
    Beyond Nimitz

    enJuly 14, 2022
    What role does Lipson Ads play in podcast advertising?
    Who are the hosts of the Need to Know podcast?
    What phenomena did sailors document off the Californian coast in 2020?
    Why was the Bass Strait unlikely to have launched the drones?
    What protocols does the U.S. Navy follow regarding UAP sightings?

    • Effective podcast advertising and technology-driven connectionsLipson Ads offers businesses a chance to reach a large, engaged audience through podcast ads, while technology enables international collaborations and friendships to form despite physical distance.

      Podcast advertising through Lipson Ads provides an effective way for businesses to reach a wide and engaged audience, including those tuned into popular podcasts with host endorsements or through reproduced ads across thousands of shows. The discussion also highlighted the unexpected benefits of technology, enabling international collaborations and friendships to form despite physical distance. The podcast, Need to Know, showcases this through the hosts Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthard, who have developed a strong working relationship while investigating Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) from their respective continents, Australia and the US. Despite the challenges of long-distance communication and travel, their shared passion for the subject has brought them together, demonstrating the power of technology to bridge gaps and foster connections.

    • James Webb Space Telescope Releases First Images: A Glimpse into the UniverseThe James Webb Space Telescope, located on the other side of the moon, has released its first images, revealing unprecedented detail in space and challenging the notion that we are alone in the universe.

      The James Webb Space Telescope, which has been eagerly anticipated due to its potential to surpass the capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope, has recently released its first images. These images have been met with excitement and awe, as they reveal unprecedented detail in the vast expanse of space. The crew behind the project, including Bryce and Ross, have been working tirelessly to bring these images to the public, and they are eager to share not only the videos but also longer form content on their podcast. The telescope, which is located on the other side of the moon, represents a remarkable feat of human achievement and has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. The images, which have been compared to opening a Christmas present, offer a breathtaking glimpse into the vastness of space and challenge the notion that we are alone in the universe.

    • Groundbreaking UAP hearings in Congress compared to moon landingEffective and honest hearings crucial with sworn witnesses and immunity, potential for revealing info making it more captivating than a Seinfeld finale, importance of transparency and truth in matters of national security and scientific discovery.

      The upcoming UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) hearings in Congress have the potential to be groundbreaking, drawing comparisons to the emotional impact of the moon landing. However, it's crucial that these hearings are conducted effectively and honestly. Witnesses should be sworn under oath and given immunity to encourage truthful testimony. The hearings have been delayed due to the ongoing January 6th hearings, but the anticipation remains high. The potential for revealing information could make these hearings more captivating than a Seinfeld finale. The importance of transparency and truth cannot be overstated, especially when dealing with matters of national security and potential scientific discovery.

    • Dave Beatty's investigation into the 2019 drone swarms off the Californian coastFormer MUFON investigator and filmmaker Dave Beatty uses Navy data to make the complex drone swarms off the Californian coast understandable to the public, with over 66 million views on YouTube. The investigation continues with new information from intelligence officials.

      The ongoing mystery of the 2019 drone swarms off the Californian coast is gaining significant attention, with experts like Dave Beatty shedding light on the complex case. Dave, a former MUFON investigator and investigative filmmaker, gained recognition for his visual representation of the Nimitz encounter using Navy data. His goal was to make a complex case understandable to the public. His video on the encounter has over 66 million views on YouTube. Dave's work is not just a one-time project, and he updates his videos when new information becomes available. In May 2019, two intelligence officials, Ron Moultrie and Scott Bray, provided the Navy's perspective on the drone swarms. This investigation is far from over, and experts like Dave Beatty are crucial in helping us understand the details and implications of this ongoing mystery. Stay tuned for more insights from Dave Beatty on Need to Know.

    • Sailors reported unusual aerial phenomena using drone terminology due to lack of identificationSailors documented and reported unusual aerial phenomena using drone terms, not due to belief in extraterrestrial life, but because they couldn't identify the objects' origin or control.

