
    Podcast Summary

    • Empowering Individuals for Proactive Health ManagementBy embracing technology and taking charge of our own health, we can shift from reactive to proactive healthcare, leading to better overall well-being.

      We have the power to take control of our own health. Traditional healthcare systems often focus on reactive measures, waiting for problems to arise before taking action. However, by looking at our own biology and understanding our numbers through lab testing, we can be proactive and preventive in managing our well-being. It's not just the doctor's job to take care of our health; we have the capacity to know what's happening inside our bodies and make informed decisions. With advancements in technology, such as wearables and comprehensive lab testing, we can gain a deeper understanding of our biology and create personalized roadmaps for our health. By democratizing healthcare and giving people agency over their own health, we can pave the way for a more proactive approach to well-being.

    • Addressing Poor Metabolic Health: A Comprehensive Solution for IndividualsPoor metabolic health is prevalent in America, but by tracking and analyzing biomarkers over time, individuals can gain insights and make informed decisions about their health through Function Health's comprehensive solution.

      Poor metabolic health is a widespread issue in America, affecting 93.2% of the population. Most individuals are unaware of their metabolic health status and the potential risks it poses, such as insulin resistance, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular problems. Only 6.8% of Americans have healthy metabolic profiles without abnormal tests. The traditional approach of focusing solely on single biomarkers is inadequate in assessing overall health. However, by tracking and analyzing patterns of biomarkers over time, individuals can gain valuable insights into their health and make informed decisions. Function Health offers a comprehensive solution to democratize this approach, empowering individuals to take control of their own health and well-being. Don't wait, secure your spot on the waitlist at functionhealth.com.

    • The Importance of Monitoring Insulin Levels for Overall HealthMonitoring insulin levels is crucial for predicting health outcomes and understanding metabolic health. Elevated insulin levels are early indicators of conditions like diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, and dementia. Seek out functional medicine practitioners or take proactive measures to measure insulin.

      Monitoring insulin levels is crucial for understanding metabolic health and predicting various health outcomes. While blood sugar levels are commonly measured, elevated insulin levels often go unnoticed, despite being highly predictive of conditions like diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, and dementia. Insulin levels start rising before blood sugar levels, making it an early indicator of trouble. Unfortunately, many doctors do not routinely test for insulin, emphasizing the importance of seeking out functional medicine practitioners or taking proactive measures to measure insulin. Understanding how to interpret insulin levels is also vital since standard reference ranges for blood sugar may not accurately indicate the risk of developing health issues. Taking control of our health involves monitoring key numbers, including insulin, to assess our overall wellbeing and rate of aging.

    • Rethinking Normal: Optimal Weight and HealthMonitoring biomarkers like blood sugar levels and insulin is essential for maintaining overall health, aiming for optimal levels of 70-85 for blood sugar and less than five for insulin.

      Our perception of what is "normal" in terms of weight and health may not necessarily be optimal. For example, in America, where 75% of the population is overweight, it may seem normal, but it's not the ideal state for vibrant health. Key biomarkers like blood sugar levels and insulin play a crucial role in determining overall metabolic health. Optimal blood sugar levels should be between 70 to 85, while ideal insulin levels should be less than five. Additionally, monitoring hemoglobin A1C, which indicates average blood sugar levels, is essential. Ideally, it should be under five and a half, but the threshold for diagnosing diabetes has shifted from six to six and a half. Understanding and striving for these optimal ranges is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing severe health issues.

    • Beyond Blood Sugar: The Importance of Measuring Insulin & Uric Acid Levels for Metabolic Health.Measuring insulin and uric acid levels, in addition to blood sugar, provides a comprehensive understanding of metabolic health and can detect underlying issues caused by high fructose corn syrup consumption.

      Blood sugar levels alone may not be enough to determine your metabolic health. Mark Hyman emphasizes the importance of measuring insulin levels and conducting a glucose tolerance test to get a comprehensive understanding of your body's response to sugar. An example is given of a patient who had normal fasting and two-hour glucose levels but had extremely high insulin levels indicating an underlying issue. Additionally, Hyman mentions the often overlooked uric acid test, which can provide valuable insights into your metabolic health. High uric acid levels, caused by metabolizing fructose, can lead to gout and kidney stones. The source of fructose in the American diet is primarily high fructose corn syrup. Therefore, it is crucial to consider factors beyond blood sugar levels when assessing metabolic health.

