
    Best of Series: The Latest science of Growth Mindset With Carol Dweck

    enDecember 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Companies and products for daily life improvementsEmbrace challenges, learn from failures, and use dedicated tools and resources for personal growth and improved daily routines.

      There are companies and products out there that aim to make your daily tasks easier and more enjoyable. Grainger offers professional-grade supplies and a dedicated team to help businesses run smoothly. Clorox Scentiva brings a tropical touch to cleaning routines with its powerful clean and refreshing scents. JCPenney caters to various body types and styles, allowing everyone to refresh their wardrobe comfortably. In the realm of psychology, Carol Dweck's research on mindsets highlights the importance of embracing challenges and learning from failures, which can lead to personal growth and achievement. These examples demonstrate the power of persistence, dedication, and the pursuit of improvement in various aspects of life.

    • The impact of mindsets on our approach to challengesBelieving in the developability of intelligence can lead to greater resilience and success.

      Our mindsets, or the beliefs we hold about ourselves and our abilities, significantly impact how we approach challenges and handle setbacks. The speaker, who initially observed the difference in mindsets between 10-year-old children, was inspired by their resilience and wanted to understand the cognitive underpinnings behind it. Her personal experience with being labeled as having a fixed mindset in her younger years influenced her research. She discovered that the shift from viewing intelligence as fixed to seeing it as developable happened in the late 1980s, and this realization led to the concept of mindsets becoming widely recognized. The speaker's work has shown that people carry these mindsets with them, and they can greatly influence how we view ourselves and our abilities, ultimately impacting our successes and failures. Her new book, Transcend, further explores this concept and the importance of self-actualization.

    • Exploring human potential through humanistic psychologyHumanistic psychology insights inspired scalable online interventions promoting growth mindset, respecting adolescents and using neuroscience and real-life examples.

      The field of humanistic psychology in the 1950s and 1960s provided valuable insights into the creative and humanitarian potential of humans, and a new book aims to build on these ideas to help individuals and collectives connect deeper and reach their greatest potential. Research from the time, including groundbreaking work by Joshua Aronson and colleagues on the malleability of beliefs and the effectiveness of growth mindset interventions, paved the way for scalable online educational interventions. These interventions, designed to respect and involve adolescents, use neuroscience and real-life examples to explain the growth mindset concept. Supporting the podcast and buying the book are great ways to engage with these ideas and contribute to their continued development.

    • Study on National Scale to Encourage Growth Mindset in 9th GradersA large-scale study led by David Yeager delivered a growth mindset intervention to 9th graders, promoting belief in their ability to grow and improve intelligence, with positive results.

      A growth mindset intervention, which involves encouraging students to believe in their ability to grow and improve their intelligence, was the subject of a large-scale national study. The study, led by David Yeager, aimed to deliver this intervention to a nationally representative sample of 9th graders, making it one of the first psychological interventions to do so at this scale. The intervention, which includes exercises and personal letters, was designed to help students understand how a stronger brain can aid them in achieving their goals in life. The study, which was rigorously designed and analyzed, found that the growth mindset intervention was effective in promoting a growth mindset among students. The researchers even oversampled sites where they thought the intervention might not work, making it a notable example of researchers seeking their own non-replication to ensure the best possible results.

    • Study shows small interventions can have big impactA study on mindset interventions for lower achieving students found a 0.11 effect size increase in their grades, demonstrating the potential for low-cost interventions to make a meaningful difference, despite modest effect sizes typically seen in educational interventions for adolescents.

      Even small interventions with minimal cost can have significant impact, as shown in a study on mindset interventions for lower achieving students, which resulted in a 0.11 effect size increase in their grades. However, the most successful educational interventions for adolescents tend to top out at around 0.2 effect size. This finding was eye-opening as it highlights the challenge of developing large-scale educational interventions that produce dramatic results. Despite the modest effect size, the study's results are exciting as they demonstrate the potential for low-cost interventions to make a meaningful difference. Additionally, the study's findings align with research on educational interventions, which typically yield effect sizes between 0.1 and 0.2. Overall, the study underscores the importance of continually seeking ways to improve educational interventions and the potential for small interventions to have a significant impact.