      During the naval encounters off the Californian coast in 2020, the sailors documented and reported unusual aerial phenomena using terms like drones, UASs, and UAVs. This was not because they believed the objects were extraterrestrial, but rather because they were unable to identify the origin or control of these objects. The navy later investigated other vessels in the area for potential drone activity, and some vessels did indeed have drones on board. However, the unusual behavior of these drones did not align with the reported encounters. The Bass Strait, a bulk carrier suspected of launching the drones, was actually in port in San Diego during the sightings, making it an unlikely source. The use of the term "drone" in the logs does not necessarily indicate an extraterrestrial explanation, but rather a lack of knowledge about the nature of the observed phenomena.

    • Documenting UAP incidents in the NavyThe Navy follows protocols to document UAP incidents, including filming with cameras and videographers, but evidence was initially withheld and later released in limited quantities, with navy personnel expressing skepticism that drones were the sole explanation due to the complexity of the incidents.

      During unusual events at sea involving Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the U.S. Navy follows protocols to document the occurrences, including deploying teams with cameras and videographers to film and report findings to naval intelligence. These teams have reported filming drones during such incidents, but the evidence, including videos and photographs, was initially withheld and later released in limited quantities. The debate surrounding these incidents involves skepticism from navy personnel that drones were the sole explanation, as multiple engagements occurred over several days. A notable incident involved a possible quadcopter sighting, but the significance of this lies in the consensus among navy personnel that these incidents were more complex than just drones.

    • Multiple Navy warships reported unknown aerial contacts in Southern California in 2019In 2019, Navy warships in Southern California encountered unexplained aerial phenomena that couldn't be identified as drones or any other known objects, causing concern among sailors.

      In July 2019, multiple Navy warships in the Southern California operations area reported multiple, unknown aerial contacts at night, which they couldn't identify as drones or any other known objects. These incidents occurred despite the ships being spread out over thousands of square miles of ocean. Some experts suspect these could be foreign surveillance drones, while others believe they were something unknown. A Navy veteran who spoke to the podcast host claimed these were not drones but rather unusual, unidentified objects that were causing concern among sailors. The 2019 incidents are considered significant due to their similarities to the 2004 Nimitz incident and the 2014-2015 incidents involving the USS Theodore Roosevelt. The Navy has not yet identified the origin or nature of these objects.

    • Mysterious Objects Off East Coast: Unidentified and UnexplainedUnexplained sightings of strange objects off the East Coast have puzzled witnesses and authorities since 2014. Origins, explanations, and credibility of reports remain in question.

      There have been numerous unexplained sightings of strange objects off the East Coast, starting in 2014, which have been described as hovering and maneuvering around military aircraft in ways that defy easy explanation. The origin of these objects remains a mystery, with questions surrounding where they are launching from and where they go after they're done. The challenge of obtaining information from potential witnesses is significant, with some people unwilling to speak due to fear of career repercussions or non-disclosure agreements. The Navy's explanation of these objects as drones has been met with skepticism, given the identical incidents reported on Australian and New Zealand Navy ships. The credibility of the intelligence officials' statements to Congress is also a matter of debate.

    • Congressional hearings on UAP leave some feeling frustrated and skepticalDespite poor quality evidence presented at hearings, progress has been made in UFO research, and there's hope for immunity for whistleblowers. Recent cases underscore the importance of continued investigation.

      The recent congressional hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) have left many feeling frustrated and skeptical due to the presentation of poor quality evidence, which seems intended to downplay the significance of the issue. Some believe this was an attempt to mislead Congress and the public, as there are reportedly clearer and more substantial cases that have yet to be addressed. Despite this, progress has been made from the complete denial and stigmatization of UFO research just a few years ago, and there is hope that the Defense Authorization Act will provide immunity to whistleblowers within the defense community who may have valuable information. I am still actively working on UFO research, and recent cases, such as those from the USS Kearsarge in October 2021 and January 2022, highlight the need for further investigation.

    • Military encounters with Unidentified Aerial PhenomenaTwo notable UAP incidents involving unusual behaviors and unexplained capabilities occurred on USS Omaha and USS Ronald Reagan. The USS Omaha incident, with unidentified object defying explanation with known technology, gained significant attention.

