
    Podcast Summary

    • Personal experience of losing job and staying relevantTake accountability, sell unique story, learn from Silicon Valley themes, adapt to change for career success

      Wendy Sachs, author of "Fearless and Free: How Smart Women Pivot and Relaunch Their Careers," shares her personal experience of losing her job and the challenges she faced in staying relevant and employable in a disrupted job market. Instead of blaming external factors, she took accountability and learned to sell her unique story and experiences to potential employers. She drew inspiration from successful themes in Silicon Valley, such as engineering serendipity, embracing failure, and the power of networking. The ability to connect the dots and adapt to change is crucial for career success, and Wendy's story serves as an inspiration for women looking to pivot and relaunch their careers.

    • Adapting language and positioning for professional growthUnderstanding audience preferences and industry standards, focusing on content, and staying authentic can lead to professional growth

      Adapting language and positioning to align with industry standards and audience preferences can significantly impact one's professional growth. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, shared his personal experience of changing his vernacular and branding to land jobs he desired. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the content, especially in visual mediums like Instagram, where a single word can make a difference. The speaker also acknowledged the gender differences in perception and consumption of content, encouraging authenticity and owning one's unique approach. The speaker's earlier work was met with criticism, but his persistence and adaptation led to his current success. Ultimately, it's essential to understand the audience and adapt accordingly while staying true to oneself.

    • Understanding through Interactions and PerceptionsAuthenticity, self-awareness, and resilience are key to personal and professional growth. Don't take rejection or criticism personally, instead respect your worth and value.

      Our interactions and perceptions can shape our understanding of others and ourselves. The speaker shares an experience of feeling understood and seen by a male interviewer, despite societal expectations of gender roles. She reflects on the importance of confidence, taking risks, and building resilience, drawing from her own experiences of failure and rejection. The speaker emphasizes the need to not take rejection or criticism personally, but rather respect one's own worth and value. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity, self-awareness, and the power of perception in personal and professional growth.

    • Learning from RejectionRejection can be a valuable learning experience, pushing us to discover new strengths and resilience. It's essential to respect and admire the opinion of the source, maintain healthy boundaries, and not let external judgments define self-worth.

      Rejection, although painful, can be a valuable learning experience if we learn to respect and admire the opinion of the source of rejection. Additionally, when we face disappointment or failure, it can push us to lean into ourselves and discover new strengths. However, it's essential to maintain healthy boundaries and not let external judgments define our self-worth. Furthermore, the way we are raised and socialized can impact how we handle rejection. Women, in particular, are often raised to be perfect and polite, which can make dealing with failure more challenging. However, there is a cultural shift towards raising strong, bold, and courageous girls who are encouraged to embrace their mistakes and learn from them. Ultimately, protecting our kids from failure may hinder their growth and resilience in the long run.

    • Parents' excessive focus on children's achievements can harm their developmentParents' pressure to excel can hinder children's ability to learn from failure and succeed independently, leading to unhealthy competition and a focus on worth based on accomplishments. Encourage learning from mistakes, resilience, and personal growth instead.

      Parents' excessive focus on their children's achievements and perfection can negatively impact their children's development. This obsession often stems from parents' own insecurities and egos, leading them to create unrealistic expectations and hindering their children's ability to learn from failure and succeed independently. The pressure to excel in areas like academics and sports can lead to an unhealthy competitive environment, where children are compared unfavorably to their peers. Parents need to remember that their children are unique individuals, and their worth should not be determined by their accomplishments. Instead, they should encourage their children to learn from their mistakes, develop resilience, and foster a love for learning and personal growth.

    • The love for the process fuels entrepreneurshipSuccess is not just about achieving goals, it's about the journey and experiences along the way. Gratitude for adversity and self-awareness are essential for growth.

      The passion for entrepreneurship and the journey towards success often stems from the love for the process rather than the end goal. The speaker shares how his obsession with sports teams shifted from winning championships to being drawn to the chase and the process itself. Additionally, adversity plays a significant role in shaping individuals and fueling their drive towards success. The speaker expresses gratitude for the self-awareness and humility he's gained at a young age and the importance of identifying personal strengths. The conversation also touches upon the idea that success is not solely defined by achieving goals but by the journey and experiences along the way.

