
    Best of the Week: Trump Legal Set-Up, Whiny College Brats, and Noem's Puppy Murder

    enMay 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Prosecution in Trump trial trying to redefine election lawExpert witness testified payments for suppressing damaging info don't necessarily violate campaign finance law if used for purposes beyond a campaign

      During the discussion on The Megyn Kelly Show, it was highlighted that in the ongoing trial of former President Donald Trump in New York, the prosecution, led by Alvin Bragg, is not just trying to prove that Trump violated federal election law but is also attempting to redefine how the law is understood. Expert witness Brad Smith, who served on the Federal Election Commission under Bill Clinton, testified that the subjective reasoning behind payments is irrelevant, and what truly matters is the nature of the payment itself. Payments made to suppress damaging information, such as hush money payments, have been a common practice for individuals, including politicians and criminal defendants, for a long time. These payments, regardless of their intended purpose, do not necessarily fall under campaign finance law if they can be used for purposes beyond a campaign. This nuanced perspective sheds light on the complexity of the case and the potential implications of the prosecution's approach.

    • Payment's objective nature determines campaign expense under lawPayments not made specifically during a campaign aren't considered campaign expenses under campaign finance law, regardless of their impact on the election.

      The objective nature of a payment determines if it's a campaign expense under campaign finance law, not the subjective reason why it was made. The payment Trump made to Stormy Daniels, even if it influenced the election, wouldn't be considered a campaign expense because it's not something only spent during a political campaign. The case of John Edwards illustrates this point, as the Federal Election Commission declined to prosecute him for hush money payments because they weren't considered campaign expenses. However, the justice department recklessly charged him, leading to a complex trial and hung jury. The judge's refusal to allow Brad Smith's testimony on federal election standards further complicates the issue, making it crucial for the jury to have an accurate understanding of the law.

    • Judicial rulings favoring prosecution in Trump trialDespite Trump's team being prevented from presenting evidence, questionable rulings allow individuals to testify against him, potentially setting the stage for an appeal.

      The ongoing trial of Donald Trump involves questionable judicial rulings that allow individuals connected to the case, such as Michael Cohen and David Pecker, to testify about Trump's involvement in campaign finance violations, despite these individuals having pleaded guilty or having cooperation agreements with the prosecution. Trump, on the other hand, is being prevented from presenting evidence of his own investigations and lack of charges by the justice department and FEC. These rulings, which heavily favor the prosecution, may not help Trump in the short term but could potentially be overturned on appeal. Another notable aspect is the behavior of a woman named Johanna King Slutsky, who expressed her bitterness towards Trump during her appearance on Columbia University's live broadcast. While this may seem unrelated, it highlights the emotional and polarized nature of the trial.

    • University's obligation to provide essential supplies extends beyond meal plan studentsUniversities must prioritize students' basic needs during crises, not view aid as defiance

      The obligation of a university to provide food and other essential supplies to its students extends beyond those enrolled in a meal plan, especially during crises when people's safety and well-being are at stake. The demand for basic humanitarian aid should not be viewed as an act of defiance but as a matter of ensuring that no students suffer from dehydration or starvation. The situation at hand calls for a sense of community and responsibility towards students, even if they have taken over a building. The attempt to block the delivery of these supplies raises questions about the university's values and priorities. The students' actions may be seen as revolutionary, but their fundamental need for food and water should not be denied.

    • Requesting Unusual and Excessive Demands for ResourcesSome individuals may mask their excessive demands with incoherence, undermining real humanitarian crises.

      There is a group of individuals requesting unusual and excessive demands for food and resources, claiming they are in urgent need, despite having access to various conveniences. This was illustrated through a parody of a person named Johanna, who requested an airdrop of acai bowls, impossible burgers, and electrolyte water for Columbia University. The absurdity of the situation was highlighted as the person also requested gluten-free bread, no cheese, no tomato sauce, and pizza boxes made of recycled cardboard. The incident showcases how some individuals may mask their demands with incoherence, trying to appear intelligent, while the situation is actually absurd and undermines their intentions. It's important to remember that real humanitarian crises exist and should be addressed with the appropriate resources and understanding.

    • Speaker criticizes hypocrisy and lack of action in addressing social issuesSpeaker urges for a more focused and effective approach to addressing social justice issues, criticizing hypocrisy and deflection from larger global crises

      During a conversation about water fountains and social issues, a speaker expressed frustration with what she perceived as hypocrisy and a lack of action regarding historical and ongoing injustices. She criticized those who focus on local issues while ignoring larger global crises, such as genocide and land disputes. The speaker also criticized the practice of land acknowledgements and the appropriation of suffering. She argued that individuals should take responsibility for their actions and not use their platform to deflect attention from larger issues. She urged for a more focused and effective approach to addressing social justice issues.

    • A contrast between authenticity and performative behaviorThe interview between Drew Barrymore and Kamala Harris highlighted the importance of authenticity and genuine connection in public discourse, while also raising concerns about the disconnect between Hollywood elites and real issues facing the country.

      The interview between Drew Barrymore and Kamala Harris on The Drew Barrymore Show highlighted a stark contrast between authenticity and performative behavior. Drew's overly enthusiastic and intrusive approach towards Kamala was seen as an invasion of personal space and a desperate attempt to mimic Oprah Winfrey's charisma. In contrast, Kamala gracefully accepted the adoration and spoke about her experiences as a woman and a leader. However, the segment also raised concerns about the disconnect between the extremely wealthy elite in Hollywood and the real issues facing the country. The excessive focus on identity politics and lack of substantive policy discussions were criticized. Additionally, Drew's comment about Kamala's skin color was seen as offensive and out of place. Overall, the interview showcased the importance of authenticity and genuine connection in public discourse.