    • Factors affecting metabolic health and ways to improve itFructose consumption, high uric acid levels, leptin resistance, and cholesterol quality play a significant role in metabolic health. Addressing these factors can improve overall wellness.

      Our metabolic health is greatly influenced by factors such as fructose consumption, uric acid levels, leptin resistance, and cholesterol quality. High fructose corn syrup, which contains free fructose, can lead to fatty liver, insulin resistance, and diabetes. Elevated uric acid levels indicate inflammation and poor metabolic health. Leptin resistance, where the hormone that signals fullness doesn't work properly, can contribute to weight gain. Cholesterol testing should go beyond the standard measurements of HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol, as the quality of cholesterol particles matters. The size and number of cholesterol particles are indirect indicators of metabolic health and can relate to conditions like insulin resistance, prediabetes, and high blood pressure. Understanding and addressing these factors can positively impact our overall wellness.

    • Expanding Beyond the Standard Cholesterol Panel for a Comprehensive Health AssessmentSupplementing cholesterol tests with additional markers like lipid particle size, triglyceride levels, and CRP can provide crucial insights into metabolic health and inflammation, aiding in the prevention of age-related diseases.

      It is crucial to go beyond the standard cholesterol panel when assessing cardiac and metabolic health. By looking at other markers such as lipid particle size, HDL size, triglyceride levels, APOB particles, and C-reactive protein (CRP), a more accurate understanding of overall health can be obtained. These additional tests can provide valuable information on insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and inflammation, which are key risk factors for age-related diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia. It is concerning that these tests are not widely utilized, with only a small percentage of tests done in America focusing on these markers. Taking action to improve metabolic health and manage inflammation can have a significant impact on overall well-being.

    • Revolutionizing Metabolic Health through Functional MedicineUnderstanding the root cause of poor metabolic health, focusing on individual biomarkers, and taking ownership of one's health can lead to significant improvements.

      Poor metabolic health is the biggest threat facing America and the world today. This is primarily caused by our ultra-processed high sugar starch diet and sedentary lifestyle. The key to managing and improving metabolic health is understanding the root cause and addressing it, rather than relying on pills or shots. Functional medicine provides a roadmap based on individual biomarkers to guide this process. It is essential to know your numbers, such as insulin resistance and A1C levels, which most people are not aware of. This knowledge empowers individuals to take ownership of their health and make informed decisions. By democratizing access to this approach through functional health, we can significantly impact overall well-being. It is time to go beyond surface-level wearables and delve into the core of our health.

    • Revolutionizing Healthcare with Comprehensive Lab TestsFunction Health offers affordable and accessible lab tests to address the shortcomings of our healthcare system, empowering individuals to proactively manage their health and prioritize preventive care.

      Our healthcare system is struggling to meet the needs of the growing population with chronic illnesses. There is a shortage of doctors and practitioners, resulting in a lack of attention to crucial lab tests and preventive care. Function Health offers a different model by providing over a hundred lab tests that cover various aspects of health. These tests are not commonly done by doctors due to their overwhelming workload. Function Health eliminates the need for burdensome insurance and complicated medical records, providing clear and understandable results that are tracked over time. For just $499 a year, individuals can access all these lab tests and receive actionable advice to optimize their health. Transform your health by joining Function Health and taking control of your well-being.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D.

    Eat The Rainbow: Foods That Reverse Chronic Diseases

    Eat The Rainbow: Foods That Reverse Chronic Diseases
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Did you know that the food you eat can actually change your genes and improve your health? In this episode, I speak with Dr. William Li and Dr. Jeffrey Bland about how the quality of our food significantly impacts our health. We dive into the fascinating world of phytochemicals, exploring how foods like konjac root, cruciferous vegetables, and medicinal mushrooms can enhance our well-being and even reverse chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Learn all about the transformative potential of food and how you can harness it to feel your best. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Mitopure, and AG1. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,500 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Support essential mitochondrial health and save 10% on Mitopure. Visit TimelineNutrition.com/Drhyman and use code DRHYMAN10. Get your daily serving of vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and more with AG1. Head to DrinkAG1.com/Hyman and get a year's worth of D3 and five Travel Packs for FREE with your first order.

