
    Podcast Summary

    • Bernie Eccleston: From Formula 1 Billionaire to Tax Evader and FraudsterBernie Eccleston, the Formula 1 racing empire controller, accumulated immense wealth but faced massive tax bills, paid £653 million back to the UK, was convicted of fraud, and downplayed racist abuse faced by Lewis Hamilton.

      Bernie Eccleston, a billionaire businessman, made Formula 1 racing into a global empire by controlling its commercial and TV rights. During his time at the helm, he accumulated immense wealth, with an estimated net worth of £3 billion in 2001. Eccleston was known for his lavish lifestyle, owning over 100 race cars, private jets, superyachts, luxury homes, and even an £8 million coffee plantation. However, his wealth came at a cost, as he had one of the biggest tax bills in history, leading him to pay £653 million back to the UK tax authorities in 2008, making him the second biggest taxpayer that year. Despite his wealth and power, Eccleston's story did not have a positive ending, as he was convicted of fraud and sentenced to 17 months in jail, suspended for two years. In the podcast, Eccleston was criticized for downplaying racist abuse faced by Lewis Hamilton during a Grand Prix, sparking controversy.

    • From humble beginnings to a successful entrepreneurBorn during wartime, Bernie Ecclestone's resourcefulness shone early. Determined by his height, he built a motorbike business at 17, bought a dealership at 21, and thrived in the post-war secondhand car market.

      Bernie Ecclestone, despite facing bullying and humble beginnings, became a successful entrepreneur in the automotive industry. Born in rural England during World War 2, Ecclestone showed resourcefulness from a young age, selling cakes and messages, and even starting a motorbike business at 17. His height, being short, fueled his determination to fight for survival. After leaving school, he worked for a motorcycle shop and eventually convinced a car dealership to let him sell motorbikes on their forecourt. At just 21, he bought out the dealership and started his own business, Compton and Ecclestone. The post-war era saw a scarcity of new cars, making the secondhand market the primary car market, which was dominated by wheeler dealers like Ecclestone. His gift of gab and entrepreneurial spirit led him to success, but his outspoken nature would also get him into trouble later in life. Regardless, Ecclestone's story serves as a reminder of the power of determination and resourcefulness in achieving success.

    • Bernie Ecclestone's Unconventional Path to Formula 1Bernie Ecclestone transitioned from property and car dealerships to Formula 1 after a racing accident, bringing business acumen and safety innovations to the sport

      Bernie Ecclestone, a post-war entrepreneur, made his fortune through various businesses, including property and car dealerships. He learned valuable skills in the world of shady deals and honored handshakes. His entry into the racing industry came after a tragic accident involving his driver, Stuart Lewis Evans, which led him to focus on the business side instead. Ecclestone's experiences in the dangerous world of Formula 1 during the post-war era influenced his role in making the sport safer, leading to the introduction of safety measures like fire-resistant suits and pit lane speed limits.

    • Bernie Ecclestone's experiences in the 60s shaped his future in car racing and dealershipsBernie Ecclestone's love for racing and entrepreneurial spirit led him to success in both the car business and racing world, despite early encounters with tax authorities and tragic losses.

      Bernie Ecclestone's experiences in the car racing world and car dealership business during the swinging sixties shaped his future in both areas. After a friend and driver passed away, Ecclestone shifted his focus back to his successful car dealership, catering to the latest models desired by the middle class. He had a glitzy showroom and attracted showbiz names as customers. However, during this time, Ecclestone also had his first encounter with tax authorities, which would come back to haunt him later. Despite the success of his business, Ecclestone's love for racing couldn't be quenched. He managed a German driver, Jochen Rint, but tragedy struck again when Rint died during practice for the 1970 Italian Grand Prix. Devastated, Ecclestone stayed in the sport and bought the Brabham team in 1971. He aimed to change the image of the sport by applying business-like practices, but the high costs took a toll on his fortune. Despite the glamour and danger, Ecclestone's determination and entrepreneurial spirit propelled him forward in both the car business and racing world.

    • Bernie Ecclestone's Bold Tactics Save Formula 1 TeamsBernie Ecclestone negotiated higher fees for Formula 1 teams from race circuits, earning a commission and saving them from financial ruin, despite operating beyond his official brief.

      Bernie Ecclestone, a British businessman, played a crucial role in saving Formula 1 teams from financial ruin in the 1970s by negotiating higher fees from race circuits. Despite the teams being significantly underpaid, Ecclestone discovered that circuits could afford to pay more. He took charge and negotiated on behalf of all 10 teams, earning a commission for his efforts. Ecclestone's bold tactics included threatening to cancel races if his demands weren't met. He was operating beyond his official brief, but his instinct to take charge and his determination to make a profit from Formula 1 helped him rise to the top. Ecclestone's focus on Formula 1 intensified due to the introduction of Value-Added Tax (VAT) in 1973, which made cash deals more difficult for him. He quit the car trade and devoted himself entirely to Formula 1, taking control of the Belgian Grand Prix in 1974 when it was financially struggling. Ecclestone's gamble paid off, attracting record crowds and making a large profit. This set a template for his approach to Formula 1, making him a millionaire in the mid-1970s.

