
    Podcast Summary

    • Invest in personal improvement in 2024Improve your smile with Byte, simplify home projects with Thumbtack, and support creators on Patreon for exclusive content and community.

      2024 is the year for prioritizing personal improvement, whether it's through enhancing your smile with Byte or tackling unfinished home projects with Thumbtack. Byte offers an affordable, convenient solution for achieving a beautiful smile, while Thumbtack simplifies home improvement projects by connecting users with highly-rated local professionals. Meanwhile, supporting creators like the Dumb Blonde Podcast on Patreon offers access to exclusive content and a vibrant community. By committing to these investments in yourself and your surroundings, you can start seeing noticeable improvements and increased confidence.

    • Unexpected encounters and conversations can lead to life-changing momentsUnexpected meetings with people, even those with past indiscretions, can lead to new passions and positive life changes

      Unexpected encounters and conversations can lead to significant life changes. The speaker shares his experience of attending a pool party where he met a woman who helped him regain the use of his legs after years of alcohol abuse. However, the event took an unexpected turn when he found himself in the presence of Bam Margera, whom he had known of but didn't know personally. Despite the presence of other women and Margera's previous indiscretions, the speaker and Margera ended up connecting and having a good time. This encounter ultimately led the speaker to focus on his passion for skateboarding again and make positive changes in his life. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most meaningful experiences come from the most unexpected places.

    • Personal setbacks and emotional pain can lead to unhealthy coping mechanismsRecognize signs of alcohol poisoning, prioritize self-care, and stay committed to personal goals during challenging times.

      Going through a series of personal setbacks and emotional pain can lead individuals to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as excessive drinking, which can ultimately harm their well-being. The speaker's experience of losing her dog, undergoing ankle surgery, and ending a long-term relationship within a short period of time pushed her into a downward spiral of alcohol abuse. Her story highlights the importance of recognizing the signs of alcohol poisoning and seeking help when needed. Additionally, unexpected events, such as entering a bikini contest or encountering gangsters, can lead to unexpected connections and experiences, even during challenging times. The speaker's story serves as a reminder to stay committed to personal goals, even when faced with adversity, and to prioritize self-care and well-being.

    • Consider the risks before making hasty decisionsAssess situations carefully, trust gut feelings, and find joy in unexpected connections can lead to soulful bonds

      Sometimes, making hasty decisions or saying yes to every opportunity can lead to unexpected and unwanted consequences. Bam's story is a reminder that we need to use discernment and consider the potential risks before getting involved with people or situations. It's essential to trust our gut feelings and assess the situation carefully before making a commitment. Additionally, the power of humor and finding joy in unexpected places can lead us to form meaningful connections with others. Bam's attraction to his friend, Jay, was based on his sense of humor, and their shared experiences created a strong bond between them. Ultimately, when we meet someone who resonates with us on a deep level, it can lead to a soul connection that brings light and joy into our lives.

    • Realizing the importance of authenticity, community, and personal freedomMoving from LA to Nashville led the speaker to value authenticity, community, and personal freedom, as they found genuine connections and appreciated the importance of being true to oneself and others.

      The speaker's experience of moving from Los Angeles to Nashville brought about a realization of the stark difference between the two cities, particularly in terms of authenticity and community. In LA, the speaker felt that people were fake and focused on their careers, whereas in Nashville, they found a sense of sweetness, welcoming, and hospitality. The speaker also shared a personal experience of being in a treatment facility against their will, which made them appreciate the importance of personal freedom and autonomy. Additionally, the speaker's friend's experience of being in LA highlighted the city's superficiality and the pressure to be a part of something, even if it's not genuine. Overall, the speaker's experience of moving and the subsequent realizations they gained highlight the importance of authenticity, community, and personal freedom.

    • A man's prolonged institutionalization against his willDespite expressing his need for freedom, a man was kept in various treatment centers for 90-day stints, causing him to feel betrayed and stripped of autonomy, ultimately leading to a renewed appreciation for life upon release.

      The individual in this story experienced a prolonged period of institutionalization against his will, which he describes as a "Florida shuffle." He was kept in various treatment centers for 90-day stints, despite expressing that he didn't need the help. He believes that his family and friends, including a woman named April, conspired to keep him in the system. The most traumatic aspect of this experience was the betrayal from those closest to him, which he describes as a form of bodysnatching. The individual felt that his freedom and autonomy were stripped away, and he was unable to access music, the internet, or even simple pleasures like a convertible car or a Starbucks coffee. Upon being released, he appreciated life more and felt a renewed sense of freedom. However, he also felt hurt and betrayed by those who had kept him institutionalized for so long.

