
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected Consequences of Simple Business DecisionsSimple business decisions can have significant legal and societal repercussions. Learn from experiences and strive for growth.

      Making simple decisions for your business, like mailing, can lead to unexpected consequences. Sheena Mead's experience of getting arrested for bouncing a check serves as a reminder of the potential legal and societal repercussions of seemingly minor actions. Meanwhile, Stamps.com offers a solution for hassle-free mailing with significant discounts and a mobile app. Additionally, the TED Radio Hour encourages us to dream big and be open to ideas that challenge and change us. In the face of adversity, it's essential to learn from our experiences and strive for growth.

    • Millions face barriers to employment, housing, and education due to criminal recordsThe Clean Slate Initiative simplifies record clearance, allowing 30M+ Americans to move past past mistakes and contribute to society

      Millions of Americans with criminal records face significant barriers to employment, housing, and education due to outdated and bureaucratic laws. Sheena Mead's story is a common one, where even after serving her time and paying her dues, she continued to face discrimination. However, there is a potential solution. The Clean Slate Initiative aims to simplify the process of clearing criminal records by reducing red tape and making it more accessible to those who are eligible. Currently, over 30 million people could benefit from record clearance, but less than 10% have taken advantage of it due to the complex and costly process. The Clean Slate Initiative is working to change this by advocating for state laws that make record clearance more accessible and easier to navigate. This could have a significant impact on people's lives, allowing them to move past their past mistakes and contribute to society in a meaningful way.

    • Automatically clearing criminal recordsThe Clean Slate Initiative supports automatic record clearing for individuals who have served their time and met requirements, promoting second chances, societal reintegration, and workforce development.

      The Clean Slate Initiative advocates for the automatic clearing of criminal records once individuals have served their time and met certain requirements, shifting the burden from individuals to the government. With over 30 million eligible individuals, this initiative aims to provide second chances, enabling people to reintegrate into society, secure employment, and improve their lives. The initiative has gained support from various states, not only as a criminal justice issue but also as a workforce issue. Employers and businesses recognize the importance of creating a pathway for people to rejoin the workforce. The Clean Slate Initiative's goal is to help over 14 million people have their records cleared and bring all 50 states on a pathway to automation. This movement, while significant, is not radical but rather a common-sense approach to redemption and forgiveness.

    • Reforming the foster care systemFormer foster child Sixto Cancel's experiences of abuse underscore the need for systemic change to protect children. The Clean Slate Initiative, led by Sheena Mead, aims to expunge criminal records for non-violent offenders, offering a second chance at life and employment.

      The foster care system needs reforms to better protect and support children in need. Sixto Cancel, a former foster child, shared his experiences of being placed in different homes and enduring abuse. Despite his desire for safety and stability, the system failed to intervene when he called for help. This highlights the importance of addressing the root causes of child abuse and ensuring that children have access to reliable support systems. The Clean Slate Initiative, led by Sheena Mead, also aims to bring about change by expunging criminal records for non-violent offenders, giving them a second chance at life and employment. These audacious solutions, driven by individuals who have experienced the issues firsthand, offer hope for addressing complex problems.

    • Foster Care System's Impact on Children's LivesDespite being a responder to poverty and other issues, the foster care system often fails to effectively raise children, leading to negative outcomes such as homelessness, incarceration, and PTSD for many foster youth.

      The foster care system can be a chaotic and stressful experience for children, with many facing multiple moves, new homes, and new schools. For some, the situation is even more dire, with children being removed from their homes due to neglect or abuse, leading to a cycle of instability and negative outcomes. Zixto's story is a powerful example of this, as he faced abuse, the death of a sibling, and multiple placements in foster care. The system is not doing a good job of raising children, and foster youth are at higher risk for negative outcomes related to homelessness, incarceration, and PTSD. With 10% of all children in the US involved in the child welfare system, it's clear that this is a significant issue. When other systems have failed, the child welfare system often steps in as a responder to poverty and other issues. Zixto's response was to start Think of Us, an organization aimed at giving foster youth a voice and choice, and working to design the foster care system in a more effective and supportive way.

