
    Best of: Hotter, Deeper Sex w/John Wineland

    enMarch 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore your sexuality this summer with Promescent's products and the magic wandEmbrace your sexuality this summer, try new things with Promescent's delay spray, warming arousal gel, and the magic wand for unforgettable experiences. Communication and trust are essential for satisfying sexual relationships.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration when it comes to sex. To enhance the experience, consider trying out products from Promescent, such as their legendary delay spray or warming arousal gel for women. The magic wand, a cult icon, is another tool that can help individuals explore their bodies and reach new heights of pleasure. It's important to remember that attraction, sexual connection, and desire are driven by a balance of masculine and feminine energies within us, and communication and trust are key to a satisfying sexual relationship. So this summer, embrace your sexuality and try new things to make your experiences unforgettable. For more information on Promescent and the magic wand, visit promessence.com/emily and sexwithemily.com/magicwand, respectively.

    • Understanding Masculine and Feminine EnergiesRecognizing both similarities and differences between partners' energies enhances sexual intimacy. Masculine and feminine energies exist within all individuals, and acknowledging them leads to a more satisfying and connected sexual experience.

      For deep sexual intimacy, recognizing both the sameness and differences between partners is essential. Masculine and feminine energies are universal and exist within all individuals, regardless of gender. These energies can be thought of as magnets with opposite polarities attracting each other. To create a fulfilling and attractive relationship, it's important to acknowledge both the similarities and differences between partners. This understanding can lead to a more satisfying and connected sexual experience. Additionally, recognizing the subtle differences between a "no" and "not yet," as well as the symbolic aspects of anal play, can enhance sexual exploration and communication.

    • Understanding Masculine and Feminine EnergiesEmbracing masculine and feminine energies can lead to deeper, more meaningful sexual experiences for both partners.

      For deeply connected and passionate sexual experiences, both partners need to embrace their masculine and feminine energies. Most men identify with their masculine energy, while most women identify with their feminine energy. The feminine essence desires to be ravished and taken, while the masculine essence wants to be the ravisher and take charge. This dynamic can apply to all types of relationships, regardless of gender orientation. The masculine partner craves trust and surrender, while the feminine partner desires to be led and taken to new heights. Understanding and embracing these energies can lead to deeper, more meaningful sexual experiences.

    • Understanding Trust and Surrender in Masculine and Feminine ExperiencesMasculine and feminine energies have distinct roles in relationships and sexual intimacy, with trust and surrender key for feminine engagement and masculine presence.

      Trust and surrender play significant roles in both masculine and feminine experiences in relationships and sexual intimacy. The masculine energy often seeks peace, nothingness, and freedom, while the feminine energy seeks love and connection. In sexual encounters, the feminine energy may require trust and surrender to fully engage, such as during anal sex or other intimate acts. Meanwhile, the masculine energy craves the energetic exchange and presence of the feminine during sex. Ultimately, both partners need to understand and respect each other's unique energies and needs to foster a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • The Importance of Trust in Sexual ExperiencesTrust, communication, and being present are essential for satisfying and enjoyable sexual experiences, especially during anal sex. Building trust slowly and intentionally, feeling deep emotional connections, and taking care of each other's needs are crucial.

      Trust plays a crucial role in enjoyable and satisfying sexual experiences, especially during anal sex. The speaker emphasizes that trust goes beyond just knowing someone's identity, and instead, it's about feeling a deep emotional connection. When there's a disconnect during sex, it can lead to pain, danger, and a lack of trust. Therefore, building trust slowly and intentionally is essential. The speaker also touches upon the importance of being present in the moment and feeling the connection between partners. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of communication, consent, and taking care of each other's needs during sexual experiences. In summary, trust, communication, and being present are key ingredients for great sex.

    • Deepening Connections Through Masculine and Feminine PolarityFocus on presence, embodiment, vulnerability, and pleasure to deepen relationships, rather than trying to change partners' energy

      Having a strong connection in a relationship goes beyond being a good husband or father. It requires the ability to be present, embodied, and able to create masculine and feminine polarity through vulnerability and pleasure. Attraction is not a choice, and by focusing on evoking the opposite energy in our partners, we can deepen our connections. Practicing these skills on our own can lead to attracting a more fulfilling relationship. It's not about changing our partners but rather about changing the energy we put out into the world. By being present and attentive to our partners, we can open them up and create a deeper connection.

    • Mastering emotional connection during bad moodsMen can learn to use physicality, attention, awareness, and humor to help women feel supported and foster deeper emotional intimacy during bad moods, ultimately strengthening relationships.

      Effective communication and emotional connection are key to navigating women's emotional energy and helping them feel supported during bad moods. Men can learn to master physicality, attention, awareness, and humor to help break through bad moods and foster deeper emotional intimacy. Embodiment, which encompasses both physical and emotional connection, is an essential aspect of this practice. By focusing on these skills and practicing them consistently, men can build stronger relationships and better understand and respond to their partners' emotional needs.

    • Beyond the physical act: Achieving true connection in sexPractice embodiment for deeper, more meaningful sexual experiences by focusing on breath, intentional eye contact, and being present in the moment.