      There have been numerous reported sightings of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) by military personnel, with two notable cases being the USS Omaha incident in 2019 and the USS Ronald Reagan incident in the past. These incidents involve objects exhibiting unusual behaviors such as hovering, disappearing, and possibly demonstrating stealth or transmedium capabilities. The USS Omaha incident, in particular, is intriguing as the object's behavior defies explanation with known drone technology or any known technology in existence. The 2019 incident gains significance because there is no known technology that can perform the observed feats. The USS Omaha incident, as depicted in a documentary by Dave Beaty, is a popular representation of the event, but it's important to remember that it's a best guess based on available information at the time. The documentary is worth watching, but viewers should keep in mind that the events may not have been fully understood or explained.

    • U.S. Navy Encounter with Unidentified Object Cannot be Explained AwayThe 2019 naval encounter with an unidentified object cannot be explained as a drone or UAS based on pilots' descriptions, requiring further investigation.

      The 2019 naval encounter between U.S. Navy pilots and an unidentified object cannot be easily explained away as a drone or UAS. The speaker, who created a simulation based on the pilots' descriptions, placed the jets and object at the estimated altitude and location, showing that the object was quite small from the pilots' perspective. Despite some criticism about the voice acting, the simulation helped bring the incident to life for many people. The speakers acknowledged the significance of the work and appreciated the dedication of the creator in shedding light on this unexplained phenomenon. The incident remains a mystery and warrants further investigation.

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    Recent Episodes from Need To Know with Coulthart and Zabel

    Elizondo Unplugged

    Elizondo Unplugged
    In this episode of Need to Know, Lue Elizondo joins Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel to discuss major developments in the UAP space, particularly following the release of his new book, Imminent. Elizondo sheds light on the ongoing disclosure process, touching on the frustrations with government secrecy, the slow pace of mainstream media coverage, and the obstacles whistleblowers like himself and David Grush face. The conversation dives into the mysteries surrounding the Roswell incident, crash retrievals, and non-human intelligence (NHI), while also addressing broader societal impacts of full UAP disclosure. Elizondo further shares thoughts on historical moments like the JFK assassination, noting potential connections to hidden truths about UAPs and covert government agendas. Other topics discussed include abductions, national security concerns, and the significance of capturing more high-definition evidence to advance the conversation on UAPs. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    In this episode, the discussion centers on the escalating developments in the UAP field, highlighted by Lue Elizondo's upcoming book, Imminent. The hosts delve into Elizondo's experiences and revelations, emphasizing his role as a pivotal figure in the ongoing disclosure movement. They touch on the implications of his work and the potential impact of his new book, which promises to shed light on previously undisclosed information. The episode also covers broader topics such as the influence of UAPs on global politics, the role of the media in covering these phenomena, and the potential consequences of disclosure. The conversation underscores the tension between the slow pace of official disclosure and the growing public awareness fueled by figures like Elizondo. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    History Repeats

    History Repeats
    In this episode of "Need to Know," Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart delve into the history of UFO phenomena, marking significant anniversaries from 1944 to the present day. The hosts discuss notable sightings and events, emphasizing that UFO encounters are not recent phenomena but part of a long-standing historical pattern. They touch on key incidents like the 1944 Foo Fighters, the 1974 John Lennon sighting, and the 1994 Ariel School encounter, highlighting both the historical depth and global nature of UFO sightings. The episode also addresses current legislative efforts concerning UFO transparency and the potential implications of upcoming U.S. presidential politics on UFO disclosure. The overarching theme is the persistent, yet elusive quest for clarity and disclosure within the UFO community, underscored by a call for historical awareness and government transparency. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Zero Doubt

    Zero Doubt
    In this episode, Ross Coulthart reports from an undisclosed location in the U.S., sharing insights from the SCU conference in Huntsville, which concentrated on scientific approaches to UAPs. He reflects on a recent interview with Colonel Karl Nell, discussing Nell’s remarks about long-standing interactions between non-human intelligence (NHI) and humanity. Meanwhile, Bryce Zabel in Los Angeles connects the 80th anniversary of D-Day to contemporary secrecy around UAPs, emphasizing the impact of such secrecy on public trust and innovation. They explore the skepticism about governmental transparency on UAPs and consider how the political landscape might influence the push for disclosure, especially with the upcoming elections. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Swagger and Secrets