    • Improving foster care outcomes through kinship careKinship care, placing children with extended family or known adults, leads to better mental health, stability, and high school graduation rates. It's currently used for only 35% of foster children but can be increased through policy changes and simplifying the approval process for relatives.

      The foster care system could significantly improve outcomes for children by placing them with extended family members or adults they already know, a practice called kinship care. This approach, which has been shown to lead to better mental health, stability, and high school graduation rates, is currently used for only 35% of young people in foster care. Simple solutions, such as asking children which adults they'd prefer to live with and streamlining the approval process for relatives, have led to dramatic increases in initial placements with kin. For instance, in one state, the percentage of foster children living with kin rose from 3% to over 40% in just two years. The system spends over $30 billion annually on less than one million families, making it financially feasible to prioritize kinship care. Policy changes, such as making it easier for relatives to become foster parents, can help make kinship care the norm. However, challenges remain, and ongoing advocacy is needed to remove barriers and make this a reality for more children. The story of Marquan Teats illustrates the difficulty of placing children with family, even when they want to step in, highlighting the need for systemic change.

    • The benefits of kinship care for foster childrenKinship care, where children live with extended family members, offers a familiar environment, financial stability, and personal growth opportunities. Regulations should be implemented to prioritize this model and transfer $3 billion from traditional foster care to support these families.

      The foster care system can leave many children feeling disconnected from their family and sense of belonging. However, stories like those shared highlight the importance and benefits of kinship care – living with extended family members. This model not only provides a familiar environment but also offers opportunities for financial stability and personal growth. The current system needs improvement, and the kinship care model should be the default when a child enters foster care. To make this a reality, regulations need to be in place for states to set up their own kinship care processes and draw down federal dollars to support these families, which could transfer $3 billion from traditional foster care over five years. Ultimately, these changes would prioritize keeping children with their family members and ensuring they receive the same support as those in traditional foster care.

    • Shifting foster care to kinship care: A pivotal moment?Advocates believe we're at a crucial juncture to transition foster care to kinship care, which could significantly improve the lives of millions of children by offering them a sense of familial love and belonging.

      There's an ambitious effort underway to shift the foster care system so that extended family and familiar faces become the first option for children in need. This approach, known as kinship care, has shown success in certain areas, but skeptics question if it can be scaled and implemented nationwide within a few years. However, advocates believe we're at a pivotal moment where this shift could become a reality, potentially improving the lives of millions of children by providing them with a sense of love and belonging. This idea, once considered unconventional, is now gaining traction as evidence shows its potential.

    • Illegal fishing and its impact on the oceansIllegal fishing, including pirate fishing, contributes to the depletion of fish stocks, biodiversity loss, and economic consequences for millions. The high seas, with no clear governance, are especially vulnerable. Urgent action is needed to improve ocean governance and mitigate these issues.

      The oceans face numerous threats, including illegal fishing, unreported catches, and a lack of governance. These issues contribute to the depletion of fish stocks, biodiversity loss, and economic consequences for millions of people. Illegal fishing, also known as pirate fishing, involves activities such as fishing without authorization, using damaging methods, or not reporting catches. The high seas, which are not under the jurisdiction of any single country, are particularly vulnerable to these issues due to the lack of clear governance. If left unchecked, these problems could lead to significant negative impacts on the food chain and the environment. It is crucial that we work towards improving ocean governance and addressing these challenges to ensure the health and sustainability of our oceans and the communities that depend on them.

    • Monitoring Industrial Fishing Fleets with TechnologyTechnology allows us to create a dynamic, complete map of all industrial fishing activity in the ocean, providing crucial information to protect habitats and advance ocean science.

