
    Verdict Year in Review Part 2: 9/11 Shocker, Garland Stonewalls Congress & Iranian Infiltration into the Biden Administration

    enDecember 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Cherishing Every LifeRyan emphasized the value of supporting organizations that save lives, while controversy surrounds a potential plea deal for a 9/11 mastermind. HealthLock helps individuals save money on inaccurate medical bills.

      While life presents us with opportunities for fun and enjoyment, it's important not to forget the value of human life. Ryan shared his love for Chumba Casino and its hundreds of free-to-play games, but then shifted the conversation to a more serious topic. He highlighted the importance of supporting organizations like Pre Born, which helps save the lives of unborn babies by providing them with a chance to hear their heartbeats and increasing their chances of survival. Meanwhile, in other news, controversy surrounds a potential plea deal for the suspected mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, which could save his life despite his role in planning one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in history. This serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing every life and standing up for what's right. Additionally, HealthLock offers a solution to help individuals save money on potentially inaccurate medical bills. By staying informed and taking action, we can make a difference in various aspects of our lives.

    • Biden administration may not seek death penalty for 9/11 mastermindThe Biden administration's decision to potentially not seek the death penalty for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others accused of involvement in the 9/11 attacks is seen as a political move rather than a just one based on the severity of their crimes, leaving victims and families feeling frustrated and seeking justice.

      The Biden administration's decision to potentially not seek the death penalty for five men, including the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, for their involvement in the worst terrorist attack in US history, is outrageous and infuriating. Mohammed, who worked closely with Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, was responsible for the planning and execution of numerous terrorist attacks, including 9/11, the Bali nightclub bombing, and the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt. He was also involved in the murder of Daniel Pearl and various other crimes. The decision not to seek the death penalty for these men is being seen as a political move to close down Guantanamo Bay, rather than a just one based on the severity of their crimes. The victims and their families deserve justice, and the death penalty is a fitting punishment for the mastermind of such a heinous act of terrorism.

    • Biden Administration's DOJ Drops Death Penalty for High-Profile Cases, Criticized for IdeologyThe Biden administration's DOJ under Merrick Garland has declined to pursue the death penalty for high-profile cases, sparking controversy and criticism for allegedly prioritizing ideology over justice for victims and their families.

      The Biden administration's Department of Justice, under Merrick Garland, has not pursued the death penalty for high-profile cases, including hate crimes and terrorism, despite historical precedent. This decision has been criticized as disrespectful to victims and their families, and some argue it's due to the administration's left-wing ideology. Meanwhile, testosterone levels in men have reached all-time lows, and Chalk offers a solution with its natural herbal supplements, the Male Vitality Stack, designed to boost testosterone levels by up to 20% in 90 days. Elsewhere, Chumba Casino offers over 100 casino-style games for a chance to win prizes. And finally, it's important to remember the value of life, as demonstrated by a heartbeat, whether it's yours or that of a preborn baby.

    • Saving Lives at Pre Born and Garland's Unanswered QuestionsPre Born saves 200 babies daily through heartbeat screenings, while AG Garland's lack of transparency during a congressional hearing leaves many frustrated and concerned about potential involvement in felonies

      The heart of a baby starts beating at just three weeks, and by six weeks, eyes are beginning to form. Meanwhile, at Pre Born clinics, they help save 200 babies from abortion every day through the simple act of allowing mothers to hear their baby's heartbeat. On the other hand, during a congressional hearing, Attorney General Merrick Garland faced questions about his involvement in the Hunter Biden investigation. His responses left many shocked and frustrated due to his perceived lack of transparency and arrogance. Despite mounting evidence of his potential involvement in felonies, Garland has maintained a defiant attitude, refusing to answer questions and dismissing any suggestion of wrongdoing. The lack of accountability from both Pre Born's life-saving work and Garland's refusal to answer questions underscores the importance of staying informed and advocating for change. For those interested in making a difference, a donation to Pre Born can save a baby's life, while holding public figures accountable through transparency and questioning their actions.

    • Concerns over perceived politicization of DOJ under AG GarlandCritics argue DOJ under AG Garland isn't acting in the public's interest, protecting Dem figures, and lacks accountability, transparency, undermining trust in rule of law, seen in FBI's handling of Clinton, Biden investigations and Durham report.