    Swagger and Secrets
    In this episode, hosts Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart delve into the complexities of UAP investigations, spotlighting the AARO's dubious reporting and the Pentagon's evasion in acknowledging UAP incidents. They explore the recent Eglin Air Force Base encounter and the broader implications of drone sightings that challenge national security. The hosts critique the media's failure to engage deeply with these issues, emphasizing the need for greater transparency and investigative rigor in covering UAP and drone encounters. Featuring pilot testimonies and expert analysis, this episode uncovers the ongoing secrecy and the quest for truth in the increasingly convoluted field of ufology. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UAP Burnout

    UAP Burnout
    It's an issue that's touched many in the UAP community, and worthy of a long discussion: fatigue from covering UAP, interacting with the community, fending off the flamers and trying to stay grounded. Bryce shares the tale of his ten-year hiatus while Ross commends Curt Jaimungal's recent decision to 'step away' for a while. But there's also hope, says Ross, citing three members of Congress and their attempts to interview an Air Force pilot over his 2023 sighting - and the video he captured. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    More UFO Lies & Coverup

    More UFO Lies & Coverup
    Ross and Bryce take turns teeing off on the Defense Department's report that was supposed to chronicle the US government's history of dealing with the UFO/UAP issue. Among their conclusions about the reports "conclusions:" It's more Pentagon obfuscation to deter public attention; a kneejerk polemic against former AARO head Sean Kirkpatrick's critics; not a hint of historical review; and from a couple of lawmakers who talked to Ross: Congress is NOT letting this issue go. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Adios, Voldemort

    Adios, Voldemort
    "Voldemort," in this podcast, is Bryce's new name for Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the now-former head of AARO, the Defense Department's "All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office." Bryce and Ross rip Kirkpatrick's exit statements, including his assertion that a soon to be released Pentagon report will say it's found no evidence of aliens, only allegations circulated repeatedly by UFO claim advocates. The other big event in the episode: "Need to Know," the song! Bryce explains the history of the song he co-composed - and we play it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is This the Year?

    Is This the Year?
    Bryce and Ross begin 2024 with a quick look back at the big events of last year: David Grusch's revelations and the gutting of the Schumer Amendment to the Defense bill. Then they look ahead to this year and an upcoming House Oversight Committee hearing, Lue Elizondo's book and Grusch's op-ed piece on the heels of the US government slightly loosening what he's able to reveal. And Ross drops a big hint about what could be a very big story: new data from the James Webb Space Telescope. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back
    Disappointment and some disagreements in this episode, as Ross and Bryce review the amended version of Sen. Chuck Schumer's disclosure language in the new Defense bill. Ross blames "lickspittle Congressmen" in the pockets of the aerospace companies for turning Schumer's disclosure proposals into a "flaccid limp lettuce leaf." The two set the table for a future discussion on what both believe would be a very bad idea: "catastrophic disclosure." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Anomaly-NOW! Live News RoundUp, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT from the nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas.

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    HOSTS: • Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter • Sarah Smith, North America editor

    GUEST HOSTS: • Miles Taylor, former chief of staff at Department for Homeland Security in Trump administration • Katie Hill, former Democratic congresswoman

    GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email Americast@bbc.co.uk • Or use #Americast

    Sign up for Anthony’s new BBC newsletter all about the US election: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68093155

    This episode was made by George Dabby with Catherine Fusillo, Claire Betzer and Natasha Mayo. The technical producer was Philip Bull. The series producer is George Dabby. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

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    Anomaly-NOW! Is the Live Weekly News RoundUp show, Wednesdays @ 7pm CDT, from the 501c3 nonprofit Anomaly Archives in Austin, Texas.

    Chris and Curt are moderators at the UFO UpDates facebook group and our guest co-hosts for this show.

    Check out the latest Anomalous News Headlines at the Anomaly Archives Flipboard magazine:

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    Watch LIVE at these links…

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    Interview starts 48:20
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    http://www.grimerica.ca/episodes/ep270/ our ep with Joseph Farrell
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