      True connection in sex goes beyond the physical act and involves an energetic connection between two people. This connection is achieved through embodiment, which involves becoming more aware of our bodies and using breath to be present in the moment. Embodiment allows us to make ethereal concepts like seduction or fierce love real and tangible through our bodies. This can lead to deeper, more meaningful sexual experiences, including longer sex sessions, multiple orgasms, and spiritual connections. To start practicing embodiment, focus on breathing with your partner and making intentional eye contact before engaging in penetrative sex. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, and it's important to find what works best for you.

    • Expressing needs and desires in relationshipsHonestly communicating needs and desires can deepen emotional and sexual intimacy, strengthen bonds, and evoke a deeper version of the partner.

      Effective communication is key to deepening connections and fostering genuine intimacy in relationships. The speaker encourages women to express their needs and desires honestly and respectfully, rather than continuing in a sexual encounter when they don't feel fully connected. This approach can evoke a deeper version of the man and strengthen the bond between the two partners. Communication is essential because both parties want to feel loved, desired, and connected. By asking for what they need, individuals can deepen their emotional and sexual intimacy. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-care, such as taking time to breathe together and connect before engaging in sexual activity. Overall, the speaker's advice emphasizes the importance of authentic communication and self-awareness in creating and sustaining healthy, fulfilling relationships.

    • The importance of self-reflection and personal growth for a stronger sense of masculinity and better relationshipsTaking time for self-reflection and personal growth can help identify underlying issues, strengthen masculinity, and lead to more fulfilling relationships.

      Taking time for self-reflection and personal growth can lead to a stronger and more authentic sense of masculinity, which in turn can attract more inspiring and fulfilling relationships. James, who has been experiencing a series of relationships, was encouraged to take a break and focus on himself, as this period of solitude could help him identify and address any underlying issues that may be hindering his ability to form lasting connections. Similarly, Jackie, who has recently started dating again after a break, questioned the importance of sexual chemistry on a first date and was advised that while it's a crucial aspect of a relationship, it's not the only factor to consider. Overall, the importance of self-awareness, introspection, and personal growth in the context of relationships cannot be overstated.

    • Give it another chance if the connection was otherwise goodAllow men to lead on dates, communicate interest, and trust the process for more fulfilling relationships

      While it's natural to feel unsure after a first date, it's important to give it another chance if the connection was otherwise good. However, this decision depends on what one truly wants in a partner and the level of chemistry present. To practice this, women can allow men to lead on dates, letting go of the need to control every aspect of the experience. This not only evokes more masculine energy from men but also helps determine if there is sexual polarity and potential for a deeper connection. By providing moment-to-moment feedback, women can effectively communicate their interest and make the dating experience more enjoyable for both parties. Ultimately, trusting the process and allowing men to lead can lead to more fulfilling and authentic relationships.

    • The importance of communication and understanding in intimate relationshipsFocus on emotional connection and sexual intimacy, be present and attentive, avoid blame and defensiveness, and work together to find solutions to intimacy issues.

      Communication and understanding are key to a fulfilling intimate relationship. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being present and attentive to your partner's needs, as well as figuring out what you both truly want in the relationship. The speaker also introduces the concept of "fucking to God," which refers to having deeply meaningful and satisfying sexual experiences that leave both partners feeling connected and fulfilled. The speaker advises against expecting your partner to be your best friend in a romantic relationship, but rather focusing on the importance of having a strong emotional connection and sexual intimacy. For those who may be struggling with intimacy issues in their own relationships, the speaker suggests approaching the topic with sensitivity and openness, avoiding blame or defensiveness. Instead, try to understand what might be causing the issue and work together to find solutions. And remember, the ability to be present and deeply connect with your partner is a valuable and precious gift.

    • Communication and Responsibility are Key to Marital IntimacyEffective communication and taking responsibility for the relationship are essential to addressing sexual health and intimacy issues in a marriage. Women's feelings significantly impact their libidos, and creating a safe space for partners to express themselves can help re-establish intimacy.

      Effective communication and taking responsibility for the relationship are key to addressing sexual health and intimacy issues in a marriage. When a woman feels disconnected and loses sexual attraction, it's often due to unshared resentments and withholds. Men can create a safe space for their partners to express themselves by taking the blame off them and actively listening without getting defensive. Women's libidos are linked to their feelings, and if they don't feel heard, their attraction can decrease. Additionally, the feminine and masculine energies in a relationship can get reversed, leading to disconnection. To re-establish intimacy, both partners must take responsibility for the relationship and create a culture of open communication.

    • Effective communication and empathy in relationshipsListening empathetically and holding space for partner's emotions builds emotional intimacy and strengthens relationships

      Effective communication and empathy are key to resolving conflicts and deepening connections in relationships. According to the discussion, the way a partner listens and responds to their significant other's feelings, without defensiveness or judgment, can help create a safe space for them to express themselves fully. This practice, known as Imago dialogue, allows both partners to understand each other's perspectives and build emotional intimacy. It's essential for men to learn how to listen empathetically and hold space for their partners' emotions, as women often carry many unspoken resentments and judgments. By prioritizing their partner's feelings and practicing active listening, men can help foster a strong, healthy, and fulfilling relationship.

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    Remember that amazing free gift Destin mentioned? You know you want it! Click HERE for Destin’s Free Gift ‘Enticing Desire'

    Schedule a 20 minute complimentary session with Destin by clicking HERE!

    Evolved Masculine Blueprint HERE.


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