    The Hidden Cause of Your PMS and How to Fix It Fast

    The Hidden Cause of Your PMS and How to Fix It Fast
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Struggling with PMS symptoms like mood swings, cramps, and bloating? It doesn’t have to be this way! In this episode of “The Doctor’s Farmacy,” I’ll break down how diet, inflammation, and nutrient deficiencies can throw your hormones out of whack and I’ll share simple, effective changes you can make to feel better. From cutting back on sugar and caffeine, to adding anti-inflammatory foods and key supplements, discover how to balance your hormones naturally and finally find relief from PMS. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, AG1, and Thrive Market. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Get your daily serving of vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and more with AG1. Head to DrinkAG1.com/Hyman and get a year's worth of D3 and five Travel Packs for FREE with your first order. Head over to ThriveMarket.com/Hyman today to receive 30% off your first order and a free gift up to $60.

    How Peptides Enhance Healing and Longevity | Dr. Edwin Lee

    How Peptides Enhance Healing and Longevity | Dr. Edwin Lee
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Peptides are gaining popularity for their remarkable health benefits, but what exactly are they and how can they help you? In this episode of “The Doctor’s Farmacy,” I sit down with Dr. Edwin Lee to demystify the incredible world of peptides. We delve into how these tiny proteins can regulate every function in your body, from hormone imbalance to tissue repair, and even cognitive health.  In this episode, we discuss: The crucial role peptides play in regulating our wellbeing BPC 157, a peptide that shows promise in accelerating healing from injuries and reducing inflammation Epi-thalon, a peptide with potential to improve sleep quality and reverse some aging markers The future potential of peptides, including ongoing research and clinical trials, to unlock further therapeutic uses and improve patient outcomes The importance of using peptides under proper medical guidance to ensure safety and efficacy Learn how peptides can optimize your overall health and longevity, and why they might just be the future of medicine. This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, Cozy Earth, LMNT, and Cymbiotika. Rupa University is hosting FREE classes and bootcamps for healthcare providers who want to learn more about Functional Medicine testing. Sign up at RupaUniversity.com. Right now, you can save 30% when you upgrade to Cozy Earth sheets. Just head over to CozyEarth.com and use code DRHYMAN. LMNT is giving listeners a FREE eight-count sample pack of their vital electrolyte drink mix with any purchase. Just visit DrinkLMNT.com/Hyman today. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN.

    The Future of Healthcare: The Role of AI and Technology | Dr. Vijay Pande and Daisy Wolf

    The Future of Healthcare: The Role of AI and Technology | Dr. Vijay Pande and Daisy Wolf
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal AI is set to revolutionize healthcare as we know it - improving diagnostics, treatment personalization, patient care, while simultaneously reducing costs and enhancing outcomes. In this episode of “The Doctor’s Farmacy,” I sit down with Vijay Pande, PhD and Daisy Wolf, JD to explore how investors are shaping the future by funding innovative companies that address our system's fundamental problems. Discover how cutting-edge tech, like wearable devices and AI diagnostics, is making personalized medicine more accessible and effective for everyone. This episode is brought to you by Butcher Box, Mitopure, and Wonderfeel. ButcherBox is giving new members two pounds of wild-caught salmon for FREE plus $20 off. Visit ButcherBox.com/Farmacy and use code FARMACY. Support essential mitochondrial health and save 10% on Mitopure. Visit TimelineNutrition.com/Drhyman and use code DRHYMAN10. Wonderfeel Youngr™ NMN works by increasing your levels of NAD, a critical molecule our bodies produce that we literally need to survive. Feel the wonder of innovation at GetWonderfeel.com.

