
    Attention Is The Game | WeWork 2013 Keynote

    enJuly 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the Journey of GrowthStay focused on growth, embrace challenges, and create engaging content to capture consumer attention. Check out garyvee.com/creators for hiring opportunities.

      Gary Vaynerchuk values the journey and growth in both his personal and professional life. He emphasizes the importance of staying hungry and scrappy, as well as having good ideas and the ability to create engaging content. VaynerMedia is currently hiring creators for video and design roles, and those interested should check out garyvee.com/creators. During this keynote from 2013, Vaynerchuk discussed the importance of capturing consumer attention and shared his experiences with starting Wine Library TV and his entrepreneurial journey. He expressed his love for the climb and the engagement with his audience, but also acknowledged the struggles and tougher times in the early days before social media was widely used. Overall, Vaynerchuk's message is to stay focused on growth and continue pushing forward, no matter the challenges.

    • Revolutionizing Content Consumption with VineVine is a game-changing social media platform with immense potential for creators and brands. Its six-second videos respect users' time and have the power to disrupt the pre-roll industry. Creators and brands should invest in engaging Vine content.

      Vine, a social media platform that allows users to create and share six-second videos, is a significant and underestimated platform with immense potential. The speaker, an entrepreneur and author, is extremely bullish on Vine and believes it will revolutionize the way we consume content and change the game for brands and creators. He sees Vine as a promising new creative genre where anyone can succeed based on their skills on the platform, and he expects to see a surge in branded content that won't annoy viewers. The speaker also believes that Vine will disrupt the pre-roll industry by making short, six-second ads more appealing to consumers. He encourages creators and brands to take advantage of this new platform and invest time and resources into creating engaging content for Vine. The speaker's enthusiasm for Vine stems from its ability to respect users' time by promising only six seconds of content and its potential to level the playing field for creators. He believes that Vine will become increasingly important in the coming months and years, and he encourages individuals and businesses to pay attention and adapt to this new creative medium.

    • The importance of passion and dedication for successTo succeed, invest time and energy into what you're passionate about, stay focused, be patient, and maintain a positive attitude.

      Success requires a significant investment of time and energy into something you are passionate about. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of being self-aware and focused on what you truly enjoy, rather than trying to replicate someone else's path. He shared his own experiences of putting in long hours on his brand when he was passionate about it, and the ease that came with the work. He also acknowledged the challenges of patience and staying positive when progress seems slow, but encouraged persistence and a focus on the quality of the work rather than the quantity of followers or views. Ultimately, the Internet provides more opportunities than ever before for individuals to build businesses based on their talents and efforts, but it requires dedication and a willingness to put in the time and energy to make it happen.

    • Focus on the other person's perspective and benefitsTo increase sales, focus on the benefits for the other person and build genuine connections.

      When trying to sell an idea or product, it's essential to understand the other person's perspective and focus on the benefits for them, rather than just your own gains. This is the key to successful salesmanship. The speaker, who is a believer in the potential of DJing and EDM, uses this approach when investing in companies like Dataminer, which he sees as having a bright future due to their innovative approach and alignment with his own values. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of asking questions and learning from rejections to improve and adapt the pitch. In the world of music, DJs are thriving financially, but the creator's loyalty and value proposition are worth exploring. Overall, the takeaway is to focus on the other person's finish line and build genuine connections to increase the chances of success.

    • The importance of support and authenticity in content creationAuthenticity and consumer demand are crucial for high-quality content. A support system or accountability partner can help individuals stay organized and motivated in their content creation efforts.

      Content creation is becoming increasingly important in today's society, and having a support system or accountability partner can help individuals produce and remember their ideas more effectively. The speaker acknowledges his own struggles with organization and self-motivation, but believes that the baseline requirement for relevance is creating content. He also emphasizes the importance of authenticity and consumer demand in determining what is considered high-quality content. The speaker shares that his father's advice to commit and stick to it was a pivotal moment in his life and helped him overcome his naivete and lack of education, ultimately leading him to success.