    • The exploitative nature of rehabilitation centersDeceptive practices in rehab centers can prolong stays, leading to relapse or worse outcomes, emphasizing the importance of honesty, self-determination, and a supportive environment for overcoming addiction.

      The rehabilitation system can be exploitative and traumatizing, as shown in the story of Bam's experience. The system would keep patients longer to maximize insurance payments, allowing girls to lure them out and keep them for 30 more days. This constant shuffle and deceit could lead to devastating consequences, including addiction relapse or even death. The family's denial and lack of support only worsened the situation for Bam. Ultimately, honesty, self-determination, and a supportive environment are crucial for overcoming addiction and rebuilding a healthy life.

    • Misdiagnosis and Overreliance on Medication in Mental HealthIndividuals may be misdiagnosed and overprescribed medication, leading to dependency and mistrust in the mental health system. Seek a trusted mental health professional and advocate for your own wellbeing.

      The mental health system can be overreliant on medication and may misdiagnose individuals, leading to a dependency on prescriptions and a lack of belief in their own perceptions. The speaker shares their personal experience of being diagnosed with various mental health conditions and being prescribed numerous medications, some of which they believe were unnecessary and even counterproductive to their wellbeing. They also express frustration with the inconsistency and lack of trustworthiness among different treatment centers and therapists. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding a trusted mental health professional and being an advocate for one's own health. Additionally, the conversation touches on the stigma surrounding mental health and the importance of challenging misconceptions and stereotypes.

    • The Dark Side of FameFame and fortune can come with a steep price, including mental and emotional tolls. Prioritize self-care and authenticity over external validation.

      The entertainment industry can be toxic and exploitative, pushing individuals to conform to unhealthy and unrealistic standards. The speaker shares her personal experiences of feeling trapped in a cycle of medication and public appearances, unable to live authentically or pursue her own well-being. Despite having a supportive friend and starting a new relationship, she was betrayed and manipulated, leading to a breakdown and a violent reaction. It's a reminder that the cost of fame and fortune can be high, and it's essential to prioritize one's mental and emotional health above all else.

    • Bam Margera's Child Custody BattleFamous individuals face costly and time-consuming child custody battles, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the child's well-being and maintaining a civil relationship, despite challenges and potential biases.

      Navigating a contentious child custody situation can be a costly and time-consuming process, even for famous individuals. Bam Margera shared his experience with Nikki, whom he married in a fake Icelandic wedding, only to face numerous legal hurdles and financial burdens in their separation. Despite the challenges, Bam emphasized the importance of focusing on the child's well-being and maintaining a civil relationship, if possible. However, he also acknowledged the difficulties in overcoming past hurt and the potential biases that can influence the legal system. Ultimately, Bam expressed his determination to prioritize Phoenix's needs and find a way to co-parent effectively.

    • Starting over after setbacksDespite unexpected challenges and setbacks, it's possible to find joy and purpose in new experiences. Let go of past grudges and learn from mistakes to move forward.

      Sometimes in life, people make decisions that lead them down unexpected paths, and while these paths may not always be easy or ideal, they can ultimately lead to new experiences, happiness, and a sense of purpose. The speaker in this conversation shares his story of starting out young as a content creator, amassing a significant following, and then losing it all due to poor choices and legal issues. However, despite these setbacks, he has found joy in starting fresh and meeting new people on his "great adventure." He also mentions the cycle of addiction and how it can be a difficult one to break. Another theme that emerges is the importance of forgiveness and moving on from past grudges. The speaker expresses his anger towards a former collaborator but acknowledges that holding onto this anger is not productive. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of resilience, finding purpose, and letting go of the past.

    • Navigating the complexities of human relationshipsFocus on the present, prioritize mental health, and find balance between past and present in friendships.

      Relationships and friendships can be complicated, especially when past actions and present circumstances collide. The speaker in this conversation shares stories of helping a friend, only to feel betrayed and owed in return. They also discuss the importance of focusing on the present and prioritizing mental health and personal relationships over past grievances. The conversation touches on themes of forgiveness, trust, and the complexities of maintaining friendships as people grow and change. The speaker's experiences illustrate the challenges of navigating the intricacies of human relationships and the importance of finding a balance between holding on to the past and moving forward in the present.

    • The importance of trust and appreciating opportunitiesTrusting others and seizing opportunities are vital for personal growth. Missed chances and unappreciated efforts can lead to regret, while deep connections bring joy and support.

      Trust and appreciating opportunities are crucial in life. The speaker expresses their frustration with people making decisions for them and their difficulty trusting others due to past experiences. They share stories of missed opportunities and unappreciated budgets, emphasizing the importance of seizing opportunities and trusting those involved. The relationship with their late friend Ryan Dunn is highlighted as an example of a deep connection, where they shared experiences and supported each other. The speaker's emotional reaction to Ryan's death underscores the significance of meaningful relationships and the pain of losing someone close. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of trust, appreciation, and cherishing relationships.

    • The importance of facing trauma and the power of trust and support in healingFacing trauma requires strength and support. Trust is essential in relationships, and when broken, healing can be challenging. The power of healing lies in addressing pain head-on and finding positive relationships to help move forward.

      Even though soulmates can be friends, they may not always be with us forever. Traumatic experiences, like the speaker's near-fatal car accident, can lead to destructive coping mechanisms like substance abuse. The speaker's life has been filled with betrayal and trauma, and she has had to face these challenges through various forms of therapy. Trust is essential in relationships, and when it's broken, it can be difficult to heal. The speaker's current relationship with Danny is a positive step towards dealing with her pain and moving forward in her life. The lengthy period of sobriety she has achieved since August 1st is a significant accomplishment, especially considering her past struggles. Overall, the speaker's experiences demonstrate the importance of facing trauma and pain head-on and the power of trust and support in the healing process.

    • Embracing new experiences and personal growthTaking control of your own schedule and seeking out new experiences can lead to personal growth and joy. Having a support system and focusing on self-improvement can also contribute to a fulfilling life.

      Having a structured schedule and taking control of your own life can lead to new experiences and personal growth. This was emphasized through the speaker's decision to take a road trip in the new Hyundai Santa Fe instead of sticking to the same routine. Additionally, the importance of having a support system, such as a partner or pets, was highlighted as a means of keeping accountable and finding joy in everyday activities. The speaker also shared their personal journey towards sobriety and the realization that forced treatment and therapy were not the only ways to find peace and happiness. The conversation also touched on the topic of manipulation and control in various contexts, from personal relationships to larger societal issues, and the importance of staying informed and questioning authority. Overall, the discussion underscored the value of taking charge of one's life and seeking out new opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

    • Challenges in navigating mental health systemLong wait times, inadequate resources, potential labeling and institutionalization, prioritizing those in most need, importance of self-care and resilience, benefits of physical health and pets

      Navigating the mental health system can be a challenging and frustrating experience. Sharing stories from personal experiences and those of friends, the discussion revealed long wait times, inadequate resources, and the potential for being labeled and institutionalized. The system seems to prioritize those in most need, but for those who require less intensive care, it can be difficult to receive the appropriate help. The speaker also touched upon the importance of physical health, mentioning the benefits of stretching and working out, as well as the positive impact of having a pet, particularly a dog. Overall, the conversation underscores the complexities and challenges of mental health care and the importance of self-care and resilience.

    • The importance of giving pets freedom and spaceGiving pets freedom and space can lead to peace and harmony for both the pet and the owner. Cherishing unexpected connections with others can also bring joy and growth.

      Allowing space and freedom for oneself and one's pets can lead to finding peace and harmony. The speaker shares an experience of leaving their dog with a friend for a month and returning to find a deep bond between the dog and the friend. This experience made the speaker realize the importance of giving their dog the freedom to be alone and experience the world without constant supervision. This newfound freedom brought peace and harmony to both the dog and the speaker, who had previously felt anxious about the constant presence of others in their life. The speaker also reflects on their own personal growth, acknowledging the importance of being true to oneself and letting go of the need to please others. The conversation also touches on the theme of finding connections with others, even in unexpected places, and the importance of cherishing those relationships.

    • Unexpected circumstances can lead to new opportunitiesFacing challenges can lead to discovering new projects, appreciating simple things, and strengthening relationships.

      Unexpected circumstances can lead to new opportunities and experiences. The speaker found herself stranded in Pennsylvania due to legal issues, unable to return home to California or access her car and dogs. This experience was challenging and isolating, but it also allowed her to appreciate the simple things in life and led her to discover potential for a new project at a friend's property. The experience also brought her closer to her partner, who supported her through the difficult time. Despite the initial hardships, the speaker was able to find positivity and make the most of an unexpected situation.

    • Unexpected proposal during a house renovation projectUnexpected moments and shared experiences can deepen relationships, as demonstrated by Bam and Danny's unexpected engagement and plans for a tour to save animals and promote skate parks in underserved communities.

      The proposal story of Bam and Danny was a memorable and unexpected moment during their road trip. Bam was surprised when Danny proposed to her at a house they wanted to fix up, and she accepted the proposal after some initial hesitation. They kept their engagement quiet for a while before sharing the news with others. The couple, who are involved in horror cons and animal rescue, have exciting plans for 2024, including a tour to save animals and promote awareness about the importance of skate parks in underserved communities. Their experiences have opened their eyes to various social issues and have strengthened their bond as a couple. Overall, their story highlights the importance of unexpected moments and the power of shared experiences in deepening relationships.

    • Embracing Independence and Self-CareThe speaker values her independence and self-care, setting boundaries during busy events and prioritizing sleep, leading to reduced reliance on medication.

      The speaker values her independence and self-care, even in the midst of a busy schedule and intense relationships. She shares anecdotes about setting boundaries during a Comic Con event and prioritizing her sleep, explaining that she no longer needs heavy medication to fall asleep due to her active lifestyle. The speaker also expresses her unique perspective on sobriety, acknowledging that everyone has different definitions and that she uses weed as a tool to calm her anxiety. Throughout the conversation, she emphasizes the importance of understanding her partner's past and the impact it has on his fans and her own experiences. Overall, the speaker's words highlight her strength, self-awareness, and dedication to maintaining a healthy balance in her life.

    • Personal journey into addictionPeer pressure and curiosity can lead to substance experimentation and addiction, highlighting the importance of making informed decisions about one's health and well-being.

      The speaker's experiences with drugs and alcohol began with peer pressure and curiosity, leading to experimentation and eventual addiction. The speaker recounts how they were introduced to substances by friends, starting with Adderall and eventually progressing to harder drugs like meth and cocaine. The speaker also mentions how they were influenced by the environment and the normalization of substance use in certain social circles. It's important to note that the speaker's experiences are personal and may not reflect the experiences of everyone. It's crucial to remember that substance use can have negative consequences and that it's essential to make informed decisions about one's health and well-being.

    Recent Episodes from Dumb Blonde

    Dacé: The Modern Working Girl

    Dacé: The Modern Working Girl

    This week, we get all hot and bothered with Dacé, AKA The Modern Working Girl. She first opens up about healing from childhood SA, and how she's taking the power back now in her adult life. She walks us through her journey from Mississippi to becoming a TikTok creator, some of the craziest stories she's had while working at the World Famous Mustang Ranch brothel. Bunnie also welcomes Madam Tara to share some of the ranch rules and even more naughty happenings that go on on Mustang Ranch's menu. Buckle up, baby!

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    Dacé: Mustang Ranch | TikTok

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    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

    Bunnie is joined this week by the very sweet Tyler Henry, one of the most sought-after clairvoyant mediums around the world. You may recognize Tyler as the star of the Netflix series "Life after Death with Tyler Henry". Tyler's first television show, E! Entertainment’s mega-hit "Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry", established him as a household name. Before giving Bunnie a spot-on reading, Tyler talks about his journey developing his psychic abilities from a young age and facing skepticism from family and community. He also shares some wild things that have happened during celebrity readings, like objects moving on their own. He then answers a few Patreon member questions about communicating with passed loved ones, discerning spirits, and sharing insights into life after death.

    Tyler Henry: Website | The Collective | IG

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

    Bunnie welcomes world-renowned plastic surgeon and author Dr. Ricky Brown, aka "The Real TikTok Doc", to the show this week. Dr. Brown gets real about his journey from not knowing what path to take after college to becoming a double board-certified surgeon with millions of social media fans and followers. He answers listener questions about the complex reconstructive procedures he's performed and gets candid about navigating controversies in plastic surgery, including his take on breast implant illness. Dr. Ricky shares more about his approach to consultations, the differences between saline and silicone implants, and Bunnie talks about her own experience with implants and removal.

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: TikTok | YouTube | The Real Beauty Bible

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    This week, Bunnie gets up close and personal with the iconic mother-daughter duo that refuses to be defined by rumors or the past. Farrah Abraham and Sophia sit down for an unfiltered chat about their lives navigating fame and family ties.

    Farrah spills the tea on all the tabloid tales, from Nicki Minaj beefs to poop sales. She also gives a sneak peek at her upcoming comedy tour, where she's taking her candid humor nationwide to break trauma bonds through laughter.

    Sophia reflects on her passion for music and how she learned to follow her own path while growing up under a microscope.

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    Farrah Abraham: IG | Website

    Sophia: IG

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    This week, TV personality, author, and social media star Winter Blanco gets real about overcoming trauma and finding her voice. She talks with Bunnie about her rise to fame through the Bad Girls Club, and how that early spotlight exacerbated her existing insecurities. Winter gets candid about using substances to cope and details her path to sobriety, while learning to silence the haters that constantly question her ethnicity. Then, her 'Behind the Likes' podcast co-host and bestie Chy joins the show to shed some insight into their friendship and hilarious dynamic.

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes | IG

    Chy: IG

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    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    This week, legendary skateboarder and Jackass star Bam Margera gets candid about battling addiction and embracing sobriety. He opens up about the "Florida Shuffle" he endured in rehab, as well as the legal battles we've both seen and not seen reported in the news. Bam also reflects on life after skyrocketing to fame with Jackass in the early 2000s. Joining Bam for the raw conversation is his model fiancée Dannii Marie, to share her own perspective on their chance meeting in LA and travels across the country together that have brought them to this new chapter.

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    Bam Margera: IG

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    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

    The Mob Wives March continues with the beautiful and feisty RaMona Rizzo, who sets the record straight about her legendary grandfather, Lefty Guns Ruggerio. RaMona talks about discovering the truth of her grandfather's life through Joe Pistone's book and confronting the differences between reality and Hollywood's portrayal in Donnie Brasco as well. She shares her story of meeting Al Pacino on set and how she's learned to rise above other family secrets, drama, and betrayal. RaMona gets into her path to Mob Wives and her excitement for her company, Spiritual Slinger.

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    RaMona; IG | Spiritual Slinger

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    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

    Bunnie welcomes Tonesa Welch, also known as the First Lady of BMF. Tonesa shares her journey from growing up in Detroit to her rise in the drug trade, her relationship with H, and how she got through abuse and betrayal to come out on the other side. Tonesa opens up to Bunnie about what she learned from her time in prison and her passion for prison reform advocacy and gets raw about navigating grief along the way.

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    Tonesa: IG

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    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

    The iconicness continues this week with Karen Gravano, former Mob Wives star, best-selling author and Co-Founder of The Body Depot Spa. Karen leaves nothing behind as she dishes about growing up as the daughter of infamous mobster Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, her complicated relationship with costar Drita D'Avanzo and the drama that played out on and off camera. She also reflected on how her father's high-profile crimes impacted her life and family and how she got through it with a hustling spirit and a commitment for prison reform advocacy.

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    Karen: IG | The Body Depot

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    Related Episodes

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    #72 Dumb Blonde: Jelly Roll - New Album, C*ckstar, & Embarrassing Stories

    Welcome to the new Dumb Blonde Unrated, where you can expect things to get even dirtier, raunchier, and all around Bunnie-r. Jelly joins the show this week to talk about his new album 'Self Medicated', and the inspiration behind this quarantine born album. Jelly also gets real about what he really thinks about Bunnie's new fantasy, what his favorite song is currently, and how the collaborations on this new album came to be. 





    'Self Medicated'

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    "My goal is to not only make music that helps people, but that touches on real life stuff without being tacky." - Jelly 

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    Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands): Porn Royalty

    Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands): Porn Royalty

    In Part 1 with this porn royalty power duo, Bunnie talks with Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands) about their upbringing and how religion caused rebellion. They get into Joanna launching Burning Angel in 2002 and how it changed the industry, and Aaron's pre-adult movie career as a graphic designer / van touring rockstar. They tell the hilariously cute story of how they met and went way further than a client and customer relationship. Stay tuned for Part 2! 

    Joanna Angel: 


    Aaron (Small Hands:) IG 

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    Leo Skepi Is Your Authentic Guru

    Leo Skepi Is Your Authentic Guru

    The beautiful Leo Skepi comes to shine his light this week. Leo is the rising star and host of the Aware and Aggravated podcast, quickly climbing up the charts and providing insight on everything from relationships, family, education, finance and more. Leo talks with Bunnie about his own self transformation and rising like a gorgeous phoenix after family drama and toxic relationships.

    Leo Skepi: Aware and Aggravated


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    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

    The iconic Brittany Furlan Lee is here to crack us up and get candid about exes, mental health and living life in the spotlight. She opens up about her wild ride in comedy and beyond, including skyrocketing to fame on Vine and finding zen with husband Tommy Lee. Brittany and Bunnie talk about how what you see online is not always real life, and Brittany gives a sneak peak about what's ahead for her LoveLee jewelry line and "This is the Worst" podcast.

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    Brittany: IG | TikTok | LoveLee Jewelry | This is the Worst

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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