
    Bad Boys, Bondage, and Afternoon Delight

    enDecember 30, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Pleasure with Iconic Sex ToysIconic sex toys like the magic wand offer powerful pleasure and have earned accolades. New versions and enhancements include rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush models. Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel help last longer and heighten pleasure. Sport Cheats' door jam sex sling offers a comfortable solution for trying upright sex positions.

      The magic wand is more than just a vibrator - it's a cultural icon known for its powerful rumble and ability to provide unapologetic pleasure. First introduced decades ago, it has earned accolades like "vibrator of the year" and continues to be a trusted confidant for many. Now, there are multiple iterations, including the rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush versions, all of which retain the original's powerful rumble. For those looking to enhance their summer sex life, Promescent offers delay spray and warming arousal gel to help last longer and heighten pleasure, respectively. And for those seeking new sexual positions, Sport Cheats' door jam sex sling offers a comfortable and easy-to-use solution for trying upright sex. Overall, these products aim to help individuals explore their sexuality and enhance their pleasure.

    • Celebrating the Holidays with Sex with EmilyThe Sex with Emily podcast promotes open communication, self-expression, and sexual health through candid discussions about sex and relationships. They celebrated the holidays with a tree, ugly sweater party, and holiday video, embracing the season's spirit and creating a welcoming community.

      The Sex with Emily podcast, hosted by Emily Morse, offers candid discussions about sex, relationships, and everything in between. Emily shares her personal experiences and invites listeners to explore their own sexuality in a comfortable and judgement-free environment. She encourages open communication and self-expression, using humor and vulnerability to make the topic approachable. The podcast also features guest speakers, blogs, videos, and a store where listeners can purchase sex-related products. During the holiday season, Emily and her team celebrated with a Christmas tree, an ugly sweater party, and a holiday video. Despite the various holidays and cultural differences, they embraced the spirit of the season and enjoyed the festivities with friends. Overall, Sex with Emily promotes sexual health, exploration, and self-love, creating a community where people can feel comfortable discussing their sexual experiences and desires.

    • Unexpected joy at a holiday eventDespite miscommunications and interruptions, the speaker found joy and connection through unexpected experiences and engaging with her audience online.

      The speaker had an unexpected and enjoyable experience at a holiday event, despite some miscommunications and unexpected interruptions. She met a cute boy, went ice skating, and even managed to record a video of herself showing off her moves before being kicked off the ice due to hockey players arriving. The speaker also expressed her enthusiasm for engaging with her audience through Facebook Live, sharing fun moments and answering questions in real time. Despite the challenges of the past year, she found joy and connection through these experiences and encouraged her listeners to join her in exploring sex-related topics on her platform.

    • Uber's new community guidelines aim to improve safety and behavior in ridesUber's updated rules prohibit sexual contact, damaging property, inappropriate behavior, breaking the law, and unwanted contact after the ride. A woman was removed for partying and drinking in the back seat. Hormonal differences may make finding optimal times for sex challenging for couples.

      Uber has recently updated their community guidelines to prohibit sexual contact between riders and drivers, following reports of rape and sexual assault. The new rules also ban damaging property, inappropriate behavior, breaking the law, and unwanted contact after the ride. A woman was even kicked off the app for partying and drinking in the back seat. Hormone expert Alisa Vitti suggests that women are most likely to have an orgasm at 3 PM due to hormonal changes, but this isn't a practical time for most people as men's testosterone peaks in the morning. This creates a challenge for couples trying to find optimal times for sex. Overall, the new Uber guidelines aim to improve safety and behavior in their rides, but the mismatched hormonal peaks for men and women during the day may continue to pose a challenge for couples.

    • Preferences for sex and distractions differ among womenWomen's choices between sex and distractions like chocolate can vary, and personal preferences play a significant role in enhancing the sexual experience.

      Women's preferences for sex and distractions like chocolate can vary. While some may choose sex over chocolate, others might prioritize their favorite snacks over intimacy. Additionally, having a fantasy or ideal scenario for sex can enhance the experience and help women get in the mood. Some people use sounds, like rain or white noise, to set the mood. However, not everyone finds these methods effective, and personal preferences can greatly impact the experience. It's essential to explore and understand what turns each individual on to have a healthy and satisfying sex life.