    • The Importance of Perseverance and Adaptability in Building Meaningful ConnectionsFocus on depth in relationships, value the connection over the size of the audience, and learn from past experiences to adapt and persevere.

      Building meaningful connections requires sticking with things and discovering the hidden potential in people and situations. Gary Vaynerchuk shared stories from his past, including lessons from his dad and an old liquor salesman, that emphasized the importance of perseverance and adaptability. He encouraged the audience to focus on depth in their relationships, rather than just awareness or distribution. Vaynerchuk's Q&A session has been going well because he values the opportunity to thank and engage with his community, even if the reach is smaller than his other platforms. By focusing on the value of the connection rather than the size of the audience, Vaynerchuk has found great success in his Q&A sessions.

    • Relevance and value in creative innovationFocus on relevance and value to engage and provide worthwhile content to audiences, prioritize storytelling and access in education to help students navigate the evolving world.

      Relevance and value are key components of creative innovation and coolness for audiences. Eddie believes that being relevant to the target demographic and providing value are more important than just pushing content. He also emphasizes the importance of access and context in creating value for audiences. In the education sector, Eddie suggests that focusing on storytelling and communicating what truly matters can help students navigate the rapidly evolving world and avoid unnecessary debt. Overall, Eddie's message encourages creators and educators to prioritize relevance, value, and access to effectively engage and provide value to their audiences.

    • The importance of real-world experience and resilience for entrepreneurial successUnderstand the value of winning and losing, prepare for adversity, seek mentorship or internships, work for free, apply relentless pressure, and never give up.

      Real-world experience and resilience are crucial for entrepreneurial success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of winning and losing, and the need to prepare students for the adversity they will face in business. He advocates for internships or mentorships with successful entrepreneurs, and offers his own experience of working for free and applying relentless pressure as effective strategies for gaining the attention of industry leaders. The speaker also expresses concern about the current state of education and the increasing entitlement in the industry, and the need for a healthy debate on these issues. Ultimately, he believes that the best way to succeed as an entrepreneur is to be prepared for the challenges and to never give up.

    • Stand out in a saturated market with talent and exposureFocus on developing talent and increasing exposure to stand out in a competitive market. Utilize platforms to showcase skills and reach wider audience. Dedicate time and effort to learning and adapting.

      To make your personal brand stand out in a saturated market, focus on developing your talent and increasing your exposure. Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur, emphasizes that everyone has the potential to succeed, but not everyone puts themselves in the best position to do so. He suggests creating as many opportunities as possible to showcase your talent and story to potential clients or consumers. For example, a comedian could focus on building a strong online presence through platforms like Vine or YouTube. The key is to put in the effort and dedicate time to learning and mastering the tools and platforms that can help you reach a wider audience. Additionally, consider both targeting the people who book talent and focusing on building a fanbase among consumers to increase demand for your services. Ultimately, success requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to adapt and learn in a constantly evolving industry.

    • Importance of industry knowledge and experience before starting a businessGain extensive knowledge and experience before starting a business to minimize risks and make informed decisions

      Experience and knowledge are crucial when starting a business. The speaker, Mike Walla, emphasized the importance of understanding the industry and the market before jumping in. He shared his personal story of starting a business at a young age, having gained extensive knowledge and experience beforehand. He warned against naivety and the risks of starting a business without proper preparation. He encouraged taking calculated risks, whether it be starting a business or working for an established one to gain valuable industry knowledge. He emphasized the importance of putting in the work and gaining expertise before making big business decisions. Additionally, he encouraged parents and entrepreneurs to inspire and guide the next generation with their experiences and knowledge.

