
    Podcast Summary

    • Kyle Kinane's Tour Stops and Friendship with Show HostComedian Kyle Kinane is on tour, visiting cities like Boston, DC, Chicago, and more. His friendship with the show host began in 2006 at a Los Angeles bar, leading to memorable performances at various venues over the years, including a porn star karaoke bar and a Dungeons and Dragons bar.

      Kyle Kinane, a well-known comedian, is currently on tour and will be visiting various cities including Boston, DC, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Rochester. Fans can purchase tickets by visiting badfriendspod.com. Kinane and the show's host have a long-standing friendship, which began around 2006 when they first met in Los Angeles. They have performed together at various venues throughout the years, including a bar called Sardo's, which was known for porn star karaoke at the time. The bar has since changed names and functions, but Kinane's career has continued to evolve, performing at a great chicken place and now a Dungeons and Dragons bar. The hosts reminisced about their past experiences and encounters, highlighting the dynamic nature of the comedy scene and the enduring friendships that can be formed through it.

    • Friend's Success as MotivationAdmiring a friend's consistency and resilience during challenging times can serve as motivation and inspire personal growth. Embracing new activities and adapting to different environments can lead to unexpected benefits.

      Even during challenging times, observing the success of others can serve as motivation and inspiration. The speaker recalls a time when he felt stuck while a friend was thriving. They eventually performed together at a show, and the speaker felt proud of his friend's accomplishments, using the metaphor of a long-lost cousin reunion. He admired his friend's consistency and resilience, especially when it came to their careers. The speaker also shared that he's learned to adapt to new environments and embrace activities that were once considered lame, like going to the gym. The conversation ended with the speaker acknowledging his friend's fitness transformation and expressing admiration for his ability to adapt to different lifestyles.

    • Encountering doppelgängers and apocalyptic citiesLife's unpredictability leads us to seek connection and meaning amidst chaos, but maintaining stability and community can be a challenge.

      Life can sometimes feel surreal and disconnected, with many experiences and places overlapping or resembling each other in unexpected ways. The speaker shares his experiences of encountering doppelgängers and the apocalyptic state of certain cities, such as Portland and Los Angeles. He expresses frustration with the state of these cities but acknowledges that he doesn't have solutions. The speaker also reflects on the transient nature of his comedian lifestyle and the challenge of maintaining a sense of normalcy and connection amidst constant travel and performance. He muses about the importance of friends and the desire for stability and community, but ultimately recognizes the complexity and unpredictability of life. The speaker's reflections highlight the human need for connection and the struggle to find meaning and belonging in a chaotic world.

    • Discovering the joy of golf beyond athleticsGolf is more than just a sport, it's about enjoying nature, camaraderie, and creating memories with friends.

      Golf can be an enjoyable experience beyond just the athletic aspect. The speaker shares his fondness for golf trips, particularly to Bandon, Oregon, where the natural beauty and camaraderie stand out. He emphasizes that it's not about being an athlete or keeping score, but rather hanging out with friends and having a good time. The speaker also shares his past experiences with golf, which soured him on the sport, but now he understands the appeal and would like to share it with others. Additionally, he mentions his preference for a caddy, and while he jokes about treating them poorly, he acknowledges the labor-intensive nature of the job and respects it. Overall, the speaker encourages giving golf a chance and appreciating the social aspects of the game.

    • Personal struggles with mountain biking injuriesMountain biking can be dangerous, but the joy and freedom it provides can outweigh the risks. Prioritize personal experiences over documenting every moment on social media.

      Mountain biking, like many hobbies, can be a solitary and potentially dangerous experience. The speaker shares his personal struggles with falling off the bike and getting injured, which has led him to turn off the crash detection feature on his Apple Watch. He also mentions the joy he finds in the simplicity of the activity and the freedom it provides from distractions like phones. The conversation also touches on the idea that in the past, people, including the speaker himself, were so focused on hustling and making a living that they neglected to live a full life. Now, they are learning to prioritize their personal experiences and enjoy simple pleasures, like mountain biking, without the need to document every moment on social media.

    • The impact of financial security and family support on pursuing dreamsFinancial stability and family support are crucial for individuals to overcome challenges and chase their goals. Struggles with finances can lead to caution and careful budgeting, while familial support can provide a safety net during crises.

      Financial security and support from family can significantly impact one's ability to pursue their dreams. The speaker shares his experience of always having to work due to his family's financial situation, but when he faced a crisis, they stepped in to help him keep going. However, the fear of not having enough money led him to be cautious and budget carefully. The turning point came when he finally landed a sitcom pilot, but even then, he remembered the struggles and now helps his sister when she faces similar difficulties. The speaker's story highlights the importance of both financial stability and familial support in enabling individuals to overcome challenges and chase their goals.

    • Overcoming adversity through hard work and resilienceDespite life's challenges, a strong work ethic and resilience can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth.

