
    #AskGaryVee Episode 247 | What's Inside?, Youtube Channel Tips & Becoming the Next Ellen

    enMarch 31, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Reacting to opportunities on YouTubePay attention to the world around you and react to opportunities rather than trying to force a specific outcome on YouTube

      Success on platforms like YouTube can come from unexpected places and through reacting to opportunities rather than forcing a specific outcome. The story of Lincoln and Dan from What's Inside illustrates this well. They initially created videos as part of a science project and didn't optimize them for monetization. However, they discovered that YouTube was a popular source for people seeking answers to questions, and their videos answering science-related queries started generating revenue through AdSense. This unexpected success led them to quit their day jobs and focus on YouTube full-time. The key lesson here is to pay attention to the world around you and react to opportunities rather than trying to force a specific outcome. This approach can lead to unexpected success, as it did for Lincoln and Dan.

    • Understanding YouTube algorithm leads to growthCreative concept, smart distribution, consistency, and continuous learning are key to YouTube success.

      Creating unique content and mastering distribution are key to success on YouTube. The speakers in this discussion, DRock and Andy, started by creating videos of cutting open various objects and posting multiple videos a day. They faced a setback when they lost subscribers and decided to focus on understanding the YouTube algorithm. After learning and adjusting their strategy, they hit 1,000 subscribers and continued to grow, eventually reaching 1,000,000 subscribers. Their success came from their creative concept of cutting open objects, which they could never exhaust, and their smart distribution strategies. They also emphasized the importance of staying consistent and continuing to learn and adapt. The speakers' fascination with Google AdWords and AdSense led them to explore distribution, and their lessons can be applied to anyone looking to succeed on YouTube.

    • Understanding and adapting to the YouTube algorithmA successful YouTube channel requires a balance of creativity and algorithm mastery, authenticity, and the ability to adapt to constant changes.

      The success of a YouTube channel, such as the one run by the speaker and his son, is a result of a combination of creativity and understanding the algorithm. The speaker, who has a finance background, focuses on mastering the YouTube algorithm to optimize content distribution. His son, the face of the channel, has the creativity and instincts to produce engaging content. They work together, with the son sometimes turning down potential brand deals to maintain the authenticity and creative freedom of their channel. Their success has come from a deep understanding of the YouTube ecosystem and the ability to adapt to its constant changes. Despite their large following, they keep a low-key attitude towards their fame, focusing on creating content that resonates with their audience.

    • Improving YouTube presence with authentic branding and contentImprove YouTube titles, descriptions, and tags for discoverability. Build a brand through consistent content for sponsorship opportunities. Document authentic interactions for serendipitous moments.

      Creating authentic integrations with brands and engaging with fans through platforms like Instagram live can significantly grow a presence and reach a larger audience. Brian, who runs an online personal training company, was seeking advice on increasing viewership and subscriptions to his YouTube channel. Gary Vee suggested focusing on improving titles, descriptions, and tags, as well as building a brand around consistent content. Brian's goal is to grow his personal brand and coaching business in tandem, and he plans to attach different sponsorships and opportunities to his apparel line as he progresses. Patience is crucial in building a successful brand and business. The conversation also touched on the importance of documenting rather than creating content to allow for serendipitous moments and authentic interactions with fans.

    • Building a team for ongoing supportAuthentic coaching, personalized plans, and emotional support create a successful lifestyle coaching business.

      The speaker offers lifestyle coaching through personalized diet and workout plans, as well as emotional support. He believes that the hardest part of getting in shape is feeling alone, so he builds a team with each client to provide ongoing support. His coaching packages range from $3,000 for a year-long commitment to smaller, more accessible offerings through his YouTube channel. The speaker acknowledges the competition in the market but emphasizes the importance of authenticity and building relationships with clients. He also clarifies that using enticing titles and thumbnails for videos is not clickbait if it accurately reflects the content. Instead, it's a strategic way to attract viewers. Overall, the speaker's success comes from providing value and building connections with his clients.

    • Provide disproportionate value to stand outConsistently engage, respond, and provide valuable content to build a loyal following in a competitive market.

      To succeed in today's market, particularly in selling courses or content, it's not just about having the knowledge or the content, but also about providing disproportionate value to your audience. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes this point in his books "Crush It" and "Thank You Economy," where he shifts the focus from what you can get to what you can give. Engaging with your audience, responding to their comments, and providing timely, relevant content are crucial steps to building a loyal following. Be consistent, be timely, and be valuable to stand out in a competitive market. Additionally, optimizing your content for search and being aware of current trends can help increase visibility and reach.

    • Focus on what you have, not what you lackAppreciate the good things in life, draw inspiration from new experiences, and remember the impermanence of life to find motivation and happiness.

      Finding inspiration and motivation can be achieved by focusing on what we have in our lives rather than what we lack. Gary Vaynerchuk suggests that dwelling on our negative thoughts and comparing ourselves to others can hinder our happiness and productivity. Instead, we should appreciate the good things in our lives, such as our health and opportunities, and use them as motivation to move forward. Additionally, drawing inspiration from experiences and people outside of our comfort zone, like traveling or meeting new people, can broaden our perspectives and renew our sense of purpose. Finally, remembering the reality of life and the impermanence of our existence can help us prioritize what truly matters and find motivation in the present moment.

