
    Are You Secretly Self-Sabotaging? w/ Gary John Bishop

    enNovember 14, 2023
    How do childhood experiences shape our adult behaviors?
    What are 'ontological decisions' in the context of childhood?
    How does blame affect personal freedom and happiness?
    What role do parents play in children's emotional development?
    Why is forgiveness important for personal growth?

    • Childhood experiences shape us deeplyChildhood experiences, even seemingly insignificant ones, can instill deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors as adults, shaping our ontological decisions and influencing how we view ourselves and the world.

      Our childhood experiences shape us in profound ways, often unconsciously. These experiences can become deeply ingrained, shaping our beliefs and behaviors as adults. For example, a seemingly insignificant moment, like witnessing parents argue as a child, can instill a sense of powerlessness and weakness that can impact us for years to come. These experiences can become our "ontological decisions," or deeply ingrained truths, that can influence how we view ourselves and the world around us. This concept, as discussed by John Bishop, applies not just to parenting, but to being a functional and self-aware human being.

    • Childhood experiences shape us profoundlyRecognize and question the meanings we've attached to past experiences to break free from generational patterns

      That our past experiences, no matter how insignificant they may seem, shape us profoundly as individuals. We are not merely shaped by the past events themselves, but rather by the meaning we attach to them. These ontologic decisions we make in our childhood, often unconsciously, compound and live on with us as adults. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and questioning the meanings we've attached to past experiences in order to break free from generational patterns and make different choices in the present. The speaker's work encourages introspection and challenges us to look beyond the surface of our experiences to understand the deeper mechanisms at play.

    • Childhood experiences shape us deeplyChildhood experiences significantly impact self-perception and decision-making, shaping emotions and behaviors in adulthood. Strong company culture attracts talent, aligns operations, and fosters growth. Therapy offers valuable insights and support for personal growth.

      Our childhood experiences shape us in profound ways, often without us realizing it. These experiences become intertwined with our self-perception, and the decisions we make in response to them can have lasting impacts on our emotions and behaviors. As adults, we may look back on our childhoods as a series of random moments, but in reality, we are the living embodiment of the decisions we made in those moments. This is why certain memories and emotions can be so powerful and reactivated in our adult lives. Furthermore, the culture of a business plays a crucial role in its success. A strong company culture can help attract and retain top talent, align operations with business goals, and foster growth. Insparity is a leading HR provider that can help businesses build a culture that fuels growth by refining and delivering on their vision, mission, and values. Lastly, therapy can be a valuable tool for personal growth, regardless of the severity of the issues we face. Whether we're dealing with anxiety, depression, or simply want to work through our thoughts with the help of a professional, therapy can provide valuable insights and support. BetterHelp offers online therapy, making it convenient and accessible for those who may not have the time or resources for in-person sessions.

    • Our past experiences shape us, but we can choose new ways of being and reactingRecognizing and acknowledging our default responses gives us the power to choose new ways of being and reacting, breaking the cycle of past experiences shaping our present

      Our past experiences shape us into who we are, and we continually justify ourselves by revisiting those memories. This cycle can make us feel like we're fighting the same battle over and over again. The self we identify with can be seen as a venue for our thoughts and emotions, and by becoming more aware of this pattern, we can make conscious choices to shift our behavior and change the trajectory of our lives in the present moment. Awareness is not a destination but a continuous process. By recognizing and acknowledging our default responses, we gain the power to choose new ways of being and reacting.

    • Our perception of the past shapes us, but it's not an exact recollectionRecognize that our memories are not exact and past beliefs don't define us, allowing us to make conscious choices and break free from limiting patterns.

      Our perception of the past shapes our present actions and beliefs, often inaccurately. Our memories are not an exact recollection of events, but rather a series of recollections of recollections. This is important to recognize, especially as parents, as we unconsciously imprint our past on our children. The speaker shared her experience of writing her first book, which required constant self-discipline and overcoming her own self-doubt and past beliefs. She emphasized the importance of recognizing that we are not direct products of our past, but rather, emotional expressions of what we have come to believe about it. By understanding this, we can exercise control over our actions and beliefs, and make conscious choices to break free from limiting past patterns.

    • Breaking Free from BlameBlame hinders personal growth, perpetuates the past, and requires self-awareness to overcome. Focus on personal growth and healing instead.

      Blame can be a major hindrance to personal growth and freedom from the past. Blame creates a sense of safety and keeps us tied to what has been, perpetuating the past. It's a pattern of behavior and thought that can be deeply ingrained, even from childhood experiences. For example, if a child believes they are not loved, they may unconsciously prove that belief true in their adult relationships. Breaking free from blame requires self-awareness and evaluation of our patterns of behavior and thought. The propensity for blame is widespread in society, and we all contribute to it. To truly move forward, we must let go of blame and focus on personal growth and healing.