      Life can be unpredictable and challenging, but having a strong work ethic, resilience, and the ability to adapt to unexpected situations can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth. The speaker shared a story about a misrepresented real estate sale and a harrowing experience witnessing a violent attack, which left him feeling helpless and desperate. However, he managed to turn things around by taking a hosting gig that paid him more than he had ever earned before, which helped him get back on his feet. The speaker also touched upon the Midwest mentality of being grateful for opportunities and the belief that one doesn't need gimmicks like puppets or catchphrases to be successful in comedy or any other field. Instead, it's about putting in the work and having the right mindset.

    • Find joy in your own circle and appreciate funny peopleRecognize the potential for humor in everyday life and value the funny people in your own life, while also prioritizing mental health and seeking support when needed.

      Everyone has the potential to find humor and joy in their lives, and it's important to recognize and appreciate the funny people in our own circles before seeking it out from external sources like comedians. Arrogance and a sense of superiority can hinder our ability to connect with others and find happiness in unexpected places. Additionally, mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and seeking therapy through platforms like BetterHelp can provide valuable support and guidance during tough times. Lastly, there's a certain charm and allure to Los Angeles, despite its challenges, and it's essential to embrace the city's unique character and community instead of judging it from the outside.

    • Material possessions can influence our attitudes and behaviorsBuying material possessions based on attachment or ego can lead to impulsive purchases and dissatisfaction, while focusing on simpler passions can bring joy and fulfillment.

      Our experiences and possessions can shape our attitudes and behaviors, sometimes leading us to make impulsive or unnecessary purchases. The speaker in this conversation shared his personal story of buying and hating a nice car due to his attachment to it, and how he learned that material possessions, no matter how desirable, don't define who we are. He also acknowledged his own ego and fear of failure, which can prevent him from trying new things. Ultimately, he found joy in his simpler passions, like playing the guitar, without the need for external validation or perfection.

    • Valuing Personal Growth and Pursuing PassionsThe speaker emphasizes the importance of engaging in activities that bring personal growth and genuine interest, even if others may not fully understand or appreciate it. She also shares the value of determination and giving thoughtful gifts.

      The speaker values her time and only engages in activities that she believes she will excel at or finds genuine interest in. She prefers to avoid vulnerability and maintains a sense of mystery by not revealing too much about herself or her whereabouts. The speaker also shared a story about buying her parents a Mac computer years ago, which they didn't fully understand or appreciate, but she was determined to give them something nice despite their initial resistance. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of pursuing passions and valuing personal growth, even if others may not fully understand or appreciate it.

    • Family disagreements during vacationsFamily vacations can be filled with unexpected arguments and unique experiences, reminding us of the complex dynamics and quirks that come with family life.

      Families can have complex dynamics and disagreements, even during seemingly enjoyable experiences. The speaker recounted an incident where his parents argued over the responsibility of a hotel safe during a vacation. Despite the speaker's attempts to appreciate the moment, their focus was on the terms and conditions of the safe. This situation reminded the speaker of his father's past job at O'Hare airport, where he and his colleagues would prank each other while ensuring the safety of planes. The speaker reflected on how his father's night shift work was different from the typical 9 to 5 jobs most people had, and how his family's vacations were often unconventional. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unique quirks and challenges that come with family dynamics.

    • Childhood experiences shape our perspectivesChildhood experiences can influence our feelings and behaviors towards things, even if the negative associations have faded.

      Childhood experiences can have a profound impact on our perspectives and preferences later in life. The speaker shared anecdotes about feeling uneasy about certain things, such as lightning bugs and fish, due to past experiences. These experiences shaped their feelings and behaviors towards these things, even if they no longer held the same negative associations. Another theme that emerged was the idea of limitations and boundaries, particularly around children and their safety. The speaker emphasized the importance of considering the potential consequences of actions, especially when children are involved. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of childhood experiences and the lasting impact they can have on our lives.

    • Celebrating special moments despite challengesDespite urban complexities, cherishing memorable experiences can strengthen family bonds and create cherished memories.

      Special experiences, like a memorable dinner at Alinea, can bring families closer despite challenges. The speaker's father initially refused to attend due to the restaurant's location, but the importance of celebrating his wife's birthday led him to change his mind. Unexpected events, like getting stuck in a parade, can also create cherished memories and connections. However, the speaker also acknowledges the complexities and challenges of urban environments, like Chicago, where power dynamics and corruption can impact daily life. Despite these obstacles, the speaker remains optimistic and values the experiences that bring joy and meaning to life.

    • Seeking a New Beginning: The Speaker's Quest for HappinessThe speaker is considering drastic changes to find happiness, including working a 'regular job' or going into hiding, and is determined to pursue what brings him joy, even if it means stepping out of his comfort zone.

