
    Podcast Summary

    • CCP's Influence in Hollywood and Spy Balloon IncidentThe CCP's extensive influence in Hollywood could shape blockbuster films, while a Chinese spy balloon collected sensitive information for over a week, underscoring the need for vigilance and transparency in dealing with foreign threats.

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is reportedly exerting significant influence in Hollywood, potentially shaping blockbuster films, while also conducting espionage through advanced technology like the recently shot-down spy balloon. The CCP's influence campaign might be the largest in history, and the Hollywood Takeover documentary reveals this control over major studios. Simultaneously, the US faced a security breach with the Chinese spy balloon, which remained undetected for over a week, collecting sensitive information from American airspace and military bases. The administration's delayed response sent a message of weakness to China, and the public's awareness ultimately led to the balloon's downing. This highlights the importance of vigilance and transparency in dealing with foreign threats.

    • Chinese Spy Balloon: A Political Decision or National Security Threat?The shooting down of a Chinese spy balloon was a political decision, despite it hovering over sensitive military installations for a week, and the administration's handling of the situation has been criticized for lack of transparency and potential dereliction of duty.

      The shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon was a political decision made by the Biden administration, rather than a response to a national security threat. The balloon, which entered US airspace on January 28th and remained for a week, repeatedly hovered over sensitive military installations. Despite this, there were no briefings to Congress about the incident until it became public. The administration's handling of the situation has been criticized as a dereliction of duty, and some have called for a classified briefing this week. It remains unclear whether similar incidents have occurred in the past, and if so, why no action was taken. The administration's selective leaking of information has made it difficult to compare the severity of the situation under different administrations. It is important for the US government to prioritize national security over politics and keep Congress informed of potential threats to the country.

    • Supporting causes through cell phone choicesSome cell phone companies donate to causes through user purchases, like Patriot Mobile supporting conservative causes.

      Your cell phone choice can support certain causes through donations made by the company. For instance, Patriot Mobile, which can be reached at 878 Patriot or patriotmobile.com/verdict using the promo code verdict, supports conservative causes such as defending constitutional rights and helping with adoptions. On a different note, the recent incident with the Chinese balloon spying over the US raises concerns about national security and diplomacy. The Biden administration's handling of the situation has been criticized for downplaying the threat initially and for a weak response, potentially escalating tensions with China. The Chinese government's response, claiming the balloon was a weather one and threatening retaliation, further highlights the importance of a strong and clear response from the US commander-in-chief.

    • US perceived weakness under Biden emboldens adversariesAdversaries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea have taken advantage of perceived US weakness under Biden, leading to increased aggression and hostile actions, including the invasion of Ukraine and the deaths of American servicemembers in Afghanistan.

      The perceived weakness of the United States under President Biden's leadership has emboldened America's adversaries, leading to increased aggression and hostile actions. This was evident in the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which resulted in the deaths of American servicemembers and encouraged countries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The waiving of sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline also played a role in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The Chinese government may view the current administration's response to the spy balloon incident as a sign of weakness, potentially leading to further provocative actions against American assets in Asia. Additionally, concerns over President Biden's personal and political ties to China have raised questions about his ability to effectively stand up to the country on the global stage. The broader issue is that the Democratic Party as a whole is perceived to be pro-China, further limiting the administration's ability to take a strong stance against the country.

    • Democratic Party's ties to China hinder addressing Uighur human rightsDespite Democratic Party's stance on human rights, their financial and political ties to China obstruct efforts to address Uighur concentration camps.

      The Democratic Party's relationship with China has been a significant hindrance to addressing human rights issues, specifically concerning the Uighurs in concentration camps. This is due to the Party's reliance on financial, intellectual, and manpower support from major industries like big business, tech, Hollywood, and universities, which have strong ties to China. Additionally, the radical environmentalist agenda has prioritized electric vehicles and batteries over human rights concerns. John Kerry, the climate czar, exemplifies this, as he dismissed concerns about buying products made with slave labor. Historians may view today's Democratic Party unfavorably for funding and enabling these concentration camps, despite their stance on seeking reparations for historical injustices. The party's narrative of prioritizing safety over shooting down the Chinese balloon may not hold water, as there were reportedly opportunities to do so earlier.