    • Perspectives on what America needs from its leaderSome seek a strong leader with practical policies, while others desire emotional connection and spiritual guidance. Critics argue that Kamala Harris may not provide the latter, and that the Democratic Party focuses too much on the wealthy elite.

      There are differing perspectives on what the world and America specifically need during this time. While some believe we need a strong leader and policies that prioritize security and economic stability, others believe we need a figure who provides emotional support and connection. However, it was pointed out that Kamala Harris may not be the best candidate for the latter role due to her perceived lack of warmth and authenticity. Furthermore, there is a critique that the Democratic Party has shifted towards catering to the wealthy elite, offering them spiritual guidance instead of effective policies, while neglecting the needs of the working class. Ultimately, it seems that there is a divide between those who value autonomy and practical policies, and those who seek emotional connection and spiritual guidance from their leaders.

    • High-profile individuals and the disconnect from everyday strugglesHigh-profile individuals, including women, can sometimes be out of touch with the everyday struggles and needs of the American people, leading to policies that may not serve their best interests.

      There seems to be a disconnect between some high-profile individuals, particularly women, and the everyday struggles and needs of the American people. Drew Barrymore's unquestioning support for Kamala Harris, despite her policies potentially harming the working class, and Reese Witherspoon's lack of understanding regarding gun control, illustrate this disconnect. Furthermore, the Democrats' focus on catering to the rich and the dependent poor, while neglecting the 70% of Americans who want autonomy and dignity through labor, exacerbates this issue. The incident involving Kristi Noem and her puppy, while distasteful, also highlights the importance of having a strong leader who can make tough decisions. It's crucial for public figures to be aware of and address the concerns and realities of the broader population.

    • Governor's hunting trip with dog sparks controversyModern perceptions view dogs as family members, not hunting tools, and treating them with compassion is crucial.

      The actions of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem during a hunting trip with her dog, Cricket, resulted in a public relations disaster due to changing societal attitudes towards animals and the role of pets in our lives. While it may have been acceptable to train hunting dogs with harsh methods in the past, modern perceptions view dogs as beloved family members rather than tools or prey. The incident, which involved Cricket attacking chickens and a goat, sparked intense backlash and criticism towards Noem. A dog trainer interviewed in Rolling Stone emphasized that a 14-month-old dog, like Cricket, is still a young, untrained animal and needs proper guidance from its owner. This incident highlights the importance of adapting to changing societal norms and treating animals with compassion and care.

    • Pampering Pets Like Children: Dangers and OutrageTreating pets like children can lead to unrealistic expectations, dangerous situations, and outrage. Remember, pets need proper training and care for their safety and those around them.

      There's a growing trend of people treating pets, especially dogs, as if they're children, going to great lengths to pamper them. However, this can lead to unrealistic expectations and dangerous situations, as demonstrated in the extreme case of a woman who killed her untrained dog and goat. This behavior is not limited to any specific political affiliation and has sparked outrage from various quarters. It's essential to remember that pets are not human children and require proper training and care, ensuring their safety and the safety of those around them.

    • Governor Noem and the Controversial Handling of Working Dog CricketPolitical figures must consider public opinion and exercise good judgment regarding animals. Proper training and understanding of animal behavior are essential to prevent backlash.

      Political figures need to be mindful of their actions and the potential reactions from various groups, especially those related to animals. The recent incident involving Governor Kristi Noem and her handling of a working dog named Cricket has sparked intense backlash, with many people expressing their anger and disappointment. The ratio of likes to dislikes on her tweets about the situation is heavily skewed towards dislikes, and the negative comments are pouring in. The political ramifications of this situation could be significant, with some experts calling it political malpractice. Moreover, there seems to be a disconnect between the perception of animals as sentient beings and their actual status. While many people love animals and view them as equals, they do not have the same rights or rational souls as humans. This creates a complex dynamic when it comes to issues involving animals and their treatment. Furthermore, the importance of proper training and understanding of animal behavior cannot be overstated. The dog in question, a wirehaired Pointer, is known to be one of the most aggressive hunting breeds. It is unlikely that Governor Noem was unaware of this before bringing the dog home. In conclusion, the Cricket incident serves as a reminder for political figures to be sensitive to public opinion and to exercise good judgment when it comes to animals. Proper training and understanding of animal behavior are crucial to prevent such incidents from escalating.

    • The Bond Between Owner and Strong-Willed DogOwning a strong-willed dog requires patience, resources, and love, but the bond formed is invaluable.

      Owning a strong-willed dog like Strudwick can be a challenging experience, but the love and bond between the owner and the pet are worth the effort. The speaker, who is a dog owner herself, has spent significant time and resources on training her dog and dealing with unexpected health issues. Despite the frustration and financial burden, she refuses to harm her pet and cherishes the love they share. The discussion also touched upon the intense reactions people have towards controversial issues, using the example of a hypothetical situation involving a politician named Kristi Noem and her dog, Cricket. The speakers acknowledged that such reactions can be overwhelming and compared it to their experiences on live radio shows.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

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    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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