
    Podcast Summary

    • 2020 Dem Primary: Focus on Young, Diverse VotersBernie Sanders bets on young, diverse voters in 2020 Dem Primary, particularly Latinos in California, with grassroots events like 'tamales for tio Bernie' to mobilize support.

      The 2020 Democratic primary race is heavily focused on energizing and winning over young and diverse voter groups, particularly young people and people of color. This was evident in the record-breaking number of votes received from these demographics during the 2020 election. Bernie Sanders, a leading contender for the nomination, is placing a significant bet on this strategy, with a particular focus on the Latino community in California. The campaign is organizing grassroots events, like "tamales for tio Bernie," to mobilize and engage young Latinos, who have shown strong support for Sanders. The success of these efforts will be crucial for Sanders to secure the nomination, as he will need to win over not just young and diverse voters, but also moderates to form a winning coalition.

    • Bernie Sanders' authenticity and stance against wars resonated with young LatinosBernie Sanders' authenticity and anti-establishment stance have resonated deeply with young Latinos, drawing support away from other candidates due to his stance against wars, identification with working-class struggles, and immigrant background.

      Bernie Sanders' authenticity and stance against wars, particularly the Iraq War, resonated deeply with young Latinos in the early 2000s. This, coupled with his immigrant background and identification with the struggles of working-class communities, has made him a compelling figure for many, despite being an older white candidate from the East Coast. Sanders' anti-establishment stance and focus on issues of greed, corruption, and lack of funding for neighborhoods have struck a chord with these communities, drawing support away from candidates who might have been expected to receive it. Sanders' immigrant story also resonates with the experiences of many young Latinos, adding to his appeal. This connection has had significant consequences in the presidential race.

    • Bernie Sanders' Message Resonates with Young Latino VotersBernie Sanders' consistent message and grassroots approach have resonated with young Latino voters, leading to increased engagement and support. The Tamales for Teo event aims to officially replicate this approach and encourage voter registration and turnout in historically underengaged communities.

      The passion and consistency of Bernie Sanders' message over several decades has resonated strongly with young Latino voters, leading them to support him in large numbers. This was evident during the 2015 campaign when casual conversations about Sanders in neighborhoods like South LA led to increased engagement and eventual support. The strategy for the Tamales for Teo Bernie event is to replicate this grassroots approach officially and bring people together over food to discuss Sanders' message and find ways to encourage voter registration and turnout in historically underengaged communities. With Latinos being the largest nonwhite ethnic voting block in California, their votes could significantly impact the election. However, historically low turnout and the young age of this demographic make it crucial for campaigns to engage with them in a relatable and authentic way.

    • Older Latinos have positive views of Obama, younger ones negativeOlder Latino voters hold strong connections to the Democratic Party and the Obama administration, while younger Latinos view the Obama era negatively due to high deportation numbers. Persuading older voters to support Sanders is difficult, but younger Latinos are dedicated to spreading awareness and educating others.

      Older Latino voters, like Maximo, hold a positive connection to the Obama administration, while younger Latinos view it negatively due to the high number of deportations during that time. This divide in perception makes it challenging to convince older voters to shift their support from Biden, who they see as a familiar and trusted figure, to Sanders. Younger Latino supporters, like Julian, are dedicated to spreading awareness about Sanders and his policies, often engaging in conversations with anyone they encounter, no matter the setting. These efforts to educate and persuade can lead to fruitful discussions and potential conversions. However, the deeply rooted beliefs and loyalties of older voters, shaped by their unique experiences and perspectives, present a significant challenge for campaign strategies.

    • Bernie Sanders' Outreach to Latino Voters in CaliforniaBernie Sanders' campaign targets young Latino voters, including first-time voters and Mexican cowboys, to win over older, established voters like Maximo in California. Utilizing young supporters to reach out to older voters has shown success in events like Jocelyn Garcia's charro gathering.

      The Bernie Sanders campaign is making a significant effort to win over Latino voters in California, including first-time voters and Mexican cowboys, or charros, in rural areas. However, convincing older, established voters like Maximo to support Sanders remains a challenge. Despite his consistent voting history, Maximo is not swayed by his son Alfonso and other supporters. The Sanders campaign recognizes the importance of young voters in reaching out to older voters and has utilized this strategy in events like the one hosted by Jocelyn Garcia for charros. The success of this approach could be crucial for Sanders' chances in California and the overall election.

