
    Podcast Summary

    • Angie connects homeowners with pros for home projects, Patreon offers exclusive contentAngie helps homeowners find the best price for home projects with features like quote comparisons and upfront pricing. Patreon allows content creators to monetize their work through various tiers and exclusive perks for supporters.

      Angie, the nation's largest home services marketplace, can help homeowners connect with and hire skilled professionals for various home projects. Angie offers features like requesting and comparing quotes from multiple pros, upfront pricing, and cost guides. The service is free to use and can help homeowners find the best price for their projects. Meanwhile, Dumb Blonde hosts Bonnie, a former sex worker turned podcast host, discussed the benefits of joining Patreon for exclusive content, live chats, and monthly giveaways. Patreon offers different tiers to cater to various budgets, and the community has grown significantly. Angie and Patreon are two different services, with Angie focusing on home services and Patreon on exclusive content.

    • Childhood trauma leads to sex industryDespite past trauma, some people enter sex industry to regain control of their lives, seeing it as a natural human desire and oldest profession

      The speaker's past experiences, including childhood sexual abuse and a traumatic relationship, led her to enter the sex industry. She grew up in Mississippi and was subjected to sexual abuse by her mother's older brother from a young age. She never told her parents about the abuse and internalized it, leading to a shutting off of emotions. Later, she escaped an abusive relationship and found work at the Mustang Ranch as a way to regain control of her life. Despite criticism that she's glamorizing the industry, she sees it as a natural human desire and the oldest profession in existence. Her past experiences have shaped her perspective and her choices.

    • Overcoming adversity through educationFocusing on education can help individuals escape challenging circumstances and find success, but it's important to acknowledge and address past traumas and protect children from harm.

      Despite experiencing trauma and challenging circumstances, including abuse and experimentation with drugs, it's possible to move forward and find success. The speaker shares how she shut off her past and focused on her education as a way to escape and thrive. However, she also acknowledges the importance of recognizing and addressing traumatic experiences, and the need for adults to protect children from harm. The speaker's story highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of finding support and focus in difficult times. It's a reminder that everyone's journey is unique, and that no matter what we've been through, we have the power to shape our own futures.

    • Experiences of financial dependence and exploitationWorking for financial support can lead to exploitation and abuse, emphasizing the importance of self-sufficiency and setting healthy boundaries.

      Relying on others for financial support, whether through relationships or work, can come with its own set of challenges and potential for abuse. The speaker shared her experience of working at a job after graduating high school and later turning to dating older men as a means of financial support. However, she encountered emotional and physical abuse in some of these relationships. She also discussed the difference between being a sugar baby and an escort, emphasizing that both involve exploitation and control. The speaker's introduction to the sex industry came through watching a TV show about a brothel, and she eventually visited one as a last resort after escaping an abusive relationship. She learned that it's important to be self-sufficient and not let external circumstances define one's worth or future. The speaker's encounter with Amy from the podcast "Cat House" served as an inspiration and reminder of the strength and resilience of women in difficult situations.

    • Difficulty leaving abusive relationshipsDespite the harm, attachment to intimacy keeps many in abusive relationships. Societal pressure and temporary solutions hinder escape, but self-love and personal growth are essential for leaving.

      Abusive relationships can be difficult to leave due to the attachment to the emotional and physical intimacy, even if it comes with harm. The speaker shared her personal experience of staying in an abusive relationship for two and a half years, despite the physical and emotional toll it took on her. She highlighted how men in such relationships often blame their partners for their own misfortunes and how the allure of a good relationship, including the sexual aspect, can keep women trapped. The discussion also touched upon the societal pressure to maintain appearances, with the weight loss industry being a prime example of temporary solutions. The speaker emphasized the importance of self-love and taking steps towards personal growth, such as seeking help and making positive changes in one's life.

    • From struggling to successful with ShopifyShopify's efficient checkout process and AI-powered tools help entrepreneurs convert sales and grow their businesses in 175 countries, including Allbirds, Rothy's, and Brooklinen. Personal experiences of hardship can lead to unconventional solutions, but honesty and self-respect are essential.

