
    Biden’s Border Wall, Ex-MLB Pitcher Trevor Bauer’s Lawsuit Drama, and SBF Trial Begins, with Former VP Mike Pence, Arthur Aidala, and Mark Eiglarsh | Ep. 641

    enOctober 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden U-turns on border wall, Pence criticizes insufficient responseFormer VP Pence criticizes Biden's late and insufficient border wall response, emphasizing the importance of securing the border and implementing effective policies from the Trump-Pence administration.

      President Biden's recent announcement to build a wall along the US southern border marks a significant reversal from his previous stance against constructing more wall. Former Vice President and current 2024 GOP presidential candidate Mike Pence, a guest on Megyn Kelly's show, expressed his views on this development, emphasizing the importance of securing the border and implementing policies that were effective during the Trump-Pence administration. Pence also criticized the Biden administration for dismantling previous border security measures, leading to a surge in illegal immigration and asylum applicants. He believes the administration's decision to build the wall is a late and insufficient response to the crisis and calls for a stronger commitment to securing the border.

    • Political instability and societal challenges create chaos in CongressThe current political climate is distracting from addressing pressing issues and disillusioning the public, requiring a principled conservative leader to unite the conference and focus on national challenges.

      The current political landscape is fraught with challenges, both in terms of societal issues like drug safety and political instability in Congress. The speaker of the House being ousted by a small group of Republicans in partnership with Democrats has created chaos and distracted from addressing pressing issues like the economy and border security. The American public, particularly those focused on their daily lives, are growing increasingly disillusioned with the political process and its impact on their wellbeing. A principled conservative leader is needed to bring the conference together and focus on the challenges facing the country. Trump's potential involvement in the speaker race is a distraction and there is enough talent within the Congress to find a suitable alternative.

    • Pence Criticizes McCarthy, Focuses on Presidential CampaignFormer VP Pence criticized McCarthy for his handling of the Chaos Caucus, expressed concern over the erosion of civility in Congress, and maintained his loyalty to God and the Constitution over Trump.

      Despite some expectations, former Vice President Mike Pence did not express support for Kevin McCarthy during his time of need against the Chaos Caucus. Instead, Pence was critical of McCarthy, who has generally been supportive of former President Trump. Pence emphasized that there are many good candidates for Speaker of the House within the Republican majority, and he is focused on his presidential campaign. Pence expressed concern that Congress has become a vanity project for some, and lamented the erosion of civility on Capitol Hill. He believes a return to civility is necessary to address major challenges facing the country. Despite being demonized by some on the right for perceived disloyalty to Trump, Pence maintains that he was always loyal to the former president and that their working relationship was productive. However, in the waning days of the Trump administration, Pence prioritized his loyalty to God and his oath to the Constitution over his loyalty to Trump.

    • Mike Pence stays committed to conservative values despite unfavorable pollsMike Pence remains dedicated to conservative values and America's global leadership role, emphasizing the importance of staying true to the agenda despite polls showing unfavorable position in Republican primary.

      Mike Pence, despite facing criticism and being in a seemingly unfavorable position in the Republican primary polls, remains committed to his conservative values and maintaining America's role as a leader on the global stage. He believes that the Republican Party and the country as a whole are at a crossroads, with some candidates offering a mainstream conservative agenda and others straying from it. Pence emphasizes the importance of staying true to this agenda and is continuing to make his case to voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, where he believes there is still a chance for him to gain support. He remains humbled by the support he has received from Republicans and is determined to keep working hard.

    • U.S. support for Ukraine's stability crucial for NATO, preventing Russian expansionU.S. backing Ukraine's stability crucial to prevent Russian expansion in Eastern Europe, potential NATO conflict, and encourage China in Taiwan.

      The support for continued U.S. involvement in Ukraine is waning among some Republicans and independents due to perceived lack of action and resources, while remaining strong among Democrats. This shift in opinion has led some to question the importance of Ukraine to U.S. national security. However, the speaker argues that Ukraine's instability could embolden Russia to expand its borders further into Eastern Europe, potentially leading to a conflict with NATO countries. Furthermore, if Russia successfully takes Ukraine, the speaker believes China may feel encouraged to take similar action in Taiwan. The speaker emphasizes the importance of U.S. leadership in the free world and the potential consequences of faltering in our support for Ukraine.

