
    Best Of: How Sleep Affects Your Sex Drive w/ Dr. Michael Breus

    enJuly 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Prioritizing Sleep in All Areas of LifeEffective sleep tracking and adjusting device settings can improve sleep quality, while understanding sleep's impact on hormones can optimize bedroom activities.

      Sleep plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, including financial, relational, and sexual performance. With the advancement of technology, we can now track and improve our sleep more effectively. However, our increasing use of electronic devices, which emit blue light, can negatively impact our sleep. To mitigate this, consider using software like Flux to adjust your computer screen's color temperature in the evenings. Sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus emphasized the importance of prioritizing sleep in today's high-performance world. As discussed on Sex with Emily, understanding the connection between sleep and hormone flow can help us optimize our bedroom activities, including sex. Don't forget to check out Shop with Emily for Emily's favorite sleep and pleasure-enhancing products.

    • Impact of Makeup Removal and Lighting on Sleep QualityTaking off makeup earlier and avoiding bright blue light before bedtime can enhance sleep quality. Understanding chronotypes and individual sleep preferences can improve relationships and overall well-being.

      The time of day we take off our makeup and the type of lighting we expose ourselves to in the evening can impact our sleep quality. Exposure to bright blue light from a mirror or electronic devices can signal to our brains that it's morning time, making it harder to fall asleep. To improve sleep quality, it's recommended to take off makeup earlier in the evening and avoid bright lighting before bedtime. Another key takeaway is the concept of chronotypes, which refers to genetic predispositions that make some people "morning persons" and others "night owls." Understanding our chronotypes and those of our partners can help improve sleep and relationships. Additionally, it's interesting that matchmaking platforms don't ask about sleep-related preferences, which could be crucial in selecting a compatible partner. Sleep and sex life are interconnected, and understanding our individual sleep needs and preferences can lead to better relationships and overall well-being.

    • Exploring sexual enhancement productsDiscover various sexual enhancement products like Hello Again sleep suppositories, Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel, and the iconic Magic Wand vibrator. Learn about optimal sexual activity timing and harness nature's energy for pleasure.

      There are various products designed to enhance sexual experiences, each catering to different needs and preferences. Hello Again sleep suppositories offer a balanced THC to CBD ratio for effective relaxation without causing a head high, and they can be used by penis owners as well as those with vaginas. Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel are targeted towards extending pleasure and intensifying sensations for individuals, regardless of their gender. The iconic Magic Wand vibrator, praised for its powerful rumble and long-lasting use, is a symbol of unapologetic pleasure and a cultural icon. When considering the best time for sex, research suggests that the hormonal profile is most favorable for sexual activity between 10:30 and 11:30 PM, which is often when melatonin levels are low and other key hormones are high. Men naturally wake up with erections, which can be seen as a sign from nature to use that energy for sexual activity. By understanding these products and the science behind optimal sexual experiences, individuals can make informed decisions to enhance their own pleasure and intimacy.

    • Understanding Chronotypes: How Hormones Shape Our Sleep PatternsRecognizing and respecting our unique chronotypes can lead to improved sleep, stronger relationships, and a better understanding of ourselves. Maintaining a consistent wake-up time is crucial for adults, and accommodating partners' chronotypes can enhance intimacy.

      Our chronotypes, which are determined by our hormones, largely influence our sleep patterns and preferences. These chronotypes can change throughout our lives, with infants being early birds, toddlers and school-aged children being in the middle, teenagers being night owls, and adults experiencing a shift towards night owl tendencies as they age. The importance of maintaining a consistent wake-up time, rather than bedtime, becomes increasingly significant as we get older. This can help regulate our circadian rhythms and improve overall sleep quality. Additionally, understanding and accommodating our partner's chronotype can lead to better relationships and more satisfying intimate experiences. For example, if one partner is an early bird and the other is a night owl, finding a compromise through strategies like morning sex or flexible work schedules can help bridge the gap. Overall, recognizing and respecting our unique chronotypes can lead to improved sleep, stronger relationships, and a better understanding of ourselves.

    • Optimizing life through circadian rhythmUnderstanding and aligning daily activities with unique circadian rhythms can improve overall well-being, including sleep quality, productivity, and health.

      Our sleep patterns and other bodily rhythms are closely linked to our circadian rhythm, which can be hacked to optimize various aspects of our lives, including sleep quality and productivity. Michael Breus, a high-performance sleep coach, explains that by understanding our unique circadian rhythms and aligning our daily activities accordingly, we can improve our overall well-being. This includes factors like diet and exercise, as well as the timing of activities such as sex, eating, and even communication with others based on their hormonal rhythms. By following these principles, individuals can make the most of their time and energy, leading to better health and performance. Additionally, the concept of circadian rhythm can also be applied to food choices, with products like Hero Bread offering low-carb alternatives that fit into health-conscious lifestyles without sacrificing taste or texture.