      The lack of a unified global system for regulating and monitoring fishing activities in the ocean has led to a patchy enforcement of rules and regulations. This issue was highlighted when several countries made their data publicly available around 2017, which paved the way for organizations like Global Fishing Watch to harness satellite data and AI to create the first live stream map to monitor industrial fishing fleets. Today, with the help of technology, we can create a dynamic, complete map of all industrial activity out at sea and make it available to everyone for free. This will provide crucial information to conservationists, researchers, media, campaigners, and the public, enabling them to protect critical habitats and advance ocean science. The map, which shows fishing activity as different shades of green and blue, allows users to track individual vessels' activity and identify encounters between fishing vessels and cargo vessels. The advances in AI and the increase in the number of satellites orbiting the Earth have made this system possible, and it's changing how we can even see and understand the ocean.

    • Exposing Illegal Fishing with Transparency and DataTransparency and sharing of data are crucial in combating illegal fishing, saving lives, and reducing environmental harm. Global Fishing Watch uses satellite data to expose over a thousand illegal vessels, leading to significant reductions in illegal fishing. Governments and public pressure hold countries accountable for illegal activities.

      Transparency and sharing of data are key to combating illegal fishing and its devastating human and environmental impacts. Global Fishing Watch, an organization led by Tony Long, used various data sets and sources, including satellite-based radar and optical imagery, to expose over a thousand vessels fishing illegally in North Korean waters, worth nearly half a billion dollars each year. This revelation led to a significant reduction in illegal fishing in the region, saving countless lives and reducing the human tragedy. The involvement of governments, such as the Republic of Korea and Japan, and public pressure played crucial roles in holding China accountable for the illegal activities. While there is no global treaty on transparency, the growing recognition of the importance of transparency and open data is leading to more countries committing to sharing their information. Global Fishing Watch encourages collaboration and emphasizes that personal information is not shared, only enough information to demonstrate transparency. The ultimate goal is for every country to understand the power of shared information and work together to ensure sustainable fishing practices and protect the ocean and its people.

    • The Audacious Project connects philanthropists with individuals and organizations solving global issuesThe Audacious Project bridges the gap between philanthropists and innovative problem solvers, bringing their life-changing solutions to fruition

      There are numerous individuals and organizations around the world working tirelessly to solve some of the most significant issues we face. The Audacious Project, an initiative by TED, connects philanthropists with these projects to help bring their solutions to life. The TED Radio Hour episode discussed various projects, all of which can be explored further on the Audacious Project website. The episode was produced by a team at NPR and TED, with music composed by Romtine Arablui and partners at TED. A reminder that support for NPR comes from sponsors like I XL Learning, which uses advanced algorithms to personalize learning for kids of all ages. Another podcast to consider is Lost Patience, which examines the complexities of our current system for treating psychosis and explores ways to improve it.

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    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at plus.npr.org/ted.

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    Then, Manoush talks to the bestselling author of Breath, science writer James Nestor, who explains how shallow breathing impacts our physical and mental health. He takes us through a simple exercise to 'reset' our breath and relieve screen time stress.

    Binge the whole Body Electric series here.

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    TED Radio Hour
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    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at plus.npr.org/ted.

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    Original broadcast date: June 11, 2021

    TED Radio Hour+ subscribers now get access to bonus episodes, with more ideas from TED speakers and a behind the scenes look with our producers. A Plus subscription also lets you listen to regular episodes (like this one!) without sponsors. Sign-up at plus.npr.org/ted.

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    TED Radio Hour
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    Later, Manoush takes us into the future of "consumer hearables" and how tech companies want us to never — ever— take our earbuds out.

    Interested in joining the Apple Hearing Study? Sign up here.

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    here. Sign up for the Body Electric Challenge and our newsletter here.

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    TED Radio Hour
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    AAUP Report on Political Interference in Higher Education

    AAUP Report on Political Interference in Higher Education

    The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) released its comprehensive report titled "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System." This report marks a critical juncture in the AAUP's history, being one of only eight special reports issued, and underscores a growing concern over political interference in the realm of academic governance.

    Hank Reichman, co-author of the report and co-chair of AAUP, joins the Changing Higher Ed podcast to discuss the report and provides details about Governor DeSantis's legislative efforts to control what can be taught, how it's taught and who teaches, particularly attacking faculty rights and tenure.