    • Mindset interventions and peer norms impact 10th grade math course-takingGrowth mindset interventions can boost math course-taking, but peer norms and teacher mindset can influence their effectiveness. Creating supportive environments for students to embrace challenges is crucial.

      Mindset interventions, such as those focusing on growth mindset, can have positive effects on students of all achievement levels, leading to increased advanced math course-taking in 10th grade. However, the effectiveness of these interventions can be influenced by peer norms. If students are in an environment where their peers reject challenges, they may not be able to sustain their growth mindset outside of the intervention. Additionally, the study suggested that teacher mindset could also impact the success of these interventions. These findings highlight the importance of creating supportive environments where students feel encouraged to embrace challenges and learn from them. Despite the challenges in implementing these interventions at a large scale, the potential impact on students' future academic and professional success makes it a worthwhile investment.

    • Teacher's mindset impacts students' math achievementA growth mindset from teachers leads to improved academic achievement in math, while a fixed mindset hinders it. Growth mindset interventions also positively affect personal growth, well-being, and social relationships.

      A teacher's mindset significantly impacts students' academic achievement in math. A growth mindset from teachers leads to enhanced grades, while a fixed mindset does not allow the growth mindset intervention to take root. The teacher's role extends beyond just delivering instruction; they create opportunities or reactions in the classroom that either support or hinder the students' newly increased growth mindset. While academic achievement is an important outcome, there is a growing body of research exploring the relationship between growth mindset interventions and other aspects of life such as personal growth, well-being, and social relationships. These areas are essential in school and beyond, but more research is needed to understand their impact fully. David Yeager's research on changing mindsets about personality is a promising area, showing that personal skills and social skills need not be fixed, and everyone has the potential for change.

    • Everyone has the potential to grow and achieve great thingsRegardless of age, intellect, or circumstances, everyone has the capacity to learn and grow, as shown by examples of Albert Einstein, Anne Brown, and an unnamed Nobel Prize winner.

      Potential for growth and brilliance is not limited by age, intellect, or circumstances. Albert Einstein, a slow learner according to his own account, went on to revolutionize physics. Similarly, individuals who were once labeled as unpromising, such as Anne Brown and an unnamed Nobel Prize winner, defied expectations and achieved great things. It's essential not to forget that everyone has the capacity to learn and grow, regardless of their current abilities or background. This idea is the foundation of Meaningful Beauty, which aims to be inclusive and celebrate confidence at every age. In the realm of fashion, JCPenney also embraces this concept, offering stylish and comfortable options for all shapes, sizes, and colors. So, let's remember that everyone counts and has the potential to reach their highest potential.

    • Encouraging growth mindset in childrenRecognizing effort and progress in children, especially precocious ones, fosters a love for learning and growth mindset, while praising effort alone may not be enough.

      Every child, regardless of their ability level, should be encouraged to embrace challenges and not be bored in their education. Precocious children, in particular, need to be kept engaged with difficult tasks to foster a love for learning and a growth mindset. Contrary to popular belief, praising effort alone is not sufficient for these students, as they may find such praise inauthentic. Instead, recognizing and praising their progress and the value of hard work is essential. The study by Lee and Bates found that children's mindsets showed no correlation to IQ, and grades improved when students held a growth mindset. However, children with high IQs might be more susceptible to developing a fixed mindset due to their easy success in school. While a fixed mindset is not always detrimental, it can become problematic when children start to doubt their abilities and fear making mistakes. Overall, fostering a growth mindset through challenging tasks and recognizing effort and progress is crucial for every child's educational development.

    • Growth mindset's impact on academic achievement is complex in high-pressure systems like ChinaDespite challenges, growth mindset interventions have significant effects and are worth further study in various cultural contexts.

      The relationship between a growth mindset and academic achievement is not straightforward, especially in high-pressure educational systems like China. The Lee and Bates studies found that a growth mindset was positively related to PISA achievement test scores in 76 out of 79 countries, but not in China. A researcher in China conducted a growth mindset intervention with high-achieving Chinese students, which increased their intrinsic motivation and engagement with learning but did not improve their academic performance due to their heavy workload. Interestingly, students with a fixed mindset actually had higher performance in the Chinese context. This could be due to the high-pressure environment, where errors are not tolerated and immediate achievement is prioritized over learning and progress. The replication crisis in psychology, as highlighted in a recent paper by Alexander Bergonne et al, challenges the overclaims and overhyping of mindset research. However, the researchers also acknowledge the importance of mindset and the potential for further research on cross-cultural patterns of fixed versus growth mindset intervention effectiveness. Despite the challenges, the striking effects of growth mindset interventions, such as their low cost and wide distribution, make them an important area of study.