    • Joe's new Gelato collection of flavored lubesTry Joe's new Gelato collection of water-based, sugar-free, and paraben-free lubes in five dessert-worthy flavors: creme brulee, hazelnut, mint chocolate, salted caramel, and tiramisu. Call in to discuss problems for potential solutions or leave a voicemail.

      Joe's new Gelato collection of flavored lubes offers a delicious and premium experience for those engaging in oral sex or any other form of foreplay. The water-based, sugar-free, and paraben-free lubricant comes in five dessert-worthy flavors: creme brulee, hazelnut, mint chocolate, salted caramel, and tiramisu. Listeners can try each flavor individually or combine them to create their unique recipe. To shop the complete selection of Joe lubricants, visit sexwithemily.com and click on the gelato banner or go to the store. For those with questions, they can now call in to be a guest on the show and discuss their problems in depth for potential solutions. Leaving a voicemail is a good alternative for those who prefer not to write emails. The podcast receives a high volume of emails and may not be able to answer each one, but voicemails have a better chance of being addressed on the show. Emails, voicemails, and ratings on podcast apps are all welcome and appreciated.

    • Communicating about new elements in sex lifeApproach new toys or behaviors with openness and clarity, create a plan, and ensure a comfortable and consensual space for exploration.

      Communication is key when it comes to introducing new elements into your sex life. Heather's situation with her boyfriend and the handcuffs is a common issue many couples face. It's important to remember that incorporating new toys or behaviors can be nerve-wracking for both parties, and it might not always be a smooth process. The key is to approach the topic with openness and clarity. Heather's boyfriend seems excited about the handcuffs, but they haven't been able to use them during sex. The reason for this could be due to a lack of communication or anxiety about trying something new. To overcome this, Heather could bring up the topic outside of the bedroom and create a plan for when they can use the handcuffs together. It's essential to create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere when introducing new elements to the bedroom. This could involve setting the mood, being open about desires and fantasies, and creating a safe and consensual space for exploration. By taking the time to communicate and plan, couples can overcome any apprehension and enjoy a more fulfilling and exciting sex life.

    • Communicate openly about sexual desiresMake sex toys and props accessible, explore new experiences together, and eliminate frustration by communicating and preparing.

      Men are not mind readers and may not pick up on subtle hints, so it's important to communicate openly and directly about sexual desires. One solution is to make sex toys and role-play props easily accessible, such as under-the-bed restraints or sport sheets with Velcro cuffs. Another option is to explore new experiences together through subscription boxes like the Unbound Box, which includes toys, lubricants, and other items to spice up intimacy. By taking the initiative and making it convenient for both partners, the frustration of not knowing what the other wants can be eliminated. Communication and preparation are key to keeping the spark alive in a relationship.

    • Explore and communicate for better sexDiscover new preferences, broaden horizons, and deepen connections through open communication and exploration using tools like Unbound Boxes.

      Communication and exploration are key to enhancing sexual experiences. The Unbound Boxes mentioned in the discussion can be a helpful tool for individuals to discover new preferences and broaden their horizons without feeling pressured to choose everything on their own. For those experiencing a perceived lack of satisfaction in their current relationship, starting a conversation about exploring each other's desires together can lead to a more fulfilling experience for both partners. Additionally, the importance of open communication and continuous learning about sex was emphasized, as every partner and relationship is unique.

    • Exploring the Complexity of Bad SexCommunication, attention, and understanding are crucial for satisfying sexual experiences. Bad sex can be caused by a lack of these elements, and it's important to discuss and learn from negative experiences.

      Sex can be a complex and subjective experience, and what makes it good or bad can vary greatly from person to person. During a podcast discussion, the hosts explored the concept of bad sex and shared their own experiences. They noted that for some, bad sex may involve a lack of attention or communication from their partner, while for others, it could be due to a lack of understanding of their own body or that of their partner. The hosts encouraged listeners to share their own worst sex stories and promised to discuss the topic further on the show. It was also mentioned that women, in particular, may have more complex sexual experiences due to the various buttons that need to be pressed, while men may have grown up with the assumption that sex is always good. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of communication, attention, and understanding in creating satisfying sexual experiences.

