas to provide positive emotional connections and progressive experiences for individuals before they make the bigger leap to more advanced snowboarding locations. The speaker also noted the unique advantage of snowboarding in requiring less elevation to build a functional park compared to other winter sports. This approach could potentially make snowboarding more accessible to a wider range of individuals, especially in flatland areas.

    • Creating an inclusive environment for outdoor activitiesInvesting in public green spaces, bike lanes, and equitable programming can make outdoor activities accessible to underserved communities. Overcoming cultural barriers and building community can encourage participation and create a culture that values active living for all.

      Creating an accessible and inclusive environment is key to encouraging healthy outdoor activities, such as snowboarding or biking, for underserved communities. This can be achieved through municipal investments in public green spaces, bike lanes, and equitable programming. However, it's important to address and overcome cultural barriers that may discourage participation, such as historical exclusion and the perception of a pecking order based on skill level. By focusing on building community and connectedness, we can create a culture that values and encourages active living for all. The ultimate goal should be to make these opportunities equitable and accessible to everyone, regardless of socio-economic background. Dan Buettner's work on blue zones emphasizes the importance of cultural factors in promoting active living, and the ultimate measure of health is actually connectedness. So, by making community-building the primary goal of outdoor activities, we can create a ripple effect of positive change.

    • Creating a community around activities is key to success and sustainabilityBuilding connections through positive experiences helps ensure the success and sustainability of activities like outdoor advocacy, active living, and food as medicine.

      Creating a community around an activity, whether it's outdoor advocacy, active living, or even food as medicine, is key to ensuring its success and sustainability. People are more likely to engage in something if it feels like a positive experience that builds connections, rather than an obligation or burden. For example, the idea of integrating movement into daily life, like sitting on the floor instead of a chair, can be more effective and enjoyable when done as part of a community. Additionally, companies like Lyft and Niceride can effectively connect with communities by promoting their programming and addressing equity issues. However, user interfaces and accessibility can still be barriers to entry. The pandemic has presented an opportunity to reimagine urban landscapes and promote active transportation, but the focus now is on keeping people engaged in these activities and making them a habit.

    • Bike usage and advocacy surge during pandemicDuring the pandemic, bike usage increased, leading to community building and emotional benefits. Bike shops and advocates must adapt to meet demand and offer programming for new riders.

      The global pandemic led to an unexpected surge in bike usage and advocacy, as cities closed streets and people sought out new ways to get around safely. This trend presented an opportunity for communities to come together and embrace active transportation, with higher numbers of women, children, and people of color participating. The challenge now is to make this shift permanent by providing positive experiences and focusing on the emotional benefits of biking, rather than just selling more bikes. The bike shops and advocates have a crucial role to play in leading community rides and offering programming to help new riders feel comfortable and confident on their bikes. The pandemic disrupted the bike supply chain, but the demand for bikes remains high, making it essential for bike shops to adapt and offer more than just bike sales.

    • Building community and providing new experiencesBike shops can differentiate themselves by focusing on community and emotional experiences, creating loyalty and repeat business.

      Bike shops can differentiate themselves by focusing on building community and providing new emotional experiences for customers. This not only benefits the customers by creating a sense of belonging and self-discovery, but it also benefits the bike shops economically by breeding loyalty to the brand and encouraging repeat business. The minimum routine for staying active, such as a 75-minute workout, can serve as a foundation for this lifestyle, with various activities like biking, camping, and skiing providing opportunities for training and community engagement. It's important to remember that these activities should be trained for, rather than used for training, especially as we age. By prioritizing community and new experiences, bike shops can create a compelling value proposition that resonates with customers and sets them apart from the competition.

    • Engaging with nature for personal growthSpending time in nature can lead to self-discovery, skills development, and situational awareness, benefiting everyone, especially marginalized communities, and helping build confidence and broaden perspectives.

      Spending time in nature and engaging in outdoor activities can significantly contribute to personal growth and social emotional learning. The speaker emphasizes that these experiences offer opportunities for self-discovery, skills development, and situational awareness. He believes that everyone, especially marginalized communities, can benefit from these experiences, which can help build confidence and broaden perspectives. The speaker also highlights that the best athlete is not always the best climber or skier, but rather the person who masters the skills. He encourages parents to take their kids outside to help them become the best versions of themselves. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of intentional engagement with nature and the outdoors for human development.

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    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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