
    Behind the Insurrections - Hitler's Munich Beer Hall Putsch, Part 1

    enJanuary 19, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Unique Businesses and Historical EventsPurdue Global offers quality education for career advancement, Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily delivers community-focused news, SYNBOTICA provides effective supplements, and Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless service. Munich's unique historical context led to the start of the Nazi movement.

      Purdue Global, an online university backed by Purdue University, offers a respected education for adults looking to advance in their careers. Meanwhile, the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides authentic, community-focused news for Detroit's black population. Additionally, SYNBOTICA offers effective, all-natural supplements, and Consumer Cellular provides affordable wireless service. In history, the Munich Beer Hall Putsch, led by Adolf Hitler, marked the beginning of the Nazi movement in Germany, which would later lead to more complicated and darker events. Munich, located in the conservative state of Bavaria, was the birthplace of the Nazi party due to its unique historical and cultural context.

    • Hitler's struggling artist days in MunichHitler's time in Munich as a struggling artist and avid reader of right-wing propaganda shaped his ideologies and future actions, while military service during WW1 intensified these beliefs

      Adolf Hitler, before rising to power as the leader of Nazi Germany, spent time in Munich as a struggling artist and avid reader of right-wing propaganda. During this period, he avoided military service and painted from postcards in his small, poverty-stricken living quarters. When World War 1 began, Hitler eventually joined the German army and experienced the horrors of the battlefield, while figures like Hermann Goring and Ernst Poner distinguished themselves as military heroes. Despite being a Bavarian, Poner found a sense of unity with the rest of Germany through his military service. Hitler's experiences during this time further fueled his right-wing ideologies and set the stage for his future actions.

    • Bavaria's Industrialization and Military Strength in WW1Bavaria's industrial might and military strength contributed to Germany's initial success in WW1, but strategic errors and resource depletion led to defeat. Post-war, a 'stab-in-the-back' myth emerged, sparking left-wing revolutions and political instability.

      The industrialization and military strength of Bavaria, particularly Nuremberg, played a significant role in Germany's performance in World War 1. Germany was in a strong position throughout most of the war, defeating Russia and Romania, and coming close to winning against the entire world. However, the situation on the ground belied the reality that Germany was running out of soldiers, supplies, and food. The German military leadership, including Erich Ludendorff and Paul von Hindenburg, made strategic errors leading to defeat. When Germany surrendered, the Kaiser and other leaders abandoned responsibility and put the social democrats and liberals in charge of negotiating the surrender. In the aftermath, a narrative emerged that the left and Jews had "stabbed the German army in the back," leading to a wave of left-wing revolutions, including in Bavaria, where Kurt Eisner established a short-lived republic. Despite their initial unity in bringing Germany into the war, the coalition behind the republic soon fell apart due to ideological differences.

    • The assassination of Kurt Eisner leads to radical left governments in MunichEisner's assassination created a power vacuum, leading to ineffective radical left governments and instability, paving the way for more extreme political factions and ultimately, the Nazi party.

      The assassination of Kurt Eisner, a left-wing leader in Germany during the aftermath of World War I, led to a power vacuum and the rise of radical left governments in Munich. Eisner's death came at a time when the dominant center-left party was losing its effective leader, and the far left was being energized by Eisner's martyrdom. The resulting governments were ineffective, leading to instability and further unrest. The assassination marked a turning point in German politics, as the country struggled to find a path forward in the aftermath of the war and the economic collapse that followed. The events of this period set the stage for the rise of more extreme political factions and ultimately, the Nazi party.

    • The German Revolution: A Bloodbath Between IdeologiesThe clash between the radical left and right during the German Revolution resulted in a violent power struggle, leading to the deaths of over 600 people, including schoolchildren. Ideologies can be dangerous when they spiral into extreme violence, and it's important to remember the complex realities and nuances of political situations.