      The speaker is grappling with feelings of discontentment in his current life and is considering making drastic changes, including working a "regular job" or even going into hiding. He sees this as an opportunity for a new beginning, but his partner views it as a frivolous experiment. The speaker is drawn to simple, enjoyable experiences and the idea of working in a laid-back environment, such as at a lake or a retail job. He reflects on past experiences and the people he's known who have embodied this carefree spirit. Despite the potential stigma attached to these choices, the speaker is determined to pursue what makes him happy, even if it means stepping out of his comfort zone.

    • Encountering Lenny: A Crude InspirationUnexpected encounters and family influences can inspire creativity and fuel passion for pursuing dreams despite challenges

      Life can take unexpected turns, leading us to places we never imagined. The speaker shares a story about an encounter with a lewd and crude man named Lenny, who worked at a magazine store. Lenny shared explicit stories and offered unsolicited advice, leaving a lasting impression on the speaker. The experience inspired him to create a TV show based on the different characters he encountered while working in the pizza industry. Despite the challenges of pitching ideas and facing rejection, he continued to pursue his passion for comedy. The speaker's family background also influenced his creativity, as he grew up with a grandfather who worked at a dog track and had ties to the mob. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences and inspirations demonstrate the importance of staying true to oneself and using life's twists and turns as fuel for creativity.

    • Assumptions can be deceivingDon't judge people based on appearances or assumptions. Delve deeper into their stories and be persistent in pursuing your goals.

      Our past experiences and the people we meet in our lives may not always be as they seem. The speaker grew up unaware of his grandfather's involvement in the mob, assuming his friend "Joe the Hat" was just a wealthy businessman. However, the truth was much different. This anecdote highlights the importance of not judging people based on appearances or assumptions, and the value of delving deeper into the stories of our family history. Additionally, the speaker's experience of pitching a show idea and being rejected multiple times, only to discover that his grandmother was the illegitimate child of a mob boss, underscores the importance of persistence and the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • Growing up with contrasting approaches to orderlinessThe speaker values order and organization in their life after being inspired by their grandparents' strict routines and their father's military background.

      The speaker grew up with grandparents who had very different approaches to managing resources and orderliness compared to their own upbringing. The grandparents, particularly the grandfather who was a marine in World War 2, had strict routines and organization, which the speaker found intriguing and admirable as an adult. This contrasted with their own more chaotic and disorganized upbringing. The speaker also noted that their father, who grew up with a military background, had similar tendencies towards order and organization. The speaker now appreciates the value of order and organization in their own life and home, even if they didn't always prioritize it in the past. The discussion also touched on the idea that people may present different personas in public versus private settings and that the speaker found comfort and control in maintaining order in their personal space.

    • The fear of losing what little they have drives individuals to hold on to their accomplishmentsDespite the perception of a chaotic and wasteful lifestyle, comedians value their accomplishments and strive to showcase them due to a deep-rooted fear of losing them.

      The perception of comics and their lifestyles can be quite different from reality. Many people assume a chaotic and wasteful existence, but in reality, individuals, especially those who came from humble beginnings, take pride in their accomplishments and want to showcase them. This desire for an opulent display stems from a fear of losing what little they have, as it was never truly theirs to begin with. This idea was poignantly expressed by an unidentified Puerto Rican blind guy. The entertainment industry, and comedy in particular, can be unforgiving, with success often appearing to be a matter of luck or being chosen, rather than hard work and talent. However, it's the individuals who struggled and faced setbacks that provide valuable lessons and insights. Watching these performers, despite their failures, can offer more learning opportunities than observing the successful. Ultimately, the fear of losing what little they have drives individuals to hold on to their accomplishments and display them, even if it's just on lease.

    • Staying true to one's passionComedian Kyle Kinane emphasizes the importance of staying dedicated to one's passion, even without massive fame, and encourages appreciation for past experiences while looking forward to new ones.

      Passion and love for what you do can outweigh the desire for superstardom or external validation. Comedian Kyle Kinane shared his thoughts on the importance of staying true to his craft and continuing to perform stand-up comedy, despite not achieving massive fame. He emphasized that as long as he's in love with it, he'll keep doing it. Additionally, he encouraged listeners to watch his new comedy special, Saxx and Struts, and reminisced about his older works. He also mentioned the importance of appreciating the past while looking forward to new experiences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of staying dedicated to one's passion and the joy that comes from it.

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    Preacher Lawson
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    Benny Blanco

    Benny Blanco
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    Cannes was great, but i LOVED hanging out with my man Black Coffee and doing this #askgaryvee LIVE on the VaynerX yacht. We talked about what how he got started in the music industry, trying out a few things before landing on what he's doing now. The questions here were great, answering questions about how to balance work and life, how to appropriately deal with rejection, and inspiration vs motivation. Hope you enjoy this one !! 

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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