
    Are the Deep State Players Keeping a List? (Ep 1085)

    enOctober 10, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Ukraine Alleges Biden's Son Received $900,000 for LobbyingMedia silence on potential Biden conflict of interest in Ukraine raises questions about transparency and accountability in politics

      During this time of political chaos, there are allegations of election results being overturned, and the media and deep state are in revolt against those standing in the way, which currently is the Trump administration. A recent press release from Ukraine alleges that Joe Biden's son, Hunter, received $900,000 for lobbying a Ukrainian MP, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest while Joe Biden was the point person on Ukraine's natural gas discussions. This story, with its potential implications, is not being widely covered by the media, highlighting the ongoing issues with transparency and accountability in politics. The Dan Bongino Show emphasizes the importance of staying informed and questioning the information presented to us by the media.

    • Allegations of political interference and campaign finance violations in Ukrainian investigationsTwo individuals were arrested for campaign finance violations amidst concerns of political interference in investigations into potential corruption involving Democrats and Ukrainian affairs, while the media largely ignores these stories

      There are allegations of political interference and campaign finance violations surrounding individuals investigating potential malfeasance involving Joe Biden and Ukrainian affairs. Devin Nunes, a California congressman, recently revealed on Hannity's show that there were concerns about an ambassador, Marie Yvonnevich, who may have been interfering in investigations into corruption involving Democrats. Two individuals connected to this investigation were arrested on campaign finance violations, raising concerns that efforts are being made to shut down these investigations. This comes as the media has largely ignored these stories, and the public is encouraged to stay informed through alternative sources.

    • US officials monitoring critics of Democratic figures in UkraineAllegations of US officials monitoring journalists and individuals critical of Democratic figures in Ukraine have fueled speculation about potential conspiracies and cover-ups, while two individuals involved in the Ukrainian collusion scandal have been arrested for campaign finance violations and a Ukrainian MP made new allegations against Biden.

      There have been allegations of US officials, including Marie Yovanovitch and potentially Bill Taylor, monitoring journalists and individuals like John Solomon and Dan Bongino, who have been critical of Democratic figures and their involvement in Ukraine. The reason for this monitoring is unclear, but it has fueled speculation about potential conspiracies and cover-ups related to the ongoing investigations into Ukrainian interference in US politics and allegations of wrongdoing by Democratic candidates like Joe Biden. Additionally, two individuals allegedly involved in the Ukrainian collusion scandal have been arrested for campaign finance violations, and a Ukrainian MP has made new allegations against Biden regarding money he may have received after calling for a prosecutor to be fired, who was investigating a company involved in Biden's lobbying efforts. These developments add to the complex and evolving story surrounding US-Ukraine relations and the ongoing investigations.

    • Discovering the Difference: Ali's Premium Dog FoodAli's vet-formulated, transparent recipes, customized meals, and delivery of fresh, real-ingredient meals make it a superior choice for dog owners, even surpassing store-bought options in taste and nutrition.

      The quality of a dog's food is crucial for their health and wellbeing. The speaker shares his positive experience with Ali, a dog food brand that uses vet-formulated recipes, transparent ingredients, and delivers fresh meals made with real ingredients to customers' doors. According to the speaker, Ali's food is so good that even humans can eat it, and it beats store-bought dog food by a large margin in terms of taste and nutrition. The brand offers customized recipes based on individual dogs' needs and sources its ingredients from U.S. family farms. The speaker strongly recommends Ali to listeners, offering them a 60% discount and a free bag of treats by using the promo code "Bongino" on myollie.com/try. Additionally, the speaker mentions a new book, "Deep State Joe," which alleges that the FBI found 340,000 emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop related to Hillary Clinton's emails, far more than the previously reported 30,000. This information, along with Eric Prince's interview about the same discovery, raises questions about the thoroughness of the FBI's investigation into Clinton's emails.

    • NYPD discovers damaging info on Weiner's laptop, faces pushback from DOJThe NYPD uncovered criminal evidence on Weiner's laptop, including emails and money laundering, but faced resistance from the DOJ, potentially suppressing election-impacting info

      During the 2016 presidential election, the NYPD discovered damaging criminal information on former Representative Anthony Weiner's laptop, including State Department emails and evidence of money laundering, criminal activities by Hillary Clinton and her circle, and even Democratic members of Congress. The NYPD planned to hold a press conference to announce the warrants and arrests related to this investigation but faced significant pushback from the Justice Department, including threats of charges against someone unrelated to the case. Eric Prince, a businessman and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, claimed to have information about these emails and potential quid pro quos, leading to investigations by Bob Mueller and the House Intel Committee. These allegations, if true, suggest an abuse of power by the Justice Department to suppress information that could have impacted the election.

    • Government Abuse of Power and Whistleblower ConcernsSerious concerns exist over gov't abuse of power to silence whistleblowers and investigations into potential quid pro quos. It's crucial to continue probing these issues, while protecting oneself and upholding transparency.