    • Biden's International Policies and Domestic Issues Impacting American CredibilityThe Biden administration's handling of international affairs and domestic issues is diminishing American credibility and emboldening enemies of freedom. Debates on key issues like abortion and potential impact of candidates like Glenn Youngkin are important for transparency and informed decision-making.

      The Biden administration's handling of international affairs, particularly in Afghanistan, has diminished American credibility and emboldened enemies of freedom. Domestic issues, such as crime and border security, are also undermining American confidence. The debates thus far have been chaotic and unproductive, but it's important for them to continue. The number one debate issue for the speaker would be President Trump's stance on abortion and the heartbeat bills passed in various states. The speaker is pro-life and wants to know why Trump, who led a pro-life administration, considers these bills a mistake. Additionally, there's speculation about Glenn Youngkin's potential impact on the Republican primary.

    • Pence Endorses Youngkin, Urges Transparency and Hard WorkFormer VP Pence endorsed VA Gov. Youngkin, pushing for transparency and hard work in politics. Crypto entrepreneur Sam Bankman Fried's trial began, with allegations of misappropriated funds and strict rules challenging the defense.

      Former Vice President Mike Pence expressed his support for Governor Glenn Youngkin's leadership and encouraged him to run for higher office, while acknowledging the importance of transparency and hard work in politics. Meanwhile, the trial of Sam Bankman Fried, a crypto entrepreneur, began this week, with allegations of misappropriating customer funds and making illegal investments. The defense may face challenges due to the judge's strict rules and the inability to blame legal advisors for the transfers of funds. The trial promises to bring complex issues related to crypto investments and financial regulations to the forefront.

    • FTX Trial: Allegations of Personal Expenses and Open Financial ArrangementsProsecution alleges Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX spent depositor funds on personal expenses and hid open financial arrangement with Alameda, while defense argues good faith. Emotional impact of alleged fraud on individuals may sway jury.

      The ongoing trial of Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX involves accusations of fraud and mismanagement of customer deposits by the defendant. The prosecution alleges that Bankman-Fried and his associates, including his parents, spent depositor funds on personal expenses. The defense argues that Bankman-Fried acted in good faith and that there was no criminal intent. A significant point of contention is the alleged openness of a financial arrangement between FTX and Alameda, an investment arm of the company. If this arrangement was disclosed to investors or just to FTX employees, it could potentially be a game-changer in the trial. The jury is likely to be influenced by the human stories of victims and the vast sums of money involved that most people will never see in their lifetimes. Ultimately, the prosecution must effectively convey the emotional impact of the alleged fraud on individuals to secure a conviction.

    • Making the jury care about the victim's emotional responseProsecutors must emphasize the emotional impact of fraud on victims, but acknowledge investment risks to secure a conviction. Defense may downplay victim complaints if substantial gains were made or corporation heads seek compensation.

      During a trial, it's crucial to make the jury care about the victim's emotional response to the alleged fraud, while also acknowledging the risks involved in the investment. However, the defense can argue that the victim's complaints are less significant if they made substantial gains from the investment or if the head of the corporation is entitled to compensation. The prosecution's argument for intentional, willful fraud may not be enough if they only prove recklessness, which might not meet the standard for criminal fraud. Jurors typically want to see clear criminality before stripping someone of their liberty, especially in financial cases.

    • FTX CEO Sam Bankman Fried's Defense in Criminal CaseFTX CEO Sam Bankman Fried's defense in a criminal case is that he was unaware of $8B missing due to a belief of 'infinity dollars' and distraction, but his girlfriend's admission and executives' testimonies pose a challenge.

