
    Ben Tells His Life Story

    en-usSeptember 21, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating and Sharing Podcasts with AnchorAnchor offers creators free tools to record, edit, and distribute podcasts, access to Spotify music, and an opportunity to monetize without a minimum listenership. Successful event showcased the excitement and challenge of crowd interaction.

      Anchor is a free platform that provides creators with the tools to record, edit, and distribute their podcasts, as well as add music from Spotify directly to their episodes. It also offers the opportunity to monetize podcasts without a minimum listenership. The discussion also highlighted the successful meetup event where thousands attended and the experience of crowd surfing, emphasizing the difficulty of saying no when faced with a large crowd urging for it. Overall, Anchor provides an accessible and exciting way for individuals to create and share their podcasts with the world.

    • Unexpected experiences and camaraderie at a weekend eventFriendship and disruption created an exciting weekend experience with unexpected adventures and successful merch booth

      The weekend event was filled with unexpected experiences, from crowd surfing for the first time to disrupting the market with an unorthodox booth setup. The camaraderie between friends, both old and young, added to the excitement and energy of the event. Despite the long wait in line and the heat, the team's hard work paid off with a successful merch booth and a memorable experience. Ken's crowd surfing adventure was a highlight, and even though there were moments of friendly banter and trolling, the bond between the friends remained strong. Overall, the weekend was a testament to the power of friendship and the thrill of disruption in a unique industry setting.

    • Discovering a Passion for Dirt Biking in ChildhoodFinding a passion early in life can shape experiences and future opportunities. Ben's love for dirt biking brought him joy, shaped his childhood, and led to successful business ventures.

      Ben's passion for motorsports, specifically dirt biking, played a significant role in shaping his childhood and continues to be a major influence in his life. Growing up in Fargo, Ben felt like he didn't belong in the city and found joy in the small town living and outdoor activities, particularly dirt biking. His earliest memories of this passion date back to when he received his first bike, a TTR 90, which he initially found difficult to ride due to his small size. However, once he got the hang of it, he became hooked and dedicated the next several years of his life to dirt biking and snowmobiling. Before this discovery, Ben and his future business partner, Ryan, were not particularly close. But the shared experience of growing up and their love for motorsports brought them together and eventually led to their successful business ventures. Ben's story highlights the importance of finding a passion early in life and how it can shape one's experiences and future.

    • Finding common ground leads to strong friendshipsShared experiences and interests can help turn acquaintances into friends. Engage in activities together to build a strong bond.

      Shared experiences and common interests can help turn acquaintances into friends. The speaker recalls a childhood memory of initially being intimidated by his cousins during a taekwondo session, but later bonding with them over riding bikes. This experience highlights the importance of finding common ground and engaging in activities together, leading to the development of a strong friendship. The conversation then transitions to the topic of pet-friendly apartments, with the speaker expressing his preference for having a pet as a roommate due to their easygoing nature. The sponsor message discusses how Angi simplifies the process of hiring skilled professionals to help with home projects, allowing individuals to focus on enjoying their living spaces rather than worrying about potential mishaps.

    • From challenges to growth in childhoodDespite facing challenges like getting a job for damages and feeling small, individuals can learn to adapt and persevere, leading to personal growth.

      Growing up, even with challenges like getting a job to pay for damages or feeling small among peers, we persevere and adapt to changes in our lives. The speaker shares a story of getting his first job at a young age after damaging a friend's 4-wheeler. He also reflects on feeling small and not hitting puberty until later, which he believes made him stand out. Despite these experiences, he learned to work hard and deal with the changes that came with growing up. The internet, which documented his transformation from a small kid to a grown man, has added to the perception of his physical change, but he emphasizes that it's just a part of maturing.

    • Family experiences and traditions shape personal identityUpbringing around food, adventures, and camaraderie significantly influences who we become

      The speaker's upbringing, particularly around food and adventurous activities, has significantly shaped who they are today. The speaker shares stories of visiting friends' homes and being drawn to sugary cereals and jokes from their parents. They also discuss their love for motorized vehicles and adventures, which they attribute to their family. Despite being the "black sheep" in terms of career choices and diet, the speaker values the camaraderie and shared interests with their family. They express a desire to raise their future children with similar experiences and values. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the impact of family dynamics and traditions on personal identity.

    • Outdoor activities can help develop skillsEngaging in outdoor activities like motorcycling and snowmobiling can foster coordination and quick decision-making skills, but safety should always be a priority.

      Participating in outdoor activities like motorcycling and snowmobiling, which were instilled in the speaker since childhood, can help develop coordination and quick decision-making skills. However, the speaker acknowledges the potential risks involved and would not push his own child into dangerous situations. He shares his past experiences of injuries, some of which were concealed from his parents. Despite these incidents, he emphasizes that he has been fortunate not to get seriously hurt often. The speaker also reflects on the importance of being aware of surroundings and the potential benefits of acquiring basic life skills through such experiences.