      Shopify's efficient checkout process and AI-powered tools help businesses convert more sales and grow, making it a popular choice for entrepreneurs in 175 countries, including successful brands like Allbirds, Rothy's, and Brooklinen. The speaker's personal experience of struggling in life led her to explore unconventional means, such as using Craigslist for a "sugar daddy" arrangement, to escape a difficult situation. Although she was able to leave, she learned hard lessons about the reality of such arrangements and the importance of honesty and self-respect. Ultimately, her determination to improve her life led her to Shopify, where she found the tools to grow her business and regain control of her circumstances.

    • Unexpected support in a brothelPeople in difficult circumstances can find unexpected support and understanding in the most unlikely places

      Despite facing difficult circumstances, the speaker found unexpected support and camaraderie in an unlikely place – a brothel. When she arrived, she was nervous and unsure, having only had limited sexual experiences. However, she was pleasantly surprised by the kindness and sisterhood among the women there. They treated her with care and respect, providing her with food, shelter, and emotional support. The culture was far different from what she had expected, and she felt a sense of relief and belonging. The experience challenged her preconceived notions about sex work and the women involved in it. Ultimately, she discovered that people in the most challenging situations can find solace and understanding in the most unexpected places.

    • Learning the ropes in the sex industry with 'ho training'Workers learn various skills like condom application and spitting game, observe and experience from peers, and prioritize solidarity and learning from experienced workers.

      "ho training" in the sex industry involves learning various skills, including how to put on and take off condoms using only the mouth, as well as learning the art of "spitting game" to hustle clients and upsell services. This training often takes place with the use of a silicone mannequin named Chad. The goal is to learn the ins and outs of the industry and become proficient in selling oneself to clients. While some aspects of the job may be taught, such as condom application, other skills, like spitting game, may be learned through observation and experience. The importance of solidarity among women in the industry and the value of learning from experienced workers were also emphasized.

    • Navigating the Risks of Sex WorkSex work requires thorough research and preparation for the challenges, including negotiation skills and understanding the evolving industry.

      Entering the sex work industry requires thorough research and understanding of the risks involved. The speaker shares her personal experience, highlighting the highs and lows, but emphasizes that it's not a "square job" and newcomers should be prepared for the challenges. She also mentions that the industry has evolved, allowing sex workers to keep their phones and even set their own prices. The speaker's first night involved a successful negotiation, but it came at a cost of losing the support of a colleague. Despite the risks and challenges, she maintains that her experience shaped her into who she is today.

    • Working at a ranch: Long hours, unexpected challenges, and cherished memoriesWorking at a ranch can involve long hours, emotional demands, and financial strain, but it can also lead to cherished memories and unexpected opportunities, including finding love.

      Working at a ranch, whether it's a chicken ranch or in a different industry, can involve long hours, unexpected challenges, and form significant memories. For instance, a woman who worked at Mustang Ranch for eight years shared her experience, which included moving down from two-week shifts to seven-day shifts after gaining seniority. She also recalled a doctor who saved her hand and became a cherished memory. However, her worst memory was when her husband was arrested, forcing her to return to the ranch during her pursuit of becoming a large animal veterinarian. The long hours, emotional demands, and financial strain in the veterinary field were also mentioned as challenging. The woman met her husband at a concert in Tahoe, and they moved in together six months after she started working at the ranch. Despite the difficulties, she found love and continued her journey, demonstrating the interconnectedness of various experiences in life.

    • Acceptance and support in unconventional relationshipsSupportive partners are essential for women in sex work or unconventional relationships, promoting security and understanding.

      Supportive and non-judgmental partners are crucial for women in sex work or unconventional relationships. The speaker shares her experience of marrying a man who accepted her past as a sex worker and never showed jealousy or judgment. She emphasizes that such men are not weak but rather strong and secure. The speaker also shares an amusing anecdote about a client who requested eight women and ended up getting surprised by one of them during a session. Despite the unexpected turn of events, the speaker found humor in the situation. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding, acceptance, and support in relationships, especially when they involve unconventional lifestyles or professions.

    • Unexpected conversations and taboo topics in sex workPeople's experiences and desires vary, and sex work can provide unique opportunities for exploration and healing, even for unconventional topics and power dynamics.

