
    About this Episode

    Figuring out how much to pay your team members can be challenging. But it's crucial to keep them happy and engaged with their work.

    That's why I'm going to help you figure out whether you're paying your team members too much or too little in today's episode, so you can finally get it right.

    What I'm going to share with you will help you avoid driving away your employees by underpaying them and going bankrupt by overpaying them. 

    So if you want to learn the best tips I have for figuring out what to pay your team members to make sure everyone is happy and productive - all without breaking the bank, then this episode is for you!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    05:01 Tip #1: Pay as Much as You Can

    07:42 Tip #2: Make Sure to Have the Right People in Hiring Process

    08:59 Tip #3: Be Clear About the Job Title

    10:12 Tip #4: Tier The Pay

    11:53 Tip #5: Add Performance Bonuses and Perks

    12:54: Tip #6: Give Equity

    13:43 Final Thoughts

    15:51 Outro


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    Recent Episodes from Operation Agency Freedom - The #1 Podcast for Digital Agency Owners in North America

    10 Things You Must Do For A Proper Employee Onboarding

    10 Things You Must Do For A Proper Employee Onboarding

    Hey Dude! In today's episode of Operation Agency Freedom, we're diving into the essential steps for a proper employee onboarding process. I'm going to walk you through the ten crucial elements you need to include when bringing on a new team member, from preparation and warm welcomes to training, check-ins, and social interaction.

    Missing any one of these steps could cost you time and money, and leave your new hire feeling out of place and unprepared. So, I'm breaking down each step and sharing some personal insights and experiences to help you put together a killer onboarding process for your agency. 

    Don't miss out on this valuable advice that will set your team up for success and make your agency a great place to work. Tune in and take notes, because we're about to get your employee onboarding process in tip-top shape!

    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    06:01 Introduce new hires.

    09:07 Review job responsibilities and expectations.

    12:22 Mentorship, training and regular check-ins.

    13:59 Clear performance expectations.

    19:38 Outro


    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

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    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 

    How to Take Control of Your Profit

    How to Take Control of Your Profit

    In today's episode of Operation Agency Freedom, we have a VERY special guest, Oyuki Gallegos, who is an expert in agency finances and happens to be my wife. With nearly 20 years of experience in bookkeeping and accounting, Oyuki shares invaluable insights on agency finances, best practices, and common mistakes made by agency owners.

    The episode covers the concept of profitability per client, emphasizing the importance of tracking the cost of goods sold and ensuring a healthy margin on each client. Oyuki breaks down the essential financial reports that agencies should be doing on a regular basis, such as capacity and cash flow. She emphasizes the significance of maintaining a sound financial practice, even if it's uncomfortable, and stresses the need for agency owners to stay on top of their numbers and cash flow.

    Join us as Oyuki shares her wisdom and practical tips to help understand and improve YOUR agency finances, ultimately leading to a more profitable and sustainable business. So, if you're ready to gain practical advice on managing your agency's finances, you don't want to miss this episode!

    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro. 

    06:19 Track profitability per client for business success.

    10:10 Keep cost of goods to 30-35%.

    13:03 Understanding business finances = profitability and sustainability.

    16:32 Improving efficiency, raising prices, making tough decisions.

    20:02 80% productivity value.

    27:56 Outro.


    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io 

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 

    The Exact Formula to Determine Churn Impact on Your Income

    The Exact Formula to Determine Churn Impact on Your Income

    Are you aware of how much more money you could be making by just keeping your clients happy? Well, in today's episode of Operation Agency Freedom, I will be breaking down the EXACT formula to determine how your churn rate impacts your income!

    Let's dive into the importance of client retention in the agency business model together and I'll share with you this very simple formula to calculate the lifetime customer value based on your churn rate. The significance of maintaining a low churn rate is much greater than you might think, so today I'm giving you practical tips on how to achieve this, including hitting deadlines, delivering results, and building trust with clients.

    In this episode I offer you valuable insights into managing client retention and its direct impact on your agency's profitability. If you're looking to boost your agency's financial health through improved client retention, this episode is a must-listen!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro.

    03:52 Maintain 3% monthly churn for business success.

    07:12 Questioning popular assumptions, discovering an important formula.

    12:49 Frequent communication, trust, deliver results for clients.

    13:35 Control churn rate, improve retention, increase profits.

    15:50 Outro.



    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 

    How To Get Over Your Fear of Making Money

    How To Get Over Your Fear of Making Money

    🤠 Howdy, y'all! Chris Martinez here with a new episode of Operation Agency Freedom! Today I'm wearing my special cowboy hat and plaid shirt since I'll be diving into the taboo subject of money. I'll share my personal experiences growing up in a household with a scarcity mindset and highlight the importance of taking responsibility for understanding and managing finances as an adult and a business owner. I challenge the negative perceptions around wealth and emphasize the possibilities of making a positive impact with accumulated wealth.