      Sam Bankman Fried, the CEO of FTX and Alameda, is facing serious allegations of criminal behavior related to the misuse of customer funds. The defense argues that he was unaware of the $8 billion that went missing due to a belief that he had "infinity dollars" and was distracted by other activities. However, it's unclear how this defense would hold up in front of a jury, especially when considering the recording of a company-wide meeting where his girlfriend, Caroline Ellison, appears to admit to using customer funds to fill a hole in their accounts. The potential admission of guilt, along with the testimony of executives turning against him, presents a significant challenge for Fried in the upcoming trial.

    • Defense attorney discusses cover-up attempts and external scrutiny in FTX caseThe defense argues that Sam Bankman-Fried tried to hide losses, but was caught due to external scrutiny. The attorney also shared his past success in creating reasonable doubt in a homicide case and criticized the government's high standard for celebrities endorsing crypto exchanges.

      In the ongoing FTX crypto exchange case, the defense attorney discussed how the defendant, Sam Bankman-Fried, attempted to cover up losses by stealing from the exchange, but was caught due to external scrutiny. The attorney also shared an experience from a past homicide case where he managed to create reasonable doubt for the jury by meticulously analyzing a confession tape. The case of Tom Brady, who was paid $55 million to endorse FTX, was brought up, with the attorney expressing his view that Brady, as a celebrity, was able to command such a high fee and should not be held liable for not investigating FTX thoroughly before endorsing it. The attorney emphasized that the government's case against the celebrities is an outrageous standard and that they should not be held responsible for not being experts in the field.

    • Celebrities and Fraudulent EndorsementsCelebrities can unknowingly endorse fraudulent products or companies, but due diligence, transparency, and a fair legal process are crucial for resolving such complex cases.

      Celebrities, even those worth millions, should not be automatically condemned for promoting products or companies, even if later found to be fraudulent, as long as they were unaware of the deceit. The case of a college football player turned worldwide celebrity serves as an example. However, the recent news surrounding MLB pitcher Trevor Bauer involves allegations of sexual assault, which resulted in a defamation lawsuit against the accuser. The outcome of the case highlights the complexities and financial implications of such lawsuits. In the Harvey Weinstein trial, similar emails were uncovered, demonstrating the potential financial motivations for accusers and their legal teams. Ultimately, the resolution of these high-profile cases underscores the importance of due diligence, transparency, and a fair legal process.

    • Clear communication and consent crucial in intimate relationshipsThis case underscores the importance of clear communication and consent in sexual encounters, highlighting potential complications when it's not explicitly given or understood.

      Consent in intimate relationships can be a complex issue, especially when it comes to rough sex or BDSM. In this case, a woman's request for rough sex led to injuries, and she attempted to obtain a permanent restraining order against her partner, MLB pitcher Trevor Bauer. However, the judge denied the order based on the woman's text messages where she explicitly asked for rough treatment. The judge ruled that the woman had consented to the acts that led to her injuries and that Bauer did not coerce or threaten her. This case highlights the importance of clear communication and consent in sexual encounters, and the potential complications that can arise when consent is not explicitly given or understood. It also raises questions about the role of judges in such cases and the potential consequences for their decisions. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder that every situation is unique and that clear communication and mutual consent are crucial in any intimate relationship.

    • Considering Context and Consequences in DiscussionsBe mindful of the context and potential consequences of actions in discussions. Honesty and considering the perspectives of all parties involved are important, especially when dealing with sensitive topics like dating and consent.

      Both parties in a discussion can have valid perspectives, but it's essential to consider the context and potential consequences of actions. The speaker shares an example of a famous baseball player who takes extreme precautions when bringing women home due to potential risks. The discussion then shifts to the topic of dating and consent, with the speaker expressing her opinion that rough sex with a stranger is not advisable. She also mentions the importance of honesty and context in situations involving allegations of misconduct. The speaker acknowledges that everyone has the right to their own values and preferences, but emphasizes the importance of considering potential consequences and being honest. The discussion also touches on the importance of consent and the complexity of situations involving allegations of misconduct.

    • Hidden Evidence in Legal Disputes Raises ConcernsConcealing evidence during a legal dispute can call into question the authenticity of allegations and damage credibility.