      The radical left and the radical right during the German Revolution showed vastly different approaches to power and violence. The anarchists and communists, despite their passion for creating public art and ideologies, lacked a cohesive plan to address the needs of the people and struggled to build support beyond their movements. Meanwhile, the conservative forces, represented by the fry corps, were made up of hardened veterans who had seen the horrors of war and were determined to restore order. When the two sides clashed, the result was a bloodbath. The left executed 10 hostages, triggering a wave of violence from the right that led to the deaths of over 600 people, including schoolchildren. The revolution, which had begun peacefully, ended in chaos and violence. It's a stark reminder of the dangerous consequences when ideologies are allowed to spiral into extreme violence. It's important to remember that even in the midst of political turmoil, there are often complex realities and nuances that can't be reduced to simple labels or stereotypes.

    • The contrasting natures of the two sides in Munich's German Revolution in 1919The left's reliance on peaceful means contrasted with the far-right's use of violence, leading to the suppression of the left and the rise of far-right militias.

      The struggle against fascism during the German Revolution in Munich in 1919 was shaped by the contrasting natures of the two sides. While the fascists, led by tough and experienced veterans, were willing and capable of using violence, the left was composed mostly of less experienced and less violent individuals. This dynamic played a significant role in the events that followed, including the rise of far-right militias and the ultimate suppression of the left. The desire for order and stability, fueled by the trauma of the war and the chaos of the revolution, was a common thread among both the center left and center right. However, the means they chose to achieve it differed greatly, with the far right embracing violence and the left relying on peaceful means. This fundamental difference in approach ultimately led to the failure of the left and the triumph of the far right.

    • The early Nazi party: From social aid to potential threatDuring the interwar years, the Nazi party was a small, secretive group with socialist intentions, but viewed as a potential threat by the German army due to their exclusionary policies and secrecy.

      The early Nazi party, known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), was initially a small and secretive group with a goal to provide social aid programs for Aryans, while excluding non-Aryans. Despite their stated socialist intentions, they were viewed as a potential threat by the German army due to their secrecy. To investigate, the army sent a spy, Adolf Hitler, to infiltrate the party. At this point in history, the Nazi party was not yet called "Nazis," and they had around 60 members. The army was more concerned about leftist threats and saw the NSDAP as a potential danger to order. This period, known as the interwar years, is fascinating as it marks a time when various political ideologies were emerging and vying for power. It's important to remember that the early Nazi party was not the monolithic, organized entity it would later become.

    • Germany's Post-WW1 Political Climate: Nazis vs CommunistsThe German economy's collapse after WW1 fueled the rise of both the Nazi and communist parties, each promising societal change. Hitler, sent to infiltrate the Nazis, became a prominent figure, leading to disastrous consequences.

      During the aftermath of World War I in Germany, both the Nazi party and the communist party sought to appeal to the radicalized population, promising aid and societal change. The German economy was in shambles, and many Germans were struggling to make ends meet. While the left advocated for nationalizing industries and redistributing wealth, the Nazis targeted Jews and businesses, promising aid to Aryans. The political climate was complicated, with both socialist and capitalist factions within the Nazi party. Hitler, who was desperate to avoid being kicked out of the military and in need of money, infiltrated the Nazi party under the orders of his commanding officer. He was initially drawn to the group's discussions and later became a prominent figure in the party. The decision to send Hitler to infiltrate the Nazi party was a significant miscalculation, as it ultimately led to the rise of one of history's most infamous leaders.

    • Hitler's charisma and effective communication aided his rise in the Nazi partyHitler's charisma and persuasive speeches attracted disaffected veterans and far-right groups, including war heroes like Rohm and Goring, boosting his prominence in the Nazi Party

      Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the Nazi party was aided by his ability to effectively communicate his nationalist ideology and his charisma as a speaker. Hitler's impassioned speeches drew in disaffected veterans and other radical right groups, including the stormtroopers led by Ernst Rohm. Rohm, a legendary figure for his military prowess and toughness, was openly gay, but this aspect of his identity was not advertised by the party at the time. Other war heroes, such as Hermann Goring, also joined the Nazi ranks, bringing in more supporters from the far right. Hitler's finesse and ability to attract these figures helped him become the most prominent member of the National Socialist Party and eventually its figurehead.