    • Understanding the Hold of BlameBlame hinders growth and freedom, while ownership and accountability promote learning and progress.

      Blame, whether it's directed towards others or ourselves, holds us back from freedom and happiness. It becomes a familiar and addictive part of our identity, even if it causes misery. Blame carries no remarkable or extraordinary qualities, and neither does guilt or shame. It's essential to understand the difference between blame, ownership, and accountability. Blame keeps us stuck, while ownership and accountability allow us to learn, grow, and move forward. Letting go of blame is not a sign of weakness but a step towards personal power and freedom.

    • Distractions on the Road and Hiring PlatformsDistractions while driving endanger everyone, so stay focused. Hiring platforms like Indeed can streamline the hiring process and connect businesses with qualified candidates.

      Distractions while driving, such as using a phone, can endanger not only the driver but also others on the road. It's essential to be aware of this issue and consider the consequences before engaging in such behaviors. On a different note, when it comes to hiring, using a platform like Indeed can save time and resources by connecting businesses with qualified candidates. Lastly, self-reflection is crucial for personal growth. Instead of blaming others or ourselves, it's essential to examine what we're getting out of our thought patterns and make adjustments accordingly. The balance between introspection and action is vital for continued learning and progress.

    • Understanding the impact of self-reflection on personal growth and effective parentingSelf-reflection helps parents evaluate their beliefs and patterns, influencing their children's development. Understanding a child's developmental stages can improve parenting.

      Self-reflection is crucial for both personal growth and effective parenting. The things we believe and the patterns we exhibit are often imprinted on our children, and it's essential to evaluate whether these beliefs and patterns serve us positively. We're not just living our lives, but we're also being observed and influencing the development of our children. As they grow older, they start observing us more than we observe them. It's natural for children to justify distancing themselves from their parents as they forge their own paths in life. Understanding this process can help parents be more aware of their impact on their children and foster healthier relationships. The book "Parenting from the Inside Out" by Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell discusses three stages of a child's development: from birth to age 4 or 6, around age 12, and adolescence. Parents can better understand their child's behavior during these stages and respond effectively by being aware of these developmental milestones.

    • Understanding the three waves of lifeLife's transformative experiences shape our sense of self and relationships. The first wave occurs in childhood, shaping self-awareness and leading to healthy skepticism.

      Life is a series of transformative experiences that shape our sense of self and relationships with others. According to this perspective, life comes at us in three waves. The first wave occurs when we become self-aware as children, leading us to focus on ourselves and observe our parents. This phase can result in feelings of cynicism as we begin to recognize the differences and imperfections in those around us. Understanding this developmental process can help us appreciate the importance of healthy skepticism and the inevitable disconnect from our family units as we grow into independent individuals.

    • Parents' Role in Modeling Love, Forgiveness, and IntegrityParents significantly impact their children's development by demonstrating love, forgiveness, and integrity, which are crucial for personal growth and happiness.

      Parents play a crucial role in their children's lives beyond providing for their basic needs. Children observe and internalize their parents' emotions, behaviors, and actions, particularly in areas like love and forgiveness. Parents who want their children to grow up happy and successful should model these qualities and demonstrate the ability to love others and forgive. Forgiveness enables individuals to move on and pivot, while a lack of forgiveness can hinder personal growth. Integrity, on the other hand, is about consistency in aligning actions with values, regardless of the subjective nature of morality. By focusing on these areas, parents can help their children develop essential skills for a fulfilling life.

    • Staying true to something greater than ourselvesEmbrace uncertainty, honor commitments, and live by something greater than ourselves for a high-quality life

      Integrity is the foundation of morality and value in life. It's about honoring your commitments to yourself and others, even when it's difficult. Morality without integrity is meaningless. Integrity goes beyond feelings and societal expectations, and is about staying true to something greater than ourselves. It's the ability to go beyond self-imposed limitations and fears. The ancient concept of a vow, as a solemn promise to live by, can help us understand the importance of integrity. Our modern society doesn't live by our word as much as we used to, but honoring commitments to ourselves and others can help us navigate uncertainty and live a high-quality life. Embracing uncertainty and making friends with it can also help us live more fully. Ultimately, integrity is about staying true to something greater than ourselves, and it's a powerful force that can help us overcome fear, limitations, and self-imposed beliefs.

    • Embracing Uncertainty for Personal GrowthAccepting life's unpredictability can lead to creativity and growth. Don't limit yourself to past experiences, expose yourself to chaos and unpredictability for best thinking and inventive work.