      People have unique experiences and desires, and these experiences can sometimes be unexpected or taboo. For instance, during a conversation about hosting a karaoke night, a man shared a story about a client who enjoyed anal play. The host was taken aback, as it was not a topic he expected to discuss with a male friend. The client, however, saw it as a way to let go of control and enjoy something new. The discussion also touched upon the rarity of women being regular clients at sex work establishments and the power dynamics involved. Another story shared was about a lesbian client who had been nervous about dating and eventually got married. The sex worker reflected on how her job helped her heal from her own sexual trauma by giving her control and agency. The conversation also included a promotion for Thumbtack, an app that helps users find and hire professionals for home projects, and a mention of Carvana, a car buying platform. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and respecting individual experiences and desires, no matter how unconventional they may seem.

    • Learning to be a Madam in the Sex IndustryMadams in the sex industry have years of experience, manage girls, and build strong bonds, but face unpredictable challenges

      Becoming a madam in the sex industry involves years of experience, often starting as a working girl, and shadowing a current madam for several years to learn the ropes. Madams are responsible for caring for and managing the girls at the brothel, scheduling, and running the house. They are not always required to live on-site. The industry's unique challenges can result in being asked to take time off to sort personal issues before returning. The relationships between madams and girls can be strong and supportive, with madams often serving as mother figures. The industry can be unpredictable, with incidents like drug use or accidents leading to unusual situations, such as retrieving lost items from clients' bodies. Despite these challenges, the strong bonds and the women's shared experiences keep many madams in the industry for long periods.

    • Working in an adult entertainment ranch: unexpected situations and genuine connectionsMaintain a positive attitude, build genuine connections, and focus on the good experiences in the adult entertainment industry, despite unexpected situations and potential betrayals.

      Working in an adult entertainment ranch comes with its unique challenges and experiences. The speaker shares stories of unexpected situations, such as malfunctioning sex toys and deceitful clients. Despite these challenges, it's essential to maintain a positive attitude and not let past experiences jade you. Building genuine connections with clients is a rewarding aspect of the job. However, the industry's nature can lead to betrayals and dishonesty, which can be difficult to navigate. Ultimately, it's important to remember that clients' actions are not a reflection of the worker's worth and to focus on the good experiences and connections made. The speaker also shares that they have chosen not to have children due to past traumas and experiences. The ranch has seen some extraordinary situations, including clients staying for extended periods and high spending. Despite the ups and downs, the speaker expresses a sense of awe and amazement at the experiences and people they've encountered.

    • A Week-Long Luxury Experience at the Mustang RanchThe Mustang Ranch in Reno, NV, offers a week-long luxury experience with discretion, amenities, and various services, attracting a diverse clientele including celebrities and film crews.

      The Mustang Ranch in Reno, Nevada, is not just a resort, but a unique experience where visitors can spend significant amounts of money for a week-long stay, often splitting the costs with others. The facility offers luxurious amenities, including beautiful buildings, food, housekeeping, security, and drivers. Past visitors have included film crews and even celebrities, some of whom have become repeat customers. The Mustang Ranch also offers various services and experiences, such as the infamous "Caveman" package, where visitors can be publicly humiliated for entertainment. Despite the discretion and confidentiality, relationships can be formed with the clients, some of whom have stayed for extended periods. The Mustang Ranch offers a unique blend of luxury, entertainment, and discretion that attracts a diverse clientele.

    • Choosing a Companion at the Mustang RanchCustomers can quickly and efficiently choose a companion at the Mustang Ranch without prior contact, with each woman having designated shifts and services offered in a business-like atmosphere.

      The Mustang Ranch brothel operates with a system where customers can choose their preferred companion from a lineup of women in a private parlor, with no prior email contact required. The process is described as fast and efficient, with each woman having designated shifts at the bar and bedrooms located at the back of the site. Relationships outside of the brothel are strictly prohibited to maintain order and prevent jealousy or friction. The brothel also provides various amenities, including a menu of services and even merchandise for customers. The women are required to follow rules such as no fraternizing with staff or security, and any infringement of these rules results in immediate termination. The overall atmosphere is described as quick and business-like, with no room for emotional involvement outside of the transaction.

    • A Unique Brothel Experience: The Mustang Ranch in NevadaThe Mustang Ranch in Nevada offers various services including sex shows, lingerie shows, and unique experiences like the wild horse chair party, ensuring a memorable and safe encounter for clients and their partners.

