
    Being productive when technology fails

    enOctober 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing Technology ComplicationsLimit technology complications by optimizing processes and finding simplified solutions to manage content and streamline workflows.

      While technology can offer numerous benefits, it can also create complications and hinder productivity. The speaker shared an experience of reaching the limit of iCloud storage and the local disk space on an iPhone, leading to app uninstallations, phone crashes, and difficulties in downloading and exporting files. The administrative overhead of managing content became a significant challenge. To streamline the process, the speaker now uses Lightroom with Adobe and creates reusable content segments for responding to client queries, which can later be developed into information products or tutorial resources. The lesson here is to be mindful of the limitations of technology and find ways to simplify and optimize processes to achieve desired outcomes.

    • Staying Productive with Technology: A Clear Plan and Backup are EssentialHaving a clear plan, reliable backup, focusing on specific tasks, and minimizing distractions are crucial for staying productive in a technology-dependent world.

      Having a clear plan and reliable backup are essential for getting work done in today's technology-dependent world. The speaker shares their personal experience of managing multiple computers for different tasks and the importance of having a backup system to ensure continuity in case of system failures. They emphasize the need to focus on a specific set of work and having the necessary tools to complete it. Additionally, they recommend having a backup system in place, such as cloud storage or multiple devices, to ensure that work can be accessed and continued from another device if one fails. They also caution against relying on just one computer and encourage disconnecting it from the network at times to minimize distractions and software updates. Overall, the key is to be prepared and have a contingency plan to keep productivity high despite technology's limitations.

    • Creating a dedicated workspace for focused tasksHaving a specific computer or workspace for certain tasks without distractions can boost productivity and efficiency.

      Having a dedicated computer or workspace for specific tasks can significantly increase productivity and focus. The speaker shared their personal experience of having a writing PC with limited tools and no internet access during the day to minimize distractions and maximize writing time. Similarly, they have a separate space for bookkeeping tasks. By eliminating unnecessary features and distractions, they can concentrate on the task at hand. Technology, despite its advantages, is prone to failures, and having a backup plan or alternative method is crucial. In essence, the key takeaway is that creating a focused and distraction-free environment can lead to more efficient and effective task completion.

    • Identifying reliable locations for live streamingHaving a backup system or location is essential for productivity. Identify locations with fast upload speeds for live streaming and use multiple devices for regular work to minimize downtime.

      Having a backup system or location is crucial for ensuring productivity, especially when relying on technology for work. The speaker, who uses an iPad and a laptop for writing and live streaming, emphasizes the importance of identifying locations with reliable high-speed internet for live streaming, as many offices and homes have faster download speeds but slower upload speeds. For regular work, having multiple devices can also serve as a backup in case of equipment failure. The key message is that having a contingency plan in place can help mitigate potential setbacks and ensure that deadlines are met.

    • Importance of backup resources and efficient workflowsHaving reliable resources and procedures in place is essential for productivity. Use backup devices and efficient workflows to minimize delays and maintain consistency.

      Having reliable resources and procedures in place is crucial for productivity, especially when working on multiple projects or tasks. The speaker shared an experience of facing issues with their phone and cloud storage, which hindered their ability to complete podcast recordings and image processing. However, they emphasized the importance of having backup resources and efficient workflows to avoid delays. For instance, they suggested syncing new images directly into Lightroom from the phone and using alternative devices for video recording. By designing time and procedures for managing resources, one can minimize the impact of potential failures and maintain a consistent workflow.

    • Maximize productivity by focusing on primary tasksRecord videos, do interviews, and write as primary tasks to minimize interruptions and maximize output. Delegate tasks to free up time for high-skill areas.

      As a copywriter, marketer, or business development consultant, staying productive in a modern office environment can be challenging due to interruptions. To overcome this, Justin Hitt from Ad Briefing suggests recording videos, doing interviews, and writing as your primary tasks. Make a list of alternative media and tools to help manage your workload. For those seeking additional productivity tips, consider delegating tasks to your staff to free up time for high-skill areas. Visit www.adbriefings.co.uk for more information on peak performance activities. In summary, being productive requires prioritizing tasks and utilizing available resources to minimize interruptions and maximize output.

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    It's time for the great service comeback!


    Tony Johnson is a Customer Experience Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Author with a wide background including decades in retail and restaurants.  He regularly speaks and coaches organizations to IGNITE THEIR SERVICE using his common sense approach to Customer engagement.  Tony has spoken to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies to unlock their amazing capacity for excellence.


    Tony Johnson Customer Service Expert | Author | Trainer | Speaker


    Check out my FREE Resources and Training Tools:

    Web: https://www.igniteyourservice.com/

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    Tik Tok:  https://vm.tiktok.com/owrTbL/

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tonyjohnsoncx/


    Music: http://www.bensound.com

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    Show Summary:
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    Charles Alexander
    has been a full-time Business Coach since 2007. He has coached over 2,000 entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and helped over 250 people start businesses.

    Then he decided to practice what he preached. After years of seeing the need for video marketing, he started creating Explainer Videos for Busy Professionals in 2015. That part-time business is now a full-time business with proven systems and a team.

    Using those real-world experiences, I have created a boatload (well not a real boat, but you get the picture) of resources for you below, so you can start doing more by doing less!

    Website - https://www.yourcharlesalexander.com/

    Book - Start Now Quit Later - https://a.co/d/3xPW1Hs

    Course - Start Now Quit Later Blueprint,

    Explainer Videos for Your Business - https://www.yourcharlesalexander.com/videopackages

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourcharlesalexander/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yourcharlesalexander/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/yourcharlesalexander