    The report includes the specific case of the hostile takeover of New College, describing it as a blueprint for potential future encroachments on public colleges and universities across the United States.

    McNaughton and Reichman cover the processes and conclusions of the AAUP report, emphasizing the detrimental effects on academic governance, academic freedom, and the well-being of faculty and students.


    Podcast Overview

    Unpacking the AAUP Report: A Critical Look at Political Interference in Florida's Higher Education:

    ·       The rarity of such comprehensive reports by AAUP, with only eight instances in its history, three of which occurred in the last three years.

    ·       The specific case of Florida under Governor DeSantis's administration highlights legislative and administrative actions perceived as politically motivated attacks on academic freedom, faculty rights, and tenure.

    Investigation Approach:

    ·       Conducting over 65 interviews with various stakeholders, including faculty, students, alumni, and former presidents, while noting challenges in engaging current administrators and political leaders.

    Major Findings:

    ·       The hostile takeover of New College is a model for potential future actions in other institutions.

    ·       Academic administrators' failure to contest or, in some cases, complicity in these attacks.

    ·       Legislative actions are collectively seen as an effort to enforce a narrow political ideology.

    ·       The chilling effect of these actions on academic freedom and the higher education environment.

    Human Impact:

    ·       The emotional and professional toll on faculty and students, with significant faculty departures and declining academic standards.

    ·       The broader implications for the quality of higher education in Florida and potential nationwide consequences.


    Key Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards:


    1. Thoroughly Review the Report: University presidents, administrators, provosts, deans, and other leaders actively engage with the contents of the report. Don't just skim through it; understand its implications for your institution and its broader impact on academic freedom.

    2. Build Resilience and Courage: Leaders in higher education are strongly urged to cultivate the strength to face political pressures. This involves developing a steadfast approach to defending the rights and freedoms of your institutions, faculty, and students against politically motivated pressures.

    3. Stand Up for Academic Integrity: When confronted with situations that threaten academic freedom or the integrity of your institution, take a clear and firm stand, even if it entails personal or professional risks. Demonstrating leadership in such situations is crucial.

    4. Voice Your Concerns Publicly: In Florida, it's mostly retired university presidents who are making statements against these issues. Encourage not only retired but also current university leaders to speak out against political interference. Public statements from active leaders can have a significant impact and inspire others to follow suit.


    Final Thoughts

    The critical nature of the current situation in higher education is a pivotal moment in the history of institutions. We are reminded that what's happening in Florida is not just an isolated issue but a warning sign of the potential nationwide impact of political interference in academia. Leaders in higher education are urged to recognize the severity of this crisis and respond with conviction and strength. It's a call to action for maintaining the integrity and freedom of our academic institutions against partisan politics, ensuring these values are upheld for future generations.


    Read the transcript on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Henry “Hank” Reichman is the chair of the American Association of University of Professors’ Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and a professor emeritus of history at California State University, East Bay. Hank co-authored the AAUP report, "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System," released on December 6, as co-chair of a special investigating committee.


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


    The Change Leader’s Social Media Links


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    Jenna provides insight on the trauma that these children experience when they're removed from their homes, and the efforts made to place them in safe living arrangements. She describes the various ways children can enter the foster care system, including being born into it in certain scenarios, the reality of abuse within the foster care system, and the role of group homes for children with more severe situations.


    We discuss the difficulties in finding suitable foster homes for children, as well as the importance of keeping them in their school of origin whenever possible, the court-ordered requirements for parents to regain custody of their children, and the need for education and awareness to help close the achievement gap and provide these children with a brighter future.


    Some key topic points covered in this episode include:


    • Challenges faced by foster youth and the cycle of trauma in foster care
    • The trauma experienced by foster children when removed from their homes
    • The process of placing foster children in safe and suitable living arrangements
    • The role of group homes in providing care for children with more severe situations
    • The need for counseling, support, and advocacy for foster children
    • The prevalence of foster youth in the United States and the need for support programs
    • The importance of connection and belonging for foster children


    To Learn More About the Show, Visit: www.ChangeItUpRadio.com