    • Transforming Formula 1: Ecclestone & Mosley's Collaborative LeadershipBernie Ecclestone and Max Mosley, with contrasting backgrounds and approaches, united Formula 1, turning it from a disorganized sport to a profitable industry through strategic maneuvers and the Concorde Agreement.

      The dynamic duo of Bernie Ecclestone and Max Mosley, with their contrasting backgrounds and approaches, transformed the chaotic world of Formula 1 racing from a disorganized sport with warring factions to a profitable industry through strategic maneuvers and a groundbreaking agreement known as the Concorde Agreement. Ecclestone, described as understated and astute, leveraged his control over Formula 1's teams and TV rights, while Mosley, theatrical and volcanic, fought for what he believed was right. Despite their differences, they ultimately signed the Concorde Agreement, which led to the equal distribution of Formula 1's funds and cemented Ecclestone's control over the sport. This pivotal moment in Formula 1 history demonstrated the power of collaboration, strategic thinking, and visionary leadership.

    • Transforming Formula 1 into a Global PhenomenonBernie Ecclestone revolutionized Formula 1 by focusing on glamour, hospitality, and technological innovation, attracting a larger TV audience, generating significant revenue, and promoting advancements in green technology.

      Bernie Ecclestone played a pivotal role in transforming Formula 1 from a niche sport into a global phenomenon by focusing on glamour, hospitality, and technological innovation. He elevated the sport's image, attracted a larger TV audience, and generated significant revenue through advertising and broadcast rights. Ecclestone's changes not only made Formula 1 more profitable but also led to advancements in green technology, such as hybrid engines and lower carbon fuels. His influence extended beyond Formula 1, with many technological developments filtering into normal cars. Ecclestone's strategic partnership with Max Mosley allowed him to gain control of the FIA, which led to further growth and reforms in the sport.

    • Bernie Ecclestone's Monopolistic Control of Formula 1Bernie Ecclestone gained control of Formula 1 by increasing his percentage of TV rights, acquiring commercial rights for a century, and becoming the sport's first official dictator, amassing a fortune worth billions.

      Bernie Ecclestone, the former Formula One (F1) CEO, gained almost complete control of the sport in the early 1990s through a series of deals. He increased his percentage of television rights from 23% to 53%, and the teams transferred their rights from FOCA to his newly created Formula 1 Management, which he owned. This move made Formula 1 Management a profitable company, with revenues growing from $12 million in 1990 to $127 million in 1996. Ecclestone's salary during this period was $83 million, making him the world's highest-paid executive at the time. He secured the commercial rights to Formula 1 for 14 years from 1997, giving the teams a fixed fee, and in 2000, he acquired commercial rights for a hundred years for $360 million. These deals gave Ecclestone complete control of Formula 1, making him the sport's first official dictator. However, as he neared billionaire status, concerns about monopolistic practices led to an investigation of the FIA, and Ecclestone's ownership structure became complicated when he sold off shares of Formula 1 Management. His divorce from Croatian former model Slavica Radic, one of the most expensive in history, further highlighted his wealth.

    • Bernie Ecclestone's Battle for Formula 1 ControlBernie Ecclestone navigated numerous challenges to his Formula 1 control, including lawsuits from banks and bribery allegations, through clever negotiations and financial resources, maintaining his wealth and influence until Liberty Media took over.

      Despite facing numerous challenges to his control over Formula 1, including lawsuits from banks and bribery allegations, Bernie Ecclestone managed to maintain his wealth and influence through clever negotiations and financial resources. The banks attempted to take a larger role in the sport's management, but Bernie outmaneuvered them by offering teams large sums of money to maintain their agreement with him. However, Bernie's tenure as the head of Formula 1 came to an end when Liberty Media, a larger media conglomerate, took over the sport. Moreover, Bernie faced serious bribery charges in German courts but avoided prison time by paying a large financial penalty. Despite these challenges, Bernie's net worth remained significant, allowing him to buy himself out of legal troubles. Overall, Bernie Ecclestone's story illustrates the power of wealth and influence in business and the lengths one can go to maintain control, even in the face of significant opposition.

    • From Rural Suffolk Bike Salesman to Formula One Boss: Bernie Ecclestone's Complex CareerBillionaire Bernie Ecclestone rose from humble beginnings to Formula One dominance, but faced controversy for insensitive comments and tax fraud charges, resulting in a suspended prison sentence and massive repayment to UK tax authorities.