    How Sugar Wreaks Havoc on Your Health and Mind

    How Sugar Wreaks Havoc on Your Health and Mind
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Over 75% of adults and 40% of kids in the U.S. are now overweight - and sugar addiction is a big reason why. In this episode, discover how sugar hides in many common foods like salad dressings, sauces, and pasta sauces. We'll explore how excessive sugar drives obesity, diabetes, cognitive decline, depression, and even Alzheimer's disease. Plus, I'll share my 10-day detox diet designed to help you break free from sugar addiction and transform your health. This episode is brought to you by AG1, Our Place, and House of Macadamias. Get your daily serving of vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and more with AG1. Head to DrinkAG1.com/Hyman and get a year's worth of D3 and five Travel Packs for FREE with your first order. Upgrade your cookware, appliances and more with Our Place. Head over to FromOurPlace.com and enter code HYMAN at checkout to receive 10% off site-wide. Enjoy the highest quality macadamia nuts today. Get 15% off my custom House of Macadamias bundle or 10% off your entire order at HouseOfMacadamias.com/Hyman.

    How to Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity Naturally | Dr. Jeffrey Bland

    How to Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity Naturally | Dr. Jeffrey Bland
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Imagine if you could turn back the clock on your immune system and make it work like it did when you were younger. In this episode of “The Doctor’s Farmacy,” I'm thrilled to welcome Dr. Jeffrey Bland to dive into the exciting world of immuno-rejuvenation. We explore the cutting-edge science behind phytochemicals and their incredible ability to influence gene expression and supercharge our immune health.  In this episode, we discuss: Revitalizing and enhancing the immune system to function more efficiently The science behind how certain natural compounds can influence gene expression and boost immune health. Practical steps to incorporate specific nutrients and compounds into your diet to decrease inflammation. The importance of gut health and its connection to chronic diseases and mental health. Join us as we lay out practical tips to easily incorporate these powerful nutrients into your diet for a healthier, more resilient you. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Pendulum, BIOptimizers, Armra. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Pendulum is offering listeners 20% off their first month’s subscription of Akkermansia for gut health. Visit PendulumLife.com and use code HYMAN. Tackle an overlooked root cause of stress with Magnesium Breakthrough. Visit BIOptimizers.com/Hyman and use code HYMAN10 to save 10%.  Save 15% on your first order of ARMRA Colostrum and unlock the power of 400+ functional nutrients. Just visit TryARMRA.com/Mark or use code MARK.

    Eat Smart: Quality Foods to Improve Sleep and Reduce Stress

    Eat Smart: Quality Foods to Improve Sleep and Reduce Stress
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Food is more than just fuel - every bite we take has a profound impact on our biology. In this episode, I explain the principles of the Pegan diet, emphasizing the importance of quality, nutrient-dense foods. Joining me are some incredible guests: Dr. Cindy Geyer, a renowned expert in functional medicine, and Dr. Elissa Epel, a leading stress researcher. Together, we'll explore how chronic stress and poor sleep are intricately connected to major health issues like obesity, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases. Learn how specific dietary choices can serve as powerful medicine, improving your overall health and longevity. Plus, explore actionable tips and expert insights on integrating these health-boosting foods into your daily routine. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Neurohacker, and Cymbiotika. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Decrease your "zombie cells" with Qualia Senolytic. Visit QualiaLife.com/Hyman to get 50% off and use code HYMAN for an additional 15% off your order. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN.

    Nourish Your Brain with These Powerful Superfoods

    Nourish Your Brain with These Powerful Superfoods
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Harness the power of nutrition for a healthier, sharper mind. In this episode of "The Doctor's Farmacy," I explore the science behind five remarkable superfoods that can sharpen your mental acuity, rejuvenate your brain, and safeguard against neurodegenerative diseases. Plus, I share actionable tips to seamlessly integrate these brain-boosting foods into your daily diet, enhancing your cognitive function and overall well-being. This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, Essentia, and Momentous. Rupa University is hosting FREE classes and bootcamps for healthcare providers who want to learn more about Functional Medicine testing. Sign up at RupaUniversity.com. Enjoy an extra $100 off your organic mattress purchase with code HYMAN at checkout on Essentia's site. Visit MyEssentia.com/DrMarkHyman for more details. Head over to LiveMomentous.com/Mark for 20% off creatine, collagen, and all of their best-in-class products.