      Embracing uncertainty and accepting that life is unpredictable can lead to personal growth and creativity. The speaker shares his experience of writing about his father's alcoholism, but eventually grew tired of retelling the story and moved on. He believes that the illusion of certainty and control is a fallacy and that trying to protect ourselves from uncertainty only limits our experiences. The speaker encourages people to expose themselves to chaos and unpredictability, as these moments often lead to our best thinking and most inventive work. He challenges us to shift our perspective and live as if anything is possible, rather than limiting ourselves to what we think we know based on past experiences.

    • Exploring new opportunities and embracing change with NetSuiteNetSuite offers customized solutions for businesses, helps manage risk, improve margins, and provide reliable forecasts. Embrace change and communicate effectively to make the most of new opportunities.

      Life is unpredictable, and instead of being afraid of the unknown, we should embrace it and give ourselves the freedom to explore new opportunities. This idea was emphasized by the speaker's experience with NetSuite, a cloud financial system software that has helped him in all his businesses for the past eight years. NetSuite, which has upgraded 37,000 businesses and turns 25 this year, offers customized solutions for businesses and helps manage risk, improve margins, and provide reliable forecasts. Furthermore, the speaker shared some valuable life advice, which can also be applied to parenting. He encouraged us to "speak like our words mean everything" and "listen without making it mean anything." This means being responsible for both what we say and how we listen. The speaker emphasized that language and conversations are evolving, and we need to be responsible for the way we interpret things instead of blaming others. By doing so, we can avoid getting hooked by old trigger patterns from our past and make sure that conversations go in the right direction. Overall, the speaker's insights offer valuable lessons for personal growth and effective communication.

    • A heartfelt conversation with Gary Vaynerchuk on personal growth and parentingGary emphasized the importance of personal growth, becoming the best parent, and shared recommended books for continuous learning and development.

      The conversation with Gary Vaynerchuk was a memorable and impactful experience. Gary expressed his gratitude for their previous interactions, which he considered life-changing. He emphasized the importance of personal growth and becoming the best parent one can be. Gary also recommended several books, including his own and others, which he has quoted extensively due to their profound impact. He encouraged listeners to share the episode with anyone they care about, as it could help them become better humans and parents. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of continuous learning and personal development.

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    enSeptember 03, 2024

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    Transform Energy Into Tangible Success! Feat. Ryan Serhant
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    enAugust 31, 2024

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    We’re getting toward the end of the year, and it’s a great opportunity to evaluate where we are and where we’d like to go. On today's episode, Dr. Rick and Forrest explore how we can step out of the way we've been, and into a new way of thinking, doing, and being.  They talk about self-concept, unconscious beliefs, and how those beliefs affect our behavior. Forrest then shares a model of what this kind of change tends to look like practically, which usually includes relax our attachment to the things that are holding us back. Other topics include getting down to "the tip of the root," taking a step back from our narratives, challenging limiting beliefs, taking life less personally, working with discouragement, and finding motivation and drive.  You can watch this episode on YouTube. Register for Rick’s Yearly Program! The Foundations of Well-Being 2.0 is a year-long, science-backed journey through developing 12 key inner strengths like compassion, mindfulness, confidence, motivation, and courage. It’s Rick’s flagship program, and if you like Being Well you’ll probably love it. Visit FWBProgram.com to learn more, and get 20% off with coupon code BeingWell20.  Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:30: Self-concept, how unconscious beliefs affect behavior, and freedom 5:40: Appraisals and attributions 9:35: The way we spin our self-narrative, and holding onto grievances 14:25: Being honest with ourselves when we feel stuck 19:30: Changing behavior before changing thinking 25:15: Values and behaviors 29:05: Underlying fears and practical confusion 33:50: Taking your experiences less personally 36:05: Finding the motivation to get our hands dirty 41:30: Negativity bias and appreciative inquiry 47:45: First steps when you’re feeling discouraged 56:55: Recap Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors: Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Want to sleep better? Try the Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Zocdoc helps you find expert doctors and medical professionals that specialize in the care you need, and deliver the type of experience you want. Head to zocdoc.com/being and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    How Our Parents Fucked Us Up
    It’s time to understand the impact our parents had on us. This episode breaks down a variety of parenting styles: the “checked out” parent, the helicopter parent, the substance abusing parent, and the parent who shows their love through gift buying … just to name a few. How can the way we were raised impact the way we react and respond in certain situations? How can we come to understand the types of relationships we seek out and the patterns we get stuck in? Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera is here to help us answer these questions and start the work we need to do if we want to meet our authentic selves and break the habits we were raised to live by. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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