
    ASK410: Can my company do this? PLUS: Help, I need to emigrate!

    enJanuary 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Taxes in Property Investing Through a Limited CompanyWhen investing in property through a limited company, it's essential to understand the taxes on rental income, corporation tax, and mortgage interest to effectively manage finances and maximize profits.

      Robin, who comes from a working-class background and has gained valuable property knowledge from Rob and Rob, is looking to buy properties through a limited company to retire early while staying in his higher tax bracket job. He asked for clarification on how his rental income, corporation tax, and mortgage interest would affect his profit. Robin's question highlights the importance of understanding taxes when investing in property through a limited company. If Robin buys a property and generates £1,000 in monthly rental income, he would pay corporation tax on that income, leaving him with approximately £9,600 annually. After deducting his mortgage interest of £4,800, he would be left with a profit of £4,800. It's crucial for investors to be aware of the taxes they'll pay on their rental income and how it may impact their overall profit. By understanding the tax implications, investors can make informed decisions and effectively manage their finances. If you're considering investing in property through a limited company and have questions about taxes or other aspects of the process, don't hesitate to reach out to Rob and Rob for guidance. They offer various resources, including audiobooks and a podcast, to help you get started on your property investing journey.

    • Effectively reducing taxes by keeping profits within a limited companyLimited company profits can be reinvested without additional tax, building funds for future investments. Corporation tax still applies, but dividend tax is avoided.

      If you're running a limited company and earning profits, you don't necessarily have to pay additional taxes if you choose to keep the profits within the company instead of taking them out as dividends. This can be an effective strategy for building up funds to purchase additional properties or other investments. However, it's important to note that you will still be liable for corporation tax on the profits earned by the company. If you do decide to take out dividends, you will also be subject to dividend tax. The goal for many individuals is to grow their limited company income to a point where they can rely on it as their primary source of income and reduce their reliance on a traditional salary. However, if you're receiving income from both sources, it may not be as tax efficient. Overall, the approach Robin described is a common and effective strategy for those looking to invest in property through a limited company.

    • Selling a property in a compromised positionWhen selling a property under pressure, one may have to accept a lower price or less favorable terms. Consider renting, selling at auction, or waiting for market conditions to improve before selling.

      When selling a property in a compromised position, such as having to sell quickly due to personal reasons, one may not be able to achieve the best possible price or terms. Dan, who has recently decided to emigrate and sell his flat, found himself in this predicament. He priced it well initially and it sold quickly, but the sale fell through, leaving him in a difficult position. Dan considered renting out the flat, which could potentially yield around 10%, but he would need to furnish it and obtain a buy-to-let mortgage, both of which would come with additional costs. Given the current market conditions, these costs would be high. Dan also considered selling at auction but would have to set a low reserve to attract buyers, potentially resulting in further loss. The advisors acknowledged that Dan's situation was not straightforward and there was no easy answer. They suggested two options: pushing ahead with a sale in the current market, which may not yield the best price, or taking a more patient approach and waiting for market conditions to improve before selling. Ultimately, Dan would need to weigh the pros and cons of each option and consider his personal circumstances and financial goals.

    • Exploring alternatives to selling unwanted propertiesProperty owners can mitigate holding costs and potentially preserve equity by speaking with lenders for consent to let, negotiating shorter-term mortgages, or renting on an unfurnished, short-term basis. Consider individual circumstances and financial goals before choosing a solution.

      Property owners with unwanted or underperforming properties have options to mitigate holding costs and potentially preserve equity. While selling is an option, there are also alternatives to keep the property and generate income through renting. One approach is to speak with your lender about obtaining consent to let, which allows you to maintain a residential mortgage and rent out the property. Additionally, you may be able to negotiate a shorter-term mortgage deal, reducing your payments. Another option is to rent the property on an unfurnished, short-term basis, which can help eliminate holding costs and provide the flexibility to sell in the future. However, it's essential to consider the potential challenges, such as obtaining consent from freeholders and potentially lower rent due to the short-term, unfurnished nature of the lease. Ultimately, the best solution depends on your individual circumstances and financial goals.

    • Importance of having a clear strategy for financial successResearch, planning, and staying informed are key to making informed decisions. Seek out the right resources and support to achieve long-term success.

      Importance of having a clear and well-thought-out strategy for your business or personal finance goals. Dan and Robin had an engaging conversation about various topics, including property investment, budgeting, and the importance of education. They emphasized the need for research, planning, and staying informed to make informed decisions. They also highlighted the value of having a community or support system to help navigate the challenges that come with pursuing financial success. Dan shared his experience of learning from Robin's podcast and the positive impact it had on his own journey. In essence, the conversation underscored the importance of being proactive, persistent, and open to learning. By taking a systematic approach, staying informed, and seeking out the right resources and support, individuals can make progress towards their goals and achieve long-term success. So, whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking to expand your investment portfolio, remember that having a clear strategy, staying informed, and seeking out the right resources and support can make all the difference. Tune in to The Property Podcast and Ask Robin Rob for more insights and advice.

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    The Property Podcast
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    The Property Podcast
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    The Property Podcast
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    The Property Podcast
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    The Property Podcast
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    The Property Podcast
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    About Sam Tejada:

    Sam Tejada is the founder of Liquivida—a brand dedicated to promoting holistic health and wellness. Being a health enthusiast himself, Sam passionately advocates for the benefits of proper nutrition and wellness practices to boost productivity, mental clarity, and overall life quality. His personalized approach to optimizing health has helped many individuals find balance and upgrade their overall performance.

    Sam is a longtime entrepreneur who started his first business at the early age of 19. As a retired firefighter and paramedic, he launched Rescue-101, an esteemed provider of lifesaving training courses. Given his background as an emergency medical professional, he understands well the value of staying fit, healthy, and productive as an entrepreneur and is on a mission to promote health and wellness. Driven by his vision, Sam is eager to venture into politics and secure a position in local government, with the ultimate goal of bringing about change in the fields of medicine and business.

    Key Insights:

    • Embrace your struggles. The challenges in your life make who you are. They mold your character and shape your journey towards success. Remember, adversity often leads to perseverance and resilience. So, use these as opportunities to become stronger, wiser, and more resilient. (03:03)

    • Balance entrepreneurship with health. As Sam points out, you need to respect and nurture your well-being as much as your work. Otherwise, the unchecked scales can tip and lead you away from your goals. You can strike a balance between your health and work through responsible long-term planning, leading to not just a successful business but a fulfilling life. (09:38)

    • Stay consistent. Consistent efforts, even when they’re small, can yield big results over time. This goes for both your business and personal health goals. Consistency may seem difficult to maintain, but start by committing to it and making it a habit. Try sticking to a routine, even if it's a simple morning ritual, until it becomes an inherent pattern. (16:00)

    • Support your franchisees. If you are a franchisor, your relationship with your franchisees extends beyond business. Acting as a mentor, offering them the tools and support they need, can help them to thrive. Your franchisees' success is inherently linked to your own. (20:34)

    • Practice what you preach. Living by this principle ensures integrity and credibility. Regularly check on the progress towards planned tasks while sticking to the values and standards you expect of others. Your actions speak louder than words, so make sure they align with the commitments and objectives you set out. (24:12)

    Sam’s best advice for entrepreneurs:

    “If you don't define your personal definition of success, you're actually working towards absolutely nothing in life.” (34:27)

    Connect with Sam:

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