    • Sanders Campaign Reaches Out to Diverse CommunitiesThe Sanders campaign is targeting diverse communities, including small business owners, with progressive policies, but some attendees want more detailed answers to their concerns about the financial implications.

      The Sanders campaign is reaching out to diverse communities, including those with more conservative values, in an attempt to win them over with progressive policies. During a campaign event, Jocelyn and Rafael spoke about Medicare for all, tuition-free college, and the Green New Deal. However, the attendees, mostly small business owners, had concerns about the financial implications and wanted more detailed answers. Despite the campaign's efforts to address their questions, it was clear that some attendees remained skeptical. Victor Trinidad, a small business owner, expressed his desire for more detailed answers, especially regarding the growth of his business. Ultimately, the Sanders campaign's strategy relies on convincing new and non-politically engaged voters to show up and vote in the primary, including those with conservative values. The success of this approach remains to be seen.

    • Barriers to Latino Voting in PrimariesDespite Latino enthusiasm to vote against Trump, registering and participating in primaries remains a challenge. Activism and grassroots efforts can help engage and mobilize communities to overcome these barriers.

      While there is a significant increase in enthusiasm among the Latino community to vote against President Trump, the process of registering and participating in primaries remains a challenge for many. Two college students, Miriam Cuesta and Jennifer Najeta, shared their experiences as die-hard Bernie supporters, expressing their connection to him as their "Tio Bernie." However, both students and their parents were not eligible voters, highlighting the complexity of the voting process. Miriam, unable to vote or donate money, channels her energy into activism, starting a club on campus and engaging in outreach efforts. The conversation underscores the importance of addressing the barriers that prevent eligible voters from participating in primaries and emphasizes the role of grassroots activism in engaging and mobilizing communities.

    • The Complexity of the Latino Vote and the Importance of Community BuildingThe Latino vote in the US is diverse and requires targeted outreach. Many Latinos cannot vote due to non-citizen status, emphasizing the need for hope and community in politics. The impeachment trial and GAO findings add to the political complexity.

      The Latino vote in the United States is complex and requires significant outreach due to its varied demographics. At two events in Los Angeles, it was noted that many Latinos were unable to vote due to their non-citizen status. This situation highlights the importance of community building and hope in politics, as well as the challenge of creating a new coalition of Latino voters for the Sanders campaign. Meanwhile, the impeachment trial of President Trump continued in the Senate, with the Chief Justice administering the oath to senators as jurors. The Government Accountability Office also found that Trump had violated the law by withholding security aid for Ukraine, further complicating the political landscape.

    • Behind the scenes of The Daily podcastA large team of dedicated individuals collaborates to produce each episode of The Daily podcast, ensuring high-quality journalism and engaging storytelling.

      Learning from today's episode of The Daily is that a great deal of hard work and dedication goes into producing each episode of this podcast. The team behind The Daily includes Theo Balcom, Andy Mills, Lisa Tobin, Rachel Quester, Lindsay Garrison, Annie Brown, Claire Tenesketter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Larissa Anderson, Wendy Doerr, Chris Wood, Jessica Chung, Alexandra Lee Young, Jonathan Wolf, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Mark George, Luke Vander Ploeg, Adiza Egan, Kelly Prime, Julia Longoria, Sindhu Nyanasamandam, Jasmine Aguilera, MJ Davis Lynn, Austin Mitchell, Sayer Kavedo, Monica Evstatayeva, Dan Powell, Dave Shaw, Sydney Harper, and Daniel Guillemette. Additionally, special thanks were given to Sam Dolek, Mikaela Bouchard, Stella Tan, Julia Simon, Lauren Jackson, and Nora Keller for their contributions. This impressive roster of individuals ensures that each episode is well-researched, thoughtfully produced, and engaging for listeners. It's a reminder of the teamwork and collaboration required to create high-quality journalism and storytelling.

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    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

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    Background reading: 

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    Political Climate is produced in partnership with the USC Schwarzenegger Institute.

    Listen and subscribe to the Political Climate podcast via Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherGoogle Play, Overcast or any of these other services. Find us on Twitter @Poli_Climate! Follow our hosts at @JMPyper @ShaneSkelton and @BrandonHurlbut.

    This episode is brought to you by the nonprofit environmental forum EarthX. This April marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and there’s no better way to celebrate than at the EarthX Expo, Conference and Film Festival in Dallas, Texas. This event is for everyone, including you! Visit earthx.org to learn more and register.

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    2. Fortune: https://fortune.com/2021/11/10/tesla-elon-musk-stock-options-tax-mistake/ 
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