    • The Early Days of the Nazi Party in Munich: A Time of Political Chaos and ViolenceThe 'Hitler myth' was born during the early days of the Nazi party in Munich, where Dietrich Eckert helped shape Hitler's image as a supernatural embodiment of the German people, leading to intense political disagreements and frequent violence between the Nazis and their opponents.

      During the early days of the Nazi party in Munich, political discourse was heated and often violent. Dietrich Eckert, a key figure in the party, helped mold Hitler's public image and spread the idea that he was not just a politician but a supernatural embodiment of the German people. This "Hitler myth" became the core of Nazism. Eckert also advocated for a new German revolution to wipe away the stain of defeat in World War 1. Opposition to the Nazis came from the left, including socialists and communists, but their methods were often violent, with frequent fights at rallies. The political scene in Munich was chaotic and unstable, with everyone, except Hitler, seemingly intoxicated most of the time. This era of German history shows how intense political disagreements could lead to physical violence.

    • Early Nazi movement's use of violence and organized street fighting forcesThe Nazi movement's early history is marked by extreme violence, organized street fighting forces, and a lack of law enforcement intervention, setting a dangerous precedent for the spread of hate speech and violent extremism.

      The early Nazi movement in Germany was characterized by extreme violence and the use of organized street fighting forces, such as the Sturmabteilung or SA, to defend their meetings and intimidate opponents. These groups were not just involved in physical altercations but also engaged in training, including boxing, jujitsu, and exercise. This trend continues with modern fascist and neo-Nazi groups, who often have a strong emphasis on physical fitness and martial arts. The SA's actions were fueled by a steady diet of hateful propaganda, and their leaders, such as Hermann Goring, struggled to contain their violent tendencies. The police, led by figures like Police President Poner, turned a blind eye to their illegal activities, ensuring their survival and growth. This history serves as a stark reminder of the dangerous consequences of hate speech and the importance of addressing violent extremism.

    • Historical parallels between Nazi rise and far-right groupsUnderstanding historical context reveals dangers of far-right movements and importance of recognizing underlying factors

      The historical parallels between the rise of the Nazi party and contemporary far-right groups, such as the Proud Boys, are striking. Police bias and a culture of violence against political enemies were prevalent in both contexts. Hitler was inspired by Mussolini's success in Italy and believed that Germany's authoritarian culture would make a fascist takeover even more effective. Additionally, the theological underpinnings of German society at the time, with its emphasis on human depravity and the need for a strong leader, created fertile ground for the charismatic and manipulative Hitler to gain power. This historical context sheds light on the potential dangers of far-right movements and the importance of recognizing and addressing the underlying factors that contribute to their growth. Furthermore, the popularity of mobile games like Monopoly Go underscores the importance of staying engaged and informed in today's rapidly changing world.

    • Collaboration and Partnerships Lead to Significant AchievementsUnique features and excitement of discovery keep Monopoly Go players engaged, while strategic partnerships between Leesa and West Elm, Hitler and Ludendorff, and Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily and its readers result in mutual benefits and growth.

      Collaboration and partnerships can lead to significant achievements. In the case of Monopoly Go, the combination of unique features and the excitement of discovery keeps players engaged. Similarly, Leesa and West Elm's collaboration resulted in a high-quality, eco-friendly mattress that benefits both consumers and those in need. In the historical context, Hitler's alliance with General Ludendorff illustrates the power of strategic partnerships. Ludendorff, a popular and respected figure, provided Hitler with the legitimacy and military expertise he lacked, ultimately contributing to the rise of the Nazi Party. On a different note, the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily emphasizes the importance of staying informed and connected to one's community. By providing authentic and diverse perspectives, the publication empowers its readers and fosters a sense of belonging. Lastly, the episode highlighted the significance of having a strong foundation, whether it's a good night's sleep or a solid political alliance. Both Leesa's natural hybrid mattress and Hitler's partnership with Ludendorff demonstrate the potential for growth and success when the right elements come together.