    • Understanding the unique characteristics of each social media platformTailor content to fit the specific demands and audience psychology of each platform for more impactful and authentic connections

      Being native to a platform is essential for businesses and individuals to effectively engage and communicate with their audience. Ian Ballmer emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique characteristics and culture of each social media platform and tailoring content accordingly. He uses the analogy of dressing appropriately for different social settings to illustrate this concept. By knowing the flavor of the room and adapting to the platform's specific demands and audience psychology, one can create more impactful and authentic connections. Ultimately, this approach leads to more effective storytelling and building stronger relationships with followers.

    • Effective communication in relationshipsCheck in with loved ones, understand their needs, and make time for them to maintain strong relationships, despite work and personal demands.

      Effective communication is crucial in maintaining relationships and balancing personal and professional responsibilities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of checking in with loved ones, understanding their needs, and making time for them despite the challenges of prioritizing work and personal hustle. He shares his personal experiences of feeling the absence of his father growing up and the impact it had on him, emphasizing the importance of being present and communicative. The speaker also encourages evolving and adapting to changing circumstances, whether that means taking more time off for family or building a business. Overall, the message is that while it can be difficult to balance personal and professional commitments, open and consistent communication is key to ensuring that relationships remain strong and fulfilling.

    • Understanding the importance of choices and prioritiesBeing self-aware and making smart decisions about time and resources is crucial for success. Every choice means saying no to something else. Use social media for professional purposes and don't feel old because of it. Treat your business like a second child and delegate when possible.

      Being self-aware and making smart decisions about time and resources is crucial for success, whether in business or personal endeavors. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding that every choice means saying no to something else. He also shares his perspective on social media platforms, explaining that he uses them primarily for professional purposes and never feels old because of it. Another key point he makes is treating your business like a second child, implying that once you've gained enough experience and learned valuable lessons, you can begin to delegate and focus on other aspects of your life. Overall, the speaker encourages hustle, staying in tune with the younger generation, and focusing on what truly matters.

    • Start with a truth that resonates with your audienceEffective storytelling in business comes from connecting with your audience by starting with a relatable truth and sharing personal experiences

      Effective storytelling in business comes from the truth and understanding your audience. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that he's good at running businesses better than their current owners because he knows how to connect with people. He learned this parenting his second child, where he realized he didn't need to micromanage every little thing and instead focused on the big picture. Similarly, in business, it's essential to take a step back, learn from past experiences, and make decisions based on that context. Vaynerchuk suggested that when telling a story, starting with a truth that resonates with your audience is crucial. He also recommended finding inspiration in your personal experiences and telling the story in a way that appeals to you. Ultimately, the goal is to connect with your audience and deliver a message that resonates with them.

    • Focus on the hook and tell your story authenticallyInvestors value authenticity and raw truth. Identify your unique niche and tell your story in a compelling way to capture their attention.

      When it comes to pitching ideas to investors or sharing your story, it's essential to get straight to the point and tell it in a way that resonates with the listener. The investor in this conversation emphasized that he values authenticity and raw truth, and he's not interested in wasting time on lengthy pitches. Instead, he encourages entrepreneurs to identify their unique niche and tell their story in a compelling way that captures his attention. So, whether you're seeking investment or trying to make an impact, remember to focus on the hook and tell your story in a way that resonates with your audience.

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    2) The concept of vulnerability hangover and how it is a process of checking in every single day with what you need or what decision you need to make to move you one step closer to where you want to be. Sharing our stories can be an incredibly taxing and vulnerable process, yet it leads us to a beautiful space of seeing the gifts in our adversities.

    3) Learning to share her story of testing positive for HD and infertility, allowed Erin to control the narrative, unpack her story, and allow her to support others in seeing that they are not alone in their stories of struggle.

    Connect with Erin:
    Website: https://www.erinpaterson.com
    Publishing Company Website: http://lemonadecommunity.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erinpaterson_allgoodthings
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ErinPatersonAllGoodThings
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-paterson
    Email: erinpaterson@outlook.com

    Erin’s book is available on Amazon:

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker, and Life Coach

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