    • Snoring: A Health Concern in RelationshipsSnoring can lead to health issues for both partners, often caused by weight gain. Weight loss and other solutions can help alleviate snoring.

      Snoring is a common issue in relationships and can lead to significant health problems for both partners. Snoring is not just a social nuisance, but it is linked to increased mortality and weight gain for the snorer, and sleep loss for the partner. The primary cause of snoring is often weight gain, particularly in men, which can crush the throat and force air to move faster, resulting in vibrations and snoring. While weight loss can help alleviate snoring in many cases, there are also other solutions such as mouth guards or devices that can be effective. It's essential to address snoring early in a relationship, as it can have serious consequences for both partners' health and well-being.

    • Find solutions beyond over-the-counter remedies for significant snoringConsult a dental sleep medicine dentist for jaw advancement or prescription devices. If these methods don't work, see a sleep specialist for sleep apnea evaluation and treatment. Encourage your partner to seek help and support them in their journey.

      If you or someone you know is experiencing significant snoring that's disrupting your sleep and your life, there are solutions beyond over-the-counter remedies. Board-certified dental sleep medicine dentists can help by moving your jaw forward, and prescription devices like nasal stents (such as Mute) can open up your airways. However, if these methods don't work, it's essential to consult a sleep specialist for a proper evaluation. Sleep apnea could be the underlying cause, and addressing it could benefit both you and your partner. Additionally, encouraging your partner to seek treatment in a loving and supportive way can motivate them to make necessary changes. Over-the-counter solutions may provide temporary relief, but a proper evaluation and treatment plan could lead to long-term improvements.

    • Exploring alternatives to CBD oil for sleep improvementConsider cannabis products designed for sleep or natural supplements like magnesium to improve sleep quality, and try new technology like Ebb to help turn off the brain.

      Jane, who is experiencing stress, anxiety, and sleep issues, asked for advice on how to turn off her brain and improve her sleep. While CBD oil may help with anxiety, the amount needed for sleep improvement is quite high. Therefore, the speaker suggested exploring other options such as cannabis, specifically products designed for sleep, or natural supplements like magnesium. Cannabis can help lower anxiety before bed and aid in falling asleep without causing psychoactive effects. Magnesium deficiency is common and can affect sleep, so addressing this issue first is important. The speaker also mentioned a new technology called Ebb, which uses a cold press that slows down the cerebrospinal fluid to help turn off the brain and improve sleep.

    • Using a cold headband or managing stress can help improve sleepUsing a cold headband or managing stress are simple and cost-effective ways to improve sleep quality, including maintaining a consistent wake-up time, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and engaging in daily exercise.

      There are several simple steps you can take to improve your sleep without relying on expensive solutions. According to sleep researcher Dr. Eric Knopfziger, using a cold headband before bed can help slow down thinking and make it easier to fall asleep. However, stress is also a significant factor in sleep difficulties. CBD can be effective, but it may require a large dose and the addition of THC to activate it more effectively. A consistent wake-up time, avoiding caffeine after 2 PM, limiting alcohol consumption before bed, daily exercise, and avoiding exercise close to bedtime are all cost-effective ways to improve sleep quality. These steps can help ensure that your body is prepared for sleep and that external factors are not interfering with your rest.

    • Start your day with hydration and sunlightDrink water upon waking, get sunlight for brain clarity, explore CPAP alternatives, and consider morning sex for mood boost

      Starting your day with hydration and sunlight can have significant benefits for your overall health. Drinking a 15 ounce bottle of room temperature water upon waking helps replenish the liter of water lost during sleep. Following this, getting 15 minutes of direct sunlight triggers melanopsin cells in the eyes to turn off the melatonin faucet in the brain, helping to clear brain fog. For those diagnosed with sleep apnea, there are various options to potentially get off a CPAP machine, including surgery, weight loss, or dental appliances. Lastly, having sex in the morning with the lights on is a recommended sex tip for boosting mood and energy levels. Remember to check out The Sleep Doctor's website, Instagram, Twitter, and take his chronotype quiz for more information.

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    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
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    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
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    Learn how to integrate herbs into your life from Chanchal - Shift Network

    Wise Woman Herbals: Reclaim Your Wisdom
    Small company with impeccable quality! Organic formulations that work!

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