    • Comparing oneself to others hinders personal growthFocus on becoming your biggest fan and breaking the pattern of self-loathing and comparison to find happiness and personal growth.

      Self-criticism and comparison to others can hinder personal growth and happiness. The speaker shares her experiences of feeling stressed and down due to her performance in Olympic lifting and mixed martial arts training. She also mentions her upbringing, which may have contributed to her self-perception as a "special snowflake," but ultimately realized that she was not the best in every aspect of life. The speaker expresses her worry about the opinions of her training peers and the impact of social media on her self-esteem. The advice given is to focus on becoming one's biggest fan and breaking the pattern of self-loathing and comparison. It's important to remember that everyone has down times and struggles, and it's crucial to have a positive perspective and believe in one's abilities.

    • Perspective is key to happinessShift focus to finding joy within, explore new experiences, break negative patterns, and believe in self to improve perspective and happiness.

      Perspective plays a significant role in our happiness and contentment in life. The speaker emphasizes that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, faces challenges and hardships. Instead of dwelling on what we don't have or focusing on others' perceived advantages, we should shift our focus to finding what makes us happy within ourselves. The speaker encourages taking a new perspective by exploring new environments and experiences, such as driving around different neighborhoods or starting a new project. It's essential to remember that comparing ourselves to others and falling into the trap of complaining doesn't lead to positive action or growth. Instead, we should focus on breaking negative patterns and finding joy in the present moment. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of self-belief and self-reflection in overcoming negative thought patterns. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on our own happiness and perspective rather than comparing ourselves to others and dwelling on what we don't have.

    • Exploring various business strategies for a wine companyA successful business strategy involves a combination of various approaches and being patient while focusing on the details to make each approach effective.

      A successful business strategy often involves a multi-pronged approach. Michelle, who runs a wine company, was considering different strategies to revitalize her business after moving from New York to the West Coast and experiencing a decrease in sales. She was exploring ideas such as focusing on distribution in high-end restaurants, direct-to-consumer sales through their website, and even considering an events-only model. Gary Vaynerchuk suggested that all of these strategies could be effective, but emphasized the importance of creating as many ways for people to buy the wine as possible. He also mentioned the importance of patience and attention to detail, such as using social media handles and hashtags on wine labels to increase sales. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that a successful business strategy often involves a combination of various approaches, and it's important to be patient and focus on the details to make each approach effective.

    • Seeking authentic feedback on YouTubeKeep channel private for accurate feedback, listen to market potential, ignore initial positive feedback, persist through criticism

      Authentic feedback is crucial for growth on platforms like YouTube. Seeking validation from friends and family can be misleading as they may not provide constructive criticism. Instead, keeping your channel private until you find your niche and gaining feedback from a global audience can lead to more accurate assessments of your content's potential. The speaker shared their experience of keeping their YouTube channel a secret until they hit 100,000 subscribers and the importance of not being swayed by initial positive feedback. They emphasized the importance of listening to the market and assessing the potential of your content to go viral. Even successful channels like Wine Library TV were initially criticized but persisted and eventually succeeded.

    • The path to YouTube success is a marathon, not a sprintTo become a successful YouTuber, focus on both content quality and visibility, have a clear goal, persist despite setbacks, and remember that success may take years

      Creating successful content on YouTube requires a long-term commitment and a focus on both the content's quality (architecture) and its visibility (plumbing). The first steps, such as optimizing titles and descriptions, are important, but they are only the beginning. Becoming a successful YouTuber is a marathon, not a sprint, and it may take 7 to 11 years or more to achieve significant success. It's essential to have a clear goal in mind and to keep working on improving the content and increasing its reach. Additionally, having the right mindset and being persistent are crucial. Don't get discouraged by early setbacks or negative feedback, but instead, use them as learning opportunities. And remember, even the most successful YouTubers had to start from scratch and put in years of hard work before they saw any significant results.

    • Embrace experimentation and learning from failuresExplore new opportunities, learn from failures, and engage with a community for personal and professional growth.

      Experimentation and being open to failure are crucial parts of personal and professional growth. The speaker, Adam, shares his journey of starting businesses after being inspired by books and eventually finding success with a seemingly unrelated venture - cutting open items on YouTube. He emphasizes the importance of trying new things and learning from experiences, even if they don't initially pan out as planned. He also encourages asking questions and engaging with a community, as seen in the "Question of the Day" segment on his show. So, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities. You never know what you might learn or where it could lead you.

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    0:00 - Start here

    1:04 - Introduction

    2:06 - How Kong Pham got started on YouTube?

    9:04 - Subscription program for dating

    12:26 - Kong talks about his startup “Jumpcut Studios”

    16:47 - “Jumpcut Studios” revenue

    28:02 - Dating advice for Jack

    32:23 - Reviewing Jack’s Tinder profile

    40:40 - Jack and Graham roleplay

    45:27 - Kong’s credit score

    50:54 - Where Kong invests his money?

    55:54 - *Wait for it* Millennial Money

    1:02:08 - Getting more confident 

    1:05:40 - Don’t start here

    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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