      During a legal dispute, critical evidence was concealed, which raised questions about the authenticity of allegations made by one party. In this specific case, a video taken by the accuser the morning after she claimed to have been brutally attacked and emotionally traumatized by baseball player Trevor Bauer showed no signs of injury or distress. The video, along with text messages, was withheld during discovery, leading to concerns about transparency and credibility. The accuser's explanation for the inconsistency between her appearance in the video and her claims was her sense of humor and past experiences. However, the dark nature of the texts and the timing of their release could be perceived negatively by a jury. The split screen of her injuries in the hospital versus her uninjured appearance in the video adds to the confusion, leaving the public and legal community questioning the validity of the allegations.

    • MLB Pitcher Trevor Bauer Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Multiple WomenMLB pitcher Trevor Bauer faces serious allegations of sexual misconduct from multiple women, including rough sex with consent, choking, punching, and rape. Some women sought protective orders due to threats and physical harm.

      Trevor Bauer, a prominent MLB pitcher, has been accused of various forms of sexual misconduct by multiple women. The allegations include rough sex with consent, choking, punching, and even rape. One woman claimed he held a knife to her throat and demanded money to terminate a false pregnancy. Another woman sought a protective order due to repeated threats and physical harm during sex. A third woman also accused him of punching and choking her without consent. Despite these serious allegations, Bauer's defense has been that these women consented to the rough sex and even asked for the violent behavior. However, the inconsistencies in their stories and the evidence presented, such as text messages and injuries, have raised doubts about their claims. Regardless, the number of accusers and the nature of the allegations are significant and cannot be ignored.

    • Allegations against Trevor Bauer and the impact on his careerDespite no charges, allegations against Trevor Bauer led to a significant drop in his net worth and MLB suspension, sparking debate over fair treatment and burden of proof.

      The discussion revolves around the allegations against baseball pitcher Trevor Bauer regarding assault accusations made by multiple women. While some believe there is enough evidence to suggest he has a preference for choking and punching women during consensual sex acts, no DA or law enforcement has charged him with going over the line. Bauer, who was a young pitcher at the time of the alleged incidents, has been fighting these accusations without giving in to settlements. However, the public opinion and financial impact have been significant, with Bauer's net worth dropping from over $100 million to $4 million and a suspension from Major League Baseball. Despite this, some argue that he should sue MLB for unfair treatment. The burden of proof in such cases is low, and the details of the cases suggest that these might not hold up in court. A judge in the Trump civil case, Arthur Engeron, has gained attention for his enjoyment of the cameras during the proceedings.

    • Judge's Behavior in Trump Trial and Disney LawsuitJudges must remain impartial and neutral during trials, avoiding public criticism and external influences. Thorough investigations are necessary in all legal proceedings to determine facts and validate claims.

      Judges should remain impartial and allow lawyers to present their cases without interference. In the ongoing trial involving Trump, a judge's behavior during a live video session raised concerns when he publicly criticized Trump and mugged for the camera, potentially creating an appearance of bias. This incident highlights the importance of maintaining a neutral demeanor and allowing the legal process to unfold without external influence. Additionally, Disney is facing a lawsuit from a woman who claims she suffered severe injuries on their waterslide, including vaginal lacerations and damage to internal organs. The case raises questions about the safety of the ride and whether the woman had any preexisting conditions that may have contributed to her injuries. It remains to be seen whether the allegations are valid or an exaggeration by the plaintiff's lawyers. Overall, both cases serve as reminders of the importance of impartiality and the need for thorough investigations in legal proceedings.

    • Water slides can cause injuries for womenWomen should consider potential risks before using water slides, as they can cause vaginal injuries on steep and forceful slides. Respect boundaries and avoid bringing strangers home.

      Water slides can be a source of injury for women, particularly on steep and forceful slides. This was discussed after a woman named McGinnis shared her allegations of vaginal injuries from a water slide at Busch Gardens. The discussion also included personal experiences of discomfort and even comparison to torture methods. It's important for women to consider the potential risks before using water slides. Additionally, the importance of respecting boundaries and not bringing strangers home was emphasized. A future guest, Lawrence Fox, will be discussing his recent arrest and firing from GB News in an upcoming interview.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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