      Bernie Ecclestone, the billionaire former Formula One boss, has had a complex and controversial career. He was once the 3rd richest man in Britain but faced tax fraud charges in 2022, which he initially denied but later pleaded guilty to and was sentenced to 17 months in prison, suspended for 2 years. He was ordered to repay £653,000,000, the biggest individual tax payment to the UK tax authorities in relation to a fraud case. Despite his current wealth of $2.9 billion, making him the 65th richest man in the UK, he has faced criticism for his extravagant spending and insensitive comments. For instance, he once suggested that women in Formula One should dress in white like domestic appliances. Ecclestone's wealth grew from humble beginnings as a rural Suffolk bike salesman to dominating the glamorous international sport of Formula One. However, his controversial statements and actions have raised questions about his character. Overall, Ecclestone's story is a reminder of the complexities and contradictions that can exist within the lives of the wealthy and powerful.

    • Bernie Ecclestone's Controversial Past and Influence in Formula 1Despite criticisms for associations with controversial figures and alleged tax evasion, Bernie Ecclestone's influence in Formula 1 comes from his deal-making skills, political connections, and ability to bring Grand Prix races to various countries, making it an important tool for place making and sports washing events.

      Bernie Ecclestone, the former Formula 1 boss, is a controversial figure known for his deal-making skills, political connections, and controversial past. He has been criticized for his association with controversial figures like Vladimir Putin and his alleged tax evasion. Ecclestone's philanthropy is also a subject of controversy, with some questioning the motives behind his large political donations. Despite his dominance within the sport, Formula 1 is not as large as other sports like the Premier League in terms of viewership. However, the sport's global reach and ability to bring Grand Prix races to various countries make it an important tool for place making and sports washing events. Ecclestone's connections to heads of state have given him significant influence and the ability to negotiate deals on behalf of the sport. However, his controversial past and questionable business practices continue to raise eyebrows.

    • Bernie Ecclestone's Controversial Legacy in Formula 1Bernie Ecclestone's tenure in Formula 1 brought the sport significant growth, but his control raised concerns and left a complex and debated legacy due to his controversial comments and actions.

      Bernie Ecclestone, the former Formula 1 boss, wielded significant political power within the sport, using it primarily to improve deals for himself and the sport as a whole. However, his control raised concerns about the potential risks of having a single individual with few checks and balances in charge. Ecclestone himself downplayed his legacy, but his tenure serves as a cautionary tale against allowing one person to have complete control over a sport or industry. Despite his contributions to Formula 1, his controversial comments about women and tax evasion have left a negative mark on his legacy. Overall, Ecclestone's impact on Formula 1 was significant, but his methods and actions have left a complex and debated legacy.

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    • The podcast has come a long way in six years, from beginning with a basic microphone in a small room to a fully equipped multi-platform studio!
    • Developing a podcast and brand takes time, what Rob and his team has learnt in six years has been invaluable. They know what engages people and what content works best for Rob.
    • Changing the brand frees Rob up to move away from just the business and entrepreneur theme and allows him to explore a lot more diverse themes, content and guests.
    • There are a lot of guests who wouldn’t see themselves as a Disruptive Entrepreneur but would see themselves as a ‘Disruptor’ which meant they would turn interviews with Rob down. The label of Disruptor is much broader and gives more scope on who to interview for the podcast.
    • The change in brand allows it to be more reactive and therefore increases the ability to go viral which is so important in today’s world of branding.
    • Running a podcast is never plain sailing. The challenges and difficulties are part of the course and you must push through them to find true success. Rob and his team have all had their fair shares of worst moments but thankfully all their best moments more than make up for it and that’s just one of the exciting parts of building a brand.
    • The internet and social media used to be more like the wild west, until what many called the ‘ad-pocolypse” many platforms are now very strict on the content they allow to be hosted/shown and TDE has had multiple bans as part of this.
    • It’s important for Rob to get guests he doesn’t agree with. It creates great discussion and more engaging and interesting content. This is part of the TDE brand he has built and changing it to ‘Disruptors’ just allows more freedom to do this.
    •  Rob and his team have always tried to ask their guests different questions, to stop them being bored of being asked all the same things and to create unique content.
    • Interviewing people is hard. Rob had a wealth of experience with public speaking but this couldn’t be any further removed than interviewing skills. Rob has now had six years of practice and conscious mastery and now his technique is so much better than when he started.
    • Many brands are scared of cancel culture. Rob isn't frightened of cancel culture but he is concerned about de-platforming.


     “Now was the right time to do it, six years of the podcast. It frees us up to make better content without the need to always think about how we bring it back to business”

    “It’s a bigger wider brand than it has ever been and it makes everything more tangible”

    “For many years, social media was the wild west”

    “Pablo Escobar, let’s be honest at that moment we were just like, let’s f**k our own concept”

    “Sometimes when they are left leaving more that’s good”

    “The interviewee should be talking 95% of the time…to get the most out of the guest”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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