    • Essential traits for success: self-awareness, humility, empathy, and gratitudeBy focusing on essential traits like self-awareness, humility, empathy, and gratitude, and taking intentional actions, we can create our own opportunities and make the most of the opportunities that come our way.

      Self-awareness, humility, empathy, and gratitude are essential traits for success, and we have the power to create our own opportunities through intentional actions and a positive mindset. It's easy to view success as a result of luck or external factors, but we can set ourselves up for success by putting ourselves out there, networking, and creating visibility. Even in difficult circumstances, there are always opportunities to take action and make progress. The internet has democratized opportunities and leveled the playing field for many, but it's essential to have gratitude for the resources and opportunities we do have, rather than focusing on what we lack. Ultimately, we have the power to create our own luck and make the most of the opportunities that come our way.

    • Consistent effort and clear strategy for building a brandFollow Gary Vaynerchuk's advice and build your personal brand months before launching a book or podcast, use multiple platforms, and learn from his experience with Anchor for easy distribution.

      Building a successful brand, whether it's a dental office or a podcast, requires consistent effort and a clear strategy. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of following through with your actions and utilizing multiple platforms to reach a wider audience. He suggested using Anchor as a podcast infrastructure to distribute content across various channels with just one upload. The dentists in Beverly Hills, who are starting a podcast, were seeking guidance on how to effectively promote their podcast and build a larger online presence. They have been producing content for a couple of years but haven't seen the traction they desire. Gary advised them to learn from his experience and start building their personal brand months before launching their book or podcast. It takes time and dedication to grow a following, but with a clear strategy and consistent effort, success can be achieved.

    • The road to success takes time and patienceKeep creating content, networking, and trying new things for gradual growth. Overcome fear of judgment and take action for personal and professional growth.

      Building a successful brand or business takes a significant amount of time, patience, and perseverance. It's important to keep putting yourself out there, creating content, and trying new things, even when progress seems slow. Don't focus on the idea of a viral moment or breakthrough, but rather on the gradual growth of your brand. Additionally, overcoming fear of judgment and taking action is crucial for personal and professional growth. The speaker shared her own experiences and encouraged listeners to keep trying, even when faced with setbacks or doubts. The conversation also touched on the importance of networking and utilizing social media to connect with potential collaborators or customers.

    • The Essential Qualities of a Successful PersonStay confident, persistent, and curious to make an impact and achieve goals, even when uncertain or unfamiliar situations arise.

      Perseverance, confidence, and grace are essential qualities that can help anyone, regardless of their fame or background, make an impact and achieve their goals. The guest on the AskGaryVee Show, despite being the least famous person in the last 10 and likely the next 10 episodes, was honored to be on the show and impressed the host with her poise and tact. She was unaware that as a guest, she gets to ask the question of the day, and she used the opportunity to ask about the future of Virtual Reality (VR) and its potential as the next trend. This exchange highlighted the importance of being prepared, respecting others, and continuously learning to adapt and pivot in response to new information and opportunities. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying confident, persistent, and curious, no matter the circumstances.

    Recent Episodes from The GaryVee Audio Experience

    Tips For Being A Better Entrepreneur

    Tips For Being A Better Entrepreneur

    On today's episode of the podcast Im sharing an episode of Tea with GaryVee That took place 2 years ago, but the advice is still strong. I answer questions ranging from balancing professional life with family, The power of LinkedIn, and much more! I hope you all enjoy this one!

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    The Most Important Question In Business

    The Most Important Question In Business

    Here’s the problem most people run into when they create content online: They think they have to have something to say. So many of you aren’t putting out content online because you think you need to have the perfect message, or something “valuable” to share (based on your own arbitrary opinion). And what I’m telling you is, you will get more business if you put out literally anything. If you’re an auto dealer, you could put out a 5 min video every afternoon just recapping what happened in your day. If you’re a real estate agent, you could post updates on what your opinions are about the Super Bowl teams. Get on social media and tell your truth … it’s really that simple.

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    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

    On today's episode of the podcast Im sharing something special. With VeeCon coming up I thought I would be appropriate to share the opening Keynote from VeeCon 2023 with all of you. I sit down with my dad and brother and we chat about what we've learned from each other and we tell some fun stories as well. I hope you all enjoy this one, and be sure to get your tickets to VeeCon 2024 in LA. I will see you there!