    • Effect sizes of growth mindset interventions are less than 0.35, but creators aim to create sustaining environments for larger impact.Despite small effect sizes, creators of growth mindset interventions aim to deepen understanding and application for greater impact in classrooms

      While growth mindset interventions have shown promising results, their average effect size is less than 0.35, and most were null. The studies that showed these results often involved teaching specific content and testing it in class, which is different from the approach used in growth mindset interventions that focus on changing mindsets and looking at long-term grades. The creators of these interventions acknowledge that they are still in the early stages and that they aim to create growth mindset sustaining environments to achieve larger effect sizes. They also emphasize that growth mindset is not a miracle maker but rather a supportive tool for learning. The challenge now is to deeply teach what a growth mindset is and how to apply it effectively in classrooms, which is the next big goal in this field.

    • Collaborating with researchers for effective growth mindset implementationEducators and researchers should work together to create an effective growth mindset curriculum, impacting students' lives positively.

      Educators who are passionate about implementing a growth mindset in their classrooms should collaborate with researchers like Perts.net, founded by David Paunescu, to ensure they're doing it effectively. The stakes are high, as children's lives are at stake. Researchers and teachers aim to summit "Mount Everest" by collaborating intensely and eventually receiving a growth mindset curriculum. Amy Brown, from the Psychology Podcast, expressed her excitement about this research and the potential impact on students' lives. Additionally, various companies like CVS Health and Amen University offer resources to improve overall wellness and mental health, respectively.

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    Carol Dweck || The Latest Science of Growth Mindset

    Today it’s a real honor to have Carol Dweck on the podcast. Dr. Dweck is a leading researcher in the field of motivation and is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford. Her research examines the role of mindsets in personal achievement and organizational effectiveness. 

    Dr. Dweck has also held professorships at Columbia and Harvard Universities, has lectured to education, business, and sports groups around the world, has addressed the United Nations, has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences, and has won 12 lifetime achievement awards for her research. Her best-selling book Mindset has been widely influential and has been translated into over 25 languages. 

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Carol’s earliest research on “incremental” vs. “entity” beliefs
    • Carol’s dream of “bottling” the mindsets that lead people to persevere
    • The limitations of Carol’s earlier studies 
    • The two big developments in studying growth mindset
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    • The “Big Mama” of growth mindset studies
    • The underwhelming effect size of educational interventions
    • How lower-achieving students benefit more from growth mindset interventions
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    • How praising gifted students for effort can backfire
    • The relationship between mindsets and IQ
    • How having a fixed mindset can sometimes lead to increased performance
    • Cross-cultural differences in mindsets
    • Criticism that growth mindset claims have been overblown
    • Carol Dweck’s dream of improving the sustainability of growth mindset interventions (Dweck’s “next big Mount Everest”)
    • Why mindset is not a “miracle maker”
    • What Carol Dweck is most excited about in terms of future directions

    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-psychology-podcast/support

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    If you want to be featured on the next episode, send an email to press@daddyissuesla.com or call Violetta at 424-278-4268 and leave an anonymous voicemail!

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:44 Most people don’t know about you
    • 04:53 Fulfilling moments in the industry
    • 06:35 When roles rub off on you in real life
    • 11:09 Do you miss Pretty Little Liars?
    • 13:16 Starting young in the industry
    • 15:58 Advice for your younger self?
    • 16:44 How do you handle criticism
    • 19:52 Diagnosed with PCOS
    • 26:59 Every woman had different needs
    • 30:48 Have people around you can trust
    • 31:57 Physically and mentally stronger as a mother
    • 36:13 You can’t be another person
    • 39:57 Your purpose should be what you love doing
    • 44:00 Remember people as a whole, not just the positives
    • 47:37 Talking is important even when it’s not fun 

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    Episode Notes


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