
    HOLY CRAP: THREE Iranian Operatives Were (and Are) Working in Sr. Nat. Sec. Roles for the Biden Admin, plus Chinese Communists Send $250K to Joe Biden's Home

    enSeptember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • CCP's Influence in Hollywood and US GovernmentThe CCP allegedly wired $250k to Biden's home and three Biden officials had ties to Iran, shaping US policy while coordinating with hostile governments.

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is reportedly exerting significant influence over Hollywood, and there are concerns about potential infiltration in the US government, specifically within the Biden administration. Judy's discovery of chumbacasino.com served as a metaphor for escaping boredom, but the real news involves serious allegations. A quarter of a million dollars was wired from China to President Joe Biden's home, and three senior officials in the Biden administration have been identified as operatives for the Iranian government. These officials were setting US policy while in close coordination with the Ayatollah, who openly chants "death to America" and "death to Israel." The media is not widely covering these stories, making it essential for individuals to stay informed. The implications of these revelations are significant and warrant further attention.

    • Three individuals of Iranian descent with past connections to the Iranian government appointed to senior positions in the State DepartmentThe Biden administration's appointment of individuals with Iranian backgrounds and past connections to the Iranian government to senior State Department roles has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and loyalty, as they had extensive interactions with Iranian diplomats and analysts before joining the administration.

      The Biden administration has appointed at least three individuals of Iranian descent, who previously had connections with the Iranian government, to senior positions in the State Department. These individuals, Arianne Tabataba, Ali Vaez, and Dina S. Fandiary, had extensive interactions with Iranian diplomats and analysts before joining the administration. The emails reveal that they were part of an Iranian experts initiative and were involved in planning a meeting in Vienna. While Vaez was unable to obtain the necessary security clearance and his appointment was canceled, he continued to communicate on behalf of Malley and drafted tweets for him. The administration's leaning towards Iran, despite its pursuit of nuclear weapons and hostile rhetoric towards the US and Israel, has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and loyalty. The legality of their appointments and communications with Iran is still unclear, but the revelation has sparked controversy and calls for investigations.

    • Senior Biden officials with Iran ties keep quiet about their pastDespite Iran's hostile stance towards America and potential conflicts of interest, some Biden officials with past ties to the Iranian government remain silent about their past, raising concerns about their loyalty and potential influence on U.S. policy towards Iran

      There are senior government officials in the Biden administration with ties to the Iranian government, and some of them have publicly stated that Iran is their country. This is alarming because Iran is led by a theocratic regime that openly hates America and has a history of trying to harm American officials. Despite this explosive information, it's striking that most news outlets are not covering this story. This situation grew out of the "Iran echo chamber" during the Obama administration, where journalists, think tank activists, and White House officials worked together to promote the Iran nuclear deal. However, what we now know is that this collaboration was orchestrated by the Iranian government itself. For instance, officials like Vaez and Tabatabai wrote emails to Iran's foreign minister, Zarif, expressing their patriotic duty to help Iran and improve its foreign relations. These officials are now working for the Biden administration, raising serious concerns about their loyalty and potential conflicts of interest.

    • Biden Administration Spending Millions on Security for Ex-Officials with Iran TiesThe Biden administration spends $2M a month on security for ex-officials with Iran ties, raising national security concerns. Some officials continue to hold high-level positions despite past advocacy for Iran.

      The Biden administration is currently spending $2,000,000 a month on security costs to protect former US officials from Iran's attempts to harm them, while three officials within the administration have worked for Iran in the past. This raises serious concerns about national security and potential breaches of federal law. Meanwhile, when it comes to investing in gold, the speaker recommends using Augusta Precious Metals and their Gold IRA company integrity checklist to ensure trust and eliminate uncertainty. Regarding the administration officials, despite the alarming revelations, some of these individuals continue to hold high-level positions and have not had their security clearances revoked. For instance, Arianne Tabat Abay, the current chief of staff for special operations in the Department of Defense, emailed Iranian leadership in 2014 advocating for more centrifuges and opposing reductions. Her past actions raise significant questions about her loyalty and ability to serve in her current role. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing such issues, as they are often overlooked by the corporate media. In the case of the border situation and the current gold market, there are topics that require attention and discussion, and ignoring them only allows the issues to persist.

    • Biden Administration Allows Individuals with Reported Ties to Iran to Hold Sensitive Defense PositionsThe Biden Administration's decision to allow individuals with reported ties to Iran to hold sensitive positions within the Defense Department has raised concerns about national security and potential espionage.

      The Biden administration's decision to allow three individuals with reported ties to the Iranian government to hold sensitive positions within the Defense Department has raised serious concerns about national security and potential espionage. These individuals, who have access to top secret information, have been advocating for policies that have benefited Iran, including the release of billions of dollars in a prisoner swap. The administration's initial response was to hope for silence on the issue, but public outrage led to a reversal. The fact that these individuals were hired by a former Obama administration official who also advocated for Iranian appeasement adds to the controversy. While the administration maintains that these individuals are not spies, their actions and access to sensitive information suggest otherwise. The situation highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government appointments and policies.

    • Biden officials' emails with Iran raise concernsThree Biden officials had extensive email communication with Iran, potentially violating FARA and undermining US policy, highlighting the importance of avoiding foreign ties in sensitive roles.