    • Underage Drinking ConsequencesUnderage drinking can lead to legal, social, and personal consequences. Always make responsible choices.

      Underage drinking can lead to serious consequences. The speaker shares his experience of getting a minor in alcohol violation when he was 16 years old. He was the youngest in his group of friends who started drinking and got drunk for the first time at a party. He threw up in his girlfriend's car, and they got pulled over by the police. He had to choose between calling his parents or going to jail. His father came to pick him up, but he was grounded and lost the respect of his girlfriend and his anti-drinking friends. The incident made him feel embarrassed and down, and he was worried about the school finding out. It's important to remember that underage drinking is against the law and can lead to legal, social, and personal consequences. It's always better to make responsible choices and avoid putting oneself in risky situations.

    • Keeping a minor a secret in high schoolDespite a minor incident in high school, life goes on and there are worse things than getting caught. Early support from friends and minimal negative feedback from teachers helped the speaker's YouTube channel gain traction.

      Despite getting a minor in a small town and keeping it a secret from everyone, including friends and family, the speaker managed to avoid getting caught. This was likely due to attending a different school from the person involved and the incident being relatively minor. The experience taught the speaker that life goes on and there are worse things than getting a minor. Additionally, the speaker's YouTube channel gained traction during their senior year of high school, with initial support from friends and minimal negative feedback from teachers.

    • Starting early despite societal pressuresStarting early can lead to significant opportunities and success, even with limited resources. Confidence in your vision and exploring passions are key.

      Starting something early in life, even with limited resources, can lead to significant opportunities and potential for success, despite external pressures or doubts. The speaker shares how they were able to start their business venture during their college years, despite societal expectations and peer pressure. They were confident in their vision and saw the potential, even when others may have doubted them. However, having a strong support system and a connection to the real world can also be crucial in making decisions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not getting sucked into the status quo and encourages individuals to explore their passions and find what truly resonates with them, rather than following a predetermined path.

    • Commit to one path: college or businessFocus on one path, learn valuable skills early, and gain financial independence through hard work and initiative

      Individuals who are unsure about whether to attend college or start their own business should fully commit to one path or the other. The speaker shares his experience of focusing on building his business during college instead of partying or having a traditional college experience. He believes that the tides are changing, and more people are realizing that college experience and debt may not be worth it for everyone. The speaker encourages taking initiative and learning valuable skills early, like he did by interning for a successful screen printing company and starting his own merchandise business. The sense of accomplishment and financial independence gained from building something successful can bring great happiness.

    • Starting a side business for financial supportBeing resourceful and persistent can lead to unexpected success despite unconventional methods

      Starting a business, even a small side hustle, can provide crucial financial support when other sources of income are lacking. Ben and Micah's screen printing business served as a vital source of revenue for them during their early YouTube days when they weren't receiving significant income from their channel. This experience taught them the importance of being resourceful and persistent in the face of financial challenges. Although the process was time-consuming and inefficient, they were able to grow their business and eventually see it pay off. The moral of the story is that sometimes, the most unconventional methods can lead to unexpected success.

    • Learning from past experiencesExperience teaches valuable lessons, from mistakes and long hours, that can guide others. Focus on content first for a successful YouTube channel.

      Experience is a valuable teacher. The speaker shares how their past experiences in starting a business and working long hours have given them a good understanding of what might work or not. They can now guide others with a few sentences, having learned from their own mistakes. The speaker also reflects on the past, acknowledging that they were once bullheaded but have since learned to think more and not waste time. They reminisce about the long hours they spent printing shirts, which was fun despite not being the most efficient way to do things. The speaker advises that content is the most important focus for those starting a YouTube channel, and merchandise should come later. They also mention their current roles, which include editing, a task they're good at but don't particularly enjoy. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from experiences, both good and bad, and the value of persistence.

    • Ben's youthful energy and leadership inspire teamBen, the youngest team member, excels in accounting and merchandising, inspires teamwork, and drives efficiency with his youthful energy and leadership.

      Despite being the youngest member of their group, Ben has taken on significant responsibilities, particularly in the accounting and merchandising areas. He has proven himself through his hard work and smart ideas, and does not feel the need to prove himself based on his age. Ben's natural leadership abilities and positive energy have made him an essential member of the team, and he inspires others to work hard and bring others up. Age is put aside as they all work towards the same goals, and Ben's eagerness to get things done may come off as bossy, but it is driven by a desire to accomplish more efficiently. The group may tease Ben about getting "dumber" every day, but they recognize his contributions and value his input.