    I highly recommend the book "Thou Shalt Prosper" and will discuss the Jewish faith's approach toward money, presenting a fresh perspective on wealth accumulation. My belief is in opening our mindsets to generate more wealth while focusing on serving others. It's crucial to understand that making money as an agency owner is not about ripping people off but rather about serving clients and helping them achieve better results.

    Ultimately, I want to encourage you to change your mindset and embrace the idea that making money as an agency owner is not only okay but also required for success. My insights and recommendations provide a thought-provoking and inspiring take on the subject, shedding light on ways to approach wealth accumulation and its positive potential. If you're ready to challenge your preconceived notions about money and wealth, this engaging and motivational episode is a must-listen!

    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro.
    05:57 Value of education, striving for success, wealth perceptions.
    09:45 Open-minded learning.
    13:10 Plan financially for achieving life goals.
    15:05 Entrepreneur raised million dollars, cured disease through fundraising.
    17:45 People should be admired for wealth reasons.
    22:39 Outro.


    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 

    Why Cost of Goods Sold is the Most Important Financial Metric I look at

    Why Cost of Goods Sold is the Most Important Financial Metric I look at

    Hey there, dudes! In today's episode of Operation Agency Freedom, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of agency finance. I know, it might not sound like the most thrilling topic, but trust me, it is the most important financial metric when it comes to growing your agency's profitability.

    When growing a marketing agency, the first thing that we do is we look at the numbers. And the most important metric that I've seen is cost of goods sold - the ultimate metric that I swear by for evaluating a marketing agency's financial health. So I will be dissecting the concept of cost of goods sold to its ideal percentage and the common culprits behind inflated costs.

    I will also be giving you some really good advice on how to make small, sustainable improvements to your cost of goods sold without causing chaos in your agency. This way, you'll be well on your way to a healthy and profitable business.

    So, if you're keen to boost your agency's financial know-how and take tangible steps towards greater profitability, this episode is exactly what you're looking for! Tune in, absorb all those pro tips, and get ready to SCALE your agency. Cheers to your agency's financial success!

    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro.
    03:32 The importance to focus on cost of goods sold.
    09:31 High costs due to inefficient business practices.
    10:34 Maximize financial efficiency, reassign resources strategically.
    14:11 Outro.


    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 


    Are Your Clients More Than Just Numbers?

    Are Your Clients More Than Just Numbers?

    Hey there, Dudes! Brace yourselves for an enlightening chat with Josh Crouch from Relentless Digital, who's dropping by to share his incredible growth secrets that can transform how you navigate client relations and team training in today's episode.

    Josh reveals how he's balancing high-quality with high-value clients; it's like a tightrope walk over grand canyons of client churn – thrilling, right? Curious about discipline and strategy in business? Josh swears by EOS and coaching to squash those blind spots!

    And training isn't just a 'nice-to-have'; it's a cornerstone at Relentless Digital. Josh even tosses in his must-read – "The Dream Manager" to kinda be the Yoda for your team's dreams and goals. Oh, and for a dose of motivation, you've gotta hear how Josh slays the negativity with a positive environment at work.

    Plus, he's a firm believer in empowering employees to own their mistakes – kind of like how you taught your kids to ride a bike, remember? So, if you're itching to connect with a guy who's mastered the chill of HVAC and the heat of digital marketing – or if chatting about life, art, and business tickles your fancy – Josh is just a Facebook message away.

    Get ready for a session that will keep your mind jogging, your notes long, and your heart full. Josh doesn't just run an agency; he's building a close-knit team that thrives remotely, celebrating wins virtually like they're high-fiving in person.

    Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and share this episode with someone who needs a dash of agency enlightenment. Catch more of our episodes and connect with us on social media for more behind-the-scenes action. Now, let's get into it, shall we? 🎧


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    07:44 HVAC experiences shaped quick customer response focus.

    11:16 Recognizing discipline in martial arts and HVAC.

    13:36 HVAC background drives development of new techs.

    17:53 Listeners impressed by consistency and discipline.

    23:07 Consistent CSM knowledge, commitment to gym routine.

    26:29 Showing care and empathy in job context.

    27:37 Recognizing personal issues can impact workplace performance.

    31:42 Schedule goals to achieve success and growth.

    35:29 Business owners should delegate to reduce stress.

    37:56 Outro



    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 

    How to Achieve Effective Decision-Making

    How to Achieve Effective Decision-Making

    Welcome back, DUDES! Chris here, and in today's episode of  #OperationAgencyFreedom I go into detail about a powerful strategy of decision-making that you should be implementing within your agency. The focus is clear: making decisions based on identifying the team member with the highest probability of holding the key to the right answer. Let me tell you how Ray Dalio's book, "Principles," has inspired me and the transformative impact this approach can have on your agency's success.

    Learn how to identify who on your team has the best probability of having the right answer and why it shouldn't always be you as the owner. Discover the importance of hiring for diversity and creating a leadership team that can handle problem-solving without solely relying on you. Get ready to transform your agency and set it up for growth and success. Don't miss this episode!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    04:32 Develop a leadership team, seek others' input.

    06:46 Diversity crucial for solving unforeseen problems.