      Recent reports suggest that three senior Biden administration officials had extensive email communication with the Iranian government while seeking directions and instructions, raising serious questions about their loyalties and potential violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). These individuals were part of a government program launched by the Ayatollah specifically to influence and undermine American policy. Their involvement was deep and pervasive, yet they were still granted security clearances. This situation highlights the importance of individuals in sensitive national security positions not having ties to foreign governments, especially those considered enemies of the United States. The potential violation of FARA and the implications of their actions are significant and should be thoroughly investigated. Additionally, it is crucial for individuals to support organizations that align with their values, as some corporations may donate to causes counter to those values. Consider switching to Patriot Mobile, America's only Christian conservative wireless provider, to make a difference.

    • New reports reveal Hunter Biden received $250,000 from Chinese business partners during summer of 2019Hunter Biden received over $250,000 from Chinese business partners during Joe Biden's presidential campaign, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the need for transparency.

      There are concerning reports of potential financial connections between the president of the United States, Joe Biden, and individuals in Beijing. According to new reporting, Hunter Biden received wire transfers totaling over $250,000 from Chinese business partners during the summer of 2019, with the beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home. These transactions occurred while Joe Biden was actively campaigning for president. Previously, Hunter Biden's attorney had stated that he received no money from BHR and did not disclose any payments from Jonathan Lee, one of the individuals involved in the transactions. However, evidence suggests that Joe Biden had a close relationship with this individual during his time as vice president, including writing college recommendation letters for his children. These developments raise serious questions about potential conflicts of interest and the need for transparency in political affairs. It's crucial that this information is widely shared and that the media and relevant authorities investigate further.

    • Allegations of Money Transfers from Chinese Businessman to Biden FamilyDuring the 2020 campaign, reports surfaced of $1 million being wired to Biden's home address from a Chinese businessman. Biden denied involvement, but past recommendation letters raise quid pro quo concerns. Media showed little interest in asking Biden about it, highlighting transparency and ethical conduct's importance.

      During the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden and his son Hunter were accused of receiving large sums of money from a Chinese businessman, despite Joe Biden's denial. The money, around $1 million, was reportedly wired directly to Joe Biden's home address while he was running for president. This raises serious questions about potential quid pro quo arrangements, as Joe Biden had previously written recommendation letters for the kids of the Chinese businessman. Despite these allegations, the corporate media showed little interest in asking Biden about the matter during press conferences. The media, in general, has been criticized for being compliant and not holding Biden accountable for these allegations. The issue highlights the importance of transparency and ethical conduct in public figures, especially those running for the highest office in the land.

    • Writing Letters of Recommendation: A Significant ResponsibilitySenators carefully consider who they recommend due to potential future consequences, typically writing for people they know well. However, large sums of money from foreign nationals can complicate the situation, as seen with Biden and Chinese donations.

      Writing letters of recommendation carries significant weight and responsibility. Senators, like Ted Cruz, are cautious about who they recommend due to potential future consequences. They typically write letters for people they know well, such as friends or past employees. However, the situation becomes qualitatively different when large sums of money are involved, especially from foreign nationals. The example given involving Joe Biden and a Chinese national's children receiving recommendations despite large donations to Biden's family is highly unusual in politics. This exchange underscores the importance of maintaining integrity and avoiding potential conflicts of interest when writing letters of recommendation.

    • Historical decline in testosterone levels and upcoming impeachment hearingTestosterone levels are at an all-time low, leading to declines in strength, vitality, and energy for some men. An investigation in Washington is underway, with key witnesses expected to testify about financial transactions involving Joe Biden and his family business, potentially raising red flags.

      Men experiencing a decline in strength, vitality, and energy may not be alone as historical data shows testosterone levels are at an all-time low. The Patriots at Chalk offer a solution with their natural herbal supplements, clinically proven to boost testosterone levels up to 20% in 90 days. Meanwhile, in Washington, the first impeachment inquiry hearing is set to take place, with key witnesses including a law professor, a former assistant attorney general, and a forensic accounting expert, who are expected to testify about financial transactions involving Joe Biden and his family business. James Comer and Jim Jordan are leading the investigation, and the witnesses' expertise in constitutional law, tax law, and financial investigations could potentially raise red flags regarding suspicious transactions like the quarter of a million dollars coming from Beijing. These professionals, despite their political affiliations, are serious and respected in their fields. Turley, a constitutional law professor, and O'Connor, a former DOJ official, have been vocal about corruption in the Biden administration and have the courage to speak out.

    • DOJ investigation reveals suspicious financial activities involving Joe BidenThe DOJ investigation uncovers potential financial criminality involving Joe Biden, including large sums of money from foreign sources and suspected money laundering through shell companies.

      The DOJ did not protect individuals involved in suspected financial criminality, including Joe Biden, who allegedly received large sums of money from foreign sources while running for president. Witnesses, including a forensic accountant, are expected to testify about suspicious financial activities, such as numerous suspicious activity reports on banking records and the existence of shell companies used for money laundering. Despite this evidence, it is expected that Democrats and the corporate media will downplay or ignore these revelations. The issue goes beyond Hunter Biden's personal troubles and raises questions about the current president's involvement in these financial dealings. A key question to consider is what exactly was Hunter Biden selling, as he had no skills or products to offer, and the only thing he could provide were favors from his father. The Biden administration's ties to China and Iran are also under investigation. To help spread awareness of this issue, please share this information on social media and write a 5-star review on podcast platforms. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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