      The Mustang Ranch in Nevada is a brothel offering various services, including sex shows, lingerie shows, vibrator shows, and more. The menu includes options for solo and group experiences, with safety measures in place such as alarms and speakers in the rooms. Off-ranch dates are also allowed within Nevada's borders. The most requested services include nude massages, breast massages, and the half and half package. The wild horse chair party is a unique offering, allowing for over 120 sexual positions. The ranch prides itself on providing a safe and enjoyable experience for clients and their partners.

    • Regulations and Security in Legal BrothelsBrothels in Nevada have unique regulations per county and prioritize security, especially for new girls, while encouraging voting for legalization instead of decriminalization.

      The legal brothel in Nevada, where the conversation took place, has specific regulations regarding counties and sexual activities. For instance, in Washoe County, there's no sex allowed during outdates, and only brothels in Storey County have sex licenses. The brothel owner emphasized the importance of security, especially for new girls, and they even check residences before girls go in with customers. They also encourage voting for legalization instead of decriminalization, believing it would lead to less tax revenue and more chaos. The owner, who is good at monetizing platforms, previously did well on OnlyFans but retired due to her husband's country music career. The brothel is more than just a business; it's a community where girls become family.

    • Loyal user shares positive experiences with Lume deodorantLume offers effective 72-hour odor control and new customers can enjoy a 15% discount with code 'bunny, b u n n I e' for significant savings

      Lume is a highly effective deodorant brand that offers impressive 72-hour odor control for various body parts, including sensitive areas. The speaker, a loyal user, shares her positive experiences using Lume, especially during long hours or anxious situations when sweating is more likely. As a special offer for new customers, they can enjoy a 15% discount on all Lume products by using the exclusive code "bunny, b u n n I e" at checkout on lumeodorant.com. This discount, when combined with any existing deals, can result in significant savings, particularly on the starter pack, offering over 40% off.

    Recent Episodes from Dumb Blonde

    Dacé: The Modern Working Girl

    Dacé: The Modern Working Girl

    This week, we get all hot and bothered with Dacé, AKA The Modern Working Girl. She first opens up about healing from childhood SA, and how she's taking the power back now in her adult life. She walks us through her journey from Mississippi to becoming a TikTok creator, some of the craziest stories she's had while working at the World Famous Mustang Ranch brothel. Bunnie also welcomes Madam Tara to share some of the ranch rules and even more naughty happenings that go on on Mustang Ranch's menu. Buckle up, baby!

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    Dacé: Mustang Ranch | TikTok

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    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

    Bunnie is joined this week by the very sweet Tyler Henry, one of the most sought-after clairvoyant mediums around the world. You may recognize Tyler as the star of the Netflix series "Life after Death with Tyler Henry". Tyler's first television show, E! Entertainment’s mega-hit "Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry", established him as a household name. Before giving Bunnie a spot-on reading, Tyler talks about his journey developing his psychic abilities from a young age and facing skepticism from family and community. He also shares some wild things that have happened during celebrity readings, like objects moving on their own. He then answers a few Patreon member questions about communicating with passed loved ones, discerning spirits, and sharing insights into life after death.

    Tyler Henry: Website | The Collective | IG

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

    Bunnie welcomes world-renowned plastic surgeon and author Dr. Ricky Brown, aka "The Real TikTok Doc", to the show this week. Dr. Brown gets real about his journey from not knowing what path to take after college to becoming a double board-certified surgeon with millions of social media fans and followers. He answers listener questions about the complex reconstructive procedures he's performed and gets candid about navigating controversies in plastic surgery, including his take on breast implant illness. Dr. Ricky shares more about his approach to consultations, the differences between saline and silicone implants, and Bunnie talks about her own experience with implants and removal.

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: TikTok | YouTube | The Real Beauty Bible

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    This week, Bunnie gets up close and personal with the iconic mother-daughter duo that refuses to be defined by rumors or the past. Farrah Abraham and Sophia sit down for an unfiltered chat about their lives navigating fame and family ties.

    Farrah spills the tea on all the tabloid tales, from Nicki Minaj beefs to poop sales. She also gives a sneak peek at her upcoming comedy tour, where she's taking her candid humor nationwide to break trauma bonds through laughter.

    Sophia reflects on her passion for music and how she learned to follow her own path while growing up under a microscope.