      There are growing concerns about the perceived politicization of the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland. Critics argue that the Justice Department is not acting in the best interests of the American people or upholding the law, but instead, is protecting Democratic figures, such as the Biden family, by slow-walking investigations. This sentiment was expressed during a House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing, where concerns were raised about the FBI's handling of investigations into the Clintons, Hunter Biden, and the Biden family more broadly. The fear is that this lack of accountability and transparency allows foreign actors to destabilize the country and undermine the integrity of the justice system. The frustration extends to the handling of the Durham report and its findings of FISA abuses and potential cover-ups within the Justice Department. Ultimately, these concerns undermine public trust in the Department of Justice and the rule of law.

    • Congresswoman Spartz's heated exchange with AG GarlandThe public's trust in the justice system is being tested as concerns over election integrity and perceived political corruption grow louder.

      The frustration and anger of many Americans towards perceived political corruption and biased justice systems was exemplified in a heated exchange between Congresswoman Victoria Spartz and Attorney General Merrick Garland during a congressional hearing. Spartz, a former Soviet Union resident who came to America seeking freedom, expressed her outrage over the slow-walking of investigations into alleged corruption involving the Biden family and communist China. Garland remained passive during the exchange, leading Spartz to draw comparisons between his behavior and that of the KGB. The issue at hand is the concern that only eligible people are voting in elections and that the Department of Justice is not doing enough to ensure this. The takeaway is that the American public's trust in the justice system is being tested, and calls for transparency and accountability are growing louder.

    • Two Unrelated Worlds Collide: Highfive Casino and Pre BornSupporting causes and staying informed can make a difference in the world, even if it seems unrelated to entertainment or saving lives.

      Highfive Casino, a social mobile casino, and Pre Born, an organization dedicated to saving unborn babies, might seem unrelated at first, but they both carry significant importance in their respective spheres. Highfive Casino offers entertainment and rewards, while Pre Born focuses on saving lives. The discussion also shed light on a concerning issue: three senior officials in the Biden administration were reportedly working for the Iranian government, influencing US policy and setting alarming security concerns. This revelation underscores the importance of being informed and aware of the people shaping our government and the potential implications of their past affiliations. By supporting causes like Pre Born and staying informed, we can make a difference in the world.

    • Alleged Iranian Ties in Biden Administration's Iran Policy TeamThe Biden administration's Iran policy team includes individuals with reported ties to the Iranian government, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest and national security risks.

      There have been reports of individuals with alleged ties to the Iranian government working in senior positions in the Biden administration's Iran policy team. Vaez, who could not obtain the necessary security clearance, was still communicating on behalf of senior Biden administration official Rob Malley. Additionally, another Iran analyst, Dina S. Fandiary, was hired by Malley at the International Crisis Group in 2021 and was part of an Iranian government initiative to establish a network of young Iranian experts. These individuals, who were in the United States and working for Iran, went on to hold senior positions in the Biden administration. The Biden administration's Iran policy has been criticized for being overly accommodating towards Iran, which is led by a theocratic government that has publicly expressed hatred towards America and Israel, and is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons. The revelation of these alleged ties has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and national security risks. Despite this, there have been reports that the media is downplaying the story.

    • Biden officials with Iran ties face media silenceDespite Biden officials' alleged ties to Iran and Iran's open hostility towards America, the media remains largely silent on the issue, allowing the regime to continue its harmful actions with little scrutiny.

      There are current Biden administration officials with alleged ties to Iran, and yet, this information has received minimal coverage in the media. During the Obama administration, a group of journalists, think tank activists, and White House officials formed an "echo chamber" that amplified Iranian propaganda. Now, officials from this same group are working for the Biden administration and advocating for improving Iran's foreign relations, despite the fact that Iran openly advocates for death to America and is actively trying to murder former US officials. Meanwhile, the media remains largely silent on this issue. Additionally, the Biden administration is spending $2,000,000 a month in security costs to protect former US officials from Iran's attempts to harm them. The lack of media coverage on this issue is concerning, as it allows the Iranian regime to continue its hostile actions against the US with little scrutiny.

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