      There are serious concerns about government abuse of power to silence whistleblowers and investigations into alleged quid pro quos during the Obama administration. Eric Prince, who was initially thought to be a whistleblower, is actually under investigation himself by Mueller and the House Intel committee for collusion. The arrest and charges against Giuliani associates for campaign violations are seen as an attempt by the left to appear virtuous while covering their own potential wrongdoings. The seriousness of these allegations, which include potential involvement of the Justice Department and foreign actors, is compared to third-world countries' tactics. It's important to continue investigating and discussing these issues despite potential intimidation or fear tactics. Additionally, the importance of protecting oneself, especially when carrying a firearm, was emphasized through the example of Lost Shield.

    • Blurry Line Between Self-Defense and Criminal ChargesUnderstanding self-defense and seeking legal protection are crucial when fears arise, while political investigations require accurate information and transparency to maintain focus on facts and truth.

      The line between self-defense and potential criminal charges can be blurry, as illustrated by the story of an elderly man who shot and killed a teenager who was approaching him, despite his fears. This incident underscores the importance of having legal protection and representation, which is what US Law Shield offers. Another topic that gained attention recently is the controversy surrounding Robert Mueller's meeting with Donald Trump before he was appointed as Special Counsel. Mueller testified under oath that he went to the White House that day not to discuss the FBI director job, but some witnesses claim otherwise. This discrepancy highlights the importance of accurate information and transparency in political matters. Regarding the ongoing investigation into former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch and Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, it's important to remember that everyone involved in these complex issues has different perspectives and interpretations of events. It's crucial to respect these differences while maintaining a focus on the facts and the truth. In conclusion, the importance of self-defense, the complexity of political investigations, and the significance of accurate information and transparency are all key takeaways from the recent news stories discussed.

    • Rod Rosenstein's role in Mueller's appointmentRod Rosenstein may have manipulated the situation to bring Mueller into the investigation to protect himself and potentially hide information.

      Rod Rosenstein's actions regarding Robert Mueller's appointment as FBI director or special counsel were not as innocent as they appeared. According to the discussion, Rosenstein may have manipulated the situation to get Mueller involved in order to protect himself and potentially hide information. If Rosenstein had his way, he would have had Mueller in a position to investigate Trump as the FBI director or as the special counsel. This raises questions about Rosenstein's motivations and his involvement in the FBI's investigation into Trump. The timeline of events and their potential coordination suggest a planned effort to bring Mueller into the investigation.

    • Media bias and political agendas in the impeachment processThe impeachment process against President Trump lacks factual evidence and is influenced by media bias and political agendas, raising concerns for democracy and the importance of unbiased reporting.

      The impeachment process against President Trump is not based on factual evidence, but rather on biased reporting from the media and political agendas. The media's handling of the situation, such as ignoring certain facts and twisting others, raises concerns about democracy and the role of the media in shaping public opinion. For instance, the alleged whistleblower's contact with Democratic presidential candidates was initially downplayed as insignificant, but when a Republican was involved in a similar situation, it was criticized heavily. This double standard highlights the need for transparency and unbiased reporting. Additionally, recent developments, such as the Ukrainian president denying any blackmail or extortion, further undermine the impeachment case.

    • Double standard in investigating political contactsMedia and some Democrats scrutinize Trump's alleged contacts more than Sessions', despite similarities. Institutional norms disregarded, leading to confusion and chaos.

      There seems to be a double standard when it comes to investigating alleged contacts between politicians and foreign entities, depending on which party they belong to. An example given was the defense used by Jeff Sessions during his confirmation hearings regarding his contacts with Russians, which was the same defense being used for the whistleblower's allegations against President Trump. However, the media and some Democrats are treating these cases differently, with the latter receiving more scrutiny. Additionally, there was a discussion about the CEO of Dick's Sporting Goods and their decision to remove rifles from their stores and destroy them, resulting in significant financial losses. This was criticized as an example of corporate virtue signaling that disregards the interests of shareholders. Overall, there seems to be a trend of institutions and individuals disregarding established norms and principles, leading to confusion and chaos.

    • Prioritizing Shareholder Interests Over Stakeholders' PressureCompanies should base decisions on facts and shareholders' interests, not public pressure and misinformation.

      Corporations should prioritize the interests of their shareholders, who have a direct financial stake in the company, over those of stakeholders who may not be directly invested. The recent decision by Dicks Sporting Goods to destroy $250 million worth of inventory based on flawed research and the public pressure from stakeholders is an example of this misplaced focus. The FBI's crime statistics show that rifle homicides have been decreasing while gun ownership is on the rise. Additionally, rifles are used in a small percentage of homicides compared to other weapons. Companies should make decisions based on facts and their shareholders' best interests, rather than public pressure and misinformation.

    • Bongino plans to address Democrats' tax misrepresentation in impeachment inquiryBongino intends to discuss Cato Institute piece on Democrats' alleged misrepresentation of tax implications in impeachment inquiry. He encourages listeners to subscribe and read his latest book 'Exonerated' for more insights.

      He also intends to address the Democrats' alleged misrepresentation of tax implications in the ongoing impeachment inquiry. Bongino expressed his desire to cover a Cato Institute piece on the topic and thanked his listeners for their support. He encouraged them to subscribe to his YouTube channel and podcast, available on Apple Podcasts, iHeart, and SoundCloud. Bongino also suggested reading his latest book, "Exonerated," and the Rosenstein speech about Mueller for a better understanding of the situation. Listeners are invited to tune in tomorrow for more insights.

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