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    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    Today's podcast is a throwback fireside talk I gave to the VaynerMedia summer residents. They asked me questions that ranged from personal to business-related. I opened up about what I consider to be my most vulnerable moment and shed some light on the early years of VaynerMedia. Additionally, we discussed the pitfalls of monetizing a brand too early and explored ways to deal with imposter syndrome. This episode is packed with valuable advice for individuals at the early stages of their careers and even those who are already established but seeking clarity. I hope you enjoy it :)

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    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

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    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    In today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I am sharing an episode from last year with Nilay Patel, Editor-in-chief of the Verge. We talk about following human attention, how I make decisions, and many other topics. This is a very well-rounded episode that dives deeper than just business. it's about real life and how I handle mine. I hope you all enjoy it!

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    In this business consulting session, Gary meets with a group of business owners and takes questions around decision making, organic reach, how to hire people and plenty of others. Gary gives a great explanation at the beginning of how he values the speed of making decisions over how accurate the decisions are and towards the end he shares what he believes is one of the biggest vulnerabilities to every business. Be sure to check the comments for the timestamps of all the interesting moments... Enjoy!

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    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    Today's Episode of the Garyvee audio experience is a recent interview I did with Mo Islam on his show The Mo Show during my last visit to Saudi Arabia. We talk about a bunch of very important topics including accountability as a key to happiness and success, the importance of being patient while still being ambitious, the TikTokification of social media, and much more. Would love to hear your thoughts on this one in the comments! Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:04 Gary's thoughts on Saudi Arabia 4:09 The power of strong parenting 7:49 Accountability vs beating yourself up 11:34 Optimism vs cynicism 14:42 Empathy is a superpower 18:40 Patience vs complacency 20:48 The correlation between hard work and mental health 23:30 How to have a positive impact on the world 25:29 The TikTokification of social media 27:46 The democratization of attention 29:23 Kids and screens 32:18 Is the education system flawed? 33:42 Adversity is the foundation of success 40:20 Rapid fire with GaryVee

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    5 Core Pieces of Value to Get You to Succeed

    5 Core Pieces of Value to Get You to Succeed

    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    A Q&A on Navigating Online Platforms | #4 of 2023 Podcasts

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    #16: Breaking Free from the Corporate Mold: A Journey to Starting a Law Firm with Andrew Zihmer

    #16: Breaking Free from the Corporate Mold: A Journey to Starting a Law Firm with Andrew Zihmer

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    During our conversation, we explore the challenges Andrew faced while transitioning from a corporate job to self-employment and how he achieved work-life harmony through careful planning and goal-setting. We also discuss strategies for maintaining productivity and resilience while pursuing goals outside of a corporate job, such as using ninety-day maps and seeking accountability through coaches.

    It’s time to propel your own self-employment journey!


    (0:00:00) - Breaking Free From the Corporate Mold

    (0:09:57) - Resilience and Efficiency for Success

    (0:22:28) - Achieving Self Employment Success

    Chapter Summaries:

    (0:00:00) - Breaking Free From the Corporate Mold (10 Minutes)

    In this episode, we explore the journey of breaking free from the corporate mold and starting a law firm. Andrew, shares his story of transitioning from working in corporate to joining his wife Tracy in starting their own law firm. Andrew discusses the challenges they faced and the importance of creating a plan, setting milestones, and working in 30, 60, and 90-day sprints to achieve work-life harmony. He emphasizes the importance of taking risks and making tough decisions, and how this can lead to greater rewards and a more fulfilling life.

    (0:09:57) - Resilience and Efficiency for Success (13 Minutes)

    In this part of the conversation, we delve into strategies for maintaining productivity and resilience while pursuing goals outside of a corporate job. Andrew shares the concept of ninety-day maps and emphasizes the importance of setting clear milestones and seeking accountability through coaches or public commitments. We also discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by Andrew's law firm during the pandemic and his goals for the future, which include increased delegation and shifting to an executive leadership role. Connect with Andrew on Instagram and LinkedIn to stay updated on his journey

    (0:22:28) - Achieving Self-Employment Success (1 Minute)

    In this segment, we express our gratitude for the opportunity to discuss self-employment and the importance of surrounding oneself with motivated individuals. As we continue to explore the path to self-employed success, remember that it's a journey filled with challenges, but with focus, action, precision, and strategy, you can achieve your goals. Join us for more inspiring conversations and valuable insights to propel your own self-employment journey

    Connect with Andrew Zihmer






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