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    Farrah Abraham: IG | Website

    Sophia: IG

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    This week, TV personality, author, and social media star Winter Blanco gets real about overcoming trauma and finding her voice. She talks with Bunnie about her rise to fame through the Bad Girls Club, and how that early spotlight exacerbated her existing insecurities. Winter gets candid about using substances to cope and details her path to sobriety, while learning to silence the haters that constantly question her ethnicity. Then, her 'Behind the Likes' podcast co-host and bestie Chy joins the show to shed some insight into their friendship and hilarious dynamic.

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes | IG

    Chy: IG

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    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    This week, legendary skateboarder and Jackass star Bam Margera gets candid about battling addiction and embracing sobriety. He opens up about the "Florida Shuffle" he endured in rehab, as well as the legal battles we've both seen and not seen reported in the news. Bam also reflects on life after skyrocketing to fame with Jackass in the early 2000s. Joining Bam for the raw conversation is his model fiancée Dannii Marie, to share her own perspective on their chance meeting in LA and travels across the country together that have brought them to this new chapter.

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    Bam Margera: IG

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    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

    The Mob Wives March continues with the beautiful and feisty RaMona Rizzo, who sets the record straight about her legendary grandfather, Lefty Guns Ruggerio. RaMona talks about discovering the truth of her grandfather's life through Joe Pistone's book and confronting the differences between reality and Hollywood's portrayal in Donnie Brasco as well. She shares her story of meeting Al Pacino on set and how she's learned to rise above other family secrets, drama, and betrayal. RaMona gets into her path to Mob Wives and her excitement for her company, Spiritual Slinger.

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    RaMona; IG | Spiritual Slinger

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    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

    Bunnie welcomes Tonesa Welch, also known as the First Lady of BMF. Tonesa shares her journey from growing up in Detroit to her rise in the drug trade, her relationship with H, and how she got through abuse and betrayal to come out on the other side. Tonesa opens up to Bunnie about what she learned from her time in prison and her passion for prison reform advocacy and gets raw about navigating grief along the way.

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    Tonesa: IG

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    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

    The iconicness continues this week with Karen Gravano, former Mob Wives star, best-selling author and Co-Founder of The Body Depot Spa. Karen leaves nothing behind as she dishes about growing up as the daughter of infamous mobster Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, her complicated relationship with costar Drita D'Avanzo and the drama that played out on and off camera. She also reflected on how her father's high-profile crimes impacted her life and family and how she got through it with a hustling spirit and a commitment for prison reform advocacy.

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    Karen: IG | The Body Depot

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    #72 Dumb Blonde: Jelly Roll - New Album, C*ckstar, & Embarrassing Stories

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    'Self Medicated'

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    "My goal is to not only make music that helps people, but that touches on real life stuff without being tacky." - Jelly 

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    Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands): Porn Royalty

    Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands): Porn Royalty

    In Part 1 with this porn royalty power duo, Bunnie talks with Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands) about their upbringing and how religion caused rebellion. They get into Joanna launching Burning Angel in 2002 and how it changed the industry, and Aaron's pre-adult movie career as a graphic designer / van touring rockstar. They tell the hilariously cute story of how they met and went way further than a client and customer relationship. Stay tuned for Part 2! 

    Joanna Angel: 


    Aaron (Small Hands:) IG 

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    Leo Skepi Is Your Authentic Guru

    Leo Skepi Is Your Authentic Guru

    The beautiful Leo Skepi comes to shine his light this week. Leo is the rising star and host of the Aware and Aggravated podcast, quickly climbing up the charts and providing insight on everything from relationships, family, education, finance and more. Leo talks with Bunnie about his own self transformation and rising like a gorgeous phoenix after family drama and toxic relationships.

    Leo Skepi: Aware and Aggravated


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    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

    The iconic Brittany Furlan Lee is here to crack us up and get candid about exes, mental health and living life in the spotlight. She opens up about her wild ride in comedy and beyond, including skyrocketing to fame on Vine and finding zen with husband Tommy Lee. Brittany and Bunnie talk about how what you see online is not always real life, and Brittany gives a sneak peak about what's ahead for her LoveLee jewelry line and "This is the Worst" podcast.

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    Brittany: IG | TikTok | LoveLee Jewelry | This is the Worst

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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