    • Power struggle between federal and state governments in Germany post-WW1Political tensions and instability in Germany during the post-WW1 period led to power struggles between the federal and state governments, fueled by economic instability, anger towards the Treaty of Versailles, and the rise of extremist groups.

      During the post-World War I period in Munich, a military-backed figure named Carr came to power, promising to restore law and order. He formed a private army, the citizens militia, to quell the left. However, when France accused him of building a new German army and forced him to disband it, Carr lost favor with the far right. At the same time, Gustav Stresemann was elected chancellor of Germany, and his efforts to resume reparations payments enraged the right wing. The economic instability and frustration over the Treaty of Versailles fueled anger towards the French and the German liberals, leading to a state of emergency declared by the Bavarian government. This power struggle between the federal and state governments highlights the political tensions and instability in Germany during this time.

    • Hitler's failed coup attempt in MunichHitler and the Nazi party attempted to seize power through violence at the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, marking the beginning of their rise to power despite the failure.

      Hitler and the Nazi party orchestrated the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, Germany in November 1923, with the intention of seizing power from the central government. Hitler and his inner circle, including Hermann Goring and Ernst Hanfstaengl, planned the putsch meticulously, minimizing police presence outside the Burger Brau beer hall where von Kar was scheduled to speak. Hitler himself attended the event, using his popularity to blend in with the crowd. While von Kar spoke, Hitler's stormtroopers, led by Josef Berchtold, assembled and received weapons. Hitler had given them orders to be cruel and not leave the fight unless dead. The putsch ultimately failed, but it marked the beginning of Hitler's rise to power. The event showcased the Nazi party's willingness to use violence to achieve their political goals.

    • Hitler's failed coup attempt in Munich, 1923Hitler and his Nazi supporters seized control of Munich during a meeting, but failed to gain key political figures' support, marking the beginning of Hitler's political career

      On the night of November 8, 1923, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party attempted a coup, known as the Beer Hall Putsch, in Munich, Germany. During a meeting at the Burger Brau beer hall, Hitler and his supporters overpowered the police and took control, with Hitler declaring a national revolution. Hitler aimed to gain the support of key political figures, such as General Ritter von Epp, General Erich Ludendorff, and Gustav Ritter von Kahr, to help instigate a larger military uprising and seize control of the German government. However, these men were hesitant to openly rebel against the state and instead agreed to support the putsch under duress. Simultaneously, other Nazi groups were capturing key locations around Munich. Although the coup ultimately failed, it marked the beginning of Hitler's political career and laid the foundation for his rise to power.

    • Captain Canzler's clever manipulation of Nazis during Beer Hall PutschQuick thinking and strategic manipulation can prevent a coup and highlight the importance of underestimating an opponent's intelligence.

      Captain Oscar Canzler's quick thinking and clever manipulation of the Nazis during the Beer Hall Putsch prevented Hitler from taking control of Munich and potentially derailing his plan for a national takeover. By locking the Nazis inside a gymnasium and denying them access to guns, Canzler bought time for Hitler to realize something was amiss and caused him to leave the safety of the Burgerbrau beer hall, leaving Ludendorff alone with the triumvirate. This misstep allowed Ludendorff to release his captives, who were not fully committed to the cause, and ultimately led to the failure of the coup. The incident highlights the importance of strategic thinking and the potential consequences of underestimating an opponent's intelligence.

    • Explore and Connect with Prop's Creative OutletsDetroit artist Prop promotes self-care, connection, and discovery through high-quality merchandise, podcast, music, and online presence. Stay informed about Detroit's black community via Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily.

      Prop, a Detroit-based artist, encourages connection and discovery through his various creative outlets. He emphasizes the importance of finding him online if one holds him in their heart. Prop's merchandise is of high quality, using ethically sourced and recyclable materials. He promotes his podcast, Hood Politics with Prop, and his music, which includes a lot of new releases this year. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily was also mentioned as a source to stay informed and connected to the Detroit black community. Additionally, a movie promotion was included for "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," and a shoutout was given to CVS Health for their various wellness initiatives. Overall, the message encourages self-care, connection, and discovery through various mediums.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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