    • Importance of seeking perspectives for self-understandingOpen communication and seeking the perspectives of loved ones can provide valuable insights into our personal growth and development.

      Constant self-reflection and honest introspection are essential for personal growth and development. The conversation between Ben and CJ revealed that CJ perceived Ben as potentially getting dumber due to his forgetfulness and lack of attention during conversations. However, Ben's girlfriend, Greta, reassured them that she did not believe Ben was getting dumber but rather becoming more distracted and absorbed in his thoughts. This exchange highlights the importance of open communication and seeking the perspectives of those closest to us to gain a more accurate understanding of ourselves. Ultimately, the conversation served as a reminder for both Ben and CJ to be more mindful of their actions and thoughts and to strive for continuous improvement.

    • Setting clear goals for personal and professional growthClearly defining goals for a more structured schedule, increasing views and subscribers, buying a home, delegating tasks, focusing on bigger ideas, and creating fulfilling content can lead to personal and professional success.

      Having clear goals, both personally and professionally, can lead to increased success. The speaker shares his goals for the upcoming year, which include achieving a more defined schedule, increasing views and subscribers on their YouTube channel, and buying a nice home. He also mentions the importance of delegating tasks and focusing on bigger ideas to grow their business. The speaker expresses his passion for creating content that resonates with people and brings him fulfillment, beyond the monetary gains. He aspires to expand his horizons and make a difference beyond being just a YouTuber. The podcast format allows for a deeper understanding of their perspective, adding layers of insight into their mindset and motivations.

    • YouTubers aspire to evolve and growYouTubers seek to refine their skills, transform their image, and make a positive impact through their content, inspired by successful figures like Logan Paul.

      The speakers express their desire to evolve and grow beyond their current roles as entertainers on YouTube. They admire figures like Logan Paul who have successfully transformed their image into that of an educator and respectable figure. They aim to refine their skills and continuously improve, while maintaining their audience's interest and engagement. They see great potential in YouTube and are committed to their careers, acknowledging the challenges but believing in their ability to succeed. They express confidence in their future success and the potential impact they can make through their content.

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    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

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    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

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    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana
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    03:25 - Step ONE when dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this is the AWAKENING step).
    06:22 - Step TWO when dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this is the DECISION step).
    07:10 - Discover what being a BRAIN TRAINER is all about.
    09:35 - Step THREE when dealing with others who have a negative midnset or attitude (this relates to SHIFTING your mindset).
    10:23 - Listen here to hear some GENTLE sentences you can say to shift your mindset about this negative person.
    12:30 - Learn about how stories about your SIGNIFICANT OTHERS can relate to your business mindset here.
    13:30 - BONUS Tip for dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this relates to YOUR success).
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    #326 The Fine Craft of Slip Trailing Explained With Stacia Miller

    #326 The Fine Craft of Slip Trailing Explained With Stacia Miller

    In the podcast episode  we delve into the captivating story of Stacia Miller, who evolved from a reluctant pottery student to a master craftswoman with her own studio. Emphasizing the significance of experimentation, Stacia shares how she developed her distinctive slip trailing technique and finds inspiration from her peers. The episode highlights her intuitive design process, her husband's supportive role, and her foray into glaze chemistry. Listeners are encouraged to embrace their creative evolution, with Stacia advocating for the joy of making pottery and the importance of having fun in discovering one's artistic voice.You can learn more about stacia by checking out her instagram @claybystacia

    Top 3 Value Bombs:

    1. **Embrace Experimentation**: One of the key takeaways from Stacia's story is the importance of experimentation in the creative process. She emphasizes that trying a wide range of techniques and materials is crucial for discovering one's unique voice in pottery. This trial-and-error approach allows for personal growth and the development of a distinctive style. Stacia's journey illustrates that finding one's voice is not a fixed destination but an evolving path that benefits from continuous exploration and willingness to embrace change.

    2. **Support Systems Matter**: Stacia's experience highlights the significance of having a supportive network, particularly mentioning the role her husband played in her pottery journey. His support in handling logistics and providing financial stability before her craft became profitable was invaluable. This underscores the importance of having a solid foundation and support system when pursuing a passion, especially in the early stages when the venture may not be immediately lucrative.

    3. **The Joy of Teaching and Learning**: Through teaching pottery classes, Stacia found that not only was she able to impart her knowledge to others, but she also learned from her students. This reciprocity in the learning process can lead to new insights and techniques that might not have been discovered otherwise. Moreover, the act of teaching reinforces one's understanding of their craft and often requires a deeper analysis of techniques, which can lead to further refinement of skills. Stacia encourages those interested in teaching to jump in and start, even if they don't have all the details figured out, emphasizing the growth that comes from the teaching experience itself.

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