
    STUNNING Testimony - 13 Service Men & Women Murdered in Afghanistan COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED & Biden Admin Refused to Act

    enMarch 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Testimony of Sergeant Tyler Vargas Andrews ignored by mediaSergeant Andrews testified about potential lives saved and chain of command failure in Afghanistan, but the media overlooked it. Over 50% of medical bills have errors, HealthLock helps correct them to save money. Chumba Casino offers fun and potential profits, Augusta Precious Metals secures retirement savings.

      The lack of authorization from the Biden administration may have resulted in the tragic deaths of 13 American service members in Afghanistan. This shocking testimony from Sergeant Tyler Vargas Andrews was largely ignored by the corporate media, but it's an important issue that deserves attention. Andrews testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the chain of command failure above him, and the potential savings of these lives. It's estimated that over 50% of medical bills contain errors, and HealthLock can help you identify and correct them to save money. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino offers a fun and potentially profitable alternative to traditional gambling, with weekly new game releases and free daily bonuses. While you're enjoying the games, remember to protect your retirement savings with Augusta Precious Metals, which offers a gold IRA to help secure your money during uncertain economic times.

    • Testimony from a Marine during the Kabul airport evacuationEffective communication and coordination between organizations are crucial during crises to ensure safety and prevent potential threats, while a lack of preparation and resources can lead to dangerous situations and put innocent lives at risk.

      During a crisis situation, proper preparation and effective communication between different organizations are crucial for ensuring safety and order. The testimony from a Marine at the Kabul airport during the evacuation in 2021 highlighted the chaos and the struggle to process and protect refugees, as well as the importance of sharing critical information to prevent potential threats. The lack of coordination and resources from the Department of State and other agencies led to dangerous situations and even the potential for innocent lives being put at risk. This story underscores the importance of being vigilant and proactive during times of crisis, and the need for clear and timely communication between all parties involved.

    • Evacuation from Unsecured Airport Endangered LivesThe Biden administration's decision to evacuate from an unsecured commercial airport instead of a secure military base put troops and civilians in harm's way, resulting in unnecessary danger and potential loss of life.

      The abandonment of Bagram Airfield and the decision to conduct the evacuation from the unsecured Hamid Karzai International Airport led to unnecessary danger and potential loss of life during the evacuation process. The incompetence of the Biden administration's political operatives resulted in the evacuation being conducted from an unsecured commercial airport instead of a secure military base. This decision put our troops and civilians in harm's way, as shown by the testimony of a marine who identified a potential suicide bomber but was not given the authority to engage. The consequences of this incompetence were dire, with many Afghans being left behind and facing torture and murder from the Taliban. The decision to abandon Bagram Airfield and conduct the evacuation from an unsecured airport was a political choice that put lives at risk.

    • Biden administration's inaction leads to missed opportunity to prevent attackThe Biden administration's inability to make quick decisions based on clear intelligence at the battlefield level may result in missed opportunities to prevent attacks and potential loss of control over certain areas.

      During the discussed situation, the Biden administration's inaction led to a missed opportunity to prevent a potential suicide bomber attack due to their failure to authorize a shot with clear intelligence and sight of the target. This situation was reminiscent of the early Trump administration when General Milley shared that the Islamic State's land was retaken swiftly after the delegation of decisions to the battlefield, contrasting the Obama administration's centralized decision-making process. The consequence of the Biden administration's incompetence in this instance was the Taliban or ISIS attempting to gauge America's response and weakness, ultimately leading to a possible loss of control over certain areas.

    • Political micromanagement of military operations can lead to disastrous consequencesMicromanagement of military operations by politicians can result in ineffective decision-making, unnecessary loss of life, and failure to achieve strategic goals.

      Micromanagement of military operations by political figures can have devastating consequences. The testimony from a sergeant in the Afghanistan war illustrates this, as he recounted the frustration of being unable to take out an enemy suicide bomber due to a lack of clear command. This ineffectiveness led to the fall of nearly every inch of territory held by the Islamic State within a few months. This situation mirrored the Obama administration's handling of military operations, as the same incompetent individuals from the National Security Council were brought back by the Biden administration. Worse still, the rush to withdraw from Afghanistan before the anniversary of 9/11 was driven by political considerations rather than the well-being of American troops or Afghan civilians. History shows that such politically-driven war-making can lead to unnecessary loss of life. It is essential that military decisions are left to military experts to ensure the best possible outcomes.

    • Supporting companies aligned with valuesAligning with companies that share your values can make a difference, as shown by Patriot Mobile. Their commitment to causes and allowing customers to keep their current phone and number is important.

      Supporting companies aligned with your values can make a difference, as exemplified by Patriot Mobile. This cell phone service provider allows customers to keep their current phone and number while contributing to causes they care about, such as First and Second Amendment rights, adoption, and pro-life causes. The speaker, a military veteran, shared a harrowing experience from the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, where disregard for expertise and lack of accountability led to tragic consequences. He emphasized the importance of standing by our military members and veterans, who deserve the best from us. The speaker's story underscores the significance of aligning with companies that share your values and the importance of accountability and expertise in critical situations.

    • Young marine hero's testimony ignoredThe young marine hero, Sgt. Vargas Andrews, who could have prevented the loss of 13 lives by acting against the suicide bomber, was not interviewed by investigators or the media, raising concerns of a potential cover-up.

      The testimony of Sergeant Vargas Andrews, who was present during the tragic event that resulted in the deaths of 13 servicemembers, was not given adequate attention by the media. This young marine hero, who was horribly failed by his command chain and could have prevented the loss of lives if given the authorization to act against the suicide bomber, was not interviewed by the FBI, CIS, or any major news outlets. The fact that his testimony was ignored raises serious questions about a potential cover-up. The administration and military leadership's incompetence in this situation was not just a matter of poor decision-making but was also driven by ideology. The desire to hit the 9/11 anniversary with a political victory overshadowed the importance of protecting the lives of servicemembers. The media's failure to cover this story fully highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in military operations.

    • America's Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Chaos and ConsequencesThe chaos and mismanagement during America's withdrawal from Afghanistan had devastating consequences, including loss of life, damage to America's reputation, and increased aggression from world powers. No high-ranking officials were held accountable, leading to a perception of American weakness.

      The chaos and mismanagement during the withdrawal from Afghanistan had devastating consequences, not only for the lives lost but also for America's global reputation. Despite the clear failures and lack of accountability, no high-ranking officials were held responsible. The Taliban took note of America's perceived weakness, leading to increased aggression from various world powers. The situation in Afghanistan served as a catalyst for conflicts and tensions around the world, from Ukraine to the Pacific. The national security implications are enormous, as America's adversaries now view the current administration as weak and unwilling to defend its interests. This podcast shares the story of a hero who witnessed these events firsthand, underscoring the importance of understanding the consequences of America's foreign policy missteps. Additionally, a reminder to check out Chalk for those seeking to regain their masculinity.

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