    Maria Shriver's Journey: Redefining Women's Health and Alzheimer's Prevention

    Maria Shriver's Journey: Redefining Women's Health and Alzheimer's Prevention
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Approximately 1 in 5 women over the age of 65 are affected by Alzheimer's, yet research on this condition often neglects to address the specific impact it has on women's health. Renowned journalist and women's health advocate Maria Shriver joins me on this enlightening episode of "The Doctor's Farmacy" to examine the critical connection between diet, brain health, and longevity. Maria shares personal insights into her family's health journey and her tireless efforts to raise awareness about women's health disparities.  In this episode, we discuss: The impact of diet on brain health The importance of comprehensive diagnostics Empowering patients by giving them more hands-on access to their health data The disparities in women's health coverage Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on equipping individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to take control of their health journey. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Butcher Box, Thrive Market, and Mitopure. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. ButcherBox is giving new members two pounds of wild-caught salmon for FREE plus $20 off. Visit ButcherBox.com/Farmacy and use code FARMACY. Head over to ThriveMarket.com/Hyman today to receive 30% off your first order and a free gift up to $60. Support essential mitochondrial health and save 10% on Mitopure. Visit TimelineNutrition.com/Drhyman and use code DRHYMAN10. In honor of Brain and Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, use code HYMAN20 in the month of June for 20% off your purchase at moshlife.com and visit bit.ly/tsp-hyman to redeem a 1-month trial of Sunday Paper PLUS!

    Introducing My New Podcast! Health Hacks with Mark Hyman, MD

    Introducing My New Podcast! Health Hacks with Mark Hyman, MD
    Are you ready to transform your life? Explore the art of living well with Health Hacks, an OpenMind Original powered by PAVE Studios. Mark Hyman, M.D., wellness expert, brings you science-backed facts, breaks down myths and misinformation, and provides you with the tools you need to live a longer, healthier life. Join us every Tuesday for his unique perspectives, including information on the latest health trends and their impact on our well-being. Check out this sneak peek and search for “Health Hacks” wherever you get your podcasts.

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    So frustruated you can't lose weight!?!?

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    We have all been there.. (I am currently there many days)

    Let's be truthful and admit and get the real data and then see if those pounds don't start falling off!

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    Reach out to me and I can help with natural support with these things!

    Weightloss can be a frustruating thing, but join the Weigh Less Warriors group below and attend the Metabolic health class June 26 at 8pm www.thewellteam.com/events

    Get started with the Oils I use to regulate blood sugar: https://doterra.me/utXT15

    Join the Weigh Less Warriors Facebook group

    Visit www.thewellteam.com to connect with me!

    Join our WELL Facebook group for more support and encouragement to refill daily with faith, self care, health and wellness!

    Follow me on Insta

    Email hello@thewellteam.com

    Want to talk? Kari’s coaching will help you combat overwhelm and exhaustion to design a life you love through faith, self care, holistic health and habits you love! Want help implementing your oils?Wellness consults are free!www.calendly.com/karidaviscoaching

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    #088 Biohacking for Women: How to Supercharge your Energy & More with Dr. Molly Maloof

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    • The burnout epidemic (00:50)

    • Conceptualizing stress (02:17)

    • The significance of HRV (07:35)

    • Fasting (08:58)

    • Exercise & menstrual cycle (12:35)

    • Link between metabolic & mental health (14:41)

    • Managing blood sugar with CGM (16:20)

    • Human connection (20:18)

    • The Spark Factor (22:14)



    • Did you know? You have a chance to win 1 of 2 prizes, with a giveaway in every episode! Leave a review to win, and don’t forget to subscribe for future episodes!




    • Get resources on how best to support your thyroid HERE

    • Wondering if you have histamine intolerance? Take THIS QUIZ and receive a free histamine guide

    • Get answers to your health questions HERE

    Novo Nordisk (Ozempic)

    Novo Nordisk (Ozempic)

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    And then… we realized that Novo Nordisk IS the big insulin company. And in a story befitting of Steve Jobs and Apple, they’d just disrupted themselves with the drug equivalent of an iPhone moment. Once we dug further, we quickly realized this company has it all: an incredible 100+ year history filled with Nobel Prizes, bitter personal rivalries, board room dramas, a generation-defining silicon valley innovation, lone voices persevering against all odds — and oh yeah, the world’s largest charitable foundation at its helm. Tune in for one incredible story!