    • Exploring Female PleasureEncourage mutual masturbation or solo exploration to discover female desires, communicate openly, and create a safe environment for better sexual experiences.

      Many women may not fully understand their own sexual desires and pleasures due to lack of education and exploration. To help bridge this gap, mutual masturbation or solo exploration can be suggested as a way to discover what feels good. Communication and openness are key in this process, as asking what turns her on and creating a safe and comfortable environment can lead to better sexual experiences for both partners. The book "She Comes First" by Ian Kerner is also recommended for further education on female pleasure and how to prioritize it in sexual encounters.

    • Building a connection before sexConsider letting a relationship develop naturally before having sex to enhance the experience for both partners. Focus on getting to know someone and building a strong connection first.

      Building sexual tension and getting to know someone before having sex can enhance the experience for both partners. Mikaela, who has been studying abroad and is considering starting a relationship with an old friend, is worried about moving too fast sexually and ruining the connection. The experts advise that it's important to let the relationship develop naturally, and not put too much pressure on the situation. They also discuss the concept of a "broken picker," which refers to consistently choosing the wrong partners, and how to rewire one's brain to make better choices. The experts encourage Mikaela to focus on getting to know her new friend and building a strong connection before jumping into a sexual relationship. They also remind listeners that there is no formula for how long to wait before having sex, and that every relationship is unique.

    • Exploring New Connections and ExperiencesApproach relationships and sexuality with an open mind, without pressure. Everyone's experiences are unique and it's important to keep practicing and exploring new connections.

      Everyone's experiences with relationships and sexuality are unique, and it's important not to put too much pressure on yourself or your partner. Mikaela, a listener, shared her experience of trying to reconnect with an old friend as a potential romantic partner. The speaker reassured her that it's okay if things don't work out with this person, as everyone's "picker" for a partner doesn't get fixed after just one try. Instead, it's important to keep practicing and exploring new connections. Regarding sexual experiences, Andrew asked about having difficulty having an orgasm while standing. The speaker emphasized that sex should not be goal-oriented and that everyone has different preferences when it comes to positions and orgasms. The key is to try different variations and not put too much pressure on yourself. In summary, the takeaway is to approach relationships and sexuality with an open mind, without putting too much pressure on yourself or your partner. Everyone's experiences are unique, and it's important to keep practicing and exploring new connections.

    • Exploring new sexual positions and sex toysExperiment with new positions and toys, ensure cleanliness for optimal sexual satisfaction

      Exploring new sexual positions and experimenting with sex toys can enhance sexual experiences, but proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for ensuring pleasure and hygiene. The speaker, Madison Young, emphasized the importance of trying out different positions and not being married to one, while also sharing her excitement about a new product called UV, which cleans, stores, and charges sex toys, making it a must-have for anyone who values their sexual health and pleasure. Additionally, she highlighted the benefits of the intensity by Pourmois, a product originally designed to cure incontinence issues but discovered to induce intense orgasms through electrostimulation of the pelvic floor muscles. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being open-minded, experimenting, and prioritizing cleanliness for optimal sexual satisfaction.

    • Revolutionizing Sex Lives with IntensityThe Intensity sex toy delivers g-spot orgasms and enhances kegel exercises, offering a game-changing experience in sex toys.

      The Intensity, a sex toy enhanced with powerful vibration and a clitoral stimulator, offers a winning combination of utility and pleasure that has significantly transformed the user's sex life. It's more than just a toy; it's a product that delivers g-spot orgasms, which is a topic of great interest for many people. The Intensity caters to two things that are frequently discussed - kegel exercises and orgasms. For those intrigued by how it could revolutionize their own sex lives, they can click on the "Intensity" banner on the website or visit pourmoi.com. Ultimately, the Intensity represents a game-changer in the realm of sex toys, offering an experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

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