    10:00 Outro



    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 

    Nailing Your Niche Locally with Nick Ponte

    Nailing Your Niche Locally with Nick Ponte

    Hey DUDES! In today’s episode of Operation Agency Freedom, we're diving deep into the world of regional agency marketing as a niche, with the man himself, Nick Ponte!

    Nick hails from the beautiful shores of Maui and he's here to drop some serious knowledge bombs on building a successful agency by tapping into the culture and heartbeat of your local community. We're peeling back the layers of the agency onion and getting real about what works, what doesn't, and how to laugh in the face of adversity - like a business ninja!

    But hold up, it's not just about riding the waves in Hawaii. This chat also uncovers the risks of putting all your eggs in one niche basket. We're talking about an agency that kissed goodbye to paradise because of COVID-19. Yet, our guy Nick stood strong, showing us how being a resourceful generalist can help you pivot like a pro when times get tough.

    And if that’s not enough, get this - we're also talking about old-school print advertising. Think it's dead? Think again! Nick's strategies for client acquisition using print could just be your golden ticket to a local agency jackpot.

    Wanna stay ahead of the AI wave in graphic design and advertising? We touch on that too! Plus, hear a heartwarming tale of a Mississippi agency that’s making big splashes by mixing videos with marketing packages. Growth from $1 mil to possibly $5 mil? Yes, please!

    By the end of this chat, you'll be stoked to connect with Nick for more collabs and insights. So grab your board - or just a pen and pad - and let's ride this wave together! If you're ready to turn local peculiarities into your superpower and make bank while you're at it, then you gotta tune in. Trust me, you don't want to miss this vibe. See ya in the episode! 🌊🤙


    Discussion Points

    00:00 Intro

    03:32 Discovered talent for digital marketing, potential income.

    07:16 Collaboration, information gaps, and sharing experiences.

    11:14 Challenges and advantages of starting a business.

    14:51 Struggle with niche in business and revenue.

    20:18 First official SWOT analysis.

    23:42 Create agency in non-urban areas for success.

    30:07 Sell ad space for $500, reach 10,000 homes.

    33:48 Perceived risk of intangible vs tangible advertising. 

    36:44 Nick emphasized local agency niche with AI.

    38:16 Outro



    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 

    Readiness Indicators for Managers

    Readiness Indicators for Managers

    Hey, DUDES! Today's episode of Operation Agency Freedom is all about the crucial topic of employee readiness, particularly when it comes to hiring managers. We're going to walk you through four of the six readiness indicators to help you make informed decisions and avoid costly hiring mistakes. From evaluating current job performance to assessing core values, and even taking a look at the controversial aspect of checking a candidate's credit score, we've got it all covered.

    If you're a business owner or part of a leadership team, this episode is a must-listen because hiring the wrong manager can set you back months, or even years. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's dive into some game-changing insights that could save you a ton of time and headaches down the road! You won't want to miss out on this valuable discussion.

    Discussion Points 

    00:00 Intro

    04:39 Challenges of management layers and employee readiness.

    06:40 Assess new hires based on job performance.

    12:02 Evaluating team members for managerial potential is key.

    16:07 Promotion candidates should have solid credit history.

    19:38 Outro


    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://bit.ly/3RPh4Zn 

    The Future of Small Agencies

    The Future of Small Agencies

    Feeling a bit curious about how AI's shaking up the agency world and the future of small agencies? You're in the right place, my friend.

    This one's a goldmine - Kasim Aslam drops by to chat about the wild ride of selling his company, Solutions Eight, to an AI-backed titan. Get this - the journey was more about aligning with the universe than just cashing in big. And the best part? He's sticking around as the CEO.

    We're gonna dive deep into how small agencies can stay afloat (spoiler: think nimble and AI-savvy) and why Kasim’s betting big on AI-driven services. We're also touching on how advancements are pumping up efficiency in everything from copywriting to event managing. 

    But it ain't all rainbows - with AI stepping into jobs, we're hashing out the need for agencies (and all of us, really) to pivot and innovate or risk becoming space dust.

    So, if your brain's itching for insights on navigating the agency cosmos with AI as your co-pilot, and you wanna hear how Kasim rocked a multi million deal, then buckle up, my friend; this episode's for you!

    And hey, want to trail Kasim’s journey even after we sign off? Swing by his socials at @Kasamaslam. 


    Discussion Points

    00:00 Intro

    04:46 Exciting plans to discuss marketing strategies.

    08:36 Decided to sell, universe aligned, successful exit.

    10:46 Market shift, leaving money, financial advice essential.

    14:26 Google builds campaigns, manual intervention more effective.

    18:32 Shifted to consulting to help agencies survive AI.

    20:09 Attribution discrepancy requires human intervention for AI optimization.

    26:24 AI improves processes, faster and more efficient.

    29:07 Outro



    • Connect with DUDE on the following social channels

    • Facebook / dudeagency

    • Instagram / dudeagency.io

    • Visit our YouTube channel / @dudeagency2093

    • Check out our website and see how we can help you run a profitable agency https://dudeagency.io/