    Many thanks to our fantastic Season 14 partners:

    More Acquired:


    Carve Outs:

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Ep#017: Lessons Learned from the 16 Innovators in Personalized Medicine

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    Welcome to the final episode of Season 1 of the Personalized Medicine Podcast!

    In this episode we look back at the past 9 months, share our own story and remember the most exciting moments of season 1. Our entire team has joined for the recording to share and discuss what we have learned from our guests. We have covered a broad range of topics spanning from genomics to artificial intelligence to privacy-by-design. As we look back, we tie in the insights we have gained from each and every speaker we had a privilege to welcome on our show.

    Together with the team, the hosts Oleksander and Luisa discuss:

    ◦Start-up story of our Podcast
    ◦Our unforgettable podcast moments
    ◦Three Drivers of Precision Medicine
    ◦Technological advances in Precision Medicine
    ◦The need and importance of data integration
    ◦Our perspective on AI and ML
    ◦Ethics, privacy and policy in Personalized Medicine
    ◦Entrepreneurship within healthcare space
    ◦The importance of stakeholder engagement

    Get in touch with us:
    ◦ Twitter: @PMedCast
    ◦ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30742354
    ◦ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PMedCast
    ◦ Email: team@pmedcast.com

    Make sure to vote in our call-to-action on social media and download the full show notes with the geolocation of our audience and all 16 speakers at our website pmedcast.com.

    How to Control Your Blood Sugar & Spike Your Energy – Levels Health with Dave Asprey : 797

    How to Control Your Blood Sugar & Spike Your Energy – Levels Health with Dave Asprey : 797

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is an engineer with expertise in metabolic dysfunction. Josh Clemente co-founded Levels Health, a company that has designed a biowearable continuous glucose monitoring device.

    The idea of using blood glucose, which is a marker for how much of the most common energy is available in the blood right now and how good is your body at regulating it, is a real-time feedback thing. It's really powerful.

    When he was working at SpaceX, he discovered his metabolic dysfunction and high glucose levels were making him feel like garbage. He read about continuous glucose monitoring, and shortly thereafter found out he was borderline pre-diabetic, despite being a CrossFit trainer at the time and having a healthy diet.

    Over 120 million people in the U. S. have prediabetes or diabetes, and most American adults don’t know even they’re prediabetic. Most people don’t know their glucose levels unless they find out at an annual doctor’s appointment. Using Levels technology, we can change that.

    “If our population isn't resilient enough to have an immune system that can fight viral infections because it is frankly undermined or hampered by insulin resistance and all of the byproducts thereof, we won't ever get there,” Josh says. “So, it is incumbent on each individual person, and I think also on society in general, to improve our metabolic health and therefore the resilience of our entire population.”

    Continuous glucose monitoring is crossing a barrier in health monitoring because it’s going below the skin “to an invisible metric that we otherwise wouldn't have access to” Josh explains. Biowearables is a brand-new space.

    Our conversation walks you through how the Levels app works, the urban myths behind “heart healthy” foods, and how tracking your glucose levels can get you better in tune with what your body really needs. 

    “The data set is a means to changing the future of metabolic health by driving large scale research and helping us to understand how people are living, what is improving outcomes, and where the opportunity is to remove the biggest offenders for worse health,” Josh says.

    “The Levels app was developed for the management of diabetes,” he continues. “But we're showing that the opportunity to ultimately give people the empowerment and their health and wellness before they have something go wrong is here to stay.”

    Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts. Got a comment, idea or question for the podcast? Submit via this form.


    https://levels.link/DAVE puts you in the front of the line to get the new Levels App


    Personalized Nutrition: https://insidetracker.com/dave, sign up and save 25%

    Fabric Tech: https://getlambs.com, use code DAVE20 to save 20% on all EMF-protective clothing items

    Replenish Electrolytes: https://drinklmnt.com/dave; claim your free Sample Pack with $5 shipping


    Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation, and Become the High-Performing Human You Were Meant to Be

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