    • Chinese Surveillance Balloon Hovered Over US Military SitesA Chinese surveillance balloon flew over sensitive US military sites, potentially gathering intelligence, before being brought down without incident or harm to American lives or property.

      A Chinese surveillance balloon reportedly hovered over sensitive US military sites for days before being brought down without incident. The balloon entered US airspace over Alaska two weeks ago and traveled over various states including Montana, where there are nuclear ballistic missile fields. The US military took steps to prevent intelligence collection and brought down the balloon without causing harm to American lives or property. The presumption is that the Chinese were able to gather intelligence during this time. The FAA and Pentagon worked together to ensure the operation went smoothly. A notable observation is that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, during his remarks, seemed to mimic Barack Obama's cadence, indicating potential presidential ambitions despite the challenges he's faced at the Department of Transportation. The military has not yet disclosed the risks of civilian damage if the balloon had been shot down earlier. Further information on this matter may be revealed during upcoming classified briefings.

    • Communication and Media Play Over Military ActionThe shooting down of the Chinese balloon was more about politics and media than military necessity, and the American hostage situation remains unresolved despite public advocacy.

      The shooting down of the Chinese balloon was more of a communication and media play than a military action to keep America safe. The lack of political will to take it down earlier was likely due to the perceived insignificant risk of espionage and the desire to avoid appearing weak to China. The balloon was only shot down once it was over the ocean and had completed its mission, after it had gained widespread public attention. Regarding the American hostage Mark Schwan being held in China for over a decade, no progress has been made in resolving the situation, and the public can advocate for his release by staying informed and putting pressure on government officials. Additionally, Augusta Precious Metals was mentioned as a trusted company for protecting retirement savings with a gold IRA.

    • Senator Chris Murphy Advocates for Release of American Detained in China and Criticizes Chinese Hostage-Taking PracticesSenator Chris Murphy urges China to free an American citizen and condemns their hostage-taking practices. He presses the administration for a full briefing on classified documents.

      Senator Chris Murphy is advocating for the release of Mark Sudan, an American citizen unjustly detained in China, and urging the Chinese government to act in accordance with the expectations of a great power by ending its hostage-taking practices. He has called for a resolution in the Senate and has pressed the State Department and the Biden administration to intervene. Regarding classified briefings, Murphy explained that senators frequently receive such briefings on sensitive matters, and they can request or demand them when necessary. However, the administration has yet to provide a full briefing on the classified documents found at various residences, which has left many senators, including Murphy, dissatisfied.

    • Senator Cruz Brings Attention to Navy Officer's Religious Objection to COVID VaccineSenator Cruz invites Navy Officer Lt. Levi Baird to State of the Union, highlighting his religious objection to the COVID vaccine and the Navy's attempt to recoup $75,000 despite a federal judge's order. Cruz views this as an example of the administration's mistreatment of military personnel making personal medical decisions based on faith.

      During the State of the Union address on Tuesday, Senator Ted Cruz will be bringing attention to the case of Lieutenant Levi Baird, a Navy Surface Warfare Officer who was punished for not getting the COVID vaccine despite his sincere religious objection. Cruz will invite Baird as his guest to the event, hoping to shed light on what he perceives as unfair policies from the Biden administration. The Navy is attempting to recoup $75,000 from Baird, despite a federal judge preventing his separation. Cruz believes this situation underscores the administration's mistreatment of military personnel who make personal medical decisions based on their faith. The discussion also touched on the Chinese spy balloon incident and Cruz's prediction that the State of the Union speech will last around an hour and 20 minutes.

    • CCP's influence on Hollywood revealed in 'Hollywood Takeover' documentaryThe CCP exerts control over major Hollywood studios, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in media.

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) exerts significant control over some major Hollywood studios, as revealed in the investigative documentary "Hollywood Takeover" by Tiffany Meyer for EPIC Times. This documentary is a must-watch for understanding the extent of this influence. For a limited time, viewers can watch the first 10 minutes for free at hollywoodtakeover.com/ben. This revelation sheds light on the complex relationship between the global entertainment industry and foreign political powers, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in media. Don't miss out on this crucial documentary that promises to change the way we view Hollywood.

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