
    Podcast Summary

    • Win up to $2,000 in casino bonuses daily with FanDuel's Reward MachineFanDuel's Reward Machine offers a daily chance to win up to $2,000 in casino bonuses for free

      FanDuel Casino offers a free daily game called Reward Machine, where players can win up to $2,000 in casino bonuses. With over 50 million in free bonuses given away, it's a chance to win without making a purchase. The podcast featured Bonnie, who shared her inspiring story of growing up with normal middle-class values but choosing a different path. She ran away from home at 14 and became a sex worker, but later became a motivational speaker, producer, and director. In her interview, she spoke about her past, her experiences, and her journey to self-improvement. Meanwhile, FanDuel's Reward Machine offers a chance to win big without spending a dime, making it an attractive offer for those looking for a free chance to win.

    • The Rooster Tail club introduced the speaker to a new world and Harold's pursuit led to an exciting relationshipThe Rooster Tail club exposed the speaker to a new lifestyle, leading to an exhilarating relationship with Harold, but the long-term implications were significant

      The Rooster Tail club in Detroit served as a transformative experience for the speaker. The glamour and fashion of the east side of Detroit introduced her to a new world, and when she met Harold, a fashionable man from the east side, she felt drawn to him and his lifestyle. Harold pursued her relentlessly, and despite her parents' disapproval, she found the relationship exciting and thrilling. Initially, Harold bought her gifts to help her fit in, but this could be seen as a form of grooming for the lifestyle. After getting together, the relationship continued to be exciting and new, with Harold treating her well and buying her things. However, the long-term implications of this relationship and the lifestyle it introduced would have significant consequences.

    • Dangers of Being Drawn into Criminal LifestylesNaivety and excitement can lead young people into dangerous criminal lifestyles, with potential long-term consequences including prison time. It's crucial to understand the risks and focus on education and awareness.

      Naivete and excitement can lead young people into dangerous and criminal lifestyles, even if they don't directly engage in the illegal activities. The speaker shares her experience of dating a drug dealer and becoming involved in his world, initially drawn in by his lifestyle and the power and status it brought. She admits to being very naive and ignorant to the potential consequences, focusing only on the excitement and wanting to be a part of his world. The speaker also discusses how she had a "boss mentality" and wanted to be seen as powerful, which further fueled her involvement. She reflects on how she could have easily ended up in prison had she been caught, and now understands the importance of education and awareness about the laws. The speaker's story highlights the importance of recognizing the potential dangers and long-term consequences of being drawn into criminal activities, even if only indirectly.

    • Cycle of Abusive RelationshipsPerceived financial stability can lead women to stay in abusive relationships, fearing for their safety and that of their children. Escalating violence often results from the partner's own traumatic past, perpetuating the cycle. It takes a significant threat to safety or loss to prompt leaving.

      Relationships, especially those marked by power imbalances and domestic violence, can be complex and cyclical. The speaker shares her experience of being drawn to a violent partner due to perceived financial stability, only to find herself trapped in a cycle of abuse. Despite her strength and independence, she felt unable to leave, fearing for her safety and that of her children. The violence escalated, leading the speaker to plan and carry out the ultimate act of protection. Looking back, she realized that her partner's behavior was a result of his own traumatic upbringing and the cycle of violence continued. It took the threat of losing her children and her own life for her to finally leave. The experience left a deep impact on her, instilling fear and trauma that lasted long after the physical danger had passed.

    • Feeling trapped in abusive relationshipsAbuse can manipulate victims, making them believe they have no options but to stay. Trauma bonding makes it hard to leave, and lack of knowledge about laws can keep them trapped. Recognize abuse isn't love, seek help to break the cycle.

      Abuse can make victims feel trapped and powerless, leading them to believe they have no other options but to stay in the relationship. The abuser can manipulate this power dynamic by controlling various aspects of the victim's life, including their appearance, self-worth, and even their freedom. The victim may believe they are saving the abuser or protecting them, but in reality, they are only enabling the cycle of abuse. The trauma bonding that develops can make it difficult for the victim to leave, even after escaping the abusive situation. The lack of understanding about domestic violence and self-defense laws can further trap victims, making them fear the consequences of leaving. It's essential to recognize that abuse is never a sign of love, but rather a form of control fueled by the abuser's ego. It's crucial to break the cycle of abuse and seek help, whether it's through therapy, support groups, or legal means.

    • The value of family and understanding past actionsSeeking answers and working through emotions with loved ones and counselors can lead to healing and closure, even in difficult circumstances. Compassion and empathy are crucial in the healing process.

      The importance of family and understanding the reasons behind past actions can lead to healing and closure, even in the most challenging circumstances. The speaker shares her experiences of reconnecting with her biological father and stepfather, and the emotional turmoil she faced when her biological father passed away while she was in prison and didn't have the chance to attend his funeral. Despite the difficulties, she emphasizes the value of seeking answers and working through emotions with the help of counselors and loved ones. However, she also shares her negative experience with a particularly challenging counselor, highlighting the importance of compassion and empathy in the healing process. Ultimately, her story underscores the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for growth and connection, even in the face of adversity.

    • The power of positive support and resilienceHaving a supportive figure and believing in oneself can help overcome adversity. Resilience and positive support are essential for growth and success.

      Even in the face of adversity and hardship, having a supportive figure and the belief in oneself can help one get through the toughest times. The speaker's grandmother always encouraged her to keep going, and her unwavering faith in her ability to overcome challenges was instrumental in helping her persevere. The importance of resilience and the power of positive support cannot be overstated. Additionally, the speaker's past experiences led her to expand her business, bringing in new partners and taking risks, ultimately leading to growth and success.

    • Leaving an abusive relationship facilitated by ex-husband's incarcerationLeaving an abusive relationship led to newfound independence, travel, socializing, and a romantic relationship for the speaker.

      The speaker's experience of leaving an abusive relationship was facilitated by her ex-husband's incarceration. This event allowed her to gain independence and discover her own identity. She felt held back in the relationship and was eager to be free. Once he went to prison, she was able to break away and explore her newfound freedom, which included traveling, socializing, and eventually developing a romantic relationship with Terry. Despite the inaccuracies portrayed in the BMF Stars movie, she emphasizes that she was already an established figure in the streets when they met and didn't need to be chasing after a younger man. Overall, her experience of leaving an abusive relationship and gaining independence was a transformative and liberating one.

    • A life driven by fearlessness and power, but lacking love and stabilitySuccess and wealth can be achieved through fearlessness and taking risks, but true love and stability are essential for a fulfilling life

      The speaker's experiences in life, including her rise to power and wealth, were driven by a lack of fear and a desire to be around those who took risks. She felt empowered by her success and believed she didn't need anyone else. However, she later realized that her relationship with Terry, who was also involved in the criminal underworld but lacked stability, was not based on genuine love or compatibility. She wanted to help him become successful and financially secure, just as she had become. The distinction between their roles in the BMF movie and series was also clarified. The speaker's journey was marked by a sense of adventure, power, and the pursuit of wealth, but also the realization that true love and stability are essential components of a fulfilling life.

    • The importance of trust and partnership in a drug trafficking operationTrust and partnership are essential for success in any venture, but jealousy and power struggles can derail progress

      Trust and partnership were crucial elements in the success of a drug trafficking operation depicted in the conversation. The speaker shared how they mentored and trusted a younger man, Terry, to take over the business when they were tired. Terry's intelligence and hard work led to the expansion of their operation, which attracted the attention of higher-level contacts. However, jealousy and power struggles emerged as the business grew, ultimately leading to the dissolution of relationships and the end of their successful partnership. The speaker emphasized the importance of trust and partnership in any venture, but also acknowledged the potential for jealousy and power struggles to derail success.

    • Leaving a toxic situation doesn't guarantee freedom from harmEven after leaving a harmful relationship, it's crucial to prioritize self-improvement and avoid getting involved in another detrimental environment to ensure true freedom from harm.

      Even when trying to leave a toxic situation, it's crucial to prioritize self-improvement and avoid getting involved in another harmful environment. The speaker shares her experience of leaving an abusive relationship only to fall into a dangerous world of drugs and organized crime. Despite her efforts to keep her family out of it, her ex-partner brought them in, leading to a sense of responsibility and regret. The speaker emphasizes that, even if she hadn't been with her ex-partner, her life would have still been intertwined with the streets. It's essential to recognize that we have a role in the choices we make and the impact they have on those around us. The speaker's story serves as a reminder of the importance of healing and growth before moving on to new relationships or situations.

    • Impact of past betrayals and domestic violence on relationshipsRecognize that past traumas, such as betrayals and domestic violence, can have long-lasting impacts on relationships. Acknowledging and addressing these issues is crucial for healing and reconciliation.

      The cycle of incarceration can be generational, and the consequences of past betrayals and domestic violence can have long-lasting impacts on individuals and relationships. The speaker shared her personal experience of being set up by her ex-husband, leading to a violent attack. Despite the pain and mistrust, she eventually found a way to communicate and reconcile with him, recognizing that the root cause of their issues went beyond the infidelity that had driven her away. Today, they have a good relationship, but she emphasizes the importance of addressing and acknowledging past traumas, particularly for women who may be victims of domestic violence or other forms of abuse.

    • The power of a sincere apology and self-reflectionAcknowledging past mistakes and seeking redemption through sincere apologies and self-reflection can lead to personal growth and healing.

      The power of a sincere apology and self-reflection can lead to personal growth and healing, even in the most difficult circumstances. The speaker shares her experience of receiving an apology from an abusive ex-partner and how it allowed her to speak openly about her experiences and find relief. She also discusses her time in prison and how it forced her to confront her past and turn to faith for guidance. Despite the challenges she faced, she found the strength to reflect on her actions and seek redemption. This story highlights the importance of acknowledging past mistakes and taking steps towards personal growth and forgiveness.

    • A woman's realization of responsibility during prisonIn prison, a woman recognizes the harm caused to loved ones by her past actions and takes responsibility, leading to personal growth.

      Despite the challenges and mistakes in her past, the woman realized her responsibility in shaping her own life and the lives of her family members. This realization came to her during her time in prison, when she reflected on her actions and their consequences. She had been selling drugs before her partners, Terry and Demetrius, but when she was finally caught and incarcerated, she recognized the harm she had caused to her loved ones. Her oldest son had spent over a decade in prison, and her younger sons were left to fend for themselves. She regretted her choices and felt the pain of their absence. Instead of harboring anger towards others, she took responsibility for her actions and began to connect with her family during their visits. This introspection and acceptance of responsibility marked a turning point in her life, allowing her to grow and learn from her experiences.

    • Discovering a Partner's Infidelity: A Lasting Betrayal TraumaBetrayal trauma from infidelity is a deeply painful experience with long-lasting emotional scars. Trust is irreparably damaged, and recovery is a difficult journey.

      Betrayal trauma is a deeply painful experience that can leave lasting emotional scars. The speaker in this conversation shares her story of discovering her partner's infidelity and the profound impact it had on her. She describes feeling betrayed not only by her partner's actions but also by the fact that he was raising their child with another woman, whom she had helped raise herself. The emotional toll of hearing her partner's affectionate conversations with the other woman was especially hurtful. Despite her initial attempts to reconcile, she eventually realized that the lack of trust and the continued reminders of the infidelity made it impossible to continue the relationship. The speaker emphasizes that betrayal trauma is a long-lasting experience that one never truly gets over.

    • Rediscovering Self-Respect and Personal GrowthLeaving a relationship due to feeling undervalued can lead to self-discovery and personal growth. However, lack of acknowledgement or support following departure can add to feelings of disrespect and anger.

      Self-respect and personal growth are crucial in moving on from past relationships. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of feeling undervalued in a long-term relationship, leading her to question her worth and identity. After realizing she had lost sight of who she was, she decided to leave the relationship and focus on rediscovering herself. The lack of acknowledgement or support following her departure added to her feelings of disrespect and anger. The conversation also touched upon the unexpected challenges of dealing with the portrayal of oneself in media, particularly when it contradicts one's self-image. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of standing up for oneself and allowing others to move on with their past relationships.

    • Betrayal leads to new opportunities and personal growthBetrayal can lead to unexpected events and challenges, but it's important to let go and find the strength to continue living and pursuing new opportunities for personal growth

      Betrayal can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of being betrayed by someone she trusted, which led to her being excluded from a project she was a significant part of. She was initially upset and mourned the loss, but eventually let go and found the opportunity to tell her own story and gain her own redemption through a movie based on her life. Another unexpected event was the loss of her son, which she was still dealing with and finding it difficult to talk about. Despite the challenges, she emphasized the importance of moving on and finding the strength to continue living and pursuing new opportunities.

    • The power of promises and communication in relationshipsKeep lines of communication open and check in regularly with loved ones to prevent tragic consequences.

      Promises and communication are crucial in maintaining relationships. The speaker shared a heartfelt story about a promise she made with a friend to never go a day without speaking to each other. However, despite her best efforts, she went three days without contacting him, which led to tragic consequences. Her friend took his own life, leaving her feeling guilty and questioning if she could have prevented it. This experience emphasized the importance of keeping lines of communication open and checking in regularly with loved ones, especially during difficult times. Despite the sadness and loss, the speaker found solace in the memories they shared and the promise he made her to be happy. She also shared her own accomplishments, including her work in prison reform and a new book deal, as a reminder of the importance of moving forward and finding joy in life.

    • From the streets to a community leaderDespite facing adversity, we have the power to turn experiences into opportunities to help and inspire others. Everyone deserves a second chance and owning our narratives can inspire and caution others.

      No matter what challenges life throws at us, we have the power to turn our experiences into opportunities to help and inspire others. Tonisa Welch, a nominee at the Image Awards, shares her journey from the streets to becoming a community leader and advocate for women. She encourages us not to give up, even when faced with adversity. Tonisa believes that everyone deserves a second chance and that society recognizes the value in sharing stories of overcoming hardships. She emphasizes the importance of owning our narratives and using them to inspire and caution others. To learn more about Tonisa and her inspiring story, follow her on social media under the name "First Lady Tonisa" or visit her website at silentheart.org.

    • Heartfelt connection between interviewer and intervieweeInterviewee's hometown tour stop and shared interests brought interviewer and interviewee closer together, creating a memorable and emotional conversation.

      Haley and the interviewer shared a heartfelt connection during their conversation, with moments of laughter and emotion. The interviewer was particularly excited about the coincidence of the interviewee's upcoming tour stop in her hometown of Wichita, Kansas, and expressed her eagerness to attend and even offer hospitality to the interviewee. The interviewer also revealed her admiration for the interviewee's favorite artist, Jelly Roll, and looked forward to sharing that experience with her father. Overall, the conversation was filled with genuine excitement and appreciation for the opportunity to connect with the interviewee and share in their shared interests.

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    Dacé: Mustang Ranch | TikTok

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    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

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    Tyler Henry: Website | The Collective | IG

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: TikTok | YouTube | The Real Beauty Bible

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    This week, Bunnie gets up close and personal with the iconic mother-daughter duo that refuses to be defined by rumors or the past. Farrah Abraham and Sophia sit down for an unfiltered chat about their lives navigating fame and family ties.

    Farrah spills the tea on all the tabloid tales, from Nicki Minaj beefs to poop sales. She also gives a sneak peek at her upcoming comedy tour, where she's taking her candid humor nationwide to break trauma bonds through laughter.

    Sophia reflects on her passion for music and how she learned to follow her own path while growing up under a microscope.

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    Farrah Abraham: IG | Website

    Sophia: IG

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    This week, TV personality, author, and social media star Winter Blanco gets real about overcoming trauma and finding her voice. She talks with Bunnie about her rise to fame through the Bad Girls Club, and how that early spotlight exacerbated her existing insecurities. Winter gets candid about using substances to cope and details her path to sobriety, while learning to silence the haters that constantly question her ethnicity. Then, her 'Behind the Likes' podcast co-host and bestie Chy joins the show to shed some insight into their friendship and hilarious dynamic.

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes | IG

    Chy: IG

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    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    This week, legendary skateboarder and Jackass star Bam Margera gets candid about battling addiction and embracing sobriety. He opens up about the "Florida Shuffle" he endured in rehab, as well as the legal battles we've both seen and not seen reported in the news. Bam also reflects on life after skyrocketing to fame with Jackass in the early 2000s. Joining Bam for the raw conversation is his model fiancée Dannii Marie, to share her own perspective on their chance meeting in LA and travels across the country together that have brought them to this new chapter.

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    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

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    RaMona; IG | Spiritual Slinger

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    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

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    Tonesa: IG

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    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

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    Karen: IG | The Body Depot

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    'Self Medicated'

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    "My goal is to not only make music that helps people, but that touches on real life stuff without being tacky." - Jelly 

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    Joanna Angel: 


    Aaron (Small Hands:) IG 

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    Leo Skepi: Aware and Aggravated


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    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

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    Brittany: IG | TikTok